Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. qu a r terly newsletter December 2002 Vol 14, No. 4 in c o r p o r a t i n g ba c k g r ound briefing national magazine up d a t e friends of the abc World Trade Farewell Penelope Toltz Negotiations: A Tribute to Past President Penelope Toltz. New Trading Away FABC President, Gary Cook, who put the motion that Penelope should be made a life member - Our Culture? carried unanimously - paid her this tribute. Public Interest Advocate Dr Patricia The 2002 Penelope’s commitment to fighting Ranald, pursues a depressing proposition Annual General for the ABC, her energy in being - What if our government signed an Meeting of the available to support meetings and international agreement which meant we Friends in NSW events throughout NSW and her could no longer have minimum levels of saw the end of considerable knowledge of Public Australian content in film and television, an era when Broadcasting (here and in other and no more preferential funding for Penelope Toltz, President for the countries). Australian film, art and culture? past six years, stepped down. At that meeting Penelope Toltz was The highlight of Penelope’s And what if such an agreement meant unanimously elected a Life Member Presidency must surely have been funds for a public broadcaster like the of FABC (NSW) Inc., an honour the highly successful Extraordinary ABC had to be shared with commercial which I know she will cherish. Shareholders’ Meeting at the pr oviders? Impossible? Unfortunately not. Sydney Opera House in April, 2001 When I joined the Committee in when 15,000 “Shareholders” of the The Australian government is taking 1999, the ‘Friends’ was Penelope ABC sent a very strong message to part in negotiations in the World Trade Toltz. She was the driving force in the Government and the ABC Board. Organisation (WTO) on a WTO General election campaigns. She was the Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) public face of the Friends in NSW, Always supporting Penelope has which could have these results. But the constantly being a flea in the ear of been her husband, Laurence, a negotiations take place over the next politicians and bureaucrats alike. passionate ‘Friend’ in his own right. two years…and there is still a chance Her energies also involved organis- to stop these proposals. ing events, such as the Christmas I take great comfort in knowing Party and other fund raising ven- that Penelope’s experience and So what is GATS? tures so important to the ‘Friends’. knowledge will not be lost to the The Australian government and other Friends and she will remain just as member governments of the WTO Th a n k f u l l y , in the past four years committed to the cause as she has signed the General Agreement on Trade we have, through forming Sub- been for the past seven years. in Services (GATS) in 1994. It potentially Committees, freed Penelope from Gary Cook applies to all services, from banking to time consuming tasks enabling her transport and telecommunications, to to do what she has done so effec- health, education and prisons. GATS tively – political lobbying. Inside: aims to promote international trade in President's Final Report...........3 services, and to remove barriers to During her Presidency the num- ABC's Audience Surging..........4 such trade. ber of Branches in NSW grew from Media Ownership Debate.........7 4 to 14. Membership of the ‘Friends’ A Sentimental Journey............10 Although some GATS rules apply to has increased markedly, particularly What is GATS?.........................13 all services, many only apply to those during the Shier era when ABC Will Pay TV Tyrannise Free TV..14 services which each government agree s supporters became outraged at Identifying False Criticism......17 to list in the agreement. what was happening to their ABC. Dr Karl, Roy & HG...................18 I have been in admiration of Continued on Page 12 Page 1 Every Three Years ‘Friends’ As the ABC prepares its triennial submission for Christmas funding, ABC MD describes it as an argument about Party “what we do, what it costs, and why it is necessary” Frid a y 6 Dec. Each plank of that ”Yet, the international public broad- 6 pm - 8 pm funding submission, Mr Balding says, caster you most often hear the ABC Dot Strong Terrace is an opportunity expressly linked to compared with is the BBC.” ABC Ultimo an outcome for audiences. ”While • BBC funding is 8 to 9 times ours, 700 Harris St economic arguments will dominate the but the UK population is just three $15 per person. debate, we will also support the case times ours. Bring a ‘Friend’ for our cultural objectives.” • Cutting back just one layer of BBC