Blue Lax Beats Tabor Zukerman Assesses 15-2; G.D. A. 9-5 iL J JI., Unemployment See pages See page 2 VOL. 82, NO. 24 PHILLIPS.ACADEmy; ANDoVE, MAss. April 26, 1961 Saks, FseEvslin, SrgeFemales FlockToW AAMB ad st Present Ideas For-P.A. In 1981 Fellows In Broad ToHtArasS n By Ji Bnn particularly on the headmaster. PE Pa 6rna" The appointment of an official PEA ISummer. Pla Pending faculty a p r o va 1, muscal come-dies. Frequently, tu- Freq~uently interrupted by ap- whose' duties would be similar to By Del Karlen WPAA, the proposed campus radio dent musical and singing groups plause, laughter, and other forms those of the president of a college, Although "4full-time co-educa- station, will broadcast its first pro- will be able t show off their ta- of eotioalfou epresionAn-thatis, eprsentng Adove attion has not been thought of as a gram on Sunday afternoon, April lents. Plays written by students dover seniors gave their respective outside functions and taking care possibility yet", - around a dozen 30th, under the auspices of "The will be regularly given by stu- views on the Phillips Academy of administrative work, would free grswl tedteEee u-BodatAscaii fPilp dents. In fact, a performance of theywoudse wen lke heytheheamasero o b incloer on-mer session this yar. The Direct- Academy." The group, headed by The 'Lragical History of Benner return for their twentieth class or of Exeter's summer session, James R. Barker, and also includ- House" will be a featured item H. Phelp.s intodedor Daniel H. Mr. Phillips E. Wilson, said of the ing station - manager Clive T. durng the first and second week Saks,Thomas Mark Foster,I. ~experiment, "Exeter is a rather Cuthbertson, chief engineer, A. of oeton. ih ode htpr Sas, ark Fomser, Thomasue, monastic place and we thifik hay- Bruce Cleveland, and secretary- Yoet on mght wonder watsr-e who each suggested changes which ing girls here would make the at- treasurer William *C. Cummingspssacmu rdocnsre they- enablebelieve thewould - ~~~mosphere more normal. We are first conceived the idea of a radio The Broadcast Association of Phil- schoolyt beter peorm erl role looking frward with a good deal station a year ago, and after con- lips Academy has stated three ino th etto eades. he oeof interest to see how the program siderable planning and discussion, main services WPAA may per- in the next two decades.will come out." is now prepared to make it an form:- Phelps began by disowning last Quoted from The Exonian of actuality. The assistant manager, First of all, WPAA will pro- year's senior assembly, in which April 14, 1961, Mr. Wilson also John Morrow, will take charge o vide an opportunity for exploiting the speakers expressed only their stated that the girls would be day the station next year. the tremendous talent and material complaints. He assured the au- students carrying full schedules, This year, for a trial period f Anvalber a ri station ats dience that this assembly would As regards the possibility of hay-Anoe.Tesainhsces be constructive rather than a des- in il sbadrh ad"eone month, WPAA will broadcast to innumerable records and plays. tructiveany discuin-one, banning ~ightrlco a l boardersv esi W AM radio on a Citizens Band Then too, singing groups such as trion ol capeningn~ ose uget two classes, mhet oevalyate vie. batrte Signal. The signal will have only the Invictas and the' 8 'n will fonofdadystr ed onon thefcwtaotose h geth ctlfsset. moent oevlaer wie A nt enough power to cover the campus. have more chances to perform. If thed five sessdid t at t tact wit te-schoo ise, palti- 'oet hwvr weaentThe main transmitter, located in a distinguished guest sp ea ke r rhepriesenillcas grnoaueps tioe cularly the students. equipped for them. It would not 'Benner House, will broadcast a should arrive at the Academy, the repesetcmpu al grups(i.e. Continuing this idea of improv- irs n n cansileperforml agnpubliccanotbserv- ,days students, athletes, etc.) ed student-faculty relations in his have to see how it works out this raio.a Hwch canorto, heardon stationcnpromaubisev summer." rai.HwvrWdrioyrci- ice by enabling people in the sur- mar fi stofadve lifte ino scon oin t asmn su chd ers in the major dormitories will rounding area to hear the speaker. makin fist, Sak statved twoe scomn poitasmn suggete a 'Two years ago some girls from convert these signals to frequency In short, WPAA will provide much whicees he rea nee forim-things as morning coffee breaks, Eete ptitied Wsothat theyudtk found- on AM radio, about 650 kilo- material that a normal Boston A-M proveent.Thefrst f thee in etc. in hich oth roups could beamtecota hycudtk cyles. 