w.,... , ....... 'Z'I, UII V·....... 7.m.... ) ,LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Versien) , '-AiL .....1. .... ~i3Rm ..' N. B .. }Q.. ..• ... ..• ... _ Vat...... • lij~<?Ia:..... -.; L. .....".,._ • =WI (Vol. XXXIX ctmlllbu NIII. 4/ 10 53) LOE SAlIBA SItCUr.UAT NEW DD.ID ,.,.. : b. I.OIJ [OrfaIaaI BoaIIab proceed..... tDOJDded .. SaIHIb Vo'" ad 0rIiIDal1lllld1 tD BIIIdi V.... .. .,. ...ted .. • .....Uft It'd DOC eo CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Vol. XXXIX, Tenth Session, 1988/1909-10 (Saka») No. 41, Wtdnelday. April 27, 1988/Vailakha 7, 1910 (Saka) Columns Oral Answers to Questions: 1-28 ·Starred Questions Nos. 8 3', 837. 8 41. 842 and 8 44 Written An~wers to QUC8tions 28-244 Starred Questions Nos. 836, 838 to 840 and 845 to 855 28-42 Unstarred Questions Nos. 8554 to 8562, 8564 to 8591, 8593 to 8639, 8641 to 8679 and 8681 to 8706 43-244 Papers Laid on tbe Table 244-250 Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions- 250 Fifty-second Report - Presented Estimates Committee- 2SJ Sixty-fifth Report Bnd Minutes of the Sittings-Presented Public Accounts Committee- 2S1 Hundred and Twenty·eight and Hundred and Thirty-second Reports-Presented Committee on Papers Laid on the Table- 251 (i) Nineteenth Report-Presented tii) Minutes of the Sittinss-Laid -The Sign + marked above tbe name of a Momber indicates tbat tbe question was actually asked OD tbe floor of the House by that Member. (ii) Pases Election to Committee- 252-253 Joint Commi ttee to Consolidate and amend tbe law relating to Railways BiIl- Motion to recommend to Rajya Sabba to appoint Members Matters Under Rule 377- 253-258 (i) Need to open a Central School ID Sonepat, Haryans- Shri Dharam Pal Singb Malik (ii) Need to take steps for revamping the sick textile mills- Shri Jagdish Awastbi l53 (iii) Railway line between Dhule and Amalncr in Mabarashtra- Shri Vijay N. Patil 2SS (iv) Need to take measures to meet drinking water scarcity in Uttar Pradesb- Sbri Jitendra Prasada 255 (v) Need to fix the responsibility for non-inclusion of certain drugs in the Drug Price Control Order- Dr. Chandra Shekhar Tripathl 256 (vi) Need for allowing construction of bUildings for secondary scbools under NREP and RLEGP- Sbri Sribari Rao 256 (vii) Need to take steps to improve the production in Bharat Brakes and Valves Ltd .• Calcutta- Sbn Basudeb Achana 257 Committee on Public Undertakings- 265 Forty-Fourth Report and Minutes-Presented Finance Bill, I 988- 258-350 Motion to consider- Shri Narayan Datt Tiwari 2'8 Shr; Deora MurH 26~ Sbri ShaDtaram Naik 271 Shri P. A. Antony 277 Shri Bapula) Malviya 284 (ill) Paaea Shri George Josepb Mondacka 288 Kumari Mamata Banerjee 291 Sbri Digvijay Sinb 297 Sbri Aziz Qureshi 299 Shri Harisb Rawat 304 Dr. G. S. Rajbans 311 Sbri Pratap Bbanu Sharma 322 Shri Keyur Bbushan 327 Shn Balasaheb Vikbe PaW 331 Shn Abdul RasbJd Kabuli 337 Shn Ram pyare PaDlka 341 Shn V,rdb, Chander JalD 34' LOK SABRA DEBATES 1 2 LOK SABHA Rs. 3' ,- to Rs. 100/- per montb and is expected to supplement the efforts of their family and the community. For the care and pro~ection of dt'stitute children in cbildren homes. there is a centrally sponsored W~dnesday, Ap,il 27, 1988/Vaifakha scheme wherein the cost of maintenance at 7, 1910 (Saka) tbe rate of abJut Rs , SO/- per month is sbared by the Government of India. The destitute old and infirm living in State rUD homes are provided for fully by the respec· tive State Governments. The Lok Sabhll mel at Elev~n 0/ the Clock. [Tran.slation] [MR. SPEAKlR in the Chair] SHRI KAMMODILAL JATAV: The ORAL ANSWERS TO Q.JESTIONS Hon. MlOister bas said that pension varyins from Rs. 30 to Rs. 100 per montb is beinl [Trans/ation] giv~n to destitutes. But in our State Madhya Pradesh. tbe amount of pension being given Aid to de'l;t1tutes to destitt..tes is Rs. 60 per montb, i.e. Rs. 2 per day. How can one Dlanage to get flour. oil, fuel or spices and other essential items *8'\5. SHRI KA\.1MODILAL JATAV: in rupees two '1 This amount of pension is Will the Minister of WELFARE be pleased qUite inadequate. I want to know whether to state; the Government would increase the finaDcial assistance being given to tbe destitutcs to (a) whether the destitutes are being enable them to sustain themselves '1 provided financial aesistance of Rs. 60 per month; DR. RAJENDRA KUMARI BAJPAI: (b) if so. whether this amount is consI- We have written to the State Governments dered adequate for feeding tbem; and to increase the an~.Junt of pension to Rs. 100 per month. Most of the States have (c) if not, the ~teps proposed to be agreed to Rs. 60 pa montb. We have taken, and the ttmt' sche(1ule ? consulted the Planning CommiS:)ion to incrtase it further. But since it 18 a State [Engll"i) Subjl!.:t. it will add to thl.!lr economic burden. The Planning ComnWiSlu[l bas advised to THE MINI"TfR OF STATE IN take up the maUer \\ Ith tbe States. The THE MINISTRY OF WELFARE (DR. State Governments ale considerlog tbe RAJENDRA KCMARI BAJPAl): la) to proposals. In our orin ion, tbe 8I'I\Ouot is (c). Financial a\sLtance IS given generaU" inadequate and it would be good if tbe State by the State Governments to the destitute!