THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY PTOI ENTY-TH1RD YEAR—No. 2 at. westiteln, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1!H>2 l--vt-ry Thurailny 30 Page*—10 Cent! mcil 'Game' Hit Pupil Enrollment Swells Candidate Launches Sharp Attack On 'Temporary' Town Yard Move As 9J21 Start Classes John D. Fife, Democratic candidate for councilman from the Fourth Concert Encore Unofficial Tally d today issued a blistering attack on Mayor Burr A. Towl Jr. and LWVs Fund Drive bers of Town Council charging that they "are continuing to force Next Thursday evening the Summit JnM Band will give residents of the Fourth Ward to play 'Button, Button, who has Shows Hike of Opens Wednesday a repeal concert in Mindow- Town Yard?' " aikin Park. Joieph E. Cole- serting "it is not a funny man, recreation director laid 600 Students The League of Women Voters !," the candidate added, "It that became rain hindered of Westfield will conduct its an- idangerinir the lives of our the Aug. 16 concert the band With more than fl,:!50 pupils nual finance drive beginning Wed- re" and adveiiely affecting agreed to give another per- estimated to be trudging back to nesday, Sept. 12. Letters have pocket books." formance. Program details public school classes this morning, been sent out to Westfield resi- •. Fife's statement follows: will be announced. added to the 1,!!71 who began dents explaining the purpose of their studies yesterday in Holy ^or those who have missed the the drive. Members, in teams of uneement made in mid-July CEREMONY SITE—The photograph above »how» the completed Trinity parochial clnsses, Wcst- 31 two, will call during the second (U'III'H school population swelled to I many were away on vacation, I and third weeks of September to exterior of the pool nnd gymnaiium constructed M part of Play Safe •igements have been made to the new building wing Addition to the YM-YWCA at the a record tinnffirlul enrollment of raise funds to carry on the !),721 students for the ntnrt of the porarily' place the Town Yard league's program for the coming corner of Clark street and Ferris place which will be the he back of the Armory on tite of a cornerstone laying ceremony at 2:30 Sunday after- Bieyclc Check 151th school year in this district. i'jtar. This program includes the The total on the first day of vay avenue. Just how tempo- 1 regular services to voters, a re- noon Sept. 16. this site is depends on the out- school last year was estimated at newed study of the UN, study of Set Saturday '.1,1 (HI. of the Town Council's legal U.S. economic policy, regional with residents of the Fourth planning and planning at the local YMCA Addition Cornerstone All grades with the exception d in the Tamaques area, level. Police Lt. Thomas Catalon today of kindergarten were in session he present 'temporary' site is i Mrs. John Graham, finance announced that monthly bicycle yesterday at Holy Trinity High ediately adjacent to fine one- To Be Laid Sunday Sept 16 inspections will be resumed Satur- and grammar HCIIOOIK. The, kinder- ly homes on Dorian road, Dor- chairman, will continue to direct WILLIAM D. McCOKMICK ] the drive, as she has for the past day from II until ll:,')0 at the rear garten claKHcn are not scheduled to ourt, Dorian'place and Ilyslip The cornerstone laying ceremonies for the Westfield YMCA- start until Monday. two years. Aiding her in co-or- YWCA building project will be held Sunday, Sept. Hi at 2:30 p.m., of the Municipal liuilding. ue. Nearly all of the residents In the public school .system 8,- tis area huil no idea what was dinating the calls to be made by it was announced today by Dr, Edward G. Hourns, chairman of the Hicyclo accidents in West field Campaign Auditor the workers is Mrs. George Mel- committee on arrangements. The ceremonies will take place at the !M7 pupils were on Urn roll* us of ore for them as our present total 11 80 far this year in com- ucxduy night according to u re* loan. entrance to the new building wing housing the gymnasiui m and pool parison with H for I SHU, I.t. Cata- th Ward Councilmen did not nut to the Hoard of Education JOHN D. FIFE Mrs. Graham has announced and fronting on Clark street. lon said. In an elfort to help pre- Post Is Assigned the trouble to inform those ntul« by Dr. S. N. Kwnn Jr, made that two training sessions will be The ceremonies, according to vent such accidents, ail bike own- would he most directly affected held for league members making Vandal Itumpugc it the board's meeting. Dr. Kwnn Dr. Hourns, will be patterned, in ers are urged to bring their bikes To McCormiek