GMS-7 GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE OREGON PART OF THE BAKER 1° by 2° QUADRANGLE STRATIGRAPHIC TIME CHART 11e oo· 30• ,; OU • ► Holoc,n, "'<z ' .,"' ~ P lt letoc•n• ' < ~ 0" '"1 0" I N P lloc:en• 0 f z ► "' "'< ;: Mioc:,n, " .,"' ~ O llgoc•n• CRETACEOUS KJI Upp tr \ .,<.) <.) ., Midd le < ~ Qa_l __ 0 N "', 0 " Lower L ,r. Jltl ' "' " .,~ < Upp t r "'~ _; ltPv ..< P E RMIAN MESOZOI C AND EzPH I aPH MzPzg PALEOZO IC E XPLA N A TI O N Alluvium: Mainly ll(Jl/ey rm and stream c. han,rel depotiib ~ con,l11tln1 vf 1mcorr•olidalf!:ti lilrt, liu1HI, aad .-,Uuel. Landslide debris ~ Terrace and ran deposits: Unconsol idated 1ruuel, co bbles. and ~ boulders with intermixed c.lay, ,ill, and ,and. Glaciofluvia l deposits: Un,orted bouldery ,r,wel, 1ond , ond EJ silt of terminal and lateral moraines. Basalt: Mo.1Jtly thin, gently dipping (lt:tw, o f gray t t;t black ~ a liuine- b earlr1g ba1alt and baUJ ltic andcsite. SmaU maflc volcanic centers: probably the 1ource of (Tob) Ill flaw,. Tu1raceous sedimentary roc ks : Poorl-y con,olidated, water­ foid slllc ic uolcanlc ash , tu(faceous clay, sitt, t o ne, aand­ ~ stane, minor diatomite, mud-flow dept;ts{t,, air-fall and a&h -no w luffs, ond 11ome coarse epiclast ic deposil.6. Chien-:1 locu , trine except in the northern parl o f the mop area where the upper part o f the sequence includes vauell'y (luvia tite deposits. &salt.: Thin basal/ flows and small eruptiue centers. Locall-y ouerlies welded tuft of unit (Twt) and some u dimenlary rock& a ( unit (Tst ), S ilicic we lded and non-we lded tuff : Some luf(aceous aedim entory rock• included. Andesite a.nd basa.lt: Plat y -jointed /1aws of hypersthene ondedte and OOsalt. The unit is exPO•ed onl y in the nortl1ern part of t he map area. Strntlgraphk: relations are uncertain. Mafk shield vo lcano: probably the .s; ourc.i;, of (T.ab) now.ll. I I Tuffaceous sedim entary Tocks: Semi consolidaled to well­ consolidaled, bedded, fine-gra ined tu(faceous 11ediment1 'lM.t,,_¼.-: and water-laid luff; fesser amounti; o f arkosic aa ndstone and , lrtittone. Impure diatomite, pumicite and palagonite tu((. ~~ Ash flow turfs and tufraceous sedim,mtary rocks: Partly to P. • densely welded dllclc a,h.now tuf{. Includes some "" . non-welded luff and lu(foceou, seclimen l CJry rock.s:. G a Basa.It and andesh.e: Chieny now on now basalt. Includes Tb .some ande,ite n ows. ba5altic and andesitic flow breccias, palofonlte tuft and breccia, and minor .1Jilicic tu{( and t uffa«ou• sedlmentory rocks. I n southwes t part of area include• ,ome , ilick flows at to p of ,ectlon, Rhyolite a nd l:l.ndeshe: Rh )lolilic a nd subord inate a1idesilic flows, flo w breccia, w elded and ,ron.welded tu{(, tu(( Ill