SpringPrizes and 2002Awards APS Announces Spring 2002 Prize and Award Recipients Thirty-seven APS prizes and ception of the Brookhaven Relativistic Mumbai, India. Jain’s most important con- Schwarz received his awards will be presented during spe- Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). tribution has been his introduction of Ph.D. in 1966 from U.C. cial sessions at three spring meetings electron-flux combinations called “compos- Berkeley. He joined ite fermions”. Jain has extended and Princeton University as a of the Society: the 2001 March Meet- 2002 BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS ing, 12-16 March, in Seattle, WA; the developed the theory of composite fermi- junior faculty member in PRIZE ons into several directions, in particular, 1966. In 1972 he moved to 2001 April Meeting, April 28 - May 1, Carlos Bustamente toward extracting detailed quantitative infor- Caltech, where he has re- in Washington, DC; and the 2001 meet- mation which can be compared with exact mained ever since. Schwarz has worked ing of the APS Division of Atomic, University of California, Berkeley results as well as experiment. on superstring theory for almost his en- Molecular and Optical Physics, May tire professional career. In 1984 Michael Citation: “For his pioneering work in single Read received his Ph.D. 15-19, in London, Ontario, Canada. Ci- Green and he discovered an anomaly can- molecule biophysics and the elucidation of the for work in Condensed tations and biographical information cellation mechanism, which resulted in fundamental physics principles underlying the Matter Theory in 1986 for each recipient follow. Additional string theory becoming one of the hottest mechanical properties and forces involved in from Imperial College, areas in theoretical physics. In 1989 he was biographical information and appro- DNA replication and transcription.” London. He was a awarded the Dirac Medal by the ICTP priate Web links can be found at the postdoctoral researcher Carlos Bustamante is a (Trieste, Italy). APS Web site (http:/www.aps.org). at Brown University and professor in the Depart- Nominations for most of next year’s MIT before joining the ments of Physics and prizes and awards are now being ac- faculty of Yale University in 1988. Read’s Molecular & Cell Biology 2002 FRANK ISAKSON PRIZE research has been mainly concerned with cepted. For details, see pages 7 and 8 of of the University of Cali- strongly interacting quantum many-par- James Allen this of this insert. fornia, Berkeley. He ticle systems in condensed matter physics. University of Michigan received a Ph.D. degree PRIZES His recent work is concerned with disor- from Berkeley in 1981. In Thomas Timusk der in noninteracting fermion systems. 1982 he joined Chemistry McMaster University 2002 WILL ALLIS PRIZE Dept. of the University of New Mexico as Willett received his Ph.D. in an assistant professor, becoming a full pro- physics from M.I.T. in 1988. Citation: “For their outstanding contribu- Alan Garscadden fessor in 1989. In 1991 he joined the From 1989 to 1990 he was tions to the field of spectroscopy in strongly Air Force Research Laboratory Chemistry Department at the University a post-doctoral member of correlated electron systems leading to elu- of Oregon and became investigator in the technical staff at Bell Labo- cidation of many body physics.” Citation: “In recognition of his distinguished Institute of Molecular Biology of that insti- ratories, and he has career in gaseous electronics, marked by a Allen received his PhD in tution where he remained until 1998 where remained as a member of sustained creativity in linking fundamen- electrical engineering he took up his present position at Berkeley. technical staff at Bell Labs, tal processes to the macroscopic properties from Stanford University Bustamante’s research is concerned with the now part of Lucent Technologies. Willett’s of gas discharges and plasmas, and for his in 1968 and joined the re- development of novel methods of single current research interests focus on the phys- dedicated role as an advocate for the field search staff at MIT’s molecule manipulation and detection and ics of reduced dimension phenomena, and of gaseous electronics.” Lincoln Laboratory, mov- their application to investigate biochemical particularly in the use of nanoscale structures ing to Xerox’s Palo Alto process. Optical tweezers, atomic force mi- to experimentally examine these effects. An- Garscadden received his Research Center in 1973. croscopy and single molecule fluorescence other current area of interest is the problem Ph.D. in physics at Queens In 1987 he joined the phys- experiments are used in his laboratory to of decoherence in metals, where his group’s University, Belfast. ics faculty at the University of Michigan, study protein and RNA folding, the me- efforts have included examination of Garscadden is presently where he served as associate chair of the chanical properties of biomolecules and the nanoscale wires to expose dephasing phe- Chief Scientist, Propulsion graduate program from 1990 to 1993.. mechanochemistry of molecular motors. nomena. Further current research topics Directorate, Air Force