— A a PPi ■ i ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Published by Authority Vo.LXVm,No. 75 9th NOVEMBER, 1990 Price $2 m General Notice 652 of 1990. Tender number GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD C/0281/90. Supply of Caramel coloured plastic cup—Quantas design (no saucer). Closing date, 29.11.90. Tenders Invited C/0282/90. Supply of Caramel coloured plastic teaspoons. Closing date, 29.11.90. i Tenders must be enctmed In sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with U/0283/90. Supply of tailoring aircrew uniforms. Closing ' the advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be posted date, 29.11.90. in time to be sorted into Post Office 8075, Cauieway, or delivered by hand to the S^retary, Government Tender Board, Fifth Floor, Fanum House, S7, U/0284/90. SupNy of white uniform shirts—long sleeved. Clo­ ^ Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10. a.m. on the closing date notified. sing date, 29.11.90. Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the name of the tenderer, sBiv the service and the amount must be dispatched in time for delivery by the Post U/0285/90. Supply of white uniform shirts, short sleeved. Clo­ Office to the Seoetaryj Government Tender Board, by 10. a.m. on the closing sing date, 29.11.90. date and the confirmation tender posted not later than the closing time and date. The tdegraphic address is “Tenders, Harare**. U/0286/90. Supply of sky-blue short sleeved shirts (for port­ Note.—^Tenders which are not received by 10. a.m. on the closing date, whether ers). Closing date, 29.11.90. by hand, by post or by tdegraph, will be treated as late tenders. U/0287/90. Supply of sky-blue short sleeved shirts with If a deposit is required for tender documents, It will be refunded on re^pt of epaulettes (for security). Closing date, 29.11.90. a bona fide tender or if the tender documents are returned completo and unmarked before the closing date. U/0288/90. Supply of navy-blue long trousers for porters/ For supply contracts, the country of manufacture must be stated. When tenders, messengers. Qosing date, 29.11.90. are compared, a d^pee of preference is deducted from pri<^ tendered for goods manufactured in Zimbabwe. U/0289/90. Supply of navy-blue bunny jackets for porters. No tender c&n be withdrawn or amended during a period of 30 days (or Closing date, 29.11.90. another period specified in Under documents) from the stated closing date. U/0291/90. Supply of white overalls for engineers. Closing The Government does not bind itself to a^pt the lowest or any tender, and serves the right to select any tender in whole or in part. date, 29.11.90. Tenders which are prof^rly addressed to the Government Tender Board. In U/0292/90. Supply of white dustcoats for engineers. Closing envelopes with the advertised tender number and description endorsed on the date, 29.11.90. outside are not opened until 10.a.m. on the closing date. Members of the public may attend tbe opening of tenders on Fifth Floor, U/0293/90. Supply of sky-blue overalls for apprentices. Clos­ Fanum House, 57, Sunora Machel Avenue, Harare, from 10. a.m. onwards on ing date, 29.11.90. P the date specified. U/0294/90. Supply of sky-blue dustcoats for apprentices. Clo­ sing date, 29.11.90. C. C. MUCHENJE. Secretary, U/0295/90. Supply of green acid-resistant overalls for process Government Tender Boar^ 9-11-90. staff. Closing date, 29.11.90. Tender U/0296/90. Supply of khaki overalls for engineering assis­ number tants. Closing date, 29.11.90. T05/MM. Refurbishing of 2 CKIO Nissan trucks. Closing U/0297/90. Supply of navy-blue overalls for labourers. Closing date, 29.11.90. date, 29.11.90. C/0271/90. Supply of clear plastic whisky glasses. Closing U/0299/90. Supply of navy-blue poly/wool material for date, 29.11.90. pilots. Closing date, 29.11.90. ( C/0272/90. Supply of white/beige plastic knives and forks— Documents for tender numbers, T05/MM, C/0271 to disposable. Closing date, 29.11.90. U/0299/90 are Obtainable from the Chief Purchasing C/0273/90. Supply of clear plastic 10 OZ tumbler. Closing Officer, Air Zimbabwe Corporation, P.O. Box API, date, 29.11.90. Harare Airport. C/0274/90. Supply of small dark brown meal trays (B707). MED.442. Supply and delivery of radio commimication equip­ Closing date, 29.11.90. ment. Closing date, 6.12.90. Documents are obtainable C/0275/90. Supply of large dark brown meal frays (B707). &om the Controller, Medical Stores, P.O. Bra ST 23, Closing date, 29.1 l.W. Southerton, Harare. C/0276/90. Supply of small dark brown snack trays. Closing PTC.875S. Manufacture and supply of 300 000 paper toilet date, 29.11.90. rolls. Closing date, 29.11.90. C/0277/90. Supply of Caramel coloured rectangular sweet PTC.8764. -Catering facilities: Runhare House and Main dishes—plastic. Closing date, 29.11.90. Exchange. Closing date, 29.1 l.W. C/0278/90. Supply of Caramel coloured plastic disposable plates- Closing date, 29.11.90. Documents for tender Nos. 8755 and 8764, may be collected from the Secretary, PTC Purchasing Com­ C/0279/90. Supply of clear plastic marmalade pots and white mittee, Room No. S16, Tenth Floor, South Wing. lids. Closing date, 29.11.90. Runhare House, 107, Union Avenue, Harare, or by C/0280/90. Supply of Caramel coloured plastic cups and sau­ writing to the Secretary, PTC Purchasing Committee, cers (flyte). Closing date, 29.11.90. P.O. Box 8061, Causeway. 