Mteotilano&'dS Reeding. ptay to be utterly false, aad the entire story made out ot whole ckHh. Heaslur Morton, of Indians, and Governor I HI SB COQVKTKT. Noyes, of Ohio, opened the Republican (Nate pk to *44* ~toad •on.h.1, as d«»rt ftoabita* campaign at Athena, Ohio, on the JSd. A r a into Pw «X for m ear: Cincinnati dispatch of the 24th says Mr. Mor ­ 1£» jrwonMfl ’ that b lookiV m tbmta' tto toy 1w Ibe tort to m* breaat W tot stteota' away.* ’ ten was then suffering from coaaiderabio " TV* «oti (to tout Into, 1* MlHMftwfito, hoarseness, incident to his effort the day be­ ▲to throw* to a glance from tor avtrj bias fore, and ia consequence had recalled hla ap­ Independent. pointments at Dayton, Cleveland, Norwalk VAiroh. tain," ertos Patrick *• *tb tklokla a* yoa nod Toledo. That * stakin' uiv tortekk, m tiarliut, ttat'i Ami A man, calling himself Baker, was arrested Bam l’tv waited a har wblW to toll y* (to wae, at Das Moines, Iowa, on the 2Md, for (isaaiug ▲to *tof Matoaey II be bob a futov »i—■” fries Biddy. *f»w duns wet ytrr ui kta‘, I ptay, a counterfeit $500 greenback. The paper ton? mo torfi lot am ova for Ibb many a toy I of the counterfeit la much heavier VOL. VII.—NO. 10. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1873. d coarser than tha genuine, tha WHOLE NO. 358. vignette of John Q. Adams is a little darker, the upper lip being somewhat blurred. The Ink on the back ia a shade darker. Tto of two or three hundred ftot ohly, thebal I n written Heroes. Vienna, and aro spending the Oeneral Sews summAry. Her. Gardiner Spring, for sixty-three years wounded, though to managed to ©scape. Tbe ibe work ia not so distinct. Tbe numbers, loon being confined and drawn back to summer in Bwitxerlanu. They say tto pastor of tto Brick Church (Presbyterian) friends of Matthews, to the number of which are generally a pale red ou counter ­ Anak Paihrtt k.” nto Biddy, “ aa' atom am the earth by roues Finally, on the 2tst A mid all the horrors of the recent rail­ that the Emperor has been more attentive congregation, in New York City, died at hi# 150, entered tbe village in tbe evening and feits, arc perfect. It ia also a perfect imita­ bam TMtot ’tto toot day of November, 1788, he and the Mar­ road disaster near Ijetnont —and we can to them than any one else. TUB ©LB WOULD. a* ya’m The Madrid tCpoen of the 18th alleges that residence in that city on the 18th, aged 89 killed a man named Tries. Warrants were tion ot the silk mixed paper now being used ■bowin'. quis de Arlandes went up together In the scarcely recall any catastrophe of a simi­ The American division of the machine- years. issued for the arrest of Manes and hla party. To lave me «d auddim t* " Oeb. Biddy." artes Pat. basket, amid the shouts and applause of a lar nature wheth tbe details have bfcfl ty department continued to attract great the Fr**u» h Government wan secretly favoring by the Government, and ia well calculated to “ Yoa bam knocked tto cock Traitor )uot out a« great thruug of people, a ho beheld the the operations of tbe car lists In order to It is reported that in a small bouse near Subsequently be and his followers, to tto deceive. moil; terrible—It Is refreshing to read of attention, and nearly every piece of La Cygne, Kan., during the night of the 17th, numtor of thirty, cutercd Perryville sod took ** i'oam back. Pat,’’ mm oto " What fur, thin*" machine majestically anil lag upward to the hob'e humanity afid heroic effort to machinery has upon it a card with the strengthen tbe cause of the Count de Cham- Au ludianapolls dispatch of tbe 34th says tuo women and two children were consumed, possession of the Court House. It wse under ­ •ay* bo. the height of about ft.OilU feet. They re­ relieve suffering which were characteris­ word "sold ” printed in large letters. This txird. A dUpatch from Csrlist source* on tbe tto cholera had entirely disappeared from that ** lfekase 1 atonal yoa all tto tins*. Hr P says ato. stood the! tbe state militia bad toco detailed mained Tn the air about half an hout,*«ail tic of some of the passengers on the Ill- of itself is a mark of appreciation that is 18th states that the French Government had and all are believed to have been murdered, city. to preserve order. log over a porthm of Paris, in full view fated train. It does not mitigate the suf­ unmistakable. Ho, also, in the American taken the initiatory steps towards recognising and the bouse fired, by tha hualmnd c4 one of Mr. T. R. Allen, Master of the State Grange Tbe recent Rrputdlcan State Convention of OVH OWN. of the inhabitants, and descended In safety ferings of the poor victims; Ft cannot re­ Agricultural Building, nearly all the the CarilsU as belligerent*, having issued or ­ the victims, named K* llar. of Missouri, recently reported that there were five miles from where they set out U|»on store the dead to life or alleviate the sor ­ reapers and mower* are marked "sold, ” der* permitting the transit of anas and muni ­ J. Puffenterger, the engineer of the coal train Texas renominated K. J. Davis for Governor. 