VOL, VII.—No. 28 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1943 PRICE THREE CENTS Toastmaster A-Ration Freak Accident Takes Life Red Cross Field Fire9 On Wild Rampage 35th Group Adjustment Of Four-Year-Old Eileen GieryGets $5,500 Destroys Dole Home And Bams Goes Today Lumber Pile At Terrace and Violet 'Place for use Firemen And Reserves hose from the nearest hydrant 22 on several new houses under con- which was on the Metuchen side. April New Development * struction nearby. The develop- To Date Battie Stubborn Blaze Arthur Lathan, of Raritan En- To Ft.' Dix ment is known as Raritan Park gine Company No. 1, made a plea Toppled On Youngster after the fire for Township resi- . No Additional Allow- Homes and is located off Old Bpst For Several Hours *... Road- in the iPiscatawaytown sec- Shell Oil Donation Oi dents to be cautious in burning . Send-Gff Program EABITAN TOWNSHIP—A RARITAN' TOWNSHIP—What, rubbish and grass. He urged resi- ances Until Then For freak accident took the life of tion of the Township. $1,000 Tops List; Goal dents not to leave such fires un- In Charge of Highland .Mr. and (Mrs. 'Giery have one started as a field fire Tuesday af- four and one-half-year-old Eileen. ternoon, fanned into an uncon- attended. Basic Book Holders Giery, daughter of Mr.,-and Mrs. other child; Kenneth, 7, a pupil in For Township $16,500 • Park Committee the second grade of the Piscata- trollable blaze and destroyed the WO'ODBRIDGE — Holders- of John 'Giery, .of 55 Garden Terrace. house, barn, kennels and all other 1943 Township Budget RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The The child had been missing from waytown School. * WOiODBRIDG-E—With a thou- "A" gasoline ration books who, be- sand-dollar donation from the Out-buildings of Mrs. Frank P. Approved By Darby 35th group to be called up hy the cause of the reduction in rations, home since 2:30 P. M. Tuesday Shell Oil Corporation received this Dole, on the Lincoln Highway, local draft board left this morning require supplemental rations to and was found dead at 7:34 A. M.. A-Book Holders Must Heed week, Michael J. Trainer, Town- near the Metuchen Borough line. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — A for Fort Dix after the usual send- continue necessary occupational Wednesday under a pile of lumber Mrs. Dole's late husband was one off program which this time was in ship chairman of Red Cross War certificate approving 'Raritan • . ••. driving may apply to the local ra- one block from her home. Tire Inspection Deadline Fund Drive, announced that, ap- of the most prominent dog fanciers 'Township's 1943 budget was re- charge of Highland Park. tion Board in the Memorial Munici- Police Chief Charles Grandjean WOODBRIDGE — The dead- proximately $5,500 . has be#n of the East. ceived from the office of Walter John J. McCabe, chairman of pal Building on or after April 22, said it is, believed that the lumber line for tire inspections for A raised toward the goal of $16,500 Mrs. Dole and a brother with R. Darby, State Commissioner the board, said that men accepted it was announced this week. toppled over on the child as she ration book holders isMarch 31, set for the Township of Wood- whom she lived were not at home of Local Government, Tuesday for Navy service would not be an- Rationing- officials emphasized walked past it. Coroner Raymond and all motorists are advised to bridge. However, it is expected at the time of the fire. night by the .Board of Commis- nounced until later as their papers that all applicants for supplemen- J. Sheenan listed the child's death meet this requirement in order that the sum will be swelled con- According to the authorities the. ssioners. 'The budget had been Ben Jensen have not yet been returned to the tal rations must show to the satis- as an accident and said that, her to avoid complications with the siderably when the results of the. fire started in the grass near the adopted by the board at a pub- board. chest; was crushed and her right Rationing iBoard. house-to-house canvass are known. Pennsylvania Railroad tracks. A lic session. The Army list follows: faction of the board that they have leg broken. formed a car-sharing club with The OPA's punitive arm can Mr. Trainer urged that all don- high wind swept the flames across A communication was received Joseph Dominik Altavilla, 134 Although regular police, police reach owners of uninspected a ifield toward the Dole property, by the Board from Mr. Darby Morris Service Club three or more other persons. Only reserves,-firemen, state police and ors to the fund display the Red Durham Avenue, Metuchen. mider exceptiona i circumstances, tires .under two conditions—if Cross sticker in their windows so setting fire to the home and other expressing appreciation for a Bengt Toivo Anderson, 123 Co- motor vehicle inspectors searched application is made for supple- buildings there. 