(...) an invariance of the theory under interchange of fermions and bosons[9] Introduction to Supersymmetry m {Qα, Qα˙ } = 2(σ )αα˙ Pm Contents 1 Spinors in four dimensional space time 2 1.1 Clifford Algebra . 2 1.2 Dirac Spinor Representation of SO(3, 1) . 2 1.3 Transformation of Weyl Spinors [4] . 3 2 (N =1) Supersymmetry Algebra: From Coleman-Mandula to Haag-Lopuszanski-Sohnius 3 3 Chiral Field Component Representation 5 4 Superspace 6 4.1 Representation of supersymmetry generators . 6 4.2 Superfields . 7 5 Chiral Superfields 8 5.1 K¨ahlerpotential . 8 5.2 Superpotential . 10 6 Guide to the Literature 11 D.Schmidt Talk given at the PhD/Diploma Seminar Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Supersymmetry Heidelberg, March 29 - 31, 2010 1 1 Spinors in four dimensional space time • Group theory classifies all particles as members of irreducible represen- tations of the underlying symmetry group, i.e. particles are classified according to their transformation law under the symmetry group [1]. • symmetry group of four dimensional space time: Lorentz group SO(3, 1) (translations not involved; → Poincar´egroup) • In what representation of the Lorentz group live fermions? 1.1 Clifford Algebra µ ν µν µν •{γ , γ } = 2 g 1; we use the signature g = gµν = diag (−, +, +, +). • specialµ four dimensional¶ representation using (hermitian) Pauli σ matrices: 0 σµ γµ = σµ 0 µ ¶ −1 0 Attention: σ0 = in the given metric gµν . 0 −1 1.2 Dirac Spinor Representation of SO(3, 1) µ ¶ σµσν − σν σµ 0 • J µν ≡ i [γµ, γν ] = i satisfies Lie Algebra 4 4 0 σµσν − σν σµ of SO(3,1): [J µν ,J ρσ] = i(ηνρJ µσ − ηµρJ νσ − ηνσJ µν + ηµσJ νρ). Remark~: In all representations of the Lorentz group, the corresponding generators are Bose type symmetry generators, i.e. they act on particles of equal statistics [7]. µ • Transformation law of a Dirac Spinor (ΨD)a(x ) a = 1, 2, 3, 4 [2]: µ Λ −1 ν ν (ΨD)a(x ) −→ S(Λ)ab(ΨD)b((Λ )µ x ) i ω M µν with a general Lorentz transformation Λ = e 2 µν and corresponding i ω J µν spinor transformation S(Λ) = e 2 µν . Avoid confusion: A generic element Λ of the Lie group SO(3, 1) can always i ω M µν µν be written as Λ = e 2 µν with M being the generators of the cor- responding Lie algebra. S(Λ) is a special representation of Λ, the spinor representation, for which the generators are J µν . • Dirac spinor representation completely reducible because generators J µν are diagonal. Get irreducible representation with the known left- and right-handed pro- jection opertors PL and PR: µ ¶ µ ¶ PL (ΨD)a Ψα (ΨD)a = ≡ α˙ . PR (ΨD)a χ 2 1 • Ψα ; α = 1, 2 left-handed Weyl spinor (( 2 , 0) representation of Lorentz group) α˙ 1 χ ;α ˙ = 1, 2 right-handed Weyl spinor ((0, 2 ) representation of Lorentz group) 1.3 Transformation of Weyl Spinors [4] 4 m • v ∈ R → ˆv = vmσ hermitian • M ∈ SL(2, C) → ˆv0 = MˆvM† is hermitian: expansion in σ matrices → 0 0 m ˆv = vmσ → v02 = det ˆv0 = det ˆv = v2 , because det M = 1. Result: Any M ∈ SL(2, C) defines via ˆv → ˆv0 = MˆvM† a Lorentz 0 n transformation vm → vm = Λm vn . • Weyl spinors transform under SL(2, C) (Weyl spinor has complex components.): 0 β α˙ α˙ 0 ∗−1 α˙ β˙ ~~ Ψα → Ψα = Mα Ψβ and χ → χ = (M )β˙ χ • index zoo: αβ Lowering and raising indices with antisymmetric tensor ² = (² ) = iσ2: β α˙ α˙ β˙ Ψα = ²αβΨ and χ = ² χβ˙ . 