> Governments conSIder increasing it. of vanous categories including the old, the handicapped and the widow:,. The amount SARI KAMMOOILAL JATAV: Is fixed by tbe ~t,lte Governments vanes ftOm there an" scbeme under tbe conSideration of Oral A.nswers APRIL 27, 1988 Oral Answers 4 tbe Government to build colonies for tbe SHRI V. TULSIRAM: The Govern- rehabilitation of the destitutes '? ment of Andbra Pradesh is giving Rs. 60. DR. RAJENDRA KUMARI BAJPAI : DR. RAJENDRA KUMARI BAJPAI : Mr. Speaker, Sir, our ap.,roach is to provide The figures, which I have, sbow Rs. 30 in supplementary assistance to the destitutes in Andhra Pradesh. Therefore. it would be their old age within tbe precincts of the better if tbe Hon. Member takes up the family» for which we bave launched a matter with his own State Government first. scheme. Therefore, there is no need for So far as efforts made by the Central separate colonies for tbem. We render Government are concerned. tbe matter was assistance to voluntary organisations working not only raised before the Consultative for destitutes. Committee but the Central Government bas aJso written to the States that it would be better if assistance to the old is increased to SHRI ARVIND NETAM : Mr. Speaker, Rs. J 50. But it will require an additional Sir. I agree with the contention tbat it is a prOVISion of Rs. 4500 crores. Therefore. State subject. I want to know from tbe Planning Commission had told that it would Hon. Minister the number of States bavi'1g not be possible to provide such a huge no such scbeme for destitutes '1 Will the amount in the mid of Seventh Five Year Central Government issue a directive to such Plan. I agree that this amount is inadequate. States with a view to covering all States under this scbeme ? Delay In issue of passports + DR. RAJENDRA KUMAR I BAJPAl: *837. SHRI B~LWANT SINGH Tbis scbeme is being run in almost all the RAMOOW ALIA: States. tbough tbe amount of assistance may SHRI RAM DHAN : be inadequate and the rate of pension may not be uniform io all the States. Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: SHRI V. TULSIRAM: Mr. Speaker, Sir. the Hoo. Minister bas stated just now that the amount of financial assistance bemg (a) the period within which an app1icant paid to destitutes ranges between Rs. 30 to should get the passport as per guidelines laid Rs. 100 per month It seems that Rs. 100 down by Government; per month is being given ooly in a f~w States and so far as I know. it is Rs. 30 to (b) the actual period within which 60 per montb in most of the States Mr. applicants get their passports issued; Speaker. Sir, how caD Dn old person manaae with Rs. 30 a month when a Slrgle (c) the factors which are responsibJe for day's meal costs Rs. 30 in a bote I ? Huw causing delay in Issuing pabports; and can an old man make his both ends m<:et with Rs. 30 per month? He should be provided more fhancial assistance. Will the (d) the steps contemplated by Govern- Centra) G J',.~r unent allocate more funds ment to simplify the procedure and ellmioate and issui:! directives to the States. which are causes for delay? Dot giving such assistance. to provide more financial assistancc to tbe old? Besides. I (Englt.rh] would like to know whether tbe Government bas any other scheme for providing assistance to the destitutes so tbat they could make a THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE proper Jiving ? MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI K. NATWAR SINGH): (a) and (b). DR. RAJENDRA KUMARI BAJPAI : Pa~sports are required to be issued within Mr. Speaker, Sir, in Andbra Pradesh also, S days of receipt of cJear police report in lb. 30 are beinJ siven. the normal course. Accordingly the period Oral Anawets VAlSAKHA 7, 1910 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 witbin wbicb applicants get tbeir passports SHRI BALWANT SINGH RAMOO.. is normally 6 weeks. WALIA: Sir, the Hon. Minister bas himself admitted that delay in the issue of (c) Delay in issue of passports has been passports has been mainly due to delayed mainly due to delayed receipt of verification receipt of verification reports from tbe reports from the verifying authorities.
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