TEN CENTS EVERY WEEK A Tyrone Power - Annabella Love Story Jame~~treet A Famous Pitcher Gives His Opinion of Radio's Baseball Announcers Movie and Radio Guide M. L. ANNENBERG, Publisher CONTENTS NEXT WEEK · Movies THIS WEEK The Duke and the Duchess (Part I) .. _ .... By ASllMEL Y os the news and pictures James Street .... .......... 1 T O ENTER the grounds of Tyrone Pow- The RomaYllic Story of Tyrone POwer and which fill our doily popers in these Annabella er's home in Brentwood, you heve to doys of \NM Md world engulfment will "Those Were the Days": Picture of the Week .. 4 give e possword ot the outer gote. The be the olmost simultoneous release this Starring Willialn Holden (Illd Bonita Gran­ week thot Jimmy Street celled on the month of M-G-M's "The Morl<!ll Storm" ville with Ezra Stone and Judith Bartett Powers. the pMsword wes "studio." But dnd 20th Century-Fox's "Four Sons." Brother Orchid (Part 11) ... By Richard Connell 6 if you ever get out to Hollywood Md Edwatd G. Robinson and Ann Sotllem will be The former. deoling with the rise of seen in the Movie decide to pey 0 visit to the Powers. N<!Jzism in Germany in 1933-34, shows "Brigham Young" ..... ............... 7 don't use thot one. The Powers. you see. how insidiously Hitlerism \NOS perpe­ Scoop Portraits of LlIIda DOTTie/! and Dean chenge their possword every week or so. trllted upon the Jagger The point we ere Bully Bites th e Dust ..... ..... 8 Germon people. Schoolboys Battle in "Tom Brown', School trying to convey. Md depicts the suf· Days" however. is thet Mr. fering which C<!Im9 Award for Distinguished Acting ..... As Judged Street hod the cor· to those whose only by Jimmie Fidler 9 rect p<!!ssword. wh ich Granville Bates in "Mil F'avorite Wife" alld f<'lull wos M <!Ie­ Mattha Scott in "Our TowlI" is e lucky thing for eiden! of birth. This Week in Hollywood . .. ............ 10 ell of us. For st<!!rt· The lotter shows Latest News from the F'ilm Capital ing in this issue. he how devastatingly This Week on the Screen ........... ........ 12 tells in ··The Duke Reviewing the New Pictures the conflogr<!ltion Brief Reviews ........... .............. Md the Duchess" Don spreods in tin epic A Guide La Good Movie EIlLettaill1l1ellt " the intimete, inside Tyrone Ameehe tole of /I mother end Winner of the All. American College- story of the love Power her sons in Czecho­ Queen Contest ......................... Md m<!!rried life of slov"~i,, before ond ('Ifter Munich. Not Radio " Tyrone Power end Annobello. Here is "esc"pe entedoinment," but revealing Coming Radio Events.......... ............. 13 e document so filled with the humon and almost shocking revelo lions of the Those Basebawlers ............. By Guy Bush 14 trivio which go to moke up their deys The March of Music ...... By I,.eonard LieblinQ 16 underground mMner in which Nazism is Sounds In the Night ............ By John Paul 18 ond so reveoling in its setting-forth of spread ot the outset ond of the devos­ Friends of Yours ........................... 19 their fun Md foibles thot you, we feel toting results which ensue, Ihese ore Programs for the Week ..................... 20·33 cert<'lin, will feel os we did when we fiims which will moke Hollywood history. The Radio Newsreel. ....................... 