Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-12994-8 — The Mind of the Censor and the Eye of the Beholder Robert Corn-Revere Index More Information Index 2 Live Crew, 148, 151–152, ARE RACISTS CRAZY?HOW PREJUDICE,RACISM, AND 154–157 ANTISEMITISM BECAME MARKERS OF INSANITY. 9/11 documentary, 223, 229 See Gilman, Sander and Thomas, James Are You a Red Dupe?, 115, See Gaines, William A Company of Soldiers, 223 Around the World in Eighty Days, 30 A Letter to the Royal Academy at Brussels, 22, See ART OF LOVE, 22, See Ovid Franklin, Benjamin Art Students’ League, 46, 47, 71 A Scene in the Moral Future, 57 THE AMERICAN STUDENT OF ART, 46 Abbey, Dr. E.C., 49 Association for the Advancement of Women, 82 Abbott, Benjamin, lawyer, 16 Association of Comic Magazine Publishers, 119 Abrams v. United States, 10–11 Avenue Q, 223 Abrams, Floyd, 288 AC/DC, 135, 137 Baby boomers, 278, 283 Accuracy in Media (AIM), xii, 153, 182 Baker, Susan, 128, 130, 137, 138, See Parents Music Adams, John, US President, 181, Resource Center (PMRC) Advice to a Young Man on Choosing a Mistress, 22 Bambauer, Jane and Derek, 258 See Franklin, Benjamin Bamberger, Charles, 78 Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, 265 Bantam Books, Inc.v.Sullivan, 104 All in the Family, 178, 180 Barnes, Alfred, publisher, 16 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 7, 22, 52, Barnes, Clive, 160 70, 79, 203, 247, 256, 258, 266 Barney Miller, 178, 180 American Family Association, 218, 225 Barrett, Lisa Feldman, 262 American Journal of Psychotherapy, 98 Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, 188 American Legal Foundation, 183 Bates, Anna Louise American Library Association, 82, 126 WEEDER IN THE GARDEN OF THE LORD –ANTHONY Ames, Oakes, Congressman, 17 COMSTOCK’S LIFE AND CAREER, 61 ANIMAL FARM. See Orwell, George Batman, 96, 124, 151, 257 Anthony Comstock, His Career of Cruelty and Bauchard, Philippe, 97 Crime, 38, See Bennett, D.M. Bazelon, David, DC Circuit Chief Judge, 176, 203 Anthony Comstock: Fighter, 59 Beatles, The, 133, 145, 176 ANTHONY COMSTOCK:ROUNDSMAN OF THE LORD, 79, Beaty, Bart See Broun, Heywood and Leech, Margaret FREDRIC WERTHAM AND THE CRITIQUE OF MASS Anthony, Susan B., 27, 30 CULTURE, 123 Antifa, 268, 286 Beech, Moses S., NEW YORK SUN publisher, 16 ANTIFA:THE ANTI-FASCIST HANDBOOK. See Bray, Beecher, Henry Ward, 28, 29, 32 Mark Beecher’s Prayer, 32 Anti-Free Speech Movement, 240, 257–261, Bennett, D.M., 15, 18, 33, 36–40, 49, 64, 68, 69, 70, 286, 287 74, 85, 149 358 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-12994-8 — The Mind of the Censor and the Eye of the Beholder Robert Corn-Revere Index More Information Index 359 Anthony Comstock, His Career of Cruelty and Butler v. The Queen, 148 Crime, 38 Butler, Benjamin, US. Congressman, 16, 17, 34 THE TRUTH SEEKER, 36, 38, 39, 40 Bergen, Edgar, 199 C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, 217, Berry, Richard, 140, See “Louie, Louie” Cage, Nicholas, 233 Billboard Music Awards, 220, 227 Caldwell, Melissa, 215 Black Lives Matter, 283, 286, 288 Cancel culture, 264–267 Blaine, James C., Speaker of the House, 14, 16 Cardiss, Collins, US. Congressman, 149 Blanchard, Margaret, 17 Carlin, George, 132, 155, 156, 203–207, 208, 223, Blank Tape Tax (H.R. 2911), 