THETUFTS DAILY ~ ~~ \Where You Read It First Monday, January 22,1996 Volume XXXII, Number 2 Construction of Coffee House in Curtis Hall being discussed by KAREN EPSTEIN house in conjunction with the has a limited customer !urnover Daily Fditorial Board Barnes & Noble bookstore, much and is not as high-volume as a Although talk has been circu- likethe one which exists at Boston Starbucks. lating about the creation of a cof- University. Lee said she does not TCU Senator Brooke Jamison, fee house in Curtis Hall over the think that the coffee house would a member of the Dining Services past year, this project may finally occupy space in the actual book- Committee, said she is against become areality this spring.Mem- store, but perhaps would be lo- having the coffee house run by a bers of the Tufts Dining Services cated in the lounge in the Campus private company although “ini- Committee plan to meet with As- Center or maybe even replace tially Starbuckssounds like agood sociate Dean of Students Bruce Hotung Cafe. idea.” Reitman today to discuss plansfor Lee said a benefit of having the Jamison said that if the service the coffee house. coffee house more centrally lo- is run by Tufts, the University will According to Director of Din- cated is that it would make sense receive all theprofit, which would ing ServicesPatti Lee, the “idea of from an operating standpoint be- not be the case if privately man- creatingacoffee houseis still very cause it would be near othereating aged. Also, she said, the fact that it much alive.” She said that mem- establishmentsrun by Dining Ser- will be run by Tufts would ensure bers of Dining Services are still vices. Also, she said, students fre- a place for Tufts entertainment to exploringthe best way to proceed. quently travel through the Cam- perform. The two main issues which have to pus Center each day. be resolvedconcernwhether Curtis Dining Services is looking into She said it would be “nice to is the best location for the project its funding strategy for the coffee have a Tufts hang out place.” and whether the coffee house house. Lee said that monies have Another issue to be discussed should be run by Tufts or by an to be allocated for construction, is whether or not the coffee house outside company like Starbucks and since therecan be hidden costs should be open to members of the Coffee, Inc. they must be conservative in their outside community. According to Lee said that the space in Curtis estimates. She said that an outside Lee. the “general consensus is that Hall is promising because of its service like Starbucks is still in it shouldn’tbeopen to the public.” location on the periphery of cam- consideration, but Dining Services Lee said that construction pus, which would lend a different must first determine what kind of would begin in Curtis this spring atmosphere than the eating estab- coffee program studetts most de- for an opening in the fall. She said Daily file photo lishments which already exist in sire. - that ihe Oh51.eof Student Activi- It’s a new semester, so look for more organizations to join. the center of campus. She added ties has been advised not to sched- that the space is “architecturally Lee said that Dining Services ule anything in the space in case of exciting.” wants to create a coffee house construction. TCU President speaks According to Lee, the architect which encourages “hanging out.” Lee added that she wants stu- who has drawn up a sketch of the She described a “European ap dents to be involved with the de- possibilities for the space envi- proach” to the coffee house which sign process for the project. about plans for Senate sions projecting lights and images r need to find new avenues of throughout the room that will be by GREGORY GEIMAN filled with couches, club-like Daily Editorial Board fundraising.” Verdier sees this year’s Senior tables, a performance area, and a Last night’s gathering of the bar in back where people will pur- Class Council gift as a step in that Tufts Community Union (TCU) chase coffee and food. Senate marked its first meeting of direction. One problem with using “The Senior Class Council the spring semester. Senate Presi- Curtis, Lee said, is the“dangerous dent Ancy Verdier delivered his gives a gift to the University each intersection”onBoston Avenue in year,” Verdier said, “and this year State of the Senate address at the front of the building. She said that the Council will be giving a gift to meeting, covering topics ranging since Dining Services would like financial aid for Tufts students. from financial aid to the TCU the coffee house to be open until 2 Constitution. We’re hoping that if they can raise or 3 a.m., they want to ensure that In his address, Verdier wanted something like $5,000 for finan- it will be safe for students to cross to give a review of the fall semes- cial aid this year, it will set a pre- the street. ter and to discuss the projects that cedent for future classes to raise Another possibility would be the Senate had been involved in more and more.” to place the coffee house in the during that time. “We’ll discuss CampusCenter. Lee said they have new challenges and goals,”Verdier Verdier also sees the presenta- discussed developing the coffee An architect’s sketch of a possible-design fbr a coffee house. said, “but we’ll also try to keep up tion and eventual passage of the the good work that we had been TCU Constitutionas an important doing last semester.” goal. “The Constitution is some- Clinton opens re-elections pushA Financial aid continues to be thing we didn’t really deal with Los Angeles Times-Washington scientists with whom Clinton has allow him to set the broad themes an important issue to Verdier, but until the end of last semester,” he Post News Service communed in preparing the speech for the campaign to follow. For he said he hopes that the Senate said, “and it’s something that we WASHINGTON -- President -- that he wants an upbeat assess- recentpresidents, it has invariably will be able to expand to include have to address this semester.” Clinton will unoficially launch ment of the state of the union. But been preceded or quickly followed other new issues on its agenda. He According to Verdier, the Con- his campaign for reelection Tues- the president wants to blend the by aformal announcementspeech. said he hopes that through events stitution is already worded out on day in a State of the Union address upbeat by challenging different -- Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, such as JumboFest,the Senate will paper. However, he said, obtain- sprinkled with initiatives to as- segments of America to do their Reagan andGeorgeBushal1staged be able to help expand Tufts’ pride ing its passage from the student suage middle-class anxieties but part to move forward a country re-election announcementsby the and school spirit. bodyistheinostambitiousofgoals. primarily structured as an upbeat with unlimited possibilities. end of January or February. “I also want to see an expan- Last year’s TCUConstitution was summoningof Americansto meet It’s alwaysrislq predicting what sion of what we’ve done involving left unpassed because the percent- the challenges of the 21st century. Clinton might say in a major ad- Clinton may wait until April to financial aid,” Verdier said. ‘“We age of the student body required to Clinton, who does not plan to dress -- the president has a way of give himself another moment on vote in order for the document to formally announce his candidacy reworking and ad-libbing that can the national stage to outline his be approved was not attained. until spring, will forgo any urge to Verdier said he hopes to avoid write another partisan chapter in equally risky predicting how long such a situation this year. thecontinuing sagaof federal bud- a Clinton speech might be. “The Elections Board has to be get politics, his aides say. “This Inside: set up first,” Verdier said, “and will not be his 53lst press confer- White House press secretary Michael McCuny, with almost a Features.................. P- 3 finding people to be on that is ence on the budget,” said one ad- A book review on subways and att- hard. This is definitely going to be viser. straight face, said last week that ists, experiencing the North End and a challenge for the Senate... we Instead, the president will lay the president hoped to conclude why Bermuda is better. need to put the same amount of out to a prime-time TV audience his 9 p.m. address by the time energy into the Constitution that broader, communitarian themes “Nightline”beginsat 11:35. Com- A& .. we put into Homecoming.” and paint a portrait of America munications director Don Baer E.. .. ... .. ... ... .. .. .P. 5 said the speech would be about as ‘Not About Hems’ is great, moe. Verdier is also anticipating a entering the new century in an performs ‘IT the Bears, and Lou long as the first half of the Super at luncheon in February in which “age of possibilities” its citizens Barlow goes solo. members of the Senate will meet must step forward to seize. Bowl, which means it’s not going withuniversity trustees. “It isgood In a nod to the buoyant opti- to be short. for the Senate to meet with the mism of former President Ronald The election-year State of the sports....................... P. 7 d trustees so that there is an open Reagan, Clinton has told his aides Union is considered one of a In basketball, the men disappoint, Daily-.
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