breccia arid lfmol/ intru3foe masses, commonly n ow banded ond locally perlitic. Includes port of D ooley Rhyo lite BreccltJ of Gllluly ( 193 7), Vokaniclas tic sedimentary rocks: Poorly sorted ande,ite and dacite pebble and bottlder contlom erate, brecc:ia a,1d Ill water -laid l uff, Andesite and dacite: f'low.ll, breccia, tu(f, arid inlrusi ue rocks l .1 considing of po rphyritic h o rnblende andesite and doc ile. Limestone: Mauiue and thin-bedded times tone. Minor wacke. • iltdo ne and ark oisic ,andstone. Sedimentary rocks: Volca,1ic woche and siltstone. Some Ill conglomerol ic wacke and thin lime,tone lenses, Sedlmental'y rocks: Graywache and laminated siltistone: minor ch ert, thill•bedded limestone ond con1lo m erate. Ill Mapped as flurwal F'ormalion by Prostha ( 1962). Limesione: Maaive coriglomeratlc and coralline limestone inter bedded l.4J itl1 thin-bedded p yrttlc and carbo" aceou.$.. Ill lime,tr;me ,md calcareou• shale. Named Mortin Bridlf~ Formation b -y Ro,s II 938}. Volcanic a nd se dimenwry rocks: Latia ((ow,. flow breccla, a111Jomerote, tuft; uolcanlclaAtic conglomerate, breccia, ,andstone, ond ,ilhlone. Chiefly ande,i tic; ,ome baaaltic a,rd rh)'o litic r ock&. Minor limestone. Mixed sedimentary, volca.n lc and intrusive rocks: Window& and fault 11 Uce11 of older roch, in (Jjf) terrain. Include, Ill rock , l';lpical o f units (ll gb), (M z.Pz.s) and (MzPza). Volcanic and sediment.ary rocks : Lava (low.ll, flow b reccia, and or,lomerote: pyr oclOA tic rock,: subordinate epiclU$tic congtomerate, sand11 to n e, and tirI(lllile; mino r chert 11nd lime1tone. Volcanic rock• include .Tpilite and keratophyre. Include• Clouer Creeh Grun,tone o f G illt.ilY r 1937}. Foliate d sedimentary and volcanic rocks and marble: lnclt.ide, Burnt River Schist o f GiUuly (1937). Phyl/itic quortz.lte, quart.r pll-y llite, petitic phy llite, mirror slate. conglomerate and marble (MzPzS), /ltostfy greenstone a nd 1reen8':hist (MzP:z.g). Marble w ith inlerloyered phyl/ite and slate (MzPzl); includes Nel.6on Marb le of Pro1lka ( 19Fi7). Sedimentary and volcanic rocks: Ar/Ii/lite, chert and tuf(; • ubordinate laua now,, conglomerate, and Jimei.to n e, lrrcludes Elhl1om Ridge A railtite o f Gitluly ( I 93 7). PLUTONIC ROCKS Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous plutons: M edium •grain ed hot-n bl,ende alld biotite q1iarti diorite and f(ranodiorile. Some l rondl1jemite and 1abbrQ. Jlll Upper Triassic - Lower JurltSsic q uartz diorite. Pre-Upper Triassic in t.ruslvo complex: Chiefly quartz diorite and "a lbite panite"' ('lltqd); gabbro a nd altered sabbro, mino r p eriQd tite. pyroxenite, attd aerp ent111ite ('lk&b) GEOLOGIC SYMBOLS . Contact (dashed where gradal.lona l or