Thursday, December 8, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Five The United Churches of lone Congregational and Christian services to any home needing hia and Lexington churches of the two towns have uni- help. We invite people of any church The Rev. C. F. Trimble, Pastor. ted their services and have called and those who do not belong to any Sunday school in the Christian the present pastor to serve the com- church to unite with us in work and munity. They want their pastor to worship. Church in each town at 10 a. m. serve the entire community in ev- The pastor will preach in the Chris- ery way he can be of use, and he Potted plants at all times, phone R. tian church at lone at 11 a. m. His C. Phelps and Harold Hill re- BULL CAR OVERTURNS takes this opportunity to offer his 1332: will deliver. 15tf turned home Saturday evening from theme for this service will be, "The Hollis Bull, former Kerr-Giffo- rd a business visit of several days in Glory of Going On." Christian En- representative in this county and Portland. Mr. Phelps reported see- deavor at lone in the Christian ing Allan Bean, former clerk in the now manager of Gilliam County church at 6:30 p. m. Christian En- local bank, who is now located with Grain Growers warehouse at Con- deavor at the Lexington Congre- gational church at 6:30. Sermon the auditing department of the head don, suffered the misfortune of his in office, First National Bank of Port- the Lexington Congregational church car overturning sta- land. near Wild Cat at 7:30. tion while on his way to the East- Note from pastor: The Baptist, Eugene Matteson spent last week ern Oregon Wheat league meeting in town from the mountain home in at The Dalles last Friday morning. the Board creek section undergoing He sustained but a slight laceration treatment for an attack of flu. He of the forehead as a result. G. J. O Ten Years Ago was able to be about Monday, hav- Ryan and partyfrom Lexington were ing recuperated quite well. first to appear on the scene and help Mr. Bull out of his difficulties. (Gazette Times, Dec. 13, 1928) Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stone who left Heppner first of the last week have Come in and see our assortment George C. Aiken, prominent bus- located at Mason City, Wash., where of fine Christmas Cards. Your name iness man and pioneer, succumbs to Mr. Stone has a mar- position in a printed adds distinction. Two very heart attack. ket, according to word by received reasonable prices $1.50 and $2.00. R. W. Turner leaves on trip to friends here. Quantity limited so you had better Holy Land. Henry Baker, from the Goose- hurry. Heppner Gazette Times. Heppner Luncheon club assists Christmas berry community, was transacting plans for E. O. Wheat League meet- business here Monday. Rains in his ing at Arlington, Feb. 13. THROUGH all of the year no other holi-da- y section last week end wel- THE were Fathers and sons banquet last is quite so big as Christmas. come. night draws 50 to aid Boy Scouts. No other Gifts mean quite so much as m Miss Marjorie Parker was suffi- STAR Reporter Jess Beardsley of The Dalles is Christmas Gifts. Yet Christmas is gone ciently recovered from her recent supplying as conductor on the local so quickly and many Christmas Gifts are m appendicitis operation to resume her train. all too soon forgotten. Why not give a dusties this week at the local branch, WHAT IS A SLEEPER? Ben G. Buschke, 40, dies following gift you know will last all through the First National Bank of Portland. In the language of the movie bus- operation at Pendleton. Mrs. Julia years, that will bring them a pleasant re- J. L. Cochran who has been ser- iness, a "sleeper" is a picture that Matteson passes at home here. Wil- minder of you who gave them. iously ill at St. Anthony's hospital comes through the studios, unher- liam McDaniel, former resident, dies in Pendleton is gaining quite rapidly alded and unsung almost unnoticed at Clagstone, Idaho. GIVE announces his sister, Mrs. Wilson and TURNS OUT TO BE BET- Five true bills returned by grand JEWELRY Bayless. TER ENTERTAINMENT THAN jury. Judge Fee adjourns court til SOME OF THE SUPER-COLOS-SAL- S! A Gift of the Ages and Lasting Henry Smouse, Louis Marquardt March. W. A few1 of those confined to their and O. Cutsforth were among picture is "A Man to Re- m Such a homes with influenza are Mrs. Sam north Lexington farmers transact- which Shirley, member" in Anne Lininger, Irma Lovgren, Mrs. B. ing business in the city Monday. and other great troup- Edward Ellis Stanley Moore. PETERSON'S Mr. and Mrs. T. Babb, Mrs. J. V. ers bring you the story of a country Crawford