^ Th* Manchester Barbers Aasocla- Joseph O’Brien has entered th* be donated for prises la short sarim- - ——... Those who hava J l l T f l O W N M tioo will bold their annual meeting employ of Fred Anderson at Us mlng race*. It Is plannsd also to ORFORDSOAPCOMPAMY been with tha company for I tonight In Pagani’s barber shop. lak atrsst tavsm. taeluds a numbsr of other prises that yeara will b* given malr pay for o f priMO glren away at Reports will be given and officers aril] be well worth winning. two week* and those who have been ^ Rafl Mon’a eanilval laat Batur* for the coming year will be elected. A surprlas birthday party was The drawings at the Pcmular have CLOSES FDR VACATION employed for a ehorter period ariU f war*: Attandano*. Traa- Tb* president of the Connecticut held Saturday night In honor of made a decided hit, and although be given their pay for on# waek. I Tooraand, PU; thrs* too* of State Ccmmisslon of Barbers’ was Miss Jean Parebak of 78 North they wUl be omitted thie week, next The RIAIJH cokp street and WUUam Chapman of 168 week—aa usual—they will be held at U, WUUain Uttla, WUUanu itreat, la Manchester recently and made Shot Down Saturday Noon for MAlkHW ili CONH- Bbiny: 800 ndloiu fuel oU, B. an investigation of'all th* shops Summit street at the home of the 8 o’clock, Tbureday night Two Weeks— Employees Get (TWELVE PAG ES) PRICE THREE CENTS tUmfwaM, 43H Sprue* atreet. Hi* and this report will be read to th* former. A large number of friends VOL. LVw NO. 261 (tibtesISed AdvertMag oa Pag* 16.) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1936 ..JBBen of tb* prtaaa donated by tha members of the association by the were present and both rsoelved num- Pay According to Time of ous gifts. Rsfreshmenta wars servsd TUESDAY SPECIALS iUBChaater Kotor Sale* were: WU- local president at tonight’s meet­ Service. ~ ARLTMB ---------------- *1 laiB Dufrana, 74 Blpalow atraat, ing. and a social hour was enjoirsd. M anchester CIO. and WalUr Grinder, 043 HU- IN THE SELF SER VE AND ' The Qrferd Soap Company shut MORIARTT As Spain Loyalists Capture Rebel Officer ■ Bard atibet, $80 deport on th* pur- Mrs. George Burke, th* former Mr. and Mr*. Georg* Msnsel and D ate Book I Obaa* of a new or uaed ear, Miss Anne Ruebin, was recently hon­ Francl* Julant* of 46 S t Jotin's down Saturday noon for the annuaT -1 street are visiting their sister at GARRITT HEALTH MARKET 23 BIG OIL FIRMS ored with a miscellaneous shower two weeks closing. During the tint* Teacher of FRANCE AND BRITAIN Rockaway Beach, L. L From there Coming Eventa '' Thomaa H. Happ«oy, aon of Mr*. given 1:^ Mrs. Kermlt KroU of 77 that tha factory la closed auch r»- Catharine Happeny <rf 60 Hamlin Ridge street. Mrs. Burke was'pre­ they will continue to Lak* George Aug. Sl-Sept 6—^Kalghte of Co­ DOUBLE S iffC GREEN STAMPS GIVEN ALL DAY pair work as Is necessary win be PIANO VOICE ■treat left Saturday for New York. sented with many beautiful and use­ going by the way of Nlagtoa Falls lumbus carnival and coimty fair on TUESDAY. He la a carpenter and win be em- ful gifts. The evening was spent in to Montreal, Canada. Then they grounds next to club houaa on Main done. Men who ar* to work on the HARMONY ' GET INDICTMENTS Koyed by the same firm for whom playing games, after which a deli­ will tour through th* state of street. machines while tha plant Is closed Free Delivery On All Orders of $1.00 or More. p* worked aix 3mara ago. cious lunch was served by the hos­ Maine. Sept. 6, 6, 7—40tb annual conven­ have bod their vacaUon*. AU those Stndio State Theater Bldg. FEAR SPANISH STRIFE a-* —I-r — tess. tion of Hartford District Lutbar who arork for tha company are glv> League here, sponaored by Luther en pay while they are on the vaca­ For Appointment Can 3072 ~'Bob, Arthur and Ronald Custer, / GoTemment Charges They ions o f Mr. and Hr*. Louis Custer Mrs, Annie Lalley, of Norwood, POPEAR MARKET OVES League of Emanuel Luitheran tion, rated according to their term SEE POSSIBILITY M Mancheeter Green win spend the Mass., her aon, Thomas and daugh­ churcb. iamainder of the month at Sound ter, Margaret, spent the week-end .. and 61 Others hcreased View, with their grandmother, Mrs. in Manchester, .risiting Mra. Lalley’s GOODIES FOR KIDDIES MAY INVOLVE EUROPE GoMSIedal Jennie Tyler. sister, Mrs. William E. Keyes of OFTOWNTAKING Washington street Mr. and Mrs. Retail Gasoline Prices by ' Robert Vennart of Cooper street There ore to be no drawtags thia Keyes returned with them for a week on chickena at the Popular CALL FLOUB ^ lbs. COLO. FLOODS is spending a vacation of two weeks week's stay in Norwood. OVERHOSPRAL Officers of German War* in the White Mountains. Market. Instead, Manager Tom Forming Boying Pools. Wise ho* decided to devote this AARON COOK Shop Hale’s Tuesday; THOMASTHANKS HARASS TOWN Mra Thomas J. Dannaher of 68 week's prize* to the chlldrin. There­ ships Fratemiie With Manchester Camp No. 2640, Royal Bigelow street who some time ago To Buy or Sell Neighbors, will hold its regular fore, on Wednesday afternoon ha la Several Feared Drowned; 700 was appointed chairman of the going to supply enough hot-doga and BfAGABONl ' Madison, Wi*., Aug. 4.