SLAC-HB--5457 EE92 006439 Inertially Confned Fusion Using Heavy Ion Drivers* Energie de fusion a confinement inertiel utilisant des Accelerateurs d'ions lourds Energia de Fusion Confinada Inercialmente Usando Aceleradores de Iones Pesados HERRMANNSFELDT, William B. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford, California 94309 United Slates of America BANGERTER. Roger O. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Berkeley, California 97420 United Slates of AmericH BOCK. Ru<lolf Gesellscliafl fur Scliwerionenforsclmiig D-6100 Darmstadt, Germany HOGAN, William J. and LINDL, John D Lawrence Ljvermore National Laboratory Livermore. California 94550 United States of America DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi­ bility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any informalian, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer­ ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recom­ mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. * Work supported by Department of Energy contract I)E-AC03-76SFl)(J'ilY Presented ai the World Energy Council I5th Cougirs*. Madrid, Spain. September 20-25. J99J. DISfRISUTiON OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED 1. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION INTRODUCCION Beginning about fifteen years ago, with reports by Maschke and Mai tin ~ accelerator scientist!! became interested in the prospects for energy production by Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) using the broad base of technology developed for particle accelerators for scientific research. Their ideas were to use intense beams of heavy ions to provide the energy, and high instantaneous power, necessary to implode the small capsules containing the light elements (typically the deuterium and tritium isotopes of hydrogen) which are then compressed and heated sufficiently to cause fusion ignition and burn Although high energy accelerators are commonly thought of in terms of the kinetic energy of th - beams, in fact the stored energy in the beams can be substantial. (Several of the presently operatn high energy accelerators have muftimegajoule beams; the plans for the Superconducting Supercollidfi (SSC) indicate that it will have up to 500 MJ in the storage rings.) It is the ability to deposit this stored energy in a very small, precisely located spot that makes this technology appropriate to the ICF application. By comparison, the energy needed to implode an ICF pellet for power production is in the range 3 to ID MJ. The study of HIF has continued at a distressingly low level since the excitement generated by these early proposals. Yet there has been steady progress on a number of critical technical areas including 1. experimental demonstration of the maximum current that ran !»• < nmed in a periodic focusing system, '2. longitudinal currem amplification, 3. development of scenario studies and cost optimization program*. 4. a large body of theoretical knowledge about beam slab.luv. 5. construction of the large accelerator complex at GSI, Darmstadt, with facilities Tor doing accel­ erator and beam-target interaction experiments. The various technical issues of HIF will be briefly reviewed in the following sections. It will be seen that there are numerous areas in common in all the approaches to HIF In the recent International Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertia! Fusion, the attendees met in specialised workshop sessions to consider the needs for research in each area. Each of the workshop groups considrn>il tin- key questions of this report: 1. Is this an appropriate time for international collaboration in IIIF'' 2. Which problems are most appropriate for such collaboration" 3. Can the sharing of target design information be set aside until other driver and systems issues are better resolved, by which time it might be supposed that iliPn- could be a relaxation of classification of target issues? 4. What form(s) of collaboration are most appropriate, e.g., bilateral or multilateral? 5. Can international collaboration be sensibly attempted without significant increases in funding for HIF? 2 10 CM E I 1 UJ go. 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 ENERGY (QeV) „„ Figure 1. The range-energy relation for several ion species in hot mailer (200 eV). The ion range of interest for ICF is about 0.05-0.2 g/cm-. Figure 1. La relation parcours-energie pour plnsieurs espces d'ions dans de la matiere chaude (200 eV). En ICF, la distance parcourue qui nous inieresse est de l'ordre de 0,05-0.2 g/cnr. Figura 1. La relacion alcance-energt'a para varias especies de iones en materia caiiente (200 eV). El alcance de los iones que interesa a la ICF es mas o menos de 0.05 a 0.2 g/cnv The authors of this report share the conviction that collaboration on a broad scale is mandatory for HIF to have the resources, both financial and personnel, lo progress to a demonstration experiment. Ultimately it may be possible for a single driver with the energy, power, focusibilily, and pulse shape to satisfy the needs of the international community for target pliysir.