November 19-29, 1998 72nd Fall North American Bridge Championships Orlando, Florida Volume 72, Number 5 Tuesday, November 24, 1998 Editors: Brent Manley and Henry Francis They won the Women's Board-a-Match Teams: seated, Sylvia Moss, Mildred Breed and Tops in the Open Board-a-Match Teams: seated, Grant Baze, Michael Whitman and George Judi Radin; standing, Shawn Quinn, Peggy Sutherlin and Petra Hamman. Mittelman; standing, Brad Moss and Fred Gitelman. Texas-NY squad Baze captures Thewins team captainedWomens by Judi Radin Board-a-MatchSix years ago at the NABC in Or- stormed into the lead in the first final lando, Michael Whitman played the first session of the Women’s Board-a-Match day in the Open Board-a-Match Teams. Teams and held on to win by a little more He flew to Houston on business the next than a board. day but planned to return in time to play Radin and her partner Sylvia Moss the evening session. Bad weather are from New York. Their teammates, grounded his plane, however, and all from Texas, were Mildred Breed, Whitman didn’t make it back in time to Continued on page 4 Continued on page 4 Murphy squeaks by NewEffective LM Jan. requirement 1, 1999, new members will be required to earn 50 black points inIn Senior the Senior Knockout Knockouts Teams, the in conjunction with existing requirement No. 2 seed captained by James Murphy to become a Life Master. had to hold on for dear life in the last This means that to become a Life quarter as the Bob Rosen squad made a Helen Gustafson: Master it will be necessary to win 300 Wayne Hascall determined rush. Rosen fell 1 IMP short, points, 50 of which must be black, 50 of 158-157. Earlier MURPHY had rallied GrandHelen Gustafson, Life Masterhalf of one of which must be silver, and 50 of which winsWayne Hascallin District of Spring Lake 12 MI from a 20-IMP halftime deficit to go out ACBL’s most successful husband-wife must be red (of the red points, at least was announced yesterday as the winner front by 17 entering the final 16 boards. pairs, has passed 10,000 masterpoints. 25 must be gold). of the District 12 berth on the ACBL Playing with Murphy are David Adams, With two wins in nationally rated events The purpose of the new requirement Board of Directors. A special election Ed Lewis, Joe Kivel, and Jim and to her credit, Gustafson is now a Grand is to make sure new players earn a certain had to be held because of the death of Continued on page 2 Continued on page 6percentage of their points at club games. Continued on page 6 Miriam Martin Goodwill folks named Goodwill honor Jayne Member of Year Thomas When Goodwill Committee Outgoing District 9 Director Chairman Aileen Osofsky called Jayne Thomas was the center of at- Miriam Martin of Greenville NC yes- traction at yesterday’s Goodwill terday, Miriam was thrilled -- and a Committee meeting. She was toasted bit shocked -- to learn that she was by Goodwill Chairman Aileen selected as the ACBL Goodwill Mem- Osofsky for her outstanding work ber of the Year. over the years at both the national During the Goodwill Committee and the local levels. Then many of meeting, with more than 100 mem- her close friends and associates also bers present, Osofsky dialed the North paid tribute to her friendship and ac- Carolina number as the spectators complishments. It was the perfect hushed. day to honor Jayne -- she also was “I’m numb -- I’m so surprised,” Jayne Thomas, second from left, was honored yesterday at the meeting of the Goodwill celebrating her birthday. Continued on page 6 Committee. She was toasted by, left to right, Joan Gerard, Virgil Anderson and Barbara Continued on page 6 Nudelman. Page 2 Daily Bulletin SPECIAL EVENTS Did South do 9 a.m.-noon Club Directors Course,Tuesday, Orlando I. Nov. 24 9:15 a.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Ellie Hanlon, Evaluation -- Reevaluation. anything wrong? In the first roundBy ofAlan the Truscott Senior Knockout Teams, Orlando Room. Hanlon, Lake Worth FL, is a past president of District 9 (Florida) and Ken Barbour was West and I was East in the following Unit 128 (Florida’s largest unit). She is a Diamond Life Master and a member of the layout: National Goodwill Committee. Hanlon and frequent partner Sallie Landa invented Dlr: South A 10 6 2 LAHAN, a secondary use of Stayman. After 1NT-2 and the response, a 3 rebid « ¨ ¨ Vul: N-S A K Q 9 5 2 asks for minor-suit distribution -- aiming toward a minor suit slam. ª A 6 10 a.m.