J wmmim m ?jM$' :;V.*; m • • ••• - I t Notice to Reader:-—-When you mmu finish, reding this newspaper, place" a ^cent B^mp on tliiB libtice, hand? THE WBATHBlt. sameto any-postal employee and it •yfti*' toe'^lSc'ed' in the hands -of our soldiers ,;qr sailors at the front. No. 1' Partly cloudy and cooler. wfttppin'g^—no address. * »•\--'.t , .' •••. v- • •:,'; •:•'.'.'•: ::/• M r:: • •• :':. vv;y. :., ':• •; THE "PRESS" HAS A LAR6ER CIRCULATION IK THE TERRITORY'BETWEEN AND SPRIN6FIELD THAN ANY OTHER NEWSPAPER—IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN IT v.,v..;; •:• •-v«-; *v * •• « ESTABLISHED 1880 ?P:i' THOMPSOSTVILLE. CONK".. THURSDAY" SF.PTTC\rTn?.T? <? IQIV VOL. XXXVIII, No. 19 IiOCAi YOUNG MEN HAVE NARROW ESCAPE SOUTH END PLAYGROUND J- .'.vAiv * r-i . < 4 Sv~' ANNUAL DOLL DAY Riding to New Haven Labor Day' in mm Runabout They are Struck by CXX>K-GOODRICH£fe^®. Formal Closing to Take Place Sat- Touring Caiv- JAMES BOYCE. A pretty home wedding toiolt piace James Boyce, 73, a civil war vet­ , While on an automobile trip to last Monday evening at the home of A feature of the second annual « ^ALL CITIZENS SHOULD JOIN, New Haven Mpnday' to visit friends eran, died Thursday in Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cook of AMOUNT TO BE RAISED $150,497. doll day exercises at the South-end %•; §f|y''^' who are in the 103rd Infantry, WITH STAG AT CLUB HOUSE. where he had been attending the playground yesterday afternoon was Tarade Through Principal Streets* 301 Enfield street, when their G. A. R. convention. Mr. Boyce camping at the Yale field, Thomas youngest daughter, Miss Mabel Eliza­ Selectmen Have Complied With an exhibition of folk dancing by a Followed by Concert, Speeches, Connors, Charles Mills and Milton Excellent Dinner Prepared to the was a native of Thompsonville and class of girls under the direction of -fjf'' 1 ld Chapter 142 of the 1917 M ' -Theatre 'Party.—All Societies Young, three well known young beth Cook became the wife of Lester spent his early life here. He lived Edmond Goodrich, son of Mr. and King's Taste Followed by Speeches Statutes. Miss Bertha M. Moore. The pro­ invited to Take, Part and -Give a men of the town met with an acci­ and Presentations—David C. Luke in New York many years, from gram also included an exhibition of , God Speed'to the Young Men. Mrs. Arthur Goodrich of New Britain. which place he enlisted in a New dent when going through Meriden, The ceremony was performed Retires From Active Work. The selectmen have complied with dolls of all sizes, and also a doll car­ «Stv:V •• :— when a large touring car, bearing a York State regiment for the Civil riage parade. A millitary drill was A celebration in honor of the under an archway, built to represent war. Mr. Boyce for the past seven­ Chapter 142 of the 1917 statutes t '-I New York license, struck the rear an old fashioned garden, banked A very enjoyable stag was lield which is as follows: given in the evening by three squads oung men who have been drafted wheel of the runabout in which the at the summer club house of the teen years has been a watchman in of boys under the supervision of for the selective draft army, the with hydrangeas, pink phlox, ever­ "for young men were riding. Mr. Con­ Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Corporation the Treasury Building at Washing­ Section 1. The selectmen of each corporals John E. Cavanaugh, first raised under the selective draft greens and ferns; two white gates town, in their annual report to be / flr£ nor's \ machine was turned turtle, Club on Tuesday evening, September ton. He was a staunch republican Leonard Barton and sergeant system, will be held tomorrow even­ forming the entrance to the garden. submitted at the annual town meet­ *sya pinning Connors and Mills under­ 4 th. The affair was held in honor and in years of the presidential Mitchell of the Home Guards. Other ing, under the auspices of the Rev. David C. Reid of the Enfield election always returned to Thomp­ ing, shall include an itemized esti­ wm neath. Young was thrown clear Congregational church officiating. of David C. Luke who is retiring mate of the current expenses of the sports included athletic event3 for Thompsonville Board of Trade. sonville to cast his vote. He leaves v and escaped with a sleight cut on from active work as head shader for departments of the town for the en­ boys and girls. A good sum was '/vt " ^ ^ • in other places the local councils The double ring service was used. a widow and a son, Joseph. The the knee. Mr. Connor sustained a The bride was attended by her sis­ the BigeloV-Hartford Carpet Cor­ suing year, which estimate shall be netted from the sale of ice cream W ', °f home