Serre Duality Carl Lian June 17, 2016 Abstract Notes for a talk on Serre Duality following Vakil’s notes [V] with appeal to [H] and [M] toward the end. A feature of this proof seems to be that it generally pushes the hardest ingredients to the end. In particular, the existence of the dualizing sheaf is relatively cheap, and the work goes into identifying it with the canonical bundle on smooth varieties. Note that there are no assumptions on the ground field. 1 Preliminaries on Ext and Ext Let X be a ringed space and F an OX -module. Recall that we have left-exact functors Hom(F; −) and Hom(F; −); the former lands in Γ(OX )-modules and the latter in OX -modules. The category of OX -modules has enough injectives, so we get the right derived functors Exti (global Ext) and Exti (sheaf Ext) satisfying the usual properties. In particular, they can be computed via injective resolutions. The following facts are not hard; the key points are that the tensor product of an injective sheaf with a locally free sheaf is injective, and the restriction of an injective sheaf to an open subset is injective. Proposition 1.1 If E is locally free, Exti(F ⊗ E_; G) =∼ Exti(F; G ⊗ E) =∼ Exti(F; G) ⊗ E and Exti(F ⊗ E_; G) =∼ Exti(F; G ⊗ E) i i Proposition 1.2 If U ⊂ X is open, Ext (F; G)(U) = Ext (FjU ; GjU ). Hence “sheaf Ext is local.” (b’) The functors Ext and Ext are genuinely different, aside from landing in i i i different categories. For instance, Ext (OX ; F) = H (X; F), but Ext (OX ; F) = 0 0 unless i = 0, in which case Ext (OX ; F) = F. However, the two functors are related in the following way. Theorem 1.3 (Local-to-global spectral sequence) There is a spectral se- p;q j i i+j quence with E2 = H (X; Ext (F; G)) converging to Ext (F; G). 1 This follows (after checking the needed hypothesis) from the Grothendieck spectral sequence: Hom is the composition of Hom and the global sections functor Γ. In the category of abelian groups, Ext can also be computed with projective resolutions, but this is no longer true for sheaves: there are not enough projec- tives (for example, free sheaves may not be projective)! However, Ext can be computed with locally free resolutions: this follows from acyclicity of the trivial sheaf (and hence of locally free sheaves) and a spectral sequence. (Note how this fails for Ext.) A consequence of this is that if X is a locally Noetherian scheme and F; G are coherent, then Exti(F; G) is coherent (not true for quasicoherent sheaves, even for i = 0!). 2 Statements Theorem 2.1 (Serre Duality) Let X be a Cohen-Macaulay (CM) projective k-scheme of pure dimension n. Then, there is a unique (up to unique isomor- phism) coherent sheaf !X such that: (a) For any vector bundle F, there is a natural perfect pairing Hi(X; F) × n−i _ H (X; F ⊗ !X ) ! k. i (b) For any coherent sheaf F, there is a natural perfect pairing Ext (F;!X )× Hn−i(X; F) ! k. (b’) For any coherent sheaf F, there is a natural perfect pairing Hom(F;!X )× Hn(X; F) ! k. (The CM hypothesis is not needed for this statement.) ∼ Vn (c) If X is smooth, then !X = KX := ΩX . The uniqueness of !X is a formal consequence of Yoneda’s Lemma. Note that (b’) is just (b) for i = 0, but we state it separately because it needs to be proven first. The CM hypothesis will mostly be black-boxed: it is used only to construct a finite flat morphism X ! Pn, which is possible by the “Miracle Flatness” theorem. This hypothesis is necessary: when X is the union of two general 2-planes in P4, Serre Duality fails [V, Exercise 30.1.E]. In fact, statement (b) implies X must be Cohen-Macaulay, see [H, Theorem 7.6]. n A consequence of (b’) is that we get a trace map t : H (X; !X ) ! k. Indeed, taking F = !X , the perfect pairing gives us a distinguished element n _ t 2 H (X; !X ) corresponding to id 2 Hom(!X ;!X ). Then given an element n of Hom(F;!X ), we get an induced map on H , yielding the map Hom(F;!X )× n n H (X; F) ! H (X; !X ); one checks that composing with t recovers the original pairing. In other words, we have a diagram n n Hom(F;!X ) × H (X; F) / H (X; !X ) t ) k 2 In fact, the perfect