247 Index Combined Print Catalog & Online Additions Bold page #s Online A Polish Scouts in Chicago, 10th 155 Benne Candy Co. 282 Ranachqua Lodge, 40th 223 Bennett 62 A and N Supply Co. 275 Russian Boy Scouts 147 Bert, Adam 278, 286 A Message For.... 277 Scout Hall 133 Best, V.E. 187 Adler, Gladys 68, 89, 278, 287 Silver 38 BH Publication 88 Agricultural Service 55 Springfield, MA 40th 96 Black Knights 176 Air Explorer Scouts 106 Tioughnioga Council, 20th 203 Blackmarr 72 Alexander, Franklin 180 TMR, 30th 121 Blue Eagle 40 All Out For Defense 53 Troop 1, 15th 100 Boll, Ken 59, 78, 160, 188 Alpha Phi Omega 107, 226 Troop 1, 50th 199 Book Plate Label 91 Alpine Türgg 156 Troop 5, 10th 21 Boone, Daniel 154 American Cover Club 25 Troop 32, 3rd 16 Boost Scouting 41 American Legion 15, 54 Troop 62, 25th 204, 226 Boston and Maine Railroad 50 American Topical Association. See ATA Troop 88, 21st 173 Boston Sea Scout Division Anderson, C.S. 59, 81, 159, 194 Ukrainian Scouting 1939 47, 48 Anderson, John B. 239 10th 226 1940 49, 50, 51 Anniversary 42nd 226 1941 52 25th, 1935 272 Unami Lodge, 40th 111 Boy Scout Air Dispatch 271 Meter 272 Washington's Death 18 Boy Scout Foundation of Greater New York Alhtaha Council, 45th 120 Windsor Locks, 47th 183, 199 305 ATA, 10th 154 Annual Boy Scout Handbook 41, 191 Boy Scouts Apple Blossom Festival 119 Boy Scout Headquarters 265 13th, 1923 10 Camporal 106 Boy Scout Mail 238 16th, 1926 267 Camporall 100 Boy Scout Ten Year Program 270 21st, 1931 14, 16 Exhibit 97, 99 Boy Scout Week 23rd, 1933 18 Fleet Cruise 50, 53 1919 9 24th, 1934 23 Meeting 17 1933 18, 19 25th, 1935 25, 26, 27, 38, 39 Meeting, BSA 41, 105, 206 1934 271 26th, 1936 40 Pilgrimage 224 1936 40 27th, 1937 42 Pow Wow 146 1937 42 34th, 1944 276 Regatta 48, 50 1943 53 35th, 1945 55 Round-Up 132 1947 56 37th, 1947 56 Scout-O-Rama 110 1948 57 38th, 1948 57 Apple Blossom Festival 119 1952 98 40th, 1950 73, 85 Aristocrats 59, 79, 158, 194 1958 129 47th, 1957 126 Arkabutla Lake 145 1959 143, 144, 145 Camp Edge, 25th 118 Armistice Day 13 1960 156, 168, 191, 200, 201 George Washington Chapter, 1st 118 Arrow 107, 137 Boy Scouts of America, Pine Bluff, AR 268 Johnny Appleseed 107 Art Craft 59, 78, 157, 188 Boyce, William D. 165, 190, 217, 224 Koshare Indians, 25th 143 Artmaster 60, 77, 126, 158, 188, 205 Boyles, Willard H. 40, 115, 221 Lewis & Clark 116 ASDA 104, 142, 145, 155 Boys' Brigades 156, 165, 194, 264 Liberty Bell Chapter ATA 116, 142, 145, 149, 154 Boys' Life 51, 54, 122, 164, 166, 167, 218, 1st 128 Atlantic Refining Co. 290 276, 305 2nd 143 Atomic America 110 Bresnick - United States Capital 179 Lincoln as Postmaster 19, 20 Bronesky-Risko 63 Lithuanian Boy Scouts, 40th 138 B Buck’s Pocket Rendezvous 139 Miquin Lodge, 25th 143 Back A Boy 52 Bulletin 10, 52, 55, 103 N Tonawandas Dist, 50th 168 Byrd, Admiral Richard E. 13, 14 Order of the Arrow Baldwin Carbide Lamps 9 39th 107 Bandhauer, Francis 23, 27 41st 117 Baseball 127 43rd 137 