![1941-09-23 [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Weather Forecast Tt Mostly clear, with lowest tonight about 51 de- grees; tomorrow fair and somewhat cooler. Temperatures today—Highest, 90, at 3:45 p.m.; lowest, 55, at 6:15 a.m.; 89 at 4 p.m. Prom th· United Statu wentner Bureau report. Full Details on Paie A-2. WITH SUNDAY Closing Ν. Y. Markets—Sales, Page 16. MORNING EDITION UP) Mean» AwocJated Pre··. τ 89th YEAR. No. 35,574. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1941—FORTY-EIGHT PAGES. THREE CENTS. t 1 U. S. PREPARING TO ARM MERCHANT SHIPS, s SEEK MODIFICATION OF NEUTRALITY ACT Cards Win After Being Shut Out in First; Alsab Beats Requested Pink Star Sunk By Submarine, ·- Pennant Hopes Army Private Track Record Billion Needed Arrested on President Says ; Hit as Pirates Set by Chicago To Feed British, Vessel Was Armed; ^ Spy Charges Strikes Must Not Pj the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Sept, 23. —Rene Tie Up Boats, He Says Divide Pair Froehiich, 30. a private in the Army Bargain Colt Wickard at Fort Gover- Says Medical Jay, Corps (Earlier Story on Page A-l.) nors Island, was held today on a ^ St. Louis Now Must Federal espionage charge accusing Wins by 4 Lengths Agriculture Chief, Bv JOHN C. HENRY. him of being a member of an inter- The United States Government national ^ Win All While spy ring. After Trailing Stettinius Testify Is preparing to take steps to arm Pvt. Froehiich was held in $25,000 I merchant President Roose- bail on the same charge that re- On ships, v, Even Most of Way Lease-Lend Aid * Dodgers Split sulted in the arrest several weeks I velt told a press conference late Bv FRANCIS E. STAN, ago of Kurt Frederick Ludwig, de- By the Associpted Press. By the Assoctsted Press. today. v scribed in the indictment as master Star Staff Correspondent. NEW YORK, Sept. 23 —Alsab, Testifying that England now To clear the way for this step, 4 spy in the alleged ring's American the owned was on short amend- PITTSBURGH, Sept. 23.—With activities. bargain 2-year-old by rations, Secretary the Chief Executive said, of their backs against the wall and Ludwig and three others, includ- Mrs. Albert Sabath of Chicago, Agriculture Wickard said to- ment of the Neutrality Act will be ^ the National League pennant ing two young Brooklyn workers and defeated Ben F. Whitaker's Tex- day a minimum of $1,000,000,000 requested of Congress next week. a New York woman virtually within the grasp of the young secretary, as-owned Requested by four was needed to supply England The extent of the revision of the > were ordered yesterday to go to trial after a 4-0 de- lengths in their $10,000, winner- with food during the next five statute has not been deter- Brooklyn Dodgers, October 6 on the indictment, which yet feat in the opening game, the specifically charged them with ob- take-all match race at 6V2 fur- months. mined, he said, and is still under J St. Louis Cardinals fought back taining vital American defense se- longs at Belmont Park today. Secretary Wickard was one of the deliberation. in the to crets for transmission to the German Pulling away in the final three- first witnesses before the House Ap- Mr. Roosevelt disclosed for the first nightcap today swamp v* government through agents in Spain sixteenths, Alsab broke the track propriations Committee as it started the the Pittsburgh Pirates, 9 to 0. time this afternoon that and Portugal. record, traveling the distance in hearings on President Roosevelt's freighter Pink Star, sinking of which As a result of the split, the Dod- Pvt. Froehiich was arrested on a j 1:16, one and one-fifth seconds fast- request for an additional $5,985,000,- was announced last night by the gers retained their and a half ; ^ game See ESPIONAGE, Page 2-X.) er than the previous mark hung up 000 for lease-lend aid. State Department, had been sent to lead over the Cards, with each team in bv Audacious under 119 pounds "Great Britain is dependent upon the bottom by a submarine attack having four games left to play. J 1920. North America for huge quantities about 275 miles northeast of Cape In order to win the pennant the The victory gave the 2-year-old of food stuffs," Wickard : Farewell, Greenland. « Cardinals would have to win all Secretary son of Good Goods his 12th triumph testified. "The deficit has to be He revealed further that the ship, four if the Dodgers only break even. Tobey Flare-up by ran in 19 starts and his earnings made up from this country and American-owned but sailing under -<* Max Lanier, one of the four south- to $88,065. As a yearling he cost Canada unless the British are to Panamanian registry, was carrying · paws on the St. Louis club, turned