540 Granges in the State, with an average If V had known la tto morning their adventurous pioneer voyage. which rauaad tto recent terrible collision on The balance of the ticket ie composed m Uow w« arilv all tto day row in so many households; It does not as well as many of the drills, horse rakes tions of war between the two Custom-House membership of seventy-five. This was the first wrial journey ever palliate the critnlhal foolhardiness and tto Chicago A Alton Railroad, was under ar­ follow*; For Lieutenant Governor, P. If. Tin* ward* unkind would trmtbfc my mito and plowa. indeed. It is evident Dial lines In the south of France. Mr*. Sarah Johnson, of Little Rock, Ark., That I aaid when yon went away, made by human beings, so far ns authentic recklessness of the conductor of the there will be very little of what has been rest in Chicago on the 19th. Edward Beane, Taylor; Comptroller, J. W. Thomas; Treasur­ Charles Frederick August William, Duke of was bitten by s rabid cat about a year ago, and 1 bad been morn careful, darting. records are to to found. Ftrith that day freight train—and yet one cannot read of brought here from the United States to be tto conductor on the coal train, who reside* in er, A. T. Moore; I .and Commissioner, Jacob Nor given yoa needle** pain ; Brunswick, Germany, died recently, of apo ­ died recently of hydrophobia. l*nt wc ms our own with look and tone to this many thousands of ascensions have the noble work of these men and women, taken back again, and, when at Trieste Joliet, had not yet been arrested, although Koehler; Superintendent of Education, A. B. plexy, aged 8 i years. By his will he leaves Judge Thomas A. K. Nelaon, ex-Associate mli;bt never take back again. been made tn Kuro|>e and America, until and of the remarkable fact that, although N*t week} ctif Consul told tts that one of efforts were tolng made to discover hla where­ Morton. A resolution waa adopted endorsing the whole of his landed and personal estate to Justice of tto Supreme Court of tto United balloon voyages have become almost too thisdisaster oeeurm! In a neighborhood the vessels that brought tbe goods over abouts. Puffeubergsr peeks to throw all the tbe Administration of President Grant. Fur though in tto qnkrt evening common to excite remark. The danger inhabited by rough people, there was not the city of Geneva. •tale*, died at Knoxville, Tenn., ou tto 24th. Ton mar give me tto kb> of peace, was about to Ik * sent home. The Aifieri blame for tto cotltafon on the conductor, al­ The Bureau of Education at Washington Yet It well might he that never for me attending them aflords a piquant and at­ an unseemly act committed, without feel­ can machinery for the manufacture of A Vienna special of the ltMh says: "Tbe The steamer George C. Wolf was blown up leging that his (Puffcntorger ’s) watch was haa Information that Chicago and Cincinnati at 8L Francis Island, In the Mississippi, on Tto pain of th< heart abould caaee; tractive element to a peculiar class of ing a sense of thankftilnea* ami admira ­ shoes, of which there is a good display, distribution of the prises was a very tame af­ How many go forth at morning fifty minutes slow, and that to was not aware each received from the Vienna Exposition tto minds; but, according to Professor Wise tion, and having a more abiding faith in attracts great attention. It was in motion fair. There were only at>out 8,000 person* tbe evening of the 23d. Twelve persona were Who n*ver come home a' "‘fbt! of this fact. By the rules of the Company, grand medal of progress for a system of edu ­ ▲to heart* have broken for han>h words spoken. mid tuber champions of ballooning, it has the nobilityof humanity. It is no dit today, and so great was the throng of prevent.
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