Re- Allen and his collaborators have employed include conduction mechanisms in and ma- search Laboratory, resonance and inverse photoemission, x Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, and Edwards nipulation of single molecules, and 2002 TOM W. BONNER PRIZE ray and optical sptectroscopies to study the developing photonic band gap structures. AFB, California. He has published approxi- electronic structure of solids. His most re- mately 140 refereed publications, multiple J. David Bowman cent focus is the use of angle resolved and book chapters, and consulted with vari- Los Alamos National Laboratory 2002 DAVISSON GERMER PRIZE resonant photoemission spectroscopy to ous DoD technical programs involving elucidate quasi particle phenomena. diverse areas such as lasers, hypersonics, Citation: “In recognition of his leadership Gerald Gabrielse combusts, optical-and mass-spectroscopy in performing precision measurements Harvard University Timusk received his PhD in and plasma sources. involving tests of fundamental symme- physics from Cornell Uni- tries, including his studies of parity non Citation: “For pioneering work in trapping, versity in 1961 and did conservation in compound nuclei.” cooling and precision measurement of the postdoctoral research in 2002 HANS A. BETHE PRIZE properties of matter and antimatter in ion Frankfurt, Germany, and Bio not available. Gordon Baym traps.” the University of Illinois. He joined the faculty of University of Illinois Bio not available. 2002 OLIVER E. BUCKLEY PRIZE McMaster University in 1965, where he has Citation: “For his superb synthesis of fun- remained ever since. Using infrared radia- damental concepts which have provided Jainendra Jain 2002 DANNIE HEINEMANN PRIZE tion, he has worked on the spectra of an understanding of matter at extreme Pennsylvania State University defects in alkali halides, on quasi crystals, Michael B. Green conditions, ranging from crusts and interi- the cosmic microwave background radia- Nicholas Read ors of neutron stars to matter at ultrahigh Cambridge University tion, and the propagation of radiation in temperature.” Yale University insulating materials, such as fiber glass and John H. Schwartz goose down. His current work is in the Baym received his Robert Willett California Institute of Technology area of exotic superconductors. bachelor’s degree in phys- Lucent Technologies ics from Cornell Citation: “For their pioneering work in the University in 1956, his Citation: “For theoretical and experimen- development of superstring theory.” tal work establishing the composite Table of Contents A.M. in mathematics Green’s early research fermion model for the half-filled Landau from Harvard in 1957, was in elementary par- and his Ph.D. in physics level and other quantized Hall systems.” ticle theory with special Prize and Award from Harvard in 1960. After a two year emphasis on string postdoc at the now Niels Bohr Institute in Jain received his Ph.D. in Recipients 1985 from the State Uni- theory applied to the Copenhagen, and a year at the University strong interactions. With 1 of California in Berkeley, he came to the versity of New York, Stony Brook. He held John Schwarz, he devel- University of Illinois in 1963. His research oped superstring theory New APS spans condensed matter and statistical postdoctoral positions at the University of Mary- and elucidated its consistency as a Fellows physics, including Bose-Einstein condensa- perturbatively finite and anomaly free tion in atomic vapors, astrophysics, nuclear land and Yale University 4 quantum theory of gravity. Subsequently physics, and the history of physics. He is a before joining the faculty of SUNY, Stony Brook. Since 1998, he has he has been involved in unraveling the un- Nominations for pioneer in the study of neutron stars — derlying geometrical structure of the and more generally the nature of the mat- been at The Pennsylvania State University. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Tata theory by studying nonperturbative ef- 2002 Prizes and ter under extreme conditions of density fects associated with stringy solitons and and pressure — and a leader in the con- Institute of Fundamental Research, 7 Awards instantons. ductors, and storage, successfully apply- Mathematical Sciences in 2002 JAMES C. MCGRODDY 2002 POLYMER PHYSICS PRIZE ing these disciplines to solving real world 1953. He was a fellow at the PRIZE technology problems. Prior to his present Tom Witten Centro Brasileiro de Sumio Iijima appointment, he was Vice President and University of Chicago Pesquisas Fisicas in Rio de Lab Director of the Research Division’s Janeiro, Brazil, where he at- NEC Corporation Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Cali- Citation: “For outstanding theoretical con- tended some graduate Donald S. Bethune fornia. Born in New York, Horn received tributions to the understanding of courses and did research IBM Almaden Research Center his doctoral degree in physics from the Uni- polymers and complex fluids.” work. Sirlin then became a graduate student versity of Rochester in 1973. Prior to at Cornell, where he received the Ph.D.
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