CTK Parish Newsletter 2016-4.Pages

CTK Parish Newsletter 2016-4.Pages

THE HERALD Newsletter of Christ the King Parish Greenmeadows Avenue, Quezon City (Diocese of Cubao, Philippines) October-december 2016 Parish Celebrates Advent Season Is Here; Feast of Christ the King Christmas Season Nears What’s Inside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