134, 135 238, 283 Blasi, Vincent, 275 “Seven dirty words,” 132, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, Blue Lives Matter, 283 209, 210 Blue Oyster Cult, 137 Carter, Jimmy, US. President, 179, 207 Boccaccio, 43, 74, 85, See THE DECAMERON Castan˜aga, Claire Guthrie, 266 Bollinger, Lee, 273 CATCHER IN THE RYE, 104 Bono, 193, 213, 220, See U2 Catholic League for Religious and Civil Book and record burnings, 75, 96, 98, 100, 101, 120, Rights, 196 121, 145–147, See Comic book burnings, Catholic Legion of Decency, 199 Nazi book burnings CATHOLIC WORLD, 97, 109 Boone, Pat, 138 CBS Early Show, 223 Bordello of Blood, 126 Censor-o-Meter, 270–272 Bork, Robert, 252, 258 Chabas, Paul, 47, 66, See September Morn Bostwick, Arthur Chabon, Michael The Librarian as Censor, 82 THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF KAVALIER & Boykin, Charles, 146 CLAY, 124 Bozell, Brent, 2, 3, 193–198, 213–215, 217–218, Challis, Luther 232–234, 271, See Parents Television French Ball, 28 Council (PTC) Charlottesville, Virginia, 247, 256, 259, 266, 286 Legacy, 237–239 Unite the Right Rally, 259–262 Braceland, Dr. Francis J., 139 Chase, Dr. Sara Blakeslee Bradbury, Ray THE PHYSIOLOGIST, 51 FAHRENHEIT 451, 101 Chayefsky, Paddy, 161 Bradford, A.B. Chemerinsky, Erin, Dean UC. Berkeley Law, 280 How Do Marsupials Propagate Their Kind?, 37 Cher, 220, 227 Brandeis, Louis, US. Supreme Court Justice, 250, Citizens United v. Federal Election 263, 265 Commission, 244 Bray, Mark. See Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Clafin, Tennessee, 26, 30, 31, 40, 65, See Handbook THE WOODHULL AND CLAFIN WEEKLY, See Brennan, William, US. Supreme Court Justice, Woodhull, Victoria 76–77, 134, 208 Clark, Daniel, judge, 34 Bro, Susan. See Heyer, Heather Clark, Dick, 139 Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act, 219, 233, 237 Clendenen, Richard, 112, 116 Broadcast indecency rules, 131, 180, 194, 196, 197, Clinton, Bill, US. President, 150, 196, 268 198, 229, 234 Coase, Ronald, 166, 171–172 Brooklyn Eagle, 30 Cockburn, Lord Chief Judge Alexander, 23, 154, Broun, Heywood, 45, 57, 62–64, 67–68, 79, 85, See Regina v. Hicklin 88, 271 Colfax, Schuyler, US. Vice President, 14, 17 ANTHONY COMSTOCK:ROUNDSMAN OF THE Colgate, Samuel, 16, 38 LORD, 79 College of William & Mary, 256, 266 Buchanan, Patrick, 209 Collier, John, 57 Buckley, William F., Jr., 196, 281 COLLIERS Burch, Dean, FCC Chairman, 202–203 Horror in the Nursery, 98 Bush, George W., US. President, 77 Colson, Charles, 182 Butler v. Michigan, 110 Columbian Exposition, 48 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-12994-8 — The Mind of the Censor and the Eye of the Beholder Robert Corn-Revere Index More Information 360 Index Comic book burnings, 98, 100, 101, 120, See Book Crime SuspenStories, 116 and record burnings; Nazi book burnings Crist, Judith Comic book code, 119, 120 Horror in the Nursery, 98 Comics Magazine Association of America Crowley, Frances M., Dean, Fordham University (CMAA), 118, 119, 120, 121, 126 School of Education, 97 Communications Act of 1934, 162, 165, 167, 171, 198 Crumb Robert Communications Decency Act, 6, 78, 131, 180, 238 Fritz the Cat, 124 Comstock, Anthony, 1–3, 5–7, 9, 12, 14–96, 195–197, Zap Comix, 124 198, 202, 205–206, 208, 210, 232, 