'If the AM trial station is station will not usually broadcast. volv ed reorganization of the come into closer contact with each only one course. They were turned successful this year, WPAA will Secondly, WPAA hopes to serve school' s administration. Saks ohr down on the grounds that it wasgeanprilcnsnxtyr.N tasnohrftue ftemn- Pointed out the present trend to- Mark Foster then announced not wise to have the girls taking yer' FM station will be audible faceted Andover education. This ward expansion of the school's (CniudoPaeSx only one course in which they were within ten miles of the school, radio station will serve as excellent functions, and the consequent ad- (CtiudoPaeSx (Continued on Page Five) covering Lawzence and Possibly experience and, training for those aed burden on the administration, y- o0T 1*~Lwl intending to make a career of, Seniors liloup is, il f1~cL r 'The proposed station will cost (Continued on Page Fivey the school very little, because the Andover'sPrepMirror School Literary Journal ~~Broadcast Association f Phillips Peae Andover'sPrepMirror School Literary Journal ~Academy will supply much o theUlrdPe rs -By Edwin S. Gardner. During the summer, more work necessary recording and broad- Wins CSPA Prize, b no wnOto most of the student was done on the project, but Win- casting equipment. The radio sta- S m e Session certanmemers o theship lost his partner in the deal tion will also have free access to Writing Excellent year and most of this year been for this' school year. However, at campus. r ga , o r e trigto start a new publication the beginning of last fall, Winship WPAA will broadcast from 3:00 By Thomas M. Anderson, Jr. here. This publication, fostered and George Houpis renewed ope- -P- M. to 8:00 on Wednesday, By Robert Frank mainly by Peter Winship 61 and rations. They wrote to several Saturday, and Sunday, with music, Two hundred and tirty students'., Andover's Mirror has won a George Houpis '61, would be a large corporations to get adver-, drama and interviews, plus occa- chosen carefully from an estimacted4 1sta alacerankng Lteray- iterry m g az ine ciculaingtisements for the magazine. This sional special programs. Musically, 600 applicants, the 20th"A4.Puh-l Atstudent magazine from the among various prep schools in the has been their only drawback, for the station will broadcast jazz, Andover Summer Sessi~l Columbia Scholastic Press Asso- New England area and containing they have collected enough ma- featuring such favorites as Louis open Ju-ne 28- for six wekpi- ciation. The Mirror reached the poemssis, and essays from all il now and have eog con- Amtog en odaie tense, advanced work.Thpuos Flost lofeeDiisinb sorig cholsrather thnjs noe.tracts to sell the magazine if they ofthe session, as set forth in its 10out o a possible 1000 points Though the idea had little support can get companies to buy ads to Davis, along with popular hits, and catalogue, is "to provide an op- theirsttwoissues published at first, it has been rapidly gaining (Continued on Page Five). classical music, and occasionally portunity for serious study to qua- uring the fall term. The C. S. speed and may soon go into full _-Singers, Strings students." To achieve this goal, an A. which sponsors the contest, operation. unusual curriculum is off red, .,~laves t ud ent publications The idea got started last year ~ rangng fo The rtEo inal over the country and when Winship, who had been it el O n T e T w munication" and "Western Civiliz- adnes them as to their relative thinking over the possibilities of______________ain ndClue to dvcd Periority to the other entries, starting such a magazine, and by RICHARD H. BARy mateati andal scituentf to pivacs. I thjudgS' comments on the LeslieoxSweohou'61, whoilwantedhtEach boy selects one major course, litie,secalpraise went to Bob start a paper to rival the "Thedfo we moton aocihilight, meeting twelve times weekly, and evinswrtte sorie in he af-PHILLIPIAN, got together and made Paetohem ntogvhilgta rquired composition course, manne,thepoetry, and the es- plans. Stroh went to see Dean For he'd many a mile to go that night meeting six times per week. An .Y5 edtoralpraise~alsoTh car- Benedict, Dean Blackmer, and Before he reached the town-o, e x c e p t i o n is made for pre- edsggesionthat te, the "New Mr. Schereschewsky, school comp- The town-o, the townio, ninth-graders, whose program con- ronicrcaledfor in the Novem- troller, about the proposition. He For he'd many a mile to go that night sists of two nine-hour course i-- erise's editorial could well be received faculty approval to come Before he reached the town-o." mathematics and English. Ppliete toMiror ina fewout with -one issue and then to- And so wandering through the streets with guitars strung over Thirty-five scholarships, averag- res.
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