'All - thev News - a > Seas to «# of ,'tnc,. ^ ,i v^icaivitJ-* ~ Ad«k@gs lor 1 District $2.00 a Year NO 37 2ND YEAR, CRESTON, ^C, FRIDAY, APRII, 29, 1910 SINGLE COPISS Sc Narrowly Escaped Drowning cious pies that were so strongly in evi­ dence on this occasion was a practice A narrow escape from a watery grave proof of the good housekeepers that was the thrilling experience that befell adorn the homes of Creston. A snug T. Birt, the genial manager of P. Burns cash sum was also realized as a result of and Co.,and Geo*. Laurie a few days ago the evening's fun. when they attempted to cross the Koot­ euay River on their way to Cloverdale Last Friday, afternoon, Mrs. Mallan­ KOOTENAY LAKE—COURT ranch. It seems that when they got to daine gave an "at borne" in honor of HELD ON BOAT the ferry there was a lot pf timber, in­ Mrs. Reid and MIBS Kinnaird, the moth- The three men of Goschen who went cluding a large poplar tree, lying on the and aunt of R.M. Reid. to see in a bowl were only amateurs and cable. The weight of this mass of wood These Ladies have spent the winter iu poor amateurs at that, to a man who started out from Kootenay Landing yes­ weighted the cable down deep into the Croston and left on the 25th inst.' for terday morning in a biscuit box, steering water. This was about 75 feet from the their home in Ontario. Those who att­ a bold course for Rossland. The indi­ vidual was Frank Karee, a man about shore. They then went out with the ended the "at home" were:-Mesdames 45 years of age, and he launched his ferry as near as possible to the jam and Brown, Bevan, Rose, Rutherford, Hay­ bark<at 7 o'clock in the morning. He reached a safe haven in a government worked with poles for about 3 hours and man, Barton, Hobden, Moore, Darby­ Linoleums and Oilcloths institution last evening. got everything IOOBC but the large poplar shire, R. M. Reid, Speers, McCreath, J. Karee, who is a Finlander, and whotre e on wheib were some large limbs Wilson, Benney, Dow, Arrowsmith, formerly worked on construction work Fitzgerald, G, A. M. Young.. Mies Proc­ 35c. to 60c per square yd. in Latest Patterns. 5 for the Great Northern at Elko, made which seemed to^wind around the tree careful preparation for the parlous voy­ so it conld not be got loose, and just about ter, the Misses Johnson, and the guer<t4 age. Two small icgs, tacJted together of bono**' Mrs. Rsid and Mits Hisssird. by bits of board, constituted his noble cue time they were making headway sx craft, and seated on a small packing it, another large tree, roots and all, came A pleasant time was bad by all. oase he manned the oars, or rather the General Creston, oar, which was a stake with a shingle down and jamed in the one they were Musical selections were rendered by nailed to tbe end Evidently a devotee working on. At tbis jundture, all of a Mrs. Hobden, Mrs. Rose MISB Johnson Merchant B.C of the simple life, Karee had stooked A. SPEERS bis larder with five old bones with rem­ sudden, tbe cable broke, but as it was and Mrs. Darbyshire. nants of meat hanging to them, and a still attached to the ferry the two men Phone No* 52 bag of ssli;. Favored by the current, the lonely caught it and wound it up on the drum "Review" Sustained voyager made ss much as four miles bv of the ferry and pulled baok to shore by 10 o'clock, at which hour he "spoke*' the steamship Kuskanook, passing at a means of the cable. If the cable had not The editor of the Review is in receipt Good JtppQiriifi%erits eeeseeeeeee<e#eseeee»esef< considerable distance. Capt. William broke where it did the ferry would have of a letter from Mrs. Thomas E. Hoben, unaer Mew management •* * Seaman made oue ehe craft through his been carried down the river, and as the of ivl, St. James Street West, St. John, % Neftit Government Agent binocularj; s and there was muoh specula­ 1 Robert J. Long has been appointed tion aboard the steamer as to his miss- New Brunswick. This lady was a sis­ v water was piled up with floating trees R. E. Beattie, the Cranbrook druggist t Appointed Ion. When the steamer got to Kootenay ter of the late Dan Babbitt. It tbis let- * by the Government to the responsible Landing and landed the passengers for and brush it is bard to say what might who owns tne Greston drug aud book position of divisonal fire warden for dis­ i\ ehe Crow train, the people at the Land­ ter the lady