234, 237, Cultural Revolution, 269 240, 245, 250, 251, 255–258, 262–264, Culture and Media Institute, 196, 233, See Bozell, 270–275, 283, 284 Brent attacks on free lovers and free-thinkers, 25–35 Culture war, 2, 3, 12, 36, 126, 149, 201, 218 censorship of art and literature, 40–48 Cupid’s Yokes, 32–34, 35, 36, 38–39, 69–70 censorship of contraceptives, 49–51 Comstock Act, 15–26 DAILY WORKER, 115 Comstock and anti-vice societies, 20–21 Danforth, John C., US. Senator, 129, 130–132, 136, Comstock and John Sumner, 63, 75, 78–79 Dangerfield, Rodney, 1, 80 Comstock and Little Egypt, 48, 58 de La Rochefoucauld, Francois, 8 Comstock and September Morn, 47–48, 66–67 Debs, Eugene, 10, 283 Comstock and Theodore Schroeder, 69–72 DEFENDING MY ENEMY, 247, See Neier, Aryeh Comstock and Walt Whitman, 41–42 Delgado, Richard, 241, 243–244, 248, 251–253, 256, Comstock’s Chamber of Horrors, 14–15 258–259, 264, 265, See Anti-Free Speech Comstock’s Legacy, 55–82 Movement Comstock’s Playbook, 81–92 Democratic National Committee (DNC), 181 Comstockery, 1, 41, 56, 57, 61, 123, 191, 193, Democratic National Convention, 222 214, 284 Demon Knight, 126 Comstock’s career, 12–64 Dennett, Mary Ware, 72, 73, 74, See THE SEX SIDE Comstock’s diary, 15–17, 30, 31, 62, 63, 64, 79 OF LIFE:AN EXPLANATION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Credit Mobilier affair and passage of Comstock Denver, John, 128, 130 Act, 17–19 Dewey, Thomas E., New York Governor, 105, FRAUDS EXPOSED, 37, 40, 59, 68, 91 108, 111 MORALS VERSUS ART, 44–45, 74 Dill, Clarence C., US. Senator, 170 petitions to repeal Comstock Act, 25, 34–35, Dime novels, 14, 68, 81, 87, 89, 93, 94, 95, 136, 264 36–39, 50, 68, 83–85, 91 Disinvitations and deplatforming, 264–267, prosecution of D.M. Bennett, 36–40 280, 283 prosecution of Dr. Edward Bliss Foote, 49–50 Dodge, William E., 16 prosecution of Dr. Sara Blakeslee Chase, 51 Donovan, William J. “Wild Bill,” 169 prosecution of Ezra Heywood, 32–36 Douglas, John R., 204, See Morality in Media prosecution of George Francis Train, 30–32 Dr. Ashton’s Book of Nature and Marriage prosecution of Victoria Woodhull, 28–30 Guide, 49 prosecution of William Sanger, 52–54 Dr. Strangelove, 14 the Comstock effect, 65–67, 123, 144 Drug Lyrics, 133, 134, 176 TRAPS FOR THE YOUNG, 33, 43, 59, 84, 93 FCC’s Do Not Play List, 133, 134 Congressional Black Caucus, 149 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, 133 Conservative Communications Center, 196 Puff, the Magic Dragon, 133 Cop Killer, 150, See Ice-T With a Little Help from My Friends, 133 Cornelius, Don, 149 Dworkin, Andrea, 242, 243, 248 Cornell, J.M., 16 Dylan, Bob, 133, 176 Coulter, Ann, 267, 279 Cox, Kenneth, FCC Commissioner, 201 Earnhardt, Dale Jr., 222 Craddock, Ida, 63 EC Comics, 115, 116, 120, 124, 126, See Gaines, Cre´dit Mobilier of America, 17 William; Tales from the Crypt; Weird Crenshaw, Kimberle´ Williams, 241 Science Crigler, John, 210 Edison, Thomas © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-12994-8 — The Mind of the Censor and the Eye of the Beholder Robert Corn-Revere Index More Information Index 361 Black Maria Studios, 48 Foxworthy, Jeff, 252, 270, 271 Educational Administration and Supervision Frankfurter, Felix, US.
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