The Clinton Independent. VOL XXVIII.-NO. 2». ST JOHNS, MICH.. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3. 18»4. WHOLE NO.—1437. Trade with C. S. Allison. the old re- —Try Fildew & Mi liman's furniture talon Far —Whole aud clean old papers for sale era' Club. BUSINESS LOCALS bmoke “Crown of bt. Johns. " !o cents. able Jeweler, and get honest goods. cream. at this office. The April meetlug of the Union Farm­ Spectacled and Eye Glasses at almost —Tbe Lansing District M. E. Sunday —On tbe Arst of the present mouth ers’ Club met with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beautiful Rugs at the lowest prices Wall Pupnr! WnllPapnrt / wholesale prices at Krepps DeWltt A School convention will be held at Elsie. At II. L. Kendrick ’s. M. H. Birve A bona, of Buffalo. N. James Sumner Collins removed his office Smith in Duplain township. Owing to (Carpet Department.) Y.. are the leading Manufacturers of Oo. ’a. Eyee tested free. May 15-16. to 8uite 1214. Washington bt.. Chicago. favorable weather for sowing <wts the Wull Item in America. Thev produce —Fildew & Millmau are sole agents —Spaulding. Norton A Weimer is the attendance was not aa large as usual, ‘ Post-hole Augers. Post-hole Diggers, the latest patents and the most perfect HOME MATTERS. In 8t. Johns and Fowler for UoydeUs and Post Mauls, ail styles and sizes. in design and coloring. They are not name and style of a new law Arm organ although there were about forty present . At brauldino A Co.'s. mixed paints. in the “Pool. ” lienee their prices are the SraTltlM. tzed in this village last week. Tliey Mr. Smith and wife are among the earl v lowest. We have the agency for their —A number of bt. John* sports at­ will occupy tbe office over St. Johns pioneers of this county. Mr. Smith Our goods and we invite the public to ex­ -The trout season opened Tuesday tended the boxing contest at DeWitt National Bank. came with his father to the farm tie line of spring Jackets and Capes amine this elegant line and receive a —Milo M. Parks has changed bis real now lives upon, in March. 1838. is most complete. John H u es . Monday night. —8t. Johns Commanden . K. T., will The meeting was not called to order benefit of the extremely low prices lenoe from Lansing to Mason. —Frank Crane of Victor, was recent­ attend Ascension Day services in St. until after dinner. After tbe usual Now Hammer MU Unary. M. Mc D onald A Co. —You are invited to take a look ly severely kicked about one of his tem­ John's church at 2:30next Sunday after­ openimr exercise* the program All the new thiugs in Hummer Mil- .hrough Flldew Jt Millmau s wall paper opened by a recitation by Mamie W linerey are being received at J. T. Cole A Smoke “ 8t. Johns Bouquet. ” 5 cents. ples by a horse. noon. The sermon and music will be bury, entitled. “ Guilty or Not Guilty. ” Co. ’s. Remember on Haturdav. Mav .5th Fnr Root ample books. —Misses Lake. .Smith. Mrs. Watson, in keeping with tbe occasion. A paper by Geo. Lapuun, “Roots. ” He we will show beautiful styles in all the —Buy your gold Ailed watches of new designs. Come and see us. A comfortable dwelling liouae. with and Mrs. Whitlock visited Owosso —Keep the fact well in mind that the said he would select a sandy loam for tbe usual conveniences, opposite the l' x rep pa. DeWltt A Co., leading jewelers schools Thursday. Bt. Rev. Thomas F. Davies, bishop of soiU; make it rich with fine manure ; J. T. Cole A Co. md save money. plow early so as to let the weeds start. lugh school building, for rent on favor —Ovid Register-Union : “Ninety-one Eastern Michigan, will officiate in St. Are Vou Outng m Paint - able terms. Apply to —The infant ohiid of Mr. and Mrs. Among mangles lie considers the Globe have joined the Ovid M. E. church on John's church. Sunday morning and the beet, and advises sowing 5 pounds If so coll and learn our prices and be­ L. K. Pattbbson . Chas. Benedict, of Essex, died Sunday to the acre, as it is easier to thin out come acquainted with our goods before probation since conference aud twenty- evening. May 20; administering on that von bny. We sell the “Hhaker" Paints. 