0 † m † ~~ Observe from ˆv = MˆvM = vmMσ M and that the index structure m m αα˙ α˙ β˙ αβ m of the Pauli σ matrices is given as: (σ )αα˙ and (σ ) = ² ² (σ )ββ˙ with latin letters as space time indices and greek letters as spinor indices. † α˙ † Attention to dotted and undotted spinor indices: Ψα = Ψα˙ and χ = χα . Kinetic term for spinor m αβ˙ α m β˙ iΨd/Ψ = iΨα˙ (σ ) ∂mΨβ + iχ (σ )αβ˙ ∂mχ results in equation of motion for a massless left-handed Weyl spinor: m αβ˙ i(σ ) ∂mΨβ = 0. 2 (N =1) Supersymmetry Algebra: From Coleman-Mandula to Haag-Lopuszanski- Sohnius • Coleman-Mandula no-go theorem for (...) an invariance of the theory un- der interchange of fermions and bosons : Any symmetry group (for which the commutator is the bilinear operation in the Lie algebra) of a quantum field theory (QFT) is locally isomorphic to the direct product of an inter- nal symmetry group, i.e. a group for which the generators have no matrix elements between particles of different spin, and the Poincar´egroup [6]. −→~ Symmetry between fermions and bosons impossible? 3 • Bypass Coleman-Mandula theorem: no-go theorem holds for Lie alge- bras with commutator as bilinear operation. Consider graded Lie algebras whose generators obey commutator and anticommutator relations. • new generator (N =1): Qα and its hermitian conjugate Qα˙ • Consider the following graded Lie algebra1: – vanishing anticommutators (due to spinor character): {Qα,Qβ} = {Qα˙ , Qβ˙ } = 0 – transformation under Lorentz group: mn i m n n m β [M ,Qα] = (σ σ − σ σ )α Qβ |4 {z } transformation of left-handed Weyl spinor 1 1 Qα in ( 2 , 0) representation, Qα˙ in (0, 2 ) representation of Lorentz group – All operators should commute with space time translations for energy m momentum conversation: [P ,Qα] = 0. m – The new anticommutator: {Qα, Qα˙ } = 2(σ )αα˙ Pm 1 1 Motivation: QαQα˙ transforms in ( 2 , 2 ) representation of the Lorentz group what is the spinor description of a four vector that has to be proportional to P m for energy momentum conversation. The only objects which have space time and spinor indices in their structures are the Pauli σ matrices. m αα˙ m With (σ ) · (σ )αα˙ = −4 the new anticommutator takes on the form P m = − 1 (σm)αα˙ {Q , Q } and we find 8 ³ α α˙ ´ 0 1 † † † † H = P = + 8 Q1Q1 + Q1Q1 + Q2Q2 + Q2Q2 , what shows ↑ 0 σ =−12×2 that the expectation value of the Hamiltonian H is not negative in any state |ηi constructed by applying creation operators, which are proportional to Qα˙ , to