34 re <'ld it-os if we ourselves hed shouted On Short Waves ... ..... By Chas. A. Morrison 36 in next week's issue, previews of these This Week Along the Airlaltos ..... 8y "studio" into the g<!!teside telephone stirring dromos wi ll oppeor in 0 grophic Wilson Brown. Evans Plummer and Don end been <!!dmitled into the ougust pres­ feolure, "Hollywood Declores W od" Moore ......... ................. 37 ence of "The Duke Md the Duchess." On the Bandwagon ............ By Mel Adams 40 Men Behind the Dial _ IV ... By Joe Louis vs, Arturo Godoy Charles Douglas as told to Kate Holl iday.. 41 Get Ready for Radio·s Moving·Day ........ By The Stars on the Cover Mi llions of fight fons will be tuned to J. Frank Beatty.. .................. .... 42 A few weeh ego Jim Md Morien Yonkee Stodium ned Thursdoy, June Words-Within-Words Contest; "What·s Jordon celebroted the fifth enniver.ory 20, for the biggest of the My Nam e?" 44 bo~ing-bottte Mr. Fa irfaK Repl ies; Voice of the Listener; of their fodio elioses. Fibber McGee yeor. It'll be the second meeting of the Bulls and Boners ................. .. _... 46 ond Molly. end e hoppy occo.ion it wos. brown-bombing world chompion, Joe 2!) Brain-Busters. ..... ............... 47 for theirs wes by then one of the three Louis, ond 0 South Americon fighter Crossword Puzzle; Birthdays................. 48 top-renking shows on the oir (NBC. Tues­ nomed Arturo Godoy. For some swell You Asked for Them .............. Facing Page 48 dey), Yet fifteen yeors ogo they were bockground reoding obout the two Programs o tonk-town veudeville teom-ond not fighters, you'lI wont to rsod Movie ond Saturday. June 8 ..................... 20 doing too well et th<!!t. A morried. mu­ Rod io Guide's Mor­ Sunday. June 9 ....•...•...... 22 sicol peir in voude· Monday. June 10 . .. .. .. ... 24 vin McCorthy slory Tu esday. June 11 ......................... .. 26 ville doys, they tried in next weeVs issue. Wednesday. June 12 ..............•...•••...• 28 o number of eets on Four months <!!go, Thursday. June 13 ....................... 30 the oir before tying soys McCorthy. Go­ Friday, June 14 ............ .............. 32 up with gog-writer doy wos <!! fistic no­ Curlis Mitchell, EditOl Don Quinn, who hos body. Then he Vol. 9. No.3!). June 8-14. 1940 been the biggest 731 Plymouth Court. Chicago. III. sprung <!! broin­ single feelor in their storm style feotur­ ASSOCIATE ElIITOR. Martin Lewis; MANACtNC EDITOR, Ruth Bizzell; DEPARTMENTAL EDITORS: Gordon success. St<!!rting out ing on onthropoid Swarthout. Movies; Wilson Brown, New York; in Chicego with Joe crouch. which com- Evans Plummer. Hollywood; Don Moore. Midwest; e Munch<!!usen ect Fibber \..ou is pletely befuddled Leona,'d Liebling. Music; Richard Kunstman, Pro­ coiled "Smock Out," & Molly grams; James Hanlon, Education; Charles A. Mor­ Joe Louis. coused rison, Short Waves: Mel Adams. Bands and Or· in 1935 they creoted the bout to run 0 fu ll fifteen-round chestras; EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Jo Brooks. John the McGees. choosing the O<'Ime "Fib­ limit. The foet thot promoler Jocobs Carlson. Francis Chase. Jr., Raymond Hanlon, Viva ber." e teller of toll teles. The McGees' tolh of 0 $500.000 go Ie for this bout Liebling. Chades Locigno. Arthur Miller. Clarence steedy growth in populority through the shows thot Godoy hos registered with Reuter. Melvin Spiegel. yeers hes not been without ups ond TOo. ,,,,,,,..1"" II., ,10,· ~ .. ". '" pi"",,, ,,""".hod I" ",'_ ".". ,'... .. fight fons ond he is Joe Louis' big­ )o,'k .