1032 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, ^ November, 1990 Tenders are invited from Electrical Contractors for-. Tender Tender number number 7. Execution and completion of work CON.203/90. Kwekwe: Electrical installation and reticula­ The work is to be executed within the given com­ tion at ZRP Central Phase 2 School. Oosing date, pletion period. 22.11.90. Documents are obtainable from Secretary for Public Construction and National Housing, Samora Note of General Information Machel Avenue (P.O. Box 8081, Causeway), Harare. Location: Aspindale Grain Depot is situated south­ 6517 : 2836. Fuel-injection piping. Closing date, 13.12.90. west of Central Harare. 6541 :2843. Williams spring levers. Closing date, 6.12.90. Tenders are invited from registered members of the Ministry 6510 : 2844. Packing. Closing date, 6.12.90. of Public Construction arid National Housing in category 6525 : 2845. Carriage and wagon parts: Centre (flat type). "D" and above for: Closing date, 6.12.90. BE/F15/90/91. Gutu: Construction of staff houses and asso­ Documents for tender numbers 6517 : 2836 to 6525 : ciated works 1 xR30. Clewing date, 29.11.90. 2845 are obtainable from the Supplies Manager, P.(V Box 1999, or District Storekeeper, P.O. Box 764, BE/F16/90/91. Chimanimani: Construction of staff houses Harare. and associated works 1 x ;R30. Closing date, 29.11.90. DEF. 14/90. Supply and delivery of bulk tea on an “as and Documents for tender Nos. BE/F16/90/91 and BE/F15/ when required” basis to Defence Forces establishments 90/91 may be collected from the Secretary, PTC Pur­ in Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare, Masvingo, Che- chasing Committee, Room No. S16, Tenth Floor, PTC gutu and Chiredzi; and tea bags to Harare and Bula­ Headquarters, 107, Union Avenue, Harare, or by writing wayo for the period 1st January, 1991 to 31st July, to the Secretary, PTC Purchasing Committee, P.O. Box 1991. Closing date, 29.11.90. 8061, Causeway. A cheque deposit of $50 per set of documents is required, and this will only be refundable DEF. 15/90. Supply and delivery (^pesticides on an “as and on submission of a bona fide tender, or on return of when required” contract baSs to the Defence Forces. the documents unmarked, prior to the advertised closing Period; 1st January, 1991 to 31st December, 1991. Clo­ date. sing date, 29.11.90. DEF. 16/90. Supply and delivery of vehicle spares to the Zimbabwe IJefence Forces. Closing date, 29.11.90. General Notice 653 of 1990. DEF.17/90. Supply and delivery of tools and equipment for GOLD TRADE ACT [CHAPTER 164] the Defence Forces, Harare Base Workshoi>s. Closing date, 29.11.90. DEF.18/90. Supply and delivery of workshop tools to the Confiscated Gold Defen(;e Forces. Closing date, 29.11.90. Documents for tender numbers DEF.14/90 to DEF. IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 29 of the Gold 18/90 are Obtainable from Army Headquarters, Directo­ Trade Act [Chapter 164], that the gold described in the rate of Procurement and Purctoing, Private Bag 7720, Schedule, which has been forfeited to the State, is in the Causeway. possession of the Ministry of Mines. EEC/W40/88. Notice of invitation to Tender No. EEC/ The gold may, by prior arrangement, be inspected by a W40/88 issued by the Grain Marketing Board of Zim­ person claiming a legal right to &e gold at the Ministry of babwe for a project financed by the European Economic Mines, Sixth Floor, Zimre Building, Union Avenue/Leopold Community, European Development Fund. Takawira Street, Harare, during the two months following the date of publication of this notice. 1. Participation Any person claiming a legal right to any of this gold may Participation is open on equal terms to all natural apply, in writing, within two months from the date of publica­ and legal persons, companies or firms of nationality tion of this notice, to the Secretary for Mines, Private Bag of countries who are signatories to the Lome II 7709, Causeway, Harare, for the delivery to him of such gold.
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