News and Briefs Gajah 46 (2017) 43-45 Expanding the Conservation Network of Asian Mahouts Sathyanarayana Mamatha1*, Nazaruddin2 and Heidi S. Riddle3 1De Paul College, Mysore, India 2FOKMAS, Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia 3Asian Elephant Support, Missouri, USA *Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected] Mahouts are critical to elephant conservation ations, with fathers passing on their knowledge programs across Asia. India, in particular, has and skills to their sons. These mahouts are for many years used trained elephants and rarely exposed to new information about captive their mahouts for direct conservation efforts. elephant management, and previous opportunities Although in many state Forest Departments the for casual information sharing have been well mahouts are from traditional families of mahouts, received. according to recent reports the Karnataka Forest Department (KFD), in southern India, is actively Issues addressed and discussed during the recruiting new mahouts because of the rising trend sessions include the problems faced by the in human-elephant confict (HEC) in various mahouts in their elephant conservation and parts of Karnataka state. This state is home to habitat protection efforts, fnding solutions to the largest population of wild Asian elephants, improve the care and management of India’s wild presently thought to number approximately 6000 and captive elephants, improving the welfare of elephants. Currently there are about 122 trained the mahouts and their elephants, and creating an elephants in all KFD camps, and the KFD has informal network with colleagues locally and in 71 posts of mahouts and 90 posts of kavadis the region. (assistant mahouts). The main goals of these Mahout Awareness It is generally felt that mahouts require ongoing Sessions are as follows: awareness and updating on various management methods and current technology. Hence a series 1. Sharing knowledge and experiences with of awareness programs were arranged for the Karnataka Forest Department mahouts by: mahouts and kavadis of the Balle, Dubare, • Presentations by representative camp Rampura, and Sakrebyle elephant camps mahouts about utilizing mahouts and in Karnataka starting in January 2015 and elephants for conservation duties, followed continuing to date. A total of over 100 mahouts by discussions about the different local have participated in the programs so far. The experiences in camp elephant management. goal of these sessions is to achieve recognition • Presentations by representative camp of mahout professionalism; to increase the mahouts about the work each camp is capacity and competency of mahouts in elephant doing to address issues such as HEC. conservation work and habitat protection efforts; • Discussions about local experiences and to create an information and communication knowledge of elephant care, husbandry, system between mahouts locally and regionally; and training. and to increase the welfare of mahouts and • Discussions about building capacity within elephants. the mahout community for improved skills in forest protection and wildlife conservation, In the state of Karnataka, the majority of Forest and improved job performance and welfare Department mahouts are tribal whose families of these individuals. have been working with elephants for gener- 43 2. On-going mahout education via the following develop similar units using trained elephants, topics: their mahouts, and feld staff. • Introduction to general elephant biology. • Asian and African elephants - physiological The following opportunities to exchange feld differences, conservation management staff and improve conservation outcomes have similarities (i.e. HEC). occurred: Sumatra feld staff taught a course on • Captive elephant management in other feld navigation using GPS units in Myanmar forest camps in Asia and in non-range in December 2014; feld staff from Myanmar countries. participated in the 7th Indonesian Mahout • Training elephants for veterinary care and Communication Forum Workshop in February treatment. 2015 and visited several Sumatra camps to learn more about the use of trained elephants for patrols, 3. Pre and post training survey: for HEC migration strategies, and for tourism. In • To better understand how the program November 2015, feld staff from Myanmar spent contributes to enhancing the capacity of time in Sumatra with the Elephant Response Units mahouts in their daily elephant care and in Way Kambas National Park, participating in conservation work, participants are asked and learning about the use of routine elephant to complete a survey before and again patrols to support local farming communities and after the session that gives an indication mitigate confict with wild elephants. of what has been learned and what type of information is needed by mahouts. As a result of these exchanges, the Indonesian • Survey results are important to understand Mahout Communication Forum (FOKMAS) ex- the effectiveness of the programs and tended an invitation to KFD mahouts to participate results will indicate where changes are in the 2017 Indonesian Mahout Workshop which needed. was held from May 16-18, 2017 in Taman Satwa Lembah Hijau, in Lampung province, Sumatra. Indonesia is a country with a more recent captive elephant and mahout experience. For a number The Karnataka Forest Department is very of years NGOs have been supporting Indonesian interested in opportunities to provide continued government conservation agencies to implement training for KFD mahouts and showcase the KFD long term projects in Sumatra using trained work in forest protection, so two KFD mahouts camp elephants and their mahouts for direct were deputed to participate in the Indonesian conservation interventions. Previously neglected Mahout Workshop. The two KFD mahouts, Mr. camp elephants and their mahouts now actively Vasantha from the Mattigodu Elephant Camp patrol protected areas reporting on illegal and Mr. Nayaz Pasha from the Dubare Elephant activities, providing assistance and support Camp, attended the workshop and spent a few during wild elephant translocations and/or radio- collaring, and supporting local communities to mitigate HEC. The success of these patrol units has led to additional units being established by the government conservation and national park agencies around Sumatra. Following on the accomplishment of the Sumatra work, primarily based on enhancing the skills and motivation of mahouts so they are not just elephant handlers but accomplished feld conservation staff, during the past few years collaborations have expanded Figure 1. Sumatra mahouts demonstrating to other Asian countries (i.e. Myanmar) to elephant foot care. 44 days with one of the elephant patrol units in Way (Neem and Castor) on elephants’ forehead and Kambas National Park. feet, and the reasons for its use. The Indian mahouts are both from traditional Regional partnerships between mahouts and mahout families. They frst spent time at the Tegal other feld conservation staff within Asia Yoso Elephant Response Unit base camp located have provided tremendous motivation and on the boundary of Way Kambas National Park. increased the skills and professionalism of The KFD mahouts participated in activities such mahouts. There is now greater awareness and as a routine patrol and were shown the basics of knowledge about conservation issues among GPS navigation by the Sumatra mahouts (Fig. 1). the mahout staff, and a better understanding of the use of trained elephants and skilled mahout The KFD mahouts then attended the Indonesian teams to successfully participate in meaningful Mahout Workshop in Lampung (Fig. 2). The conservation activities. These Asian mahout workshop hosted about 70 participating mahouts partnerships should continue to be encouraged from facilities all across Indonesia (government and supported as an effective approach to help camps, zoos, safari parks). Topics covered protect forests and wildlife in Asia. during the workshop included the role of trained elephants in HEC mitigation, training elephants We acknowledge and thank the Karnataka Forest for medical procedures, and using more humane Department for their support of the mahouts’ training methods. The KFD mahouts had a very visit to Indonesia; in particular we are very dynamic session; the Sumatra mahouts asked grateful to Mr. Manoj Kumar, Chief Conservator many questions about their activities, mainly of Forests, Kodagu Circle, and Mr. Manikandan, how the KFD deals with HEC in their region. Director of Nagarahole Tiger Reserve, for their Practical workshop activities included topics help and support. We appreciate and thank Mr. such as the use of ultrasound in reproductive Vinodkumar Naik, Wildlife Journalist, for his assessments of the elephants at the Taman Satwa assistance. We thank Asian Elephant Support for Lembah Hijau Park. The KFD mahouts also their fnancial contribution to the study tour and demonstrated several traditional Indian elephant to ongoing mahout programs in Asia. husbandry practices including the use of oil Figure 2. Mahout workshop group photo. 45.
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