2d-hand .Safety for sale. W. Osborn . ast of scarlet fever. three by certificates.” with a hoe than to transplant : about 30 —You are invited to a 8 o ’clock tea to day the rite of confirmation to a large inches apart is tbe best distance and in None better. Oymm. —The Esler-Deau Dramatic Co. came rows. A good plan is to mix some rad ­ C. E. V an Hickle . German Household Dyes will color oe given at the home of Mrs. G. 8. Cor* to grief last week after a life of about ish seed with the beet seed, so vou can No 45 Clinton Ave. silk, woolen, cotton or linen. They are hit this (Thursday) evening. —l*arry Knickerbocker will give a May- see the rows quicker ; thin to about 12 the best. Try tnem. one week. In the language of Tbespia Day party at Perry's hall. Maple Rap­ Everyone Mays —The Corunna coal mines have been they “hit the ceiling hard.” to 14 inches apart in the row, which Tbe finest line of Wash Goods ever M. Mc D onald A Co. affected by the big strike. The miners ids. Friday evening. Mav 11, to which causes a better production than when —Mrs. Margarite Vance, mother of the public is invited. Bill, including thev are thicker. Mangles should not shown in bt. Johns is We have a large assortment of win­ lave quit work by order of the miners' _At John H icks '. dow shades at low figures. Joseph and George Wilkins, died at her supper and care of horses. SI .25. The be fed before tbe middle of January, mion. and at tbe same time you plow vour beet Lots of M. Mc D onald A Co. home in this village. Saturday April 29. parties given by Mr. Knicknerbocker —A. b. Armstrong has completed his of heart lailurt. in her 74th year. grouud plow a scrip for turnips, which Black Dress Goods and bilks Sowing Marhlaa*! are referred to by participants as being sow about 14 pounds to the acre; can At Kendrick s. sawing operations on the Travis farm —The law- Arm of I*attenion A Flynn feed the turnips the fore part of tbe From $15 up. Call aud see :n Bengal, and is now cleaning up a very enjoyable, and for this he is gain ­ ITices always the lowest. ____ A. B. Balcom have moved their office from Walker ing an enviable reputation far and near. winter. little of a like kind of work at his own street east to pver Hicks A Seaman's ■ The roll call was responded to by some The Huttsrlrk Patterns Before leaving your order elsewhere notne. millinery store. No. 14 Clinton avenue. —Newly elected Chief Consul R. G. quaint and spicy quotations. A paper Are sold only by John H icks . for your spnng and summer suits see by Mrs. liross, “Concerning Poultry. ” Judd, opposite the postofficr —The M. E. social at the palatial —The excursion to Detroit and steel of the Michigan division of L. A. headline W.. this village, will call a meeting of iu which she said : “I thought I would noma of Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks last (>wosso called forth a general exodus of live a short talk on poultry as it is tbe Shows the largest and finest assortment bewing Machine Needles of all kinds ifridav evening was a pleasant occasion, the state board of officers some time jeginuing of another new year. and the of Spring Capes and Jackets in thecity; St. Johns people. Fifty-one tickets prices always the lowest. constantly on hand at my store. Every and resulted in the earning for that so ­ were sold to Detroit and thirty-seven to before May 15. in Lansing, when im­ business a hobby with me. for 1 really parson buying a package will receive a portant business matters will be talked enjoy it. and thought perhaps I might ticket entitling him to a chance in the ciety about $20. Owosso. learn something more about it here to ­ Chenile Curtains. Lace Curtains and drawing for a handsome sewing mach­ —Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moss, of —We acknowledge the receipt of one over. It is hoped and expected that day. You know it is said the poultrv bhade Curtains At Kendrick ’s. ine. Call for particulars. the difficulties between the Steel and Price* always the lowest. cattle Hock. Ark., are happy in the ad- clean and well preserved copy of The business is*longs to women and chil­ _______A. B. Balcom. Bresler factions will be mended up on dren. I don ’t consider it a very small Carpel* ! Carpal* ! rent of a daughter. The little one ar­ Independent of February 22.1884. and business. I now speak from experience The Mercantile Co. pay the farmer/ rived April 18. and to say the parents now- desire one more with which to com­ or before that day. Call on us when in need of Carpets. more cash for Butter and Eggs than for hardly a week goes by ttiat we do Rugs. Curtains, etc. John H ick *. are happy is putting it mildly. plete our Ales.
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