'The flames then resolution urging his re-election they said, would a board issue sup- the area all night the body was not that the workers will know which Plans Annual Dinner lumbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. plemental rations where no car- mental gas rations arid if appli- residents have already donated. continued oh to the highway, as local government commis- Anthony Arcuri, 55 Railroad found until Isaac Firemark, of Ja- cation is made for permission to jumped the road and for a time sioner. sharing: club has been 'formed. maica, L. I., a workman on a hous- Despite his many, pleas, Mr. FORDS—Ben Jensen will serve Avenue, Metuchen. They must also have had their purchase new tires. The regu- threatened the Vineyard Road Warren Gamiel Beecher, RFD ing- project in which the Gierys lations provide for denial of Trainer noted that a large propor- Poultry Farm. as toastmaster for the annual ban- tireg inspected. had their home, noticed it on his tion of Township residents have quet of the 'Morris Service Club 1, New Brunswick. both unless a tire inspection rec- Members of the Raritan Engine Arthur Theodore Boice, 301 It was expected, because of the way to work .Wednesday morning. ord is produced. donated to out of town chapters, Advice For Planters to be held April.18 in Morris' Tav- reduction in the "A" rations, that Company No. 1 and members of South Third Avenue, Highland Chief Grandjean said the lum- through their places of employ- the Raritan Township Fire Re- ern, it was announced this week. some "B" and "C" ration book ber had been piled up at Garden ment. Park. serves battled the flames. They Offered By Council Judge Klemmer Kalteissen, of Bellili Chabane, 352 West 48th holders would also find it neces- "A proportion of the money were also 'assisted by the Metuchen sary to apply for additional sup- raised remains in the treasury of the Court of Common Pleas, will Street, New York. Are Available fire department. The firemen had WOOD BRIDGE—Miss Margaret Prentiss Dalley Chapman, 26 New plementary gasoline. These car the chapter in which it. is raised," to lay more than 1,000 feet of be the guest speaker. The com- owners are eligible for additional AM Is Qiilfet Mr. Trainer again pointed out, Henricksen, teacher at Wood- mittee in ' charge includes:. John Brunswick Avenue, Metuchen. rations if they can prove need, but "and unless Township residents bridge High School and well-known Wilhelm Chris Christiansen, 41 For Service Training gardner, has been named Victory Jago, Joseph Cavallito, Miss Mary High Street, New Brunswick. they are urged to try to live with- are faithful to their own chapter Morretti, Miss Alma Neary, Pat in their curtailed allotments. On Election Front WOODBRIDCiE' Application we will have insufficient funds to Garden Chairman of Woodbridge Soli Harris Cohen, 217 North Miss Julia Kostu Township, according to an . an- Gough and Ralph Banks. Fourth Avenue, Highland Park. Holders of "B" and "C" ration RAR1TAN TOWNSHIP — With 'blanks'for the qualifying tests on do the many things the chapter is Friday, April 2, for the Army Spe- required to do especially in the nouncement made today by Thom- Tickets, may be purchased at John Michael Colasurdo, 112 books which come up for renewal, the deadline for filing- petitions as Z. Humphrey, executive director Morris'-Tavern or from ar;y mem- it was pointed out, may continue to cialized Training Program and the time of war." Is Bride Of Soldier Bernard Street, Highland Park. with Township Clerk Wilfred Navy College Training Program of the Defense Council. * ber of the committee. John Robert Beter Donnelly, apply to local boards for such re- Woodward set for midnight Other donors this' week were as newals in the usual way. are available at his office at the KEASBEY—Mrs. George Dol- As her co-chairman, Miss Hen- 42 South 'Sixth Avenue, Highland Wednesday, very little interest has follows: hai, of 18 Peterson Street, an- Park. , Rules Altered High IS'chool, Principal Arthur- C. ricksen has appointed Miss Lillian been shown in the election of Ferry announced today. $200 nounces the -marriage of her Bedner and it is planned to' have Michael Dudas, Michael Street, the Board of Commisisoners on H&. D. Valentine Bro. Co. Relief Load Reduced Under the amended regulations, Properly filled out, these appli- daughter, Julia Helen Kostu, to a district chairman for each sec- Menlo Park. new procedure for the issuance May 11. $150 Private George Paul Gyurisin, U. tion of the Township. Those who Walter LeRoy Dunham, 619 New will be followed To date only one member of cations will admit qualified Piigh Clover Green Dairy.
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