-noon Seminar: Using the Computer for Teachers/Clubs. Bayhill I & II. Lynn Berg. No fee © 10 (purchase of course materials is optional). Big-screen demonstrations on how to use your ¨ K 9 7 4 Q J 3 computer for advertising, teaching, playing, scoring and more. « « 10:30 a.m.-noon Easybridge!© Accreditation course with Edith McMullin. $25. Butler Room. ªJ 10 7 3 ª8 4 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Kathie Wei-Sender, Championship ©J 8 3 ©K 10 7 2 Bridge. Orlando Room. Wei-Sender, Nashville, Ambassador of Bridge for the World ¨7 3 ¨Q J 9 6 Bridge Federation and ACBL Honorary Member in 1987, has won three women’s «8 5 world events: the World Women’s Pairs in 1978, the World Olympiad Women’s ª6 Teams in 1984 and the Venice Cup in 1987. She is a contributor to various national ©Q 9 5 4 and international bridge publications, including a regular weekly column with Alan ¨A K 8 5 4 2 Truscott in China’s People’s Daily. West North East South 11:30 p.m. Magic Show, Florida III, Convention level. Pass Pass 1ª Pass 2¨ Pass 2« Pass 3¨ Pass 3ª Pass 3NT 9 a.m.-noon Club Directors Course,Wednesday, Orlando I. Nov. 25 All Pass 9:15 a.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Linda Perlman, When Not to Say Double. A diamond was led and ducked to the king. East Orlando Room. Perlman, West Palm Beach FL, is a professional bridge player and returned the ¨Q, seriously damaging South’s commu- teacher. She has one NABC win and four seconds. Her team finished tied for 3-4 in nications. South won with the ace and played the top the McConnell Cup at the 1994 world championships. Perlman is planning to open hearts. He then cashed the ©A and led a fourth heart, Bridge City, a new bridge club in Lake Park, in December or January. leaving West on lead in this position: 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Michael Huston, The Clean Game -- «A 10 6 2 Avoiding Brouhahas. Orlando Room. Huston, Joplin MO, is a former English ª9 5 professor and former labor relations consultant. He is now a professional bridge ©--- player, bridge teacher and labor arbitrator. Huston is a member of the National ¨--- Appeals Committee and a Diamond Life Master with numerous regional wins. K 9 7 4 Q J 3 11:30 p.m. Tortilla chips, salsa and beer. Coconuts on Recreation level. « « ª--- ª--- ©J ©--- ¨7 ¨J 9 6 Thursday, Nov. 26 «8 5 Thanksgiving Day ª--- Q 9 9:15 a.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Lynn Berg, Is This a Forcing Bid? How © ¨K 8 do I Know It’s Forcing? Orlando Room. Berg, DeLand FL, is the education coordina West could have led the K, providing for a single- tor for District 9 (Florida) and the education liaison for Unit 128. She is a Silver Life « ton honor in the South hand, but that seemed unlikely. Master, a member of the National Charity Committee and president of the ACBL He did the best he could to deal with the actual layout Educational Foundation. Berg, the manager of the DeLand Bridge Club, is an by leading the 9. This was covered with the 10 and accredited teacher and a One-Star Teacher (a recognition earned by teaching 100 « jack, and when the queen was led South could not es- students the Club, Diamond, Heart or Spade Series). Berg is the IN Program cape defeat. Coordinator for the Orlando NABC and the organizer of an outstanding school program which attracted more than 600 students this fall in Daytona County. We were pleased with our defense. But could South 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: John Blubaugh, The Law of Total Tricks. have done better? See page 6. Orlando Room. Blubaugh, Indianapolis, began playing bridge at age 37 and became a Life Master 15 months later. He is a two-time winner of Mini-McKenney awards: Senoir KO Rookie of the Year in 1987 and Regional Master of the Year in 1988. Blubaugh, a Continued from page 1 graduate of Purdue University and a member of MENSA, is a Diamond Life Master who has won numerous regional titles. Corinne Kirkham. 11:30 p.m. The Velvetones dance band. Cash bar and snacks. Coconuts on the Recreation level.. The 3 seed, captained by James Koley, also had a tight one. Koley, Gene Simpson, Gene Freed, Syd Levey and Simon Kantor trailed by 1 at the quarter, went up by 8 at the half, held onto a 2-IMP lead after the third MagicalTuesday is your Tuesday day to be amazed, Check cashingCheck and Bridge cashing Bucks sales take place quarter, and increased their lead to 6 at the end, 108- thanks in part to Unit 240.
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