pairings of (a) and (b) factor through t as well, but we will not prove this. The strategy of the proof is as follows: first, prove all statements for Pn by direct calculation. Then, prove statement (b) by considering a finite flat map n ! n π : X ! P ; the dualizing sheaf !X will be π !P . Finally, prove statement (c) by considering a regular embedding i : X ! PN ; we will show that the dualizing sheaf (canonically) satisfies the same adjunction formula as the canonical sheaf and hence these sheaves agree. Then, part (a) follows from part (b): Proposition 2.2 (b) implies (a). Proof We have (functorially) i _ ∼ n−i H (X; F) = Ext (F;!X ) ∼ n−i _ = Ext (OX ; F ⊗ !X ) ∼ n−i _ = H (X; F ⊗ !X ): 3 Serre Duality holds for projective space n We prove statement (b) with !P = O(−n − 1); hence we get statement (c) as well. By Proposition 2.2, we get (a) for free. n Lemma 3.1 Let X = P and !X = O(−n − 1). Then (b’) holds. Proof As discussed in the previous section, there is a canonical map Hom(F;!X )× n n n ∼ H (X; F) ! H (X; !X ). Then, choose any isomorphism H (X; !X ) = k. First, if F =∼ O(m) is a line bundle, our pairing is Hom(O(m); O(−n − 1)) × Hn(O(m)) ! Hn(O(−n − 1)) =∼ k. But recall that Hom(O(m); O(−n − 1)) = H0(O(−m−n−1)) can be identified with the space of monomials of degree −m− n−1 in n+1 variables with non-negative exponents, and Hn(O(m));Hn(O(−n− 1)) with the spaces of monomials of degrees m; −n − 1 in n + 1 variables with negative exponents. Then, one checks that the pairing map is multiplication, which is easily seen to be perfect. This proves (b’) for direct sums of line bundles E. Now, let F be arbitrary. Then there exists a short exact sequence 0 !G!E!F! 0 where E is a direct sum of line bundles. Hence we have a diagram 0 / Hom(F;!X ) / Hom(E;!X ) / Hom(G;!X ) 0 / Hn(X; F)_ / Hn(X; E)_ / Hn(X; G)_ where the rows are exact (note that Hn+1(X; G) = 0 because X = Pn has dimension n). The middle vertical arrow is an isomorphism, from which we conclude the left vertical arrow is injective. But then this is true for all F, so the right vertical arrow is injective too. Diagram chasing gives the conclusion. 3 n Proposition 3.2 Let X = P and !X = O(−n − 1). Then (b) holds. i n−i _ Proof We will show that the functors Ext (−;!X );H (X; −) are universal δ-functors. Because we have a isomorphism of functors for i = 0 (part (b’)), this is enough. We have left-exactness for i = 0 and we have long exact sequences, so we only need to check coeffaceability. Let F be arbitrary; then there is a surjec- tion O(−m)N !F for m >> 0 and some N. Indeed, Hn−i(Pn; O(−m)N ) = 0 i for all i > 0, and Ext (O(−m)N ;!) = Hi(Pn; O(m − n − 1))N = 0 for all i > 0. 4 The dualizing sheaf exists in general Lemma 4.1 Let X be an equidimensional projective k-scheme. Then, there exists a finite morphism π : X ! Pn. If X is CM then π is flat. Proof Embed X in PN , and find a codimension n + 1 linear space H missing X. Projecting away from H yields π, and if X is CM then Miracle Flatness [V, Theorem 26.2.11]. This proof only works when k is infinite, but can be modified for k finite [V, Exercise 30.3.D]. Now, let π : X ! Y be a finite morphism and G a quasicoherent OY -module. ! We will define a quasicoherent OX -module π G as follows. First, if Y = Spec B is affine and X = Spec A, G = N, then let M = HomB(A; N), which is a priori a B-module, but in fact an A-module as well. This construction behaves well under localization at an element of B, so it will define a quasicoherent sheaf on ! X. Globally, we thus define the OX -module π G = HomOY (π∗OX ; G). This is quasicoherent, and in fact coherent if G is coherent and π is finite. Recall (Frobenius reciprocity!) that we have the adjunction ∼ HomA(M; HomB(A; N)) = HomB(MB;N): ! ∼ This globalizes to a natural isomorphism π∗HomOX (F; π G) = HomOY (π∗F; G), ! ∼ and thus by taking global sections we get the adjunction HomOX (F; π G) = HomOY (π∗F; G). We can now prove statements (b’) and (b) for X. n ! Lemma 4.2 Let π : X ! Y = P be as above, and set !X = π !Y .
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