the vaccum state |Ωi : hη|H|ηi = 0 ; |Ωi is defined as usual: Qα|Ωi = 0 with annihilation operators being proportional to Qα [4]. • Haag, Lopuszanski and Sohnius: The given graded Lie algebra is the unique graded Lie algebra of symmetries consistent with QFT. → (N =1) Supersymmetry Algebra [7] • (global) infinitesimal supersymmetry transformation: α α˙ α α˙ δξ = ξ Qα − ξ Qα˙ = ξ Qα + ξα˙ Q ↑ indices with spinor parameter ξ. The commutator of two supersymmetry transformations leads to space time translations (Pm = i∂m): 1 m Action S invariant under supersymmetry transformationR → get supercurrents Jα after 3 0 applying Noether’s theorem → supercharges Qα = d x Jα fulfill the given graded Lie algebra [4]. 4 ³ ´ α m β˙ β m α˙ [δξ1 , δξ2 ] = 2i ξ1 (σ )αβ˙ ξ 2 − ξ2 (σ )βα˙ ξ 1 ∂m . Remark: ξ does not depend on space time, i.e. we consider only global supersymmetry. The theory of local supersymmetry transformations with ξ = ξ(xm), called Supergravity, is beyond the scope of this introduction. • Find a representation of this algebra on four dimensional space time to describe a QFT ! 3 Chiral Field Component Representation • theoryR of a complex scalar z and a left-handed Weyl spinor Ψα: 4 m m S = d x (−∂mz ∂ z − iΨ σ ∂mΨ) • supersymmetry transformations: For a supersymmetric theory the action ! S has to be invariant under a supersymmetry transformation δξ, δξS = 0. Therefore we have to define the following transformations: √ √ α α˙ δξz√≡ 2 ξ Ψα δξz ≡√ 2 ξ Ψα˙ m α˙ α m δξΨα ≡ 2 i(σ )αα˙ ξ ∂mz δξΨα˙ ≡ − 2 iξ (σ )αα˙ ∂mz Observe: In the first row bosons are transformed into fermions, in the second row fermions are transformed into bosons. • Consistency: The given definitions above must close the supersymmetry algebra. Problem for left-handed Weyl spinor: √ √ m α˙ m α˙ [δξ1 , δξ2 ]Ψα = δξ1 2 i(σ )αα˙ ξ 2 ∂mz − δξ2 2 i(σ )αα˙ ξ 1 ∂mz √ √ √ √ m α˙ β m α˙ β = 2 i(σ )αα˙ ξ ∂m 2 ξ Ψβ − 2 i(σ )αα˙ ξ ∂m 2 ξ Ψβ ³ 2 1 ´ 1 2 m α˙ β m α˙ β = 2i (σ )αα˙ ξ 2 ξ1 ∂m − (σ )αα˙ ξ 1 ξ2 ∂m Ψβ ³ ´ (?) α m β˙ β m β˙ = 2i −ξ1 (σ )ββ˙ ξ 2 ∂mΨβ + ξ1 (σ )ββ˙ ξ 2 ∂mΨα − (1 ↔ 2) ³ ´ (??) β˙ m ββ˙ α β m β˙ = 2i ξ 2 (σ ) ξ1 ∂mΨβ + ξ1 (σ )ββ˙ ξ 2 ∂mΨα − (1 ↔ 2) ³ ´ α β˙ m ββ˙ β m β˙ = 2i −ξ1 ξ 2 (σ ) ∂mΨβ + ξ1 (σ )ββ˙ ξ 2 ∂mΨα − (1 ↔ 2) ³ ´ β m β˙ β m β˙ = 2i ξ1 (σ )ββ˙ ξ 2 − ξ2 (σ )ββ˙ ξ 1 ∂mΨα ³ ´ α β˙ m ββ˙ α β˙ m ββ˙ − 2i ξ1 ξ 2 (σ ) ∂mΨβ − ξ2 ξ 1 (σ ) ∂mΨβ The algebra closes only for Ψβ fulfilling the equation of motion (eom): m αβ˙ (σ ) ∂mΨβ = 0. (?) Use Fierz rearrangement idendity: χα(ξς) = −ξα(ςχ) − ςα(χξ); α fixed, not summed m α˙ β with χ = (σ )αα˙ ξ 2 , ξ = ξ1 and ς = ∂mΨβ . (??) Use χσmξ† = −ξ†σ m. 5 • Counting the degrees of freedom (dof): Without use of the eom, there are two independent complex dof for the Weyl spinor, i.e. four independent real fermion dof. For the complex scalar there are two independent real boson dof.
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