Baumann, Glen 183 Polish Scouting, 50th 209 Beard, Daniel Carter 36, 83, 162 248 INDEX C 1958 132, 134, 135, 139 Catalina 211 1959 147, 148, 149 Cayuga 134 C.G. Junior III 115, 126, 142, 155, 163, 1960 207, 208, 209, 222, 302 Central Florida 37 187, 189, 190, 195, 210. See also Canal Zone 23, 53, 141, 142, 186 Central Indiana 142 George, C. Cancels Cancellations Central Oklahoma 24 Cachet Craft 59, 78, 160, 188 Scout 28, 29 Central South Carolina 206 Cadillac Local Post Label 300 Scout Camps Charter Oak 126 Camp Kanohwahke Lake, NY 9, 17, 306 Cherokee 13, 15 Alpine 108, 111, 117, 132 Massawepie, NY 306 Chicago 11, 22, 46, 90, 93, 152, 238, Aquehonga 37 Owasippe, MI 46 270, 288, 303 Archbald 16 Ten Mile River, NY 37 Chickasaw 129, 133, 137, 147, 270, 274 Boy Scout Service 51 Treasure Island, NJ 16 Chief Seattle 129, 131 Brooklyn Scout Camps 103 Capaldi GP FDC 183 Chippewa Valley 288 Burch 11 Capital 38, 39, 172, 179, 197, 204 Choccolocco 124, 132, 209, 211 Caddo Lake Reservation 271 Capper, Senator Arthur 53 Cleveland District 9 Chagrin Falls 11 Carson, Kit 156, 208 Clinton Valley 54 Delmont 9 Carter Toy Mfg 181 Coastal Carolina 108 Edge 118 Cascade Cachet 186, 195 Corn Belt 124, 305 Emerson 17 Catlin, Lester 26 Council Grove 93 Falling Rock 19 Cavalcade Of Scouting 203 Covered Wagon 51, 74 Glen Gray 265 CCG 175 Crescent Bay Area 111 Ingawanis 226 Century Of Progress 22 Dan Beard 298 Juliette Low 150 Chambers, J. F. 68, 91 Daniel Boone 154 Kamp Kia Kima 137 Chattanooga Stamp Club 90 Del-Mar-Va 222 Man 24 Checklist 241 Delaware & Montgomery County 9 Manatoc 268 Christmas 10, 14 Delaware Valley Area 294 Massawepie 306 Church 264 Detroit Area 209 Miakonda 17 Cinderella. See Labels Duluth 24 Montclair 265 Circus 24, 72, 74, 96, 103, 110, 132, 146, Elizabeth City 284 Oljato 151 206 Erie County 14, 42 Onway 274 Citizens Now Conference 118 Firelands Area 41, 271 Owasippe 46, 274 Coca Cola 158 Fort Orange 146, 219 Phillips 288 Collectors Club, New York 99 Fort Simcoe Area 302 Philmont 98, 152 Collectors Club of Seattle 117, 223 Genesee 125 Polish Scouts 136, 151, 154 Collier, C.H. 300 George Washington 108, 110, 120 Pouch 112 Colonial Y Philatelic Club 15 Girl Scouts of Buffalo & Erie County Royaneh 22 Conservation Pledge 153 296 Ten Mile River 17, 37, 103, 223 Conserve 117 Grand Valley 121 Treasure Island 16, 54, 96, 240, 265 Corner Card. See Stationery Greater Cleveland 134 Troop 116 Summer Camp 152, 208 Council Greater New York 109, 111 Ukrainian Plast 148 Abraham Lincoln 19, 20, 21, 49, 271 Greater Salt Lake 302 Ukrainian Scouts 136 Admiral Robert E. Peary 146 Gulf Coast 173 Washington 238 Akron Area 268 Honolulu 85 Wauwepex 275 Alhtaha 120, 135, 295 Hudson-Delaware 297 Weygadt Scout Reservation 294 Allegheny 96 Huroquois 202, 293 Whitsett 135, 137, 150 Andrew Jackson 203 Indianhead 173 Wind Mountain Girl Scout 294 Appalachian Trail 295 Inland Empire 213 Yawgoog 56, 75 Atlantic Area 118 Istrouma Area 295 Camp Bulletin 103 Baltimore