defense have been carrying fractured wrist and Mr. Mills was poration and who for many years body was taken to Washington for altered or approved as the electors which will be used in meeting the if'VJ'l"'"..A on tbis work UQder the Governor's ter, Miss Mae E. Cook, while the burial. shall determine at such town meet­ bruised about the left hip and the best man was Alexander Cook, Jr., has been an active member of the expenses of the playground. Mrs. -K^v ; instructions and it is surprising that back of his head. He was taken to club, having held the office of vice- ing. Upon completion of the work Eliza A. Bliss of Springfield, who is the local council of defense did not brother of the bride. Miss Alice WILLTAM H. KEACH. of the board of relief and of the superintendent of the playgrounds, the Meriden Hospital for treatment. Lynch was flower girl and Master president for eight years. final assessment list, the town shall "take it up here. Daniel P. Mul­ He left the hospital' Tuesday for A very tasty roast beef dinner was The body of William H. Keach was in charge of the affair, and to lane, president of the Thompsonville John Lynch ring bearer. levy a tax on such list, payable with­ Thompsonville, accompanied by his prepared by the entertainment com­ who died Saturday evening of heart in one year from the date of levy­ her much credit is due for the suc­ Board of Trade, is to be congratu­ The bride was gowned in white' cess of the second annual doll day £ mother, Mrs. Nellie C. Mills. The embroidered goergette crepe trim­ mittee under the personal direction trouble at the home of his brother ing the same. No town shall levy lated on working hard in an effort other young men were able to re­ of the club's culinary expert, James Hosea in Hartford was brought here a tax which, in addition to the other exercises. More than 300 children "to get out a big crowd tomorrow med with satin over white silk. She estimated yearly income of the town, and parents were present. • turn home that evening. The car wore a full length tulle veil caught S. Brown, who on this occasion ex­ Tuesday for burial in the King ^evening. There will be a parade shall be insufficient to pay the esti­ The formal closing of the ; • • "i: they were riding in was owned by up with pearls and carried a shower ceeded his past efforts in this line. street cemetery. Mr. Keach was 68 through the principal streets, led by John J. Connors of Thompsonville. The repast was thoroughly enjoyed years of age and was a native of mated expenses of the town for the playground will take place Sat- - the Carpet City Band and the Father bouquet of bridal roses and lilies of current year. In case the estimated by sixty-five persons comprising the Thompsonville. For many years he preparations for an extensive pro­ •A ir fe; Matthew Drum Corps, In the line the valley. Her attendant wore a income, including taxes, proves in­ gram at that time are being made by L. Fined for Robbing Gardens. gown of white net, trimmed with overseers of the Carpet Corp. and the was engaged in the manufacture of sufficient to pay the current ex­ of march will include the Italian so- John club members. Adjournment was jewelry in Providence, R. I. His Misses Norma Allen and May E. Gallia was before Deputy dutcliess lace, over pink silk, and penses of the town, the selectmen, in ' SM cities of the town, the Polish Fal Judge P. F. Burke, Jr., in the town brother, Hosea. formerly for many- Davison, the young women having carried a bouquet of pink gladiolas, taken to the music room upstairs their next annual estimate of current v . • cons, with the Ladies' Auxiliary of general supervision of the play­ • -• court Monday morning charged with dahlias and asters, tied with pink where Francis Rath, president of the years was station agent at Enfield expenses, shall include a sum suf­ the order, the local branch of the the theft of tomatoes from the Big- club, acted as toast master. With a Bridge. ficient to pay the deficit in such ex­ ground work. More than 300 chil­ Red Cross, the Home Guards, under chiffon ribbon. penses of the previous year. dren and parents were present. low-Hartford Carpet Company's em­ The flower girl, Miss Alice Lynch, few well chosen words Mr. Rath, on Capt. P. J. Rogers, who are. sure to ployees gardens on Alden avenue. behalf of the club, presented Mr. Sec. 2. The provisions of this act make a spteridid appearance and the wore an embroidered French batiste PASSENGER SERVICE shall not apply to towns which have Gallia denied the charge, but was dress, trimmed with pink silk and Luke with a card conferring a life AND TROOP MOVEMENTS boards or departments of finance.
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