...•nd C~1. CCNMIOft C.u. ch..... n Mill. W.I.h will Ip ••k tomorrow .t 9 pm in s .... ,ift& Di .... Vol• .,U. Ii...., I. Wed"esday. Febnary 19, 197J Chicanos Demonstrate at R egents OK Student Regent, Regents Meeting Friday 2-Group Selection Process by Rich Yep in favor of the student Regent is south five After being In­ not just a victory for UC students, terviewed by the SBP , three Highlighting last week's UC but for all of the University of names will be ent to thp Re gpnts Regents meeting was the ap­ Ca lifornia." R gent chairman, Will iam proval of the student Regent, who Regents Wilson and Carter both French Smith was in favor of th will sit on the board with full felt the need to move the student Regent concept, but said voting privileges, along with the discussion to a executive session he would vote against it becausp approval of UC San Diego's plans but the Board did not favor the of " the manner of selection " for a Medical Teaching Facility, idea. Originally, the SBPC wanted to which would be built next to the The student Regent ap­ submit only one name at a time Basic Science Building. pointment of a one year term will to the Regents . After a' discussion of the be on an experimental basis for After the 15-5 approval, Tutti student Regent, which included two years . The student must be a commented, " I'm pleased that statements by two members of member of a UC campus. the Regents vote In favor It the Student Body Presidents should have been the SBPC Council (SBPC) and differing Selection Process perogative (to submit only one views from the Regents, the Each UC campus will appoint name at a time to the Reg nts) Board voted 15-5 to establish the two students, one graduate and but they are a bunch of hard UC San Diego MECHA co -chairperson Irma Munoz at the new member. one undergraduate--to the heads and It was best to accept Regents meeting Fn·Jay . Regent Dean Watkins voted student Regent nominating this compromise position-it's one aga i n st the student Regent In an attempt to voice their views on the plight of the Chicano in commissions . There will be two we can live with." sa ying, "The Students are commissions one in the north "We didn't get everything we the UC sy tem, the University of California Chicano Student beneficiaries of the Board, and in Com mittee (UCCSC) staged a picket line demonstration outside the (Davis, Berkeley, San Francisco wanted but most students are no way should the beneficiary sit and Santa Cruz) and the other of happy," said SBPC preSident Regents meeting last Friday. on the Board . It's bad politics." "Our purpose is to act as a vehicle wherein the Chicano can have the south (Los Angeles, San Miles. Diego, Riverside, Irvine, and UCSD student cooperative a meaningful purpose in the UC system," explained spokesman UC Victory Amundo Anchondo of UC Berkel y. Santa Barbara) . In addition, two external coordinator Karen Kathy Tuttle of the SBPC SBPC members will sit as ex­ Steen tofte, who is UCSD's delivered a speech in which she officio members at the selection member on the SBPC, said she Hearing Tomorrow cited the need for a student panels. After the commissions expects the student nominees' Regent, and concluded "This vote screen all applicants, the north names will be presented to the CPO Studies SD Transportation Plan group will nominate four, the Regents by May 1. by Milrk Woelber developments are of obvious testimony of hundreds of benefit A n twork of bikeways, itizens, were the adverse effects Ervin Speaks Thursday riding and hiking trails will cover of aircraft noise and the growth­ UC San Diego' population the county. Busing servic will be inducing effects on the region. often feels as though it doesn't nearly doubled, with the addition The argument against growth on Constitutional Law belong with the rest of the world. of new routes and express service, inducement was effectively Answers Questions on Nixon P ardon Common complaints are that the and travel time is expected to be quelched by the fact that payroll University fail to realistically reduced as a result of preferential losses through 1995 would by Charles Heimler treatment for buses. This would amount to nearly $1 .5 billion, in " The President of the United COMMENTARY involve special fr eway express addition to loss of tourism and States must be greater than the lane for buses, as well as ramp tourist-oriented on truction, not Almighty. A I understand the Involve it elf in the affairs of the met ring which would limit to mention the near-impossibility workings of religion the larg r community, that it i too freeway access under rowded of defending a no-growth policy Almighty can't pardon a man Intro pectively involved with