lated that pupils were continuing his move. Boro GOP Women finance calls. These sessions are some degree, lifter those that took in for safety inspection and licens- t'hnt does this latest move scheduled as follows; Tuesday, Hits Homes, Car it signup but that the yearly count place when the original corner- ing. This is especially important United Fund OHicials .vould not be mude until Sept. DO. \y mean to uw as residents of Sept. 11 at 8:15 at the home of Teenage vandals, well-sup- stone ceremonies were held May now that hundreds of children will Fourth Ward, as property To Get Charter Mrs. N. R. Wickershani Jr., 51fJ Appoint Banker To The figures for both Holy Trin- plied with paint, eggs ami soap 20, 1!I28. The contents uf the he using bikes for transportation ity nnd the public schools are In- rs, and as Westfield tnxpay- Birch avenue; Sept. 12 at 9:30 damaged four homes and an original cornerstone will he de- to and from school. at Mrs. John Thatcher's, MO Head Committee. Jiralivc of a sharp incroatie In the At Luncheon automobile here ever the Labor scribed, hut the box will nut be Westfteld's Hicyelo Hoard called itudent population over lant year, : irst, as parents we must rca- Orenda circle. The training leader Day weekend. opened. Various community and attention to (Jenernl Ordinnn'co Appointment of William I*. Me- will he Mrs. Warren Kingsbury, a however tht! exact gain will not be that any child attending <Mc- The lower rear half uf » "Y" groups have been asked to 'Number 771, Section which Connick ar. cainpnign auditor for former president of the Westfield known until the linn! figures for ;ey, Jefferson, 'Holy Trinity, Congresswoman Dwyer house at SU Ntincy Way wan participate in the ceremonies. One "It shall he unlawful fur the 11IC.2 solicilaUon hy the United league, and now secretary of the both Hystemn am recordeil. on Junior High, and the Senior smeared with green paint and a innovation noted by Dr. Bourns any person residing in tin: Town of Fund of Westfield was reported Slated to Officiate at New York City league. School will be endangered by number of screens soaped, C. will be the placement of Polaroid Westllehl to ride or propel a bicycle today by Henry M. Merenesn, In bis report to the. board Dr. .-.cd commercial traffic from Event Saturday Frederic Schrocder, the owner, pictures of the ceremonies in the upon any public way in Westlield campaign chairman. Mr. MeOor- Kwan reviewed the work done dur- Town Yarcl. told police iMondny night. Mr. box as an "up to the miniile" without having attached to MUCII niick is assistant vice president of ig the Biimmcr by maintenance MOUNTAINSIDE—Mrs. Wal- Civic Club Shapes Plans Schroeder said the front door ot memento of the occasion. bicycle a registration tag as here- the Suburban Trust Co. ill charge stall's in refurbishing schools and econd, as home owners all ter Christoffers, first vice president For Dinner Dance n neighbor's home at 81b' was Progress on the construction of inafter provided", and to Section of the I'lainlleld office. grounds. e having homes adjacent to the of the Mountainside Women's Re- smeared with eggs. the wing- housing the new gym- 7, which provides legal penalties Commenting on the importance Thi! Superintendent told the iporary' Yard will tit least for publican Club today announced Scheduled Oct. I'd A car belonging to Donald nasium, locker rooms, uud Olym- for anyone violating ordinance of tin; duties of the nnditing com- board that custodians, under the present be faced with lower that Congrvsswoinnn Florence P. At a recent meeting members of Larkin of 807 Nancy Way was pic size pool was described as ex- Number 771. mittee, Mr. Mereness exphiinoi direction of their principals, have erly valutas. Oxvyer, will present the charter the Civic Club of Westfield dis painted red, gold and green, its cellent by William Ii. llurbunk, that thousands of report envelopes been busy cleaning their buildings, Third, aa taxpayers we all are affiliating the newly formed Moun- The Hoard noted that the acci- tributed tickets to those present interior was soaped and eggy chairman of the building commit- and nearly 10,000 pledge cnrd.H The process Included a thorough to pay a stiff bill for this tainside Club with the-State Feder- dent pattern so far has involved for the club's formal dinner dance were smashed on the dashboard. tee. It was reported that all ex- have lo be cheeked, CIIHII and scrubbing urn! waxing uf ftoont, st move: $3,ii00 for two trailers ation of Republican Women at the junior.
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