May 25, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E835 As a native of his beloved Midland City, I vice-president of the Battleship NJ Foundation, IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF JER- stand today with all the people of that south will present a print of the Battleship to the EMY L. HAAS ON HIS APPOINT- Dale County town in remembering and cele- Woodbury School District, certificates to the MENT TO ATTEND THE UNITED brating the life of one of the finest people I've three elementary schools and decals to the STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY ever known. Joe Bob Parker was special to us 178 fifth grade students who raised $1,000 to- and he will be missed. ward the Battleship's Museum. They stitched HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR f over 1,400 needlepoint bookmarks and sold OF OHIO PERSONAL EXPLANATION them for $.50 each, several Easter baskets IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which sold for $5 each and issued $1 stock Wednesday, May 24, 2000 HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO certificates to local businesses and civic orga- Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF MASSACHUSETTS nizations toward their Battleship NJ Peace pay special tribute to an outstanding young IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Project. The students will present an assembly man from Ohio's Fifth Congressional district. I Wednesday, May 24, 2000 to the 4th and 5th grade students dedicated to am happy to announce that Jeremy L. Haas of those who have served our nation. Col. Engel Sandusky, Ohio, has been offered an appoint- Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, on May 23, will address the group about the NJ and Me- ment to attend the United States Air Force 2000, I attended the funearl for the brother of morial Day. The students will present a check Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Representative ANTHONY WEINER and was to Col. Engel for the Museum. Mr. Speaker, Jeremy's offer of appointment therefore unable to cast votes on rollcalls 214 poises him to attend the United States Air through 223. Had I been present, I would have f Force Academy this fall with the incoming voted in the following manner: ``Yea'' on roll- cadet class of 2004. Attending one of our na- call 214; ``yea'' on rollcall 215; ``yea'' on rollcall HONORING REV. DOCTOR WILLY tions' military academies is an invaluable ex- 216; ``yea'' on rollcall 217; ``yea'' on rollcall UPSHAW perience that offers a world-class education 218; ``yea'' on rollcall 219; ``yea'' on rollcall and demands the very best that these young 220; ``yea'' on rollcall 221; ``yea'' on rollcall men and women have to offer. Truly, it is one 222; ``yea'' on rollcall 223. HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL of the most challenging and rewarding under- f takings of their lives. OF NEW YORK HONORING THE UNITED HOCKEY Jeremy brings a great deal of leadership, LEAGUE CHAMPION FLINT GEN- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service, and dedication to the incoming class ERALS at the Air Force Academy. While attending Wednesday, May 24, 2000 Sandusky High School, Jeremy has performed very well in the classroom. Jeremy has at- Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, the year 2000 is HON. DALE E. KILDEE tained a grade point average of 3.775, which OF MICHIGAN significant for many reasons, not least of places him eighteenth in his class of three IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which is it being the 33rd anniversary of the hundred six students. Jeremy is a member of Wednesday, May 24, 2000 Rev. Doctor Willie Upshaw's ministry at the the National Honor Society. In addition, Jer- Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in Yonkers, a emy has received Scholar Athlete Awards in Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, today I congratu- church which has grown under his guidance Football and Track in each year of his high late the Flint Generals of the United Hockey school career. League, who on May 17, defeated the Quad and inspiration from 150 congregants to more On the fields of competition, Jeremy has City Mallards in the UHL Colonial Cup Cham- than 2,500. distinguished himself as a fine student-athlete. pionship series. The game was truly an excit- This incredible expansion of his ministry is He is a member of the Varsity Football team ing battle, which the Generals won 5±4. based on his motto: ``Its no secret what God and has participated in the summer running The Generals are a great example of what can do.'' The high esteen and love given the and weightlifting programs. Jeremy is also a hard work, determination, and a passionate Rev. Upshaw by his congregation is based on member of the Varsity Track team. In addition, desire to win can accomplish. The Generals his devotion to his pastoral duties