its conditions, for all vehicles ex- in court. unl ss he repents of his sins, and research , that it is a privileged cepting bu es . Thi sam yet the President can pardon a training system for irrelevant preferential treatment would be A for the noise problem, man who says he has no sins ." kills given to carpool . Ev n the fixed anyone who has been around Such were Sen . San Ervin's In any ca e: lest these gu id way system, which has UCSD or Del Mar in the last two comments on the Nixon pardon critiCisms go too far, it i proved itself in other com­ years is probably familiar with the made during an appearance necessa ry to point out that th munities, is causing little on­ outcry that resulted when a ~ite Thursday at the University of university, by virtu of its many trover y. outh of Carmel Valley was San Diego Ervin delivered a Interpersonal relation hips, The 10 ation of n w airport proposed for th new airport. The p ech on constitutional law cannot fail to take ome sort of facilities is a more volatile Carmel Valley si te is nearly and then agreed to a lenghty place, whether relevant or not, in oncern. There will clearly have equidistant from 0 I Mar and que tion and answer period the larger n twork of society, and to b a new facility; presently UC 0 , although, as might be before an overflow rowd in the that the "real world" ca n easily more than 100,000 people are exp cted, the more vociferous Cam ion Theater. Sen . Sam Ervin Impose itself, in its own fashion, exposed to aircraft noise levels opposition was raised in Del Mar. on the academic community. exceeding the California State Satisfactorily for North County Equal Enforcement Aircraft noi e, for instance, takes Noise Standards. I n addition, air residents, the CPO's final site The former North Carolina who would do such a thing ,. no a count of academic travel demands will exceed recommendation turns out to be Senator's remarks on law and its Ervin declined to d ny or prlvil ge . This sort of timulus Lindbergh Field's present on Otay Mesa, just north of the equal enforcement as the onfirm whether he will be a Involves us in the larger capacity by the mid:1980s. Mexican border. Not only would guarantor of freedom, con­ 1976 Presidential candidate mechanical implications of our this be the least expen ive site to tained subtle references to the " You can't answer yes or no " dE'veloping society. Therefore. it Last year, the PO conducted develop, requiring a minimum abuses on the political process It' like the jok of asking a man i of consequence to us whether public hearings on the airport compensation .for land-use by the Nixon Administration If he's st ill beating hi wife, he the new airport facility to serve alternatives. The major areas of conversion, but it would open the during the Watergate era. aid If the man an wers yes, he the an Diego region is developed concern, judging from the Continued on PilRe6 "Our founding father knew admit to beating her and if he on top of Del Mar Mesa. that constant law rath r than an wers no, he admits to once the whims of those in office having b at h r combined with power diffu d But, he add d, he wa picked 20-Yeilr Needs into multiple dgencies were to head of th enat Wat rgate This is one of the issues under necessary to pre erve fre dom:' Commltt e partly b cau e he consideration by the Com­ rvin said. wa con id red to harbor no pre hensive Planning In conclu lon, Ervin said four preSidential or VI e-pre Identlal Organization (CPO) of the San thing w re nece ary to a plratlon Oi go r gion. The CPO, made up preserv freedom -- Ioving it, ontlnuln,: on WatNgatp, local administrators, planners and maintaming an eternal vlgilan e Ervm aid h thought th affair citizen , recently released its again t tho e who threaten It, a would not have b en posPd proposed Regional Tran- belief In fundamental prin­ without ' the a "res IVp work of portation Plan (RTP), citing the ciples . and the manit the pre , f'SpE' lall pxpanding transportation needs determml m to de end it W hmgton Pn t rpfV\rt"I~ Hl'lh of the San DiellO reaion as well as Nhon to Chinil' Woodward and Carl HermtE'In " I alt rnatlve and resources en Barry Coldwat r' r cent hVIn ~ald Pre IdE'nt lord lo\t n essary for the devf>lopment of (ommt'nt on the po Ibllit of (,,'dlbillt on hi, r>ardon of I a transportation ystem capable RIchard Nixon beln~ appoint d I on aftE'r ~tatln~ three tlmf" of m(' ting th(' n('eds of the a~ an amba actOr to hlna, h "ould not take any action <"ounty for the next 20 or more The pia" doe 1101 hop~ 10 eli",;UI~ Ihl allto as the most co,,­ Ervin re pond d, " I don't know until th(> legal prOff'SSt'S had Yl'3rs .
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