inferred) I 18 ------ Fa u.1t showing downthrown side (d ashed where inferred) Fa ult, High-angJe reverse Ft~ -t---- Anticline (showing t.race or axial plane a nd bearl.ng and R ,,, E E I{ J.I ( 111w·~.:•t w w 45 -45' I JO' 15' \ ' plunge o f axls:. Dashed where app1"0ximat.ely located) II.I. r ~ " I ' " Tl,' 1,1 .lJ If ---t- - - -- Syncline (s howing ll'ace of axial plane and bearing and plunge of axis) prepared in cooperation wi t h the U. S. Geo logical SW!V ey, Menlo Park Sca le l 250,000 Strike a nd dip or beds 01" Dows 5 0 5 10 15 20 S tatui.~ M,1.,,_ SEC1l0 N IZED TOWNSHIP 5 10 15 6 5 4 i 3 , 2 : I 5 0 15Nau1, cal M,les ..... .. :........ :........ :........ ,,,. ., 7 j 8 9 10 II 12 ... " " "" ....... • .. ,. CONTOUR INTERVAL 200 FEET 18 : 17 16 15 14 13 "' WITH SUPPLEMENTARY CON TOURS AT 100 FOOT INTER VA LS ....... · ........ ,. LOCATION DIAGRAM FOR NL 11 11 .~ 3 ~~· ' 22 •• s ,. 11 z-,. TRAN SV ER SE MERCATOR PROJ EC11 0 N 19 20 21 23 24 ' ,o,,., WA SHINGTON '. • NL 11 5 NL 1:>-4 NL 10-6 NL 11 4 NL! J'°t; 30 29 28 27 26 25 .. 8A.(fl! "'•u•w•u• __ _~~\.__• ) "'"" .,,.,.,LIV~ • IUlll . ~- ' I -,[ (Ull(!', .~u,ai:1 ,, -. e (v, , ..... \,l ~11Lll 71, ,. MONT 1960 ,,o ,G NE"TI C DECLI NATION FOR rH L'S SH[(T VARl[S F ROM 19 " SO ' EAS T[ftl Y FO l'I THE C[ NTF;fl Of THE WES T 3 1 32 33 4 J5 36 i,- · - . --- -- • NL l\'-9 · •. Nl 12-7 ED GE 10 111· 00· EA 'StERL Y FOR THE CENTER Of TH( EA.St EDGE. MUN ANN UAL ChANGE 15 0"02' wcsreRLY ~ NL 10-1 Nl I l 1 NL 11;8 '!'•~LO••• ...:- ~ i ·. • •. I' ■ i,A ":,lll l.'16ll1~ l' NL 11- 10 NL 10-12 NL dl II NL 11 12• NL )2 lO 2 tH'IQ C•>j•CN• C• f'f •, IDAH O c, 111ri•!. • STATE OF OREGON : BOIS«: " OREGO N • ..,11: ,.s ... ,l( ... IU ''"0 " ll5 Nil !0.3 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES NK I NK il-2 • NK II 3• NK \2-1 ' .., 'it,! I 1069 State Office Building, Portland, Oregon 97201 0 JCI II C.V. IV<'I'< f• Ll~ ••1-NITLLQ• NK 10 b NK I I 'll•Hlf NK 12, 11 "'l""''" NK ,l 1-5 NK I 1-6• • 14!.Ll ' ,,. ,,. .-""'- ·------ - -. .1 .•... 122·:-·---- -· -------- -· ·-··-·· -·-112• Geologic Cr oss Sect ions " C41UMl,H 10 A A' r DOOLEY MTN ' -.i>I I•- _...,., ..."'. •"111111 Ill J •• -•~a .... l!llil-1,11 ..,~ 11 .(, ll'OC>I,, 1 ♦11-nn. II] ••llflN uto,11h•l1 ,.._ Gl11•11, a.,. lt!I , r...,1.._,. 41'd • l,..•o l ....,_n:" 11 LflO Tb s,, 1,, ....,,,,.,.,1•• U.1. 1i1,,o l S••WT ... ,1. 111 lb:1111,,. , .... A1Mu •• .•. • 1"6, .. uao,~• !c p,n,,,1oD - UNCt.l,.. ., tM a, ,,,t 11,e,­ ~ c.......,., ,,.., 111ru,.. ,1a,. 0,•goo: sunl orl U,,h . doctorol ui.111 . l! gb llqd , ,on••• 11.J., ,...., .,.,_,., .,l., 1'61, &M lotr or u,e Sl>lr1• w1ot1"9I• 0r.,.., o.,, m '°"I. ••l llt•ul I MA. 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