Sophomores Hold /Attend Ka Palapala Elections Thursday Dance on May 30 VOL. XIV HONOLULU, HAWAII, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1936 N.O. 38 Sophomores Hold Alumni To Give ANNUAL BANQUET Searle Prepares_ Honolulu ' Chapter Makes Officers of chapters are request­ Primary Election .. Election Results ed to see that the annual asso­ Ambitions ASUH Fine Showing at Carnival ciation banquet receives publicity Thursday, June 4 in their local papers and schools. + + + + + + At June Banquet Reservations may be collected by Sports Program the treasurer of chapters but must Petitions Must Be Turned Contribute Malayan Orchestra and Artists at La Ballots Circulated to All Tentative Plans Are Made ·In to President by reach Lorraine Freitas, or Cenie Fiesta in Spite of Short Notice Paid-up Members of Hornung at the University not la­ To Send 300 Athletes June 2 Association ter than June 15. Chapters will To Valley Isle The H'onolulu Chapter of the Uni- the alumni contribution by sketch- be called upon at the banquet for The primary election of the class versity Alumni association prides ing portraits of those who would The results of the University A seemingly fantastic plan to send the songs from their island. of 1938 has been definitely set for itself on its willingness to cooperate pay them 20 cents each. Alumni association's election of its a delegation of more than 300 Uni­ June 4 with the general election to with University affairs. At the last executive officers will be announced versity of Hlawaii athletes to Maui J follow on June 9. Booths will be meeting of the Board on May 11th, The other main business of the at its annual b anque t on Frl. day• next year for the first annual ASUH placed on the steps of Hawaii hall a letter was read. requesting that the evening was the acceptance of the J une 20 · Secretary Gives Inter-Island Duel Olympics was an­ and Gartley hall. Students in report by the Student Aid commit- t 1· t alumni take part in the La Fiesta The ballots, with the comp1 e e lS nounced Monday by Pump Searle, tee recommending the establishment Teachers college will vote at Hawaii carnival, a student project, to be of candidates for the various offices, graduate manager. hall. Account of Trip given by the students the folovJiing by the chapter of a scholarship fund have already been circulated t o a ll Searle will present his plans to the to be known as the Ruth Shaw Running for the office of presi­ Saturday. paid-up members of the association. Shows Enthusiasm Over University authorities soon before Memorial Fund. Money for this fund dent are Sau Hoy Wong, present 1t was agreed that regardless of Three candidates will automatic- Hawaii Visit negotiating with E. L. Damkroger will be raised by the chapter in the treasurer of the sophomore class, the . limited time, the alumni must ally take the offices they seek be- of Maui, who is at present con­ Enthusiastic over her recent trip Tim Hio, sophomore athletic man­ do something. Mrs. Thelma Sproat fall. cause they are the lone aspirants templating a complete rejuvenation ager, and Robert Jarrett, former Bugbee was appointed chairman of Meetings of the executive commit- . for their respective positions. The to Hawaii and congratulating the of athletics on the Val!ley island members of the alumni situated class treasurer. the alumni committee, and brought tee will be discontinhed until the three are: Clarence Dyson, present sometime in July. According to there, Miss Cenie S. Hornung ex­ Four men will seek the vice-presi­ the Ma~ayan stringed orchestra, third Monday in September. At the president of the association, who is Searle, this plan, if carried out, will citedly told about her seven-day visit dency. "rhey are Henry Kawano, which furnished excellent Spanish next general meeting of the Hiono- again out for the chief executive's give alumni and people on the out­ on the Big Island. Donald Rietow, Frederick Tan and music to add to . the Spanish at- lulu chapter which will take place post, Mae Soares, aspirant for the lying islands an idea of the vast, Wataru Watanabe. mosphere. Roberta Irving and rioro- in October, ~meers will be elected secretarial position, and Uichi Ka­ Miss Hornung spent the first day well-organized sports program of the in Kohala High school visiting about ASUH. Candidates for the secretarial po­ thy Beardmore '26, further added to for 1936-1937. nayama, who is running for. the ________________:::__ _______________ treasurer's opice. ten of the teacher's cottages. She was Present plans call for a four-day sition include Sau Ohun Wong, Ed­ also a guest at the May program vacation at the University during na Kanemoto, Charlotte Wong and . TelJ.s Alumni Association Three for Vice-Presidency which was being put on by the stu­ the second semester, beginning