CHILTERN DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on 31 JANUARY 2013 PRESENT : Councillor D W Phillips - Chairman “ Mrs J A Burton - Vice Chairman Councillors: N L Brown J L Gladwin A S Hardie P M Jones P E C Martin Mrs A Pirouet M Prince P N Shepherd D Spate N Stewert C J Wertheim 65 MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 10 January 2013, copies of which had been previously circulated, were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. 66 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor D Phillips declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application CH/2012/1852/TP. Nature of interest – Councillor Phillips is the applicant. 67 ITEMS FOR NOTING RESOLVED - That the reports be noted. 68 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS: The Chairman requested that the supplementary reports on this Agenda be considered before the main list of applications, and members agreed. RESOLV ED - 1. That the planning applications be determined in the manner indicated below. 2. That the Head of Sustainable Development be authorised to 2 include in the decision notices such Planning Conditions and reasons for approval, or reasons for refusal as appropriate, bearing in mind the recommendations in the officer’s report and the Committee discussion. CH/2012/1494/AV Work Shop, Church Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire, SL9 9RJ. Conditional consent with informative as set out in the Officers report. CH/2012/1614/FA 9 - 11 Wycombe Road, Prestwood, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0NZ. Speaker – Mr Ben Borthwick, agent speaking for the applicant. Conditional permission subject to the following conditions: 1. The materials to be used in the external construction of the parapet wall hereby permitted shall match the size, colour and texture of those of the existing building. Reason: To ensure that the external appearance of the enlarged building is not detrimental to the character of the locality. 2. Prior to the condenser units being brought into use or within one month of the installation of the units on the roof, whichever is the sooner, the parapet wall shall have been constructed and acoustic screen installed together with the acoustic lining to the wall in the position shown on the plans hereby approved and in accordance with the details as set out in the acoustic consultant's report which accompanies this application and thereafter retained and maintained in accordance with the approved details. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the locality and local residents, to ensure that the equipment as installed on the roof of the building is effectively screened. 3. Prior to the VRV units being brought into use or within one month of the installation of the units at 3 ground floor level in the position shown on the approved plans, whichever is the sooner, the 2.7m high hit and miss enclosure shall have been constructed in the position shown on the plans hereby approved and in accordance with the details as set out in the acoustic consultant's report which accompanies this application and thereafter retained and maintained in accordance with those details. Reason: Having regard to the visual amenity of the locality and local residents. 69 REPORT ON MAIN LIST OF APPLICATIONS RESOLVED - 1. That the planning applications be determined in the manner indicated below. 2. That the Head of Sustainable Development be authorised to include in the decision notices such Planning Conditions and reasons for approval, or reasons for refusal as appropriate, bearing in mind the recommendations in the officer’s report and the Committee discussion. APPLICATIONS CH/2012/1758/OA Field Adjacent 172 Coldmoreham, High Street, Amersham, Buckinghamshire. Speaking on behalf of Amersham Town Council, Councillor Mrs Davida Allen. Speaking for objectors, Mr Tony Westhead. Defer, minded to refuse permission subject to receipt of the County Archaeology Officers comments. The decision to be delegated to the Head of Sustainable Development to include an additional reason regarding archaeology if required. Amendment to Condition 3 to include reference to archaeological site. Councillor J Gladwin left the meeting at 7.29 pm CH/2012/1832/FA Pond Park House, Pond Park Road, Chesham, 4 Buckinghamshire, HP5 2DP Speaking for the applicant, Mr P Dusek. Defer to grant conditional planning permission following completion of a Legal Agreement to secure £36,625 towards affordable housing elsewhere in the District. Decision delegated to the Head of Sustainable Development. CH/2012/1852/TP Wayside House, Doggetts Wood Lane, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, HP8 4TJ Conditional Permission CH/2012/1879/FA Chelsey Cottage, Jordans Lane, Jordans, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 2SW Application taken off the Agenda by Officers following receipt of additional highway information. Awaiting further County Highway comments. CH/2012/1941/FA Chiltern District Council, Council Depot, London Road East, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, HP7 9DT Defer to grant conditional planning permission unless new objections raised during the neighbour notification period. Decision delegated to the Head of Sustainable Development. The meeting ended at 7.43 pm .
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