January 23, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 577 had moved to northeastern Montana NOMINATIONS major infrastructure improvement ini- many years ago. NOMINATION OF SPENCER ABRAHAM tiative across the weapons complex, Mary Nielsen was one of those unique Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I’m and address serious congressional con- persons, living in a very remote end of very pleased to have strongly sup- cerns associated with faulty program this country, the northeastern corner ported the nomination of Senator management that has led in the recent of Montana, isolated and 150 miles from Spencer Abraham as Secretary of the past to large construction overruns the nearest major airport—which is not Department of Energy. such as the experience on the National really major. And for those of us who As all my colleagues are well aware, Ignition Facility. In the non-prolifera- enjoy pasta—affordable pasta, that is, Senator Abraham has a distinguished tion area, transparency and account- nowadays—the main crop in that part record of leadership here in the Senate. ability will remain serious issues as of the world is durum wheat. He has demonstrated his initiative and Congress evaluates the advisability of She served in a group called WIFE, willingness to pursue complex issues on future funding for these vital pro- Women Involved In Farm Economics. countless occasions during his years of grams. She took those responsibilities very se- service in this body. A comprehensive energy policy is ur- riously and, of course, with great pur- Senator Abraham and I served to- gently needed, although recovery from pose. She became a valuable resource gether on the Senate Budget Com- our current energy crisis will be any- to me and my staff on transportation mittee, and I came to appreciate his in- thing but overnight. First we need the issues. sightful approach to the challenging policy, then we need years of careful When I first met her, I was a farm tasks we faced in crafting the nation’s support to implement that policy— broadcaster. My programs were aired budget. Through his work on the Budg- only then can we approach a greater on the radio station in Plentywood, et Committee, Senator Abraham de- degree of energy security than we face MT. This was at a time when the big serves a share of the credit for the won- today. As I’ve outlined now on several railroads were in the business of aban- derful progress towards balancing the occasions, I urge the President to cre- donments, wanting to close the spur federal budgets. ate a multi-Agency approach to na- lines that were not very profitable to From his public service in the State tional energy policy, so that several the big railroads. And that was the of Michigan, Senator Abraham has an key agencies evaluate their decisions case on the Opheim spur up in that in-depth understanding of the issues in light of assuring our nation of en- part of the country that was originally facing manufacturers and consumers, ergy security. a part of the Great Northern Railway. including their dependence on reliable, And finally, the Secretary is respon- We fought hard on that issue because clean energy sources. He appreciates sible for a large fraction of the federal we did not want to see that line aban- the immense role of the transportation support for science and technology. doned, because up there rail transpor- sector in influencing significant parts The nation’s scientific and engineering tation is very important in moving our of our energy policy. He has been one talents, and the high technology ad- crops to market. of the Senate’s most knowledgeable vances they’ve generated, are respon- So she took it on. It was one of those members on subjects related to high- sible for a large fraction of our eco- unselfish things people do, leaders do. technology policies and the contribu- nomic strength. In recent years, Con- And you find out that in these small tions that this important sector makes gress has started to increase funding in places, in some of these remote places, to America’s economy and global suc- key areas of science and technology. we have great minds and great leader- cess. The Secretary of the Department of ship. While Senator Abraham has ex- Energy must organize his scientific She and others formed an organiza- pressed concerns about the role of the programs to maximize their outputs tion called ABLE, the Association for Department of Energy in the past, I’m and their contributions to our sci- Branch Line Equity, which became a pleased to note that he carefully ad- entific understanding and economic se- model in this country for opposing dressed his current views in his state- curity. abandonments of railway lines in agri- ment to the Energy and Natural Re- His past experiences have prepared cultural country. sources Committee. In that statement, him very well for these fresh chal- She was also a shining star in the po- he emphasized his support for the lenges. I look forward to working with litical arena. She was passionate and many important missions that com- Senator Spencer Abraham in this new articulate. In fact, she received inter- prise the portfolio of the Department role as Secretary of the Department of national recognition when she was of Energy. Energy and encourage all of my col- elected to the office of Sheridan Coun- Service as the nation’s Secretary of leagues to do likewise. ty Assessor. She ran on a campaign slo- the Department of Energy is a chal- Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I am gan of ‘‘If elected, I will resign’’ in an lenge for any individual. The Depart- pleased to have supported the nomina- effort to save taxpayers the cost of ment has a diverse set of missions, that tion of Spencer Abraham to be Sec- paying for a county officer after the of- sometimes seem to lack a coordinating retary of Energy. fice was left on the ballot even though thread. Management of this Depart- As Secretary, Senator Abraham will all duties had been absorbed by the ment is truly a daunting assignment. face a number of important and dif- State of Montana. She was elected and National security and energy policy ficult challenges. Clearly, we must ad- she resigned, and the office went with will present some of his largest chal- dress our dependence on foreign her. lenges. In the national security area, sources of energy and the current spike Mary was a great vocal advocate for he and Undersecretary John Gordon, in fuel prices that is driving transpor- agriculture. That is what she will be Administrator of the National Nuclear tation and heating costs to unaccept- remembered as. She was politically in- Security Administration are respon- ably high levels. In my state of North formed and active. She was a mentor to sible for all aspects of our nuclear Dakota, home heating costs are pain- all who knew her. She was one of those stockpile and a wide range of non-pro- fully high for many families. And this rare people who, as an activist, fought liferation programs. These two dimen- spring farmers will face high input with grace and dignity for what she sions represent the two different major costs as they head into their fields. I do really believed in. approaches to improved national secu- not think developing a comprehensive It is with great sadness that we see rity, minimizing threats that could and effective long-term answer will be her slip into history. Our prayers go jeopardize our peace and prosperity and easy, but the strength of our economy out to her and her husband Ove and, of insuring our ability to protect our- will depend, in part, on our success in course, their family. She was a great selves if necessary. controlling energy price hikes. lady, with grace, who represented a Among many important areas, the In addition, our most populous state, great, great industry. NNSA must strive to rebuild morale at California, is in the middle of an elec- Mr. President, I yield the floor. the weapons laboratories, develop a tricity crisis. Again, this has potential VerDate Aug 31 2005 11:02 Feb 28, 2007 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S23JA1.000 S23JA1 erjones on PRODPC74 with SENATE 578 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE January 23, 2001 implications for our economy. Finally, Lest we forget the importance of NOMINATION OF DONALD RUMSFELD the security problems at our national higher education, Dr. Paige has also Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, as was labs will present a difficult challenge spent time as an administrator and apparent to all who attended Mr. for our next Secretary of Energy. teacher at Utica Junior College, Jack- Rumsfeld’s confirmation hearing be- Senator Abraham has been a capable son State, and Texas Southern Univer- fore the Senate Armed Services Com- and dedicated colleague for the past six sity. In fact, Dr. Paige served as the mittee, our new President has made a years. As he noted in his confirmation dean of the College of Education at good choice for Secretary of Defense, hearing, his views have evolved since Texas Southern prior to serving on the one of the nations most important of- he was first elected to this body. Then, Houston School Board. fices. Mr. Rumsfeld held this senior po- he called for the abolition of the De- I would also like to touch upon one sition during the Ford administration, partment of Energy. Now he looks for- final aspect of Dr. Paige’s career and a time when some Members of Congress ward to service as our next Secretary that is his time as a football coach.
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