— (AP)— Discussion at Selectmen’s LANDON; WRITES aseetlng this evening at 7:45 at the women's division for Manchester of ^'Ilie government today moved to Homes Evacuated; Damage home of Mrs. Ethel Brown 177 Sum- rolla for everyone at the Globe Hol­ STOCKS OR BONDS For Special Values Rebels; Mnssolini Delays the Federal Housing project will low swimming pool. serve warrant* on 38 major oil com- Estimated At 6500,000. n it street. broadcast over WDRC station to­ Representing Meeting on Charity Cases In addition ten watermelon* will pahles and 61 others charged In a morrow forenoon at 11:16. Attor. ty CB18CO lb. can SKONpj,ETTER Waleenburg, Oolo., Aug. 4.— Answer to France; Amer­ Mr. and Mra. Wilbur D. Curtis Harold Oarrity is chairman for this PUTNAM & CO. federal Indictment with viblatlng sad sons, Bobby and BUly, who have 6 Centra] Row the Sherman Anti-Trust law Brings Ont Snggestion; (A P)—Fears that several misa- town and Captain John Mahoney In All Departments Slload Ing persons had been drowned been visiting their parents in the manager of the local division. Mrs. Hartford, Conn. through manipulationa which In­ icans Warned Again to Bast, left for their oome in Pasa­ creased the retaU price of gasoline. Bnt Says Governor’s Record were expressed here today aft­ Lannaher in the time accorded to Tel.: Evening 5501 Get Tax Office Rnlings. er the flood waters of the dena, California, yesterday. Mrs. her will explain just how a new P in ea p p le 5 slices 9 oz. can Names of the defendants, includ­ Curtis was the former Miss Mar- Day, Hartford 5-0151 ing 68 Individuals and three trade Cucharae river had swept Leave Madrid; Increased home may be financed under the through thia Southern Colorado Mret Aitkin, and her mother, Mrs. government plan. FILMS Specials For This Day M ne* Albert journal publishing compaUea, were ’’Matter of Deep Concern” Daniel P. AltMn of Center street, re­ wlttoeld pending service of .the war­ The possibility that the Town of town, causing damage estimat­ turned kith them for an extended rants. ed at 8600.000. Military Activity Neaf Mrs. Edwin Copeland, of 149 DEVELOPING TOBACCO Manchester might sometime in the — Not Enthusiastic Over Seven hundred homes were Visit adth her daughter’s family and Oak street, left Saturday for a va­ ] lb. can 7 9 « Details of the Slagle true bill, part other friends in California. Only Will Be Plainly of a partial report of the sp ^ a l future take ove;- the Memorial evacuated last night aa the wa­ cation to be spent at Gardner Grove, AND PRINTING ter rose to 18-lnohaa In the Madrid. I-eominster, N. H., from which Dial 5321 Grand Jury inveatlgatlng trade hospital aa a municipal enterprise Wagner Labor Law. Miss Gertrude Carrier of Cam­ 8-Boor Servtoe. practices In the oil industry since was Indicated laat night in a dis­ downtown district. Two htm- place her daughter, Sadie, returned dred homes were damaged and bridge street and Miss Esther Saturday after spending a two For May 4, were announced last night Anderson, teacher* In locals schools, Marked. Vm EOAR by U. S. District Attorney John cussion of the plan of caring for the floors of nearly 600 others London, Aug. 4.— (APl^JTren^ weeks vacation. .(OoBtemti only.). town charity cases by the Select­ have returned from a trip to Maine, Free Delivery & yle. The report, was delivered to New York, Aug. 4.—(AP)—Nor­ covered with mud and silt. Hun­ anxiety that Europe might be- the Whit* Mountains and Vermont, Direct men, Harry Russell, hospital finan­ dreds of cattle were reported Nearly fifty members of the Federal Judge Patrick T. Stone on stripped of arras, and insignia, a captured rebel officer (second from right) is marched through the streets man Thomas wrote Alf M. London ^ t Hlddlebury they visited with July 38 aa the jury recessed untU cial adjustor and William S. Hyde, lost plunged into a new war througli Isither League of the Emanuel member of the Board of Trustees.
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