and Dick were "week-en- d doctor. We join Hollywood's critics Phelps Funeral Home visitors in Portland. in urging you not to miss it. It will JEWELRY STORE .as Ambulance Service come to your theater on Friday and For Sale '29 Dodge '29 truck, Ford Saturday. Trained Lady Assistant sedan, lot of chickens, $1 ea. A. Stef-an- i, The companion picture on the Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. lone, Ore. 38-- 39 Friday-Saturd- ay double feature pro- Rebekahs will hold a food sale Sat- gram is "Colorado Trail," featuring urday morning, Dec. 1, at Hughes' Charles Starrett, Iris Meredith and store. the singing cowboy group, Sons of the Pioneers. Starrett reached Hol- Legion Conference lywood via Dartmouth College where he was a member of Dartmouth's Draws Good Crowd famous "Wonder football team." Representatives from most of the The Hi-Y- o Silver Matinees at posts and units of the 6th district, 2:30 on Saturday are starting off THE WAY American Legion and Auxiliary, with a bang. Why not get in on the (0g were present at the first district con- fun? 10c for everyone. ference in the state held here Fri- day afternoon and evening. State The Sunday - Monday feature officials attending included John "Four Daughters is based on Fannie TO BUY YOUR CAR Beckwith of Portland, department Hurst's famous story "Sister Act" commander; E. L. Knight, La and features the three Lane Sisters Grande, department er; (Priscilla, Rosemary and Lola) and is to arrange the financing through The Carl R. Moser, Portland, depart- Gale Page as the Four Daughters. ment adjutant; Jerry Owens, Salem, It is not claimed to be magnificent, First National Bank, then pay cash to department historian and editor of colossal, gigantic, stupendous or the Oregon Legionnaire; Marion amazing, but we do claim that here Coyner, Pendleton, 6th district com- the dealer or owner. Your convenient indeed is delightful, heart-warmi- ng mander; Mrs. Hazel Snyder, Astoria, entertainment, the kind of picture monthly repayments to this bank bring department president; Mrs. Mae that deserves the patronage of every Whitcomb, Portland, department man, woman and child. secretary, and Mrs. Marie Todd, you these additional advantages: Hermiston, 6th district president. Edward G. Robinson once thought Following the afternoon confer- himself something of a specialist in ences, held at the Elks hall and at gangster roles. Then Columbia made V LOWEST FINANCING COSTS the home of Mrs. Spencer Crawford, "I AM THE LAW and Mr. Robin- dinner was enjoyed at Hotel Hepp- son was cast as a fighting prosecutor ner, with . entertainment furnished who cleans up the rackets. The fea- V YOU MAKE A CASH DEAL by Mitchell post, the baby post of ture comes to the Star on Tuesday the district, having but reecntly re- only. There is a fine supporting cast. ceived its charter. In the evening, at V ESTABLISH BANK CREDIT Elks hall, Commander Beckwith and Imagine Public Funnyman No. 1 President Snyder addressed a good as a superman on the gridiron . audience on matters of interest not and the modern Hercules of the J PLACE INSURANCE WHERE only to ex-serv- ice people but to the wrestling ring! Tearing down the general public as well. Commander field for a hundred-laug- h gain . Coyner presided at the meeting, and and throwing ferocious Man Moun- YOU WISH the Heppner school band gave a tain Dean for a total loss! That is short concert preceding the speak- Joe E. Brown in THE GLADIATOR, one-thir- d ing program. Wednesday-Thursda- y. Under this plan you supply the price Posts and units represented were The short subjects consist of a Milton-Freewat- in trade-i- n lend Pendleton, er, Ar- newsreel covering reciprocal trade or cash; we you the balance lington, Hermiston, Mitchell, lone pacts, skiing at Mt. Hood, California to pay for both car and insurance. and Heppner. vs. Stanford, Notre Dame vs. North- western; an Our Gang comedy in which the kids get a yen for the YOU NEED NOT BE A DEPOSITOR TO FINANCE THROUGH THIS BANK 1 1 theater; and the story of Michel de CHRISTMAS Trees Nostradamus who became one of the greatest doctors of all time. ALL SIZES Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan Jr. HEPPNER BRANCH (lone) are invited to present this Order early and coupon for complimentary admis- EC get your pick. sions. To be used before December THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN 16th. GREEN'S OF PORTLAND JSfk. FEED STORE StarTheater AWlll P" "Ffref National Bank West of the Rockies" HEPFHTB, OBB. MEMBER FEDIIAl DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION.
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