Please RSVP by 2 Dec. The submission evidence includes: bureaucracy, produced about $A800 Pay by Cheque, VISA, • Good governance, as indicated by million to put back into programming. MasterCard or Bankcard to the recent ANAO performance audit. Peter Burke • The BBC’s local radio network of 45 • Substantial efficiency and productiv- 2 Ayers Rd, stations would fit into Australia 32 ity gains over the past 5 to 6 years St Ives 2075 times. and current efficiency drawing on the current Output Pricing Review. • The BBC costs an equivalent of 87 cents a day whereas the ABC costs at • Comparative ABC funding levels, the moment 9.4 cents a day. drawing on a Macquarie Bank analysis of a number of international, national • The BBC was built, grew and Great Lakes FABC and historical benchmarks. secured its position as a monopoly; invites members to a the ABC was in a mixed economy ”We've been through a Business CHRISTMAS Services Review and an Output from the word go. Mr Balding said Pricing Review, the ANAO has that since 1996 the ABC had been Sunset scoured the organisation, we've reduced, reformed, refocused and Supper By The Sea restructured to the limit. Funding had reformed our complaints handling pro- Sunday 15th December, cesses, Corporate Governance prac- declined in real terms since the 80's, 6.00 – 9.00 pm tices, and various performance mea- “Years of doing more surements,” Balding said. with less have taken their Meet with ABC ”We now have numerous compara- toll; we are at the limit of Friends and enjoy the tive industry benchmarks as a result of our comprehensive- views over Forster’s our international public broadcaster ness.There are no more Main Beach benchmarking exercise. rabbits left in the hat,” Balding said. Guests to bring a plate, bottle, and/or A Lively Meeting – An Emotional Farewell. a donation. The Friends AGM at which review and to consider an appro- RSVP and further Penelope Toltz retired and Gary priate forum, with branches details from Cook was elected President also involved, to redraft the amend- Marty 6555 2442 saw Dev Webber pass the ments.There was a lively debate Audrey 6554 8507 Membership Secretary’s role on to but speakers stressed the Friends’ Carolyn Green who can be con- overriding consideration was to And when the party’s tacted on 02- 9144 1351 or 0417 protect and promote the ABC. over we can get down again 650 443 or to Great Lakes’ priorities - The meeting rose to a standing [email protected]. concentrating on increasing ovation to farewell Penelope and Secretary, Lilianne Leroy, was funding for the ABC and she in turn saluted her fellow- elected Vice President. lessening political influence friends as people of strong ideals and campaigning on other and commitment, as very special Although in favour of a pro- recommended issues, par- men and women whom she might posed restructure, members were ticularly the implications of not have met, except for their unable to agree on the constitu- GATS. common concerns about the ABC. tional changes involved and sent Audrey Semon them back to the committee to Page 2 It's Not Good Bye...Simply Au Revoir This will be my final report for the mittee under the expert leadership of months and only to help with the Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc Update Gary Cook which has co-ordinated campaign". Kate Smorty, my treasurer Magazine. In the last five and a half stalls and other events including the at the time, came with me to stalls, years I have had an absolute ball. Christmas Party for the last three years. which we often ran, alone, she I have gained so much from my time encouraged me when I got down and as president of this wonderful Since 1996 the Friends of the ABC even today, helps me get my filing organisation. I have met terrific people has grown and prospered and system into some sort of order. - people whose paths would never increased its membership by hun- have crossed mine in other circum- dreds of percent. Even now I am not Hugh Sykes was the secretary stances. I have answered thousands sure of the membership when I came when I joined. It was due to him that I of phone calls, hundreds of emails, on board. The computer became president. I had never done hundreds of faxes and many snail mail system was one that was anything like this before. Our letters. I have met super ABC Staff impenetrable to most peo- president had resigned and Hugh and presenters who have generously ple. In more recent times we asked me to stand. I didn't know what given their time to speak and appear have installed computer pro- presidents did, I told him. “Oh for at Friends' events of all types.
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