says in part: * W. F. Teetzel has been appoint- t have been the end of the two Oreston- siora. is making some changes is the trict ITo. 8 in East and "West KootenBy, ed ing inquired whether a crazy man "I am the sister referred to. The first X Government Agent at .Nelson | ihoaxd a raft. Lau been. 6HCOSatSaSd, ians. But both men displayed great for­ * management of his outBide drug stores and Andrew Miller has been appointed X and w. w. jsrsdiey; formeiy act- v oound for Rossland to see his brother. intimaiion we had of my brother's death Hereafter the Oreston drug store will be 2 ing Government, Agent, succeeds J Tho situation being thus illuminated, titude and presence of mind. At the fire warden at Creston to fill the vacancy f Mr. Luca-* as Assessor at Kaslo, - 3 waa about the middle of February last; under the management of Mr. W. A. rhe Kuskanook put out again, on "a re­ point iu ihe river where this accident caused by the -promotion of Mr. Long. •»e^»»»»»^eee»eeee»»eeeo»> lief expedition at tbe request of E. Jen­ a friend being in Vancouver wrote to Mc-Saan, a young man with twelve happened the water is fully 100 feet deep The new appointees enter'"upon the du­ coal, but before Dr. Watt left the railway sen, provincial constable of Creston, her mother, a neighbor of ours, that she - ' years experience as a druggist to his who was on his way home from Nelson and the river is over 200 yards in width. ties of their respective positions on May king he was much more interested in the wiih ConstablsB iiaoey of Elko and had read in the paper about tbe death of credit. Mr; MoBeam comes from Leth- 1st. The elevation of Mr. Long to this subject. Within a few weeks of "Df*. Sampson of Coal Creek/ No other craft Daniel Babbitt and thought it was onr ^ A -|>ride and more latterly from Fernie.' He was available. Karee was overhauled Successful Social Events higher office is certainly a good appoint­ Watt's viBit to St. Paul Mr. Hill sent for about five miles out and was taken on brother. When she, Mrs. Simmons, in-, -f--, ~is genial and obliging with the public, board. ment and will meet with general approv­ a trial shipment of Fernie coai and was v formed us I did not think it possible; :y ~1 sod there is no, doubt that he will he •- 'Then ensued one of the moat unique al all over the district as he is an old so pleased with it that he after a short .courts th«t ever sat in the county of The sale of sunbonnetts, aprons and surely someone would nave sent us * able to seta in the large business;* whioh r timpr'.Jiere and practically knows tbe time pnrchased thir.y per cent ofthe *ootenay. The boat returned to the plain sewing, under the auBpices of tbe word. I immediately wrote to the post- ; has prospered so much underAthe^iwan- Landing to wait for'the westbonnd train Kootenay diatrict thoroughly, Added coal company stock for one million fiv£ and Charles Wright, *J. P. of Kootenay Obriet Chnroh parish guild, held in the master st> Erickson. who promptly re- *< , agement ol Sir. E^C* Wilson; tae lorm- %6 this he is a man of good, cool, judg-, hundred thousand' dollars. It was„ in Landing, and Harry --McCarthy, J. P., Auditorium last Thursday evening,, was plied and informed us that our brother.' mrfte of the Kuskuncok, held court on f j i * an unqualified success, and as a" result the" y ear of 1891. This "j-toek invsstment board the steamer, Constable,, Jenson bad Jdied shortly after Christmas and* .. started his investments in B. B.^and he •Jayinglthe information, The magistrates many^nseful and ornamental articles r _ _ -1 .._--» "*-r* . M . _* *^_?r^» _- A.. was buried at Oreston.. He further gta-'. - u,f£ei"-»-?ar<.ls became interested", in "-the' ijong s&iy' .jbew manager-will give his customers mines and the Grauby smelter of the every consideration.- , dence of the district over which^he pre- was brought to Nelson laet night by ated great fun. particulars if £ wishes. I Shss. wrot-e - side as divisional firei warden. The ap* Boundary District. Dr. Watt thinks Constable Jenson and committed to the him again for full particulars regarding " The already large stook of goods will th'at Fort Steele and the whole valley provincial jail to await the examination Iri the ladies' nail-driving contest' the pointinent of Andrew Miller to the office ordered.—Ex.
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