only $700. lose to Nazi Germany." at least one mounted gun. in an in the 'Marks of eight-hit performance Testimony Favorite. were Requested Slight Another witness. Lease-Lend Lashes at Dictators. second game, but the heroes " With Requested the slight choice Administrator E. for Iceland with 20-year-old Stan Musial, rookie out- R. Stettinius, was Bound general of the crowd of more than 20,000, fielder from Rochester, and 37-year- at said by committee members to have cargo, the Pink Star was sailing in a Schenck Hearing Alsab returned $3.70 for $2. old Estel Crabtree. urged them to reject any prohibi- Canadian-escorted convoy. No word Jackie Westrope broke Requested tions which would bar aid to Russia. has been received, the President Rookie and Veteran Star. yet ! in front and he led at distances said, of the fate of the 34-man crew. Loew's President Quizzed At the same time, however, mem- Together they slapped out six of varying from a length to a Remarking then that all consid- lengtlj bers said Mr. Stettinius explained t the Cards' eight hits, including a Senators and a half to the top of the stretch. erations of detail to the By Probing that it was not the policy of the pertinent home run apiece. They scored five Bobby Vedder then let the Chi- constitute "a red Government now to aid Russia sinking herring ^ of the runs and drove across as Movie Propaganda cago colt out a notch and he pulled across the issue of national through the lease-lend progTam, but I single , many against Truett Sewell and Joe up within a head. They ran that ! the President emphasized that in view of the un- defense, thereupon Sullivan. A third Pirate By J. A. O'LEARY. way to the three-sixteenths pole, bitterest the pitcher, certainty of the future, restric- I assailed in terms ^ The Senate Subcommittee inquiry where Alsab took command and any 6-foot 9-inch Johnny Gee. mopped tive \ dictator-prompted war of today. was privisioru would be especially up. The Pittsburgh infield was no into motion picture propaganda under a strong hand ride pulled It is perfectly clear what is hap- ! undesirable. marked a between > help, making four miscues. today by flare-up away. pening in the world today, he ex- > Senator of New Musial opened the big fourth by Tobey. Republican, Dogpatch, ft rank outsider from 1 plained. We are facing the most and Nicholas Schenck, V. British Wheat drawing a walk, and went to third Hampshire, Mrs. Ethel Mars' Milky Way Supplies Λ j outrageous movement in all history, of Loew's, Inc., who testi- farm Mrs. on Crabtree's single to center. president whipped Payne Whitney's Declared Greatest Ever in which a certain group is trying > Musial scored and Crabtree went to fied his company nad a $3,500,000 highly touted combination of Shut I to dominate the world. investment in a British theater Out and Devil Diver in the first LONDON. Sept. 23 i/P).—Baron second on Crespi's grounder to Cox, Objective Is Held Defense. chain and owned interest in seven division of the trial. Woolton, British Minister of Food, whose throw to the plate was late. Futurity This Government is to de- ^ Australian and three Canadian Devil Diver Second. said in a speech at Norwich today trying On Marion's sacrifice, Gustine's fend the Americas, he continued. 1 theaters. in the last sixteenth that Great Britain now had throw went wide of second into Pulling away bigger and has made clear in- stocks of wheat than ; Congress its Mr. Schenck had insisted through, of the six-furlong dash down the at any time In Λ center field, Crabtree scoring, Crespi i tention to help in every way those a series of questions that he beat Devil history. going to third and Marion to second long straight away, Dogpatch ! opposing the dictator nations. ( could not recall the names of all Diver, winner of the Hopeful at Sar- Great Britain is the third on the throw-in. j1 entering Such a policy, he went on. tends subsidiary corporations connected a and a half in the of war Martin then threw out Mancuso atoga, by length year with plentiful stocks of also to prevent the dictators from with Loew's, in which he is a di- fast time of 1:10. Shut Out wound all he added. ^ and also Lanier. On the latter play, sorts, gaining footholds where they may rector. and hisses followed sixth as Herbert M. Wolfe's Con- however, Fletcher tried to catch j Applause up The Food Ministry reduced the threaten this Nation. That is why, Senator exclamation: landed in the third Marion off second, his throw was Tobey's traduction spot, controlled price of a four-pound he explained further, American "If you are Exhibit A of the aver- ! a half back of Devil Diver.
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