of visiting Jeremy has been involved with the Inter- celebrated a stellar regular season with a and praying with the sick and shut-ins, dedi- national Club and the Sandusky High School record of 51±14±9, and 111 points. This not cating infants, bringing God to patients at band. He has also served as a volunteer at only earned them the Central Division Cham- the Sandusky Community Police Station. pionship, but they tied a league record for nursing homes and to prisons, and helping Mr. Speaker, I would ask my colleagues to most points by a team in the regular season. those in the community who seek him out for stand and join me in paying special tribute to The Generals went on to score decisive vic- his wisdom and counsel. Jeremy L. Haas. Our service academies offer tories in the postseason, defeating the Madi- Under his pastorate eight deacons have the finest education and military training avail- son Kodiaks, the Muskegon Fury, and ulti- been ordained and seven ministers licensed, able anywhere in the world. I am sure that mately, a strong and skilled Mallard team. of who two have been ordained. Under Pastor Jeremy will do very well at the Air Force Acad- The Generals are the third team to bring a Upshaw the Youth Church Ministry has been emy and I wish him the very best in all of his professional hockey championship to my organized, drawing large numbers of young future endeavors. hometown of Flint, Michigan. They are another testament to the rich sports history that exists people to membership through the Rites of f Passage and Vows of Purity programs, move- throughout the state of Michigan. Their accom- POEM BY SOL AXELROD plishments shine bright in the eyes of the peo- ments made easier by the Pastor's great love ple of Flint. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues for all youth. HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN in the 106th Congress to join me in saluting Pastor Upshaw has also served in many OF NEW YORK the Flint Generals. They are true champions. other capacities: Executive Vice President of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f the Yonkers Council of Churches, President of Wednesday, May 24, 2000 HONORING THE WEST END MEMO- the Ministerial Fellowship of Yonkers, member RIAL SCHOOL IN WOODBURY, of the Central Hudson Baptist Association, and Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is with NEW JERSEY member of the Board of Directors of the Yon- great pride that I share a poem written by my kers General Hospital among so many others. constituent Mr. Sol Axelrod of Commack, New York. The Merchant Marines have served as HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS Rev. Upshaw has contributed an almost infi- the sixth Armed Force of our country. Mr. OF NEW JERSEY nite amount of goodness and decency into the Alexrod beautifully describes our ocean-going IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community. I am proud to stand here today to Patriots who have laid down their lives for Wednesday, May 24, 2000 congratulate him on 33 years of his pastorate freedom. As Memorial Day approaches, I Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, on May 24, at and to wish him, and all of us, many more thought his words were particularly moving. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., at West End Memorial years. Forever at Rest School in Woodbury, NJ, Col. Larry Engel, Yes, I recall that fateful day VerDate 11<MAY>2000 08:30 May 26, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MY8.025 pfrm04 PsN: E25PT1 E836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 25, 2000 A mighty force had struck my way. are members of religious minority groups. Ac- In 1980 he was appointed by President Being thrust upon the deck, cording to the State Department and inter- Carter to the United States Holocaust Memo- With no feeling in my legs or neck nationally recognized human rights organiza- rial Council, to build a national Holocaust Me- ``Abandon ship'', a voice cried out tions, religious minorities in IranÐincluding morial Museum in tribute to the victims of Nazi I could not stir or even shout. Sunni Muslims, Baha'is, Christians, and atrocities. He has been reappointed repeatedly Merchant seamen rest in the deep JewsÐhave all been the victims of human by subsequent presidents. The United States Heroes in eternal sleep rights abuses simply because of their religious Holocaust Memorial Museum is now the larg- Confined to a watery grave. Patriots, bold and brave. beliefs. More than half the Jews in Iran have est single repository of Holocaust artifacts in been forced to flee that country since the Is- the world outside of the Nazi death camps. To my regret, I cannot leave. There is no consolation for those who lamic Revolution of 1979 because of religious In recognition of these achievements, Presi- grieveÐ persecution.
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