- re>i*arcli. Such a facility could service multiple experimental chambers with a variety of beam geometries. and larget concepts. 2- ACCELERATOR ISSUES QUESTIONS D'ACCELERATEURS ASUNTOS SOBRE LOS ACELERADORES There are two very important differences between an accelerator for particle physics research and an accelerator driver for fusion: 1. The high energy protons that are used in a machine such as the 20-TeV Fermilab accelerator must be replaced with ions of higher atomic weight in order lo ifecrrase their range sufficiently to stop them within the 1CF target, Mosi scenarios for HIF select ions with atomic number A in the range .1 > 100. 2, Both peak and average beam power need to be substantially increased. Especially in the case of storage rings (such as that at Fermilab or the SSC). the time during which the pulse can be delivered is determined by the size of the ring. Thus for the 1 km diameter main ring at Fermilab, this time is about 21 ms. By contrast, the desired pulse length for ICF is in the range 10-20 ns. corresponding to a bunch that is 1-2 m long at the target The basic rationale for HIF is illustrated by the range-energy data shown in Fig. 1. To deposit the same specific power in a target using a proton beam, the peak beam particle intensity needed is about 1000 limes greater than is required for heavy ions of A >100. Average beam power is primarily determined by pulse repetition rate, which is not significantly limited by technological constraints. Peak beam current is a much more fundamental issue for an accelerator. Therefore research has been conducted on a large variety of techniques to increase the beam power in HIF accelerators. Some of the more generally used of these approaches include: 3 Storage Rings SX4A to 5x250A Bunchers 2 to 1 Beam Combiners Figure 2. RF accelerator system with storage rings for current multiplication. Figure 2. Systeme d'acceleraleur H.F. avec amieaux de stockage pour la multiplication du courant Figura 2. Sislenia de acelerador de aha frecueiicia con anillos de almai-i iiatnienio para la multiph- cacion de la corriente. 1. Multiple beams: For beam transport reasons, there slum LI !>•• about twenty or more beamlels focussed through the reactor wall towards the target. This requirement is common to all ap­ proaches to 1CF: lasers, light ions and heavy ions. Laser drivers, for example, may need several hundred beamlets, greatly complicating reactor design 2. Current amplification: Because of space charge effects, much higher current can be transported at high kinetic energy than is possible at low energy A with varieij of techniques are used for current multiplication (a) Combining beams from different ion sources and pre-acrelerwors (b) Longitudinally compressing the beam while it is being accelerated This can be visualized as it is actually done in practice; that is push the long bunch from the back so that >.he tail is going faster than the head. This process can be adjusted so that the current just peaks as it hits the target. All ion accelerator schemes for I(T, light ion and all variations of heavy ion accelerators, use longitudinal compression, or alternatively, a nou-Liouvillian stacking technique. (c) Storage rings: The most common method for increasing beam intensity is by stacking particles in a storage ring. The particles can then be accelerated, stored, switched to another storage ring, or directed towards a target Storage rnn^s are required with radio- frequency (RF) accelerator systems for HIP. as shown in Fift '.'. and are generally not used with Linear Induction Accelerators (LIA). (d) Non-Liouvillian Methods: Liouville's Theorem is a general precept in all types of optical systems. As applied to accelerator systems, it says that ordinary beam manipulations can only reduce the quality of a beam, never improve it. Thus all the manipulations referred to above exact a price from the quality of the beam There must be a budget to ensure that the final result retains enough of the original source quality to put a high percentage of the beam on the target. However, there have heen a number of techniques invented, and some placed into routine application, which can improve the quality of a particle beam, and [3] are thus called "non-Liouvillian." One of these was proposed for HIF by Carlo Rubbia, Director of CERN, who has taken a special interest in this subject.
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