\110'", 1' ... , .j ..... "bin, I·.... .-,." 1I."'hl"'~ .. : I·... U downs. For e!most two seosons Merion _J.<II ,lit.)". [.,., • .o,,,,; , .... 11-.1_ Albl" , , .... IZ Willi"'", I'.~. gest threot in yeors. You'lI get the re<!!1 .:_ "",. 1I"lIjMOd. U " .. I.. "." 1' ... U- l'1'~ .."'t·, I' ... \n~ I'... u­ JordM wes ill end Fibber struggle>:! ~'lm •• " t<c,'"lph lowdown on both fighters in OUf story. )I,,,,. "0 11""0 U,'" .• ,T.. ,S. ~I ". 1I""'«td 1 ~ 1'., (1m",/. '·oIu... elong without Molly's sherp wit. In 1939. IX Xu .. I.. , l~. 11' .... 01" ~"r.. '·1" I ' " ,,,,,,11.1, ..[ ...~l,. [., U.. Other things to look forw<!!rd to in next ' oNli. , ..... .,., :ll "'f_'h (-,,,rI. (''''.... n. IIIb ..,. l:nI .."" •• _d· when she rejoined the show. it moved ,I ... "",1<, ., ,h. l"~' "I'll... n,k., •. '1110010. , ....,...". !1. "U. "n,lo, week's issue include bollcoster Bob EI­ " ...rt of ~h ... h ~. ua, .1.,,,,-,<1 .., , "y "0>' (>III« ".P." .... " "","' •. to Celifornie. where the Jordon. now ",,,.,,. ... _."._, "'"of. ' ·""l,l.hl, 1111, b, It... '·.... n. ( ......"y_ son's onswer to bollployer Guy Bush 's All Ilo"" ...." ..1. )1. ,._ An".,,""'_ '·... Id<to'; .'",,,h[ 1('"·0, .""""Y; live on their comfortoble Ensenodo ",,",. ~· l ·"·.y. U• .,. .. I ~"" ...,, Ed Zotr, '·1 ..... 1." ... )1."... ,. l'n.olkl(.d story on "Those Bosebowlers." ond 0150 "'."" .... h~. , ..... Id I" .......' ..0' ... UI ...",.,.d ... If-"Id,.."", .",.1,_ fu' rMch (not 79 Wistful Viste). In their «'u,n. T ......tIt, ...' """'- In ,h. Un"", ~, ..... ~.I» .. lp'l"" , .... l~ lo le <!!nd exclusive pictures of Kote Smith " .. l' S. ,nd ~-..I ... ,oJ "",""'H 01 lb. ,'." .1_,1,.. , 1', .... 1 I'nl ... : forties now. they hove two children. Jim, ond Ted Colli ns <!!t Kote's Loke Plocid .1. ,_" ... 12,"'; .... ,... .. , U,U_ ~"b..-'I~" ....... In I.,,'on _""I.. : Jr., Kothryn. Photogreph in noturol color .J> _,h" n,~I; .... r •• t. n.". " .." br 110>'" _j "(Sf'. "p••• , _y ..,10, .. rI'f'1I ,I" .. " [. _, of 11""' ..... ~D II .. ,.", "'-II.~ 1D" .. .... summer home. ..". .1 ."...... It.. ,·. ,11.1, n,Nno [N ....... of Flbber ond Molly is by Jock Albin. lIn A The DUKE and the DUCHESS . True love and a happy home is what marriage means to Tyrone Power and Annabella -and that's what they have! R TYRONE POWER, the dark duke of the cinema kingdom of Graustark otherwise M known as Hollywood, looks like lace·curtain black Irish, which he is, and acts like a British diplomat, which he might have been because his grandfather was. He was sitting over there in the comer 01 his living-room, shadowed by a tall case of Shake­ speare. "Of course," he said. "Of course, I'm going back to the legitimate stage sometime. It's in my blood," The Powers, man and boy. have been acting for more than one hundred years, and if Tyrone Power III doesn't go back to the stage and carryon the tradition, then 1 hope the banshees get him, and I pray that all the Tyrones buried in the QuId sod fling back the peat and stalk the earth again, haunt­ Ing him and mocking him.
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