Area 174, 178 Jayhawk 106 Camp-O-Ree. See Camporee Battle Creek Area 14 Johnny Appleseed Area 100, 103 Camporal 106, 111 Blair-Bedford 55 Juniata Valley 23 Camporall 100, 148 Bloomimgton - Normal 284 Katahdin 267 Camporee Brooklyn 108 Kikthawenund 99 1935 37 Buffalo 268 Kit Carson 156 1951 97 Buffalo Area 110, 120, 144, 207, 240, Land O' Lakes 102, 173 1955 110, 111 296 Lebanon County 240 1956 115, 117 Calvin Coolidge 292 Licking County 19 1957 118, 120, 121, 126, 127 Cambridge 118, 120 Lone Tree 118 INDEX 249 Los Angeles Area 58, 74, 92 Tioughnioga 200, 203 Paxton 147, 222 Madison County 225 Toledo Area 132 Sheepshead Bay 108, 111, 112 Miami County 266 Trenton 10 Skagit Island 215 Middlesex 37, 113, 131 Union 238 Thunderbird 209 Milwaukee County 156, 201, 203 Utica 9, 266 Tonawandas 135, 149, 154, 156, 168, Monterey Bay Area 238 Valley Forge 97, 275 191, 196, 205, 216 Mount Baker Area 206, 222, 224 Ventura County 266 White Rose 149 Muscadawin Area 269 Wapsie 226 Do a Good Turn Daily 304 Muskogee Area 58 Wapsipinicon Area 226, 277 Do Not Destroy 90 Narragansett 27, 56, 75 Watchung Area 209, 215 Doak, E. L. 68 Nassau County 275 West Suburban 91 Dogwood Festival 27 National Capital Area 173, 183, 204, Counterfeit 62, 65, 231 Dolin, Harvey 40 206, 298 Counterfeit FD cancel 62, 65, 231 Drosdick, Stephen 288 National Council, BSA 9, 10, 11, 16, Cowboy 282 Drum Cachet 198 18, 27, 37, 41, 42, 43, 46, 51, 54, 57, Cranberry Jamborette 154 Dunbar Stamp Club 283 73, 75, 76, 85, 96, 100, 101, 102, 122, Crescent Stamp Co 94 Dyer, Ralph 66, 67, 185 157, 160, 161, 177, 178, 179, 203, Crosby 23, 62 207, 211, 213, 238, 272, 273, 291 Cruise 47, 48, 50, 51, 53 E Newton 150 Cub, Boy Scout & Sea Scout 276 Eagle Dancer 143 Niagara Falls 36 Cub Pack. See Pack Eagle on ball 283 Norfolk 238 Cub Scouts 98, 120, 131, 145, 177, 182, Eagle Scout 12, 14, 15, 16, 84, 113, 122, North Central Montana 215, 276 184, 201 143, 178, 186, 205, 225 North Shore Area 93, 101, 102, 110, Webelos Day 155 Eagle, wings spread 283 211, 296, 297 Cubbing 41, 113, 135 Ebbets Field 21 Northeast Ohio 288, 295 Cumberland Bicentennial 112 Edwards, LeRoy 114, 116, 118, 150, 295 Norwela 271 Curthoys, Herbert 105, 179, 296 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 155, 170, 186, Old Colony 109 Cyrus Townsend Brady Poem 84 220, 224, 298 Oregon Trail 297, 298 Czubay 65, 84 Eisenhower Philatelic Society 298 Pasadena District 267 D Elbeetian Legion 39, 164, 165, 190, 217 Philadelphia 54, 96, 99, 102, 110, 240 ELCOR 155 96 Philippine 271 Davis, Ralph 81, 239 Elephant 24, 41 Piankeshaw 299 Day Of Irreconcilability 108, 112, 117, Emmerling, Ed 105, 133, 293 Pikes Peak 145 128, 141 Equipment Catalog 267 Pomperaug 148 Dean List 235 Error 28, 61, 68, 71, 80, 107, 112, 174, Portland Area 96 Debo, Jack 222 197, 221 Portland, OR Girl Scouts 294 DeBoice, Benjamin S. 271 Esperanto 93 Portsmouth 238 Decal 30, 35, 100, 210, 211, 213.
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