on Lucia White. Three men will run. Dr. Hosol There are three persons for the a Wednesday and finishing on the for the position of treasurer. They dents. Through Mr. Lloyd Killam, Realizes · Neat Gain omce of vice-president. They are: following Sat~day . The teams ten­ are Abraham Akaka, Albert Kai Ab G d former University instructor, she was OUt ra Oates· kf Mrs. Phoebe Amoy, Mrs. Gustave tatively selected to make the jaunt and Mitsuyoshi Fukuda. From A Au T rae est Webling and Mrs. Janet Landgraf. able to meet J. Scott B. Pratt, man­ ager of the Kohala Plantation and include the basketball, track, swim­ All petitions must be turned in Twelve Alumni Attending Members of the association, who A neat profit was realized from are running for the Board of Gov- an ardent Hawaii backer. Mr. Pratt ming, soccer, bas eball, tennis, golf, to Kong Tong Mau, president, by Tulane University the recent Hawaiian AAU track and ernors are: Lorraine Freitas, Mrs. is one of Hawaii's first agriculture and volleyball squads. 12 noon on June 2. Twenty-five Dr. Kiyoshi Hosoi, '21, prominent field meet at Stoneman field, Scho- Lucy Farden, Iwao Miyake and students. Theatre Guild May Go bona-fide sophomores must sign the local physician and surgeon, who Aside from these athletic con­ petition. field, by the University Alumni as- Harold H. Samson. Mr. samson is She spent the next day in Hilo returned to Honolulu early last tingents, the two first semester sociation, according to Pump Searle, the only candidate running on a visiting alumni · members, schools, The nominating committee in­ January from the Tulane Medical chairman of the affair. Theatre Guild production casts 'Will petition. stores and offices of the University cluded Kong Tong Mau, John Stone, school where he received his Ph.D. The gross income totalled $516.90. be asked to accompany the delega­ graduates. During the evening she Mitsuyoshi Fukuda, Lucia White degree, told about several Hawaii After deducting the expenses which John M. Westgate is the sole tion. Profit:t gained from their per­ attended a banquet of the alumni and Sau Hoy Wong. graduates attending the institution ran up to $273.40, a net profit of candidate for honorary membership formances are expected to pay for association. The election of officers in an interview. $243.50 remained for the Alumni in the Alumni association. During their own expenses. Student Aid fund. Following are the the past, Mr. Westgate has contri­ after the banquet marked an en­ According to Dr. Hosoi, 12 ~ A steamer will be chartered for buted a ,great deal to both the Uni­ couraging start for the organization. Alumni Leaders are enrolled in the medical school, figures: the trip pending the number of stu­ versity and the association. The On Tuesday she drove with Mr. one of whom, H'iroshi Yasuda, was Income: dents who wish to make an excur­ Westgate family established the Inez Eugene Horner and visited schools Ask for Reports graduated last June with his doc­ 133 reserved seats at 7lk ......... $ 99.75 sion to the Valley island. To accom­ Wheeler Westgate Memorial Loan all the way to Honokaa. After riding tor's degree in medicine. H'e is serv­ 296 general admission at 40c.... 118.40 modate and entertain the delega­ Presidents and treasurers of or­ fund. on a taxi to Waimea, a group of ing his interneship in Iowa. Entry fee from 217 com- tion, University alumni on Maui are ganized alumni chapters are being petitors __.... __....... ...... _.... _........ _.. 54.25 Herbert Keppeler and Fred Deni­ friends took her to her former home Three other alumni will be gra­ expected to tak~ care of the group. requested at present to send in re­ Donation by Schofield E and son, members of the present Board in Kona. The next two days were ports on their chapters. The number duated this June. They are Minoru According to tentati~ plans, the ·Kimur:;t, Harold Tamaki Kimata R offi.c~ ..............: ....................... 200.00 of Governors, will: automatically filled with other visits to schools of members, number of general and "Olympics" will be held on Hawaii and George TomogJ;Ichi. Donation by ASUH athletics._ 44.50 vacate their seats this year. and with alumni members. executive meetings this year, purpose in 1938, then on Ka.uai the follow­ Tom Fujiwara will receive his de­ ing year, and on Morokai. and general plan of each meeting, $516.90 projects undertaken by their chapter, gree next spring. He was to have been graduated this June, but since Expenses: Dr. Mehnert plans for next year, names of officers AAU sanctions .................... -....... $ 50.00 Describes . Mrs. Gladys Hee and committee chairmen for this he was teaching six months in the Department of Pharmacology, he Guara.ntee to Maui ............
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