Page B-7 Sunday, November 19, 1961 THE PRESS " 'e TOO for tale 200 Automobiles for sale 200 Automobiles for ' 200 Automobiles for tile 200 Automobiles for $alt 200 .utomobiles for Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Sat* 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles Hester's Transportation DOLMAN PONTIAC ., Specials 700 SOUTH LA BREA AVE. INGLEWOOD / \ '55 FORD Again . club sedan. Radio, heater standard transmission. LARGE SELECTION $295 DOWN PRICES OF '60 AND '61 CORVAIRS BEATIHG '53 CHEVROLET DURING OUR L S-deor eedan. Powerglide, radio ml heater, economy valut. '61 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupes SOY. $700 With V-l, automatic, radio and heater, power (tearing white wall*. $195 Saveral to choose from. ANNUAL NEW CAR TRADE-IN SALE * '53 FORD '57 OLDS SUPER 88 powar steering and $1295 t-eaor oedan Pordomatic, radio 4 Door Fiesta Wagon. Radio, heater, hydramatlc, USED CAR SPECIALS «M heater. Priced rl«h». brakes, white walls. $195 '60 FORD FALCON 2-DOOR '57 FORD .............$795 Popular stick shift, radio, heater, whltewalls. $1495 '54 PONTIAC......... .$195 '52 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan. Automatic, radio, heater. Custom 300 2-door. Automatic, radio, heater. R*d. «Kn> coup*. Radio and heater. Idtal '61 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR oaeond «ar.. Popular economy «, stick shift, radio, heater, whltewalls. Like new. $2195 '57 OLDS.............$1095 '59 FORD.............$1695 $195 Super M Holiday. Yellow and white. Radio, heater, auto­ Convertible. B*autlful l*t black. Mad Interior. Fell power, '59 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT COUPE $1695 matic, power steering, power brakes. radio, heater, automatic. '51 OLDSMOBILE V-l, automatic, radio, heater/ several to choose from. As low as $1*91. "St" club COUP*. Hydramafle and 55 PONTIAC......... .$395 '57 CHEVROLET...... .$895 beater. First com*, flr»t t* »av*. '57 RAMBLER REBEL $1095 Automatic, radio, heater, power steering, power brakes. 4-Door Town. Radio, haat*r, automatic, powar steering. $95 4 Door Hardtop. Radio, heater, automatic, power steering and brake*. WAGON '57 PONTIAC..........$795 '57 DODGE............$995 '59 PLYMOUTH STATION radio, heater, 1-owner car. Yellow Custom Royal Hardtop. Cold and whit*. Original. Radio, automatic drive, radio, heater/ $1695 J-Door. V-l. Automatic, '50 MERCURY Custom Suburban 9 passenger. V-l, and white. heater, power steering, powar brakes, automatic. Cteb ooupe. Stick with overdrive, power (tearing and brakes, whltewalls. Beautiful condition. rMl* and heater. Drivo for pennies day. '56 CHEVROLET NOMAD WAGON '54 CHEVROLET...... .$395 '56 PONTIAC..........$395 $95 V-l, powergllde, radio, heater/ whltewalls, 7-tone finish. Hard-to-find model. $1095 Del Key. Red and white. Radio, heater, automatic. Hardtop. Automatic, radio, h*at*r, 1-ton* tray and white. No Down Payment on SAVE $100 ... SAVE $100 '55 BU1CK.............S595 '58 CHEVROLET......$1395 Approved Credit Special Hardtop. 1 owner, local. Automatic, radio, heater. Bel Air 4 Door. Aoomatlc, radio, heater. Beautiful one- This Ad good for tlOO Discount on any car In this ad * owner ear. or In our used car stock. Ad must bo presented at time of purchase. '57 FORD..............$795 "300" 4 Door. Local car. Beautiful, 1 owner. Automatic, '59 FORD.............$1295 Hester's radio, heater, powar steering, power brake*. Ranchero. Jet black, luscious red Interior. Stick. Real sharp. Used Cars CASH DELIVERS CASH DELIVERS WAGONS • WAGONS • WAGONS 320 Watt Carson ANY ANY RECONDITIONED RECONDITIONED '58 RAMBLER Cusf. Cross Ctry. $1395 FA 0-2522 USED CAR USED CAR Automatic, radio, heater, powar steering and brakes. Local '59 PONTIA'C 4-Dr. Wagon $1995 1-owner wagon. J-tone brown. OPCN SUNDAYS J-ton* croon and white. Radio, heater, automatic, power •It CHEVROLET 3-Door Hardtop steering, power brakes, whltewalls. Just Ilka now. can b* youn with small down '57 FORD Country Sedan $1095 pay-nenf ft assume balance. Beautiful blu* and whit*. Spotless Interior. Automatic, radio Runt good. and heater, power storing, power brakes. CHEVROLET Brookwood $2295 PACIFIC ACCEPTANCE GLEDHILL CHEVROLET '60 MR. JOHNSON t-passenger. Automatic, radio, heater, air conditioning, pow­ PR M774 '58 CHEVROLET Park wood $1395 er steering, power brakes. Beautiful green. 304 E. Anaheim Wilmington TE 4-3494 Beautiful gold finish. Radio, heater, automatic, power steer­ '4V CHIV. Panel Camper. 4 spd. ing, power brakes, whltawall tires. trans., radio, iwlng down beds, OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS tm. itovt, gd. tlr*t, slg. lltes. «50. PR S0967. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Reiman Pontiac '59 PONTIAC CATALINA HARDTOP. Full power, $ AL ORTALE RAMBLER Frank including air conditioning. Beautiful all-white. Radio, HOUSE OF SAVINGS heater, automatic ........................................................................................... Can't Give You a $500 Better Deal •••••••••••••••••••••B Than Any Of her Rambler Dealer THESE REMAINING '61 PONTIACS AND TEMPESTS $100 With Presentation Don't Expect the Impossible $100 THIS COUPON MUST BE SOLD NOW What Al Ortale Rambler Can Do Is ... GOOD FOR NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED MOO '61 BONNEVILLE 4-DR. HARDTOP 1. Not out from I7S to »200 better man elsewhere. on Any Used Car This Week Only '61 BONNEVILLE Wagon Fully equipped Radio, h««;er, power (tearing, powar brakes, Full power. 1 Charge the lowest bonk rate finance, thereby affording additional at air conditioninq, whletwall tlrei. savings. '61 TEMPEST '61 VENTURA 2-DR. HARDTOP Throe to choose from. Full power. I. lell you a Rambler that hat been completely pro-serviced by $100 Frank Reiman Pontiac $100 trained mechanics yes, to thoroughly that the factory sends THESB CARS HAVI NEW-CAR WARRANTY many of their own cars there for servicing. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••BMBIIietlMIr1 '53 Bring this ad with you to take advantage of these 4. eive you mot Homo Town fooling of confidence- after a visit you '51 will tell others matter of fact, our reputation sells more car* for special prices price. PONTIAC PONTIAC u* than any other reason. Including 129 »149 Nov. 19, at 6 p.m.) / '60 '55 (This Offer Expires Sunday, NOT!. Both our locations have been completed blockaded for sev­ eral week* because of construction work Wo must reduce PONTIAC PONTIAC '169 be easy *2895 our now and usod car atock Immediately It won't Bonnevllle Sport Coupe. Power steeringring ft brake*. locations-but It will bo well worth K. '53 getting Into our '57 nlev cup of coffee at aur coffee bar while waiting for '295 your car to be serviced. "795 CHEVROLET. 700 SOUTH LA BREA AVE., INGLEWOOD PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan. Hardtop Coupe. Radio, heater, automaticimatlc drive. '59 4-7769 ORegon 8-4689 '54 ORchard S495 PONTIAC *2395 Open Sundays RAMBLER Radio, heater, power steering, AL ORTALE CHEVROLET Bonneviil* vista. I Door. Radio, Heater, automatic drive. hydramatlc. A beauty. 1885 Torrance Blvd. 20611 Hawthorn* (Mi Block W. of Western Ave.) Block I. of Torranca Blvd.) FRANK REIMAN PONTIAC Hunt Rambler Sales Hawthorne Blvd. 412 W. Anaheim Wilmington TE 5-3141, TE 5-9933 Open Evenings and Sundays Plymouth-Valiant WICEDTOW! 1962 VALIANT o Price* '56 BUICK ONLY $1982.74 FULL PRICE tupor Rlv. H'top, Auto, P. $laihod eteer.. RH, W/W. Beaut, V-1M J Door wlthVedlo, cigar lighter, torsion air* ride, alternator, Gledhill Chevrolet en •lack t while. dval headlights, arm r»it« front, fully factory equipped. All BRAND NEW ONLY $199 DOWN Service Specials Inventory FMus Tax and License With Your Good Credit. *$699 USED CAR SPECIALS Cleanest Cora Anywhere Your Cor "Winterized" Now! Open tea far Yerouraolf Have 14 MCA Roadster .......................... $979 9 a.m. 4 epeed, radio, heater. Uho now Mao* fink*, (too: interior. Wlra MOVIY-DALLAI Chevrolet Owners Check These: wfcools. CHBVROLBT to 11400 S. Western Ave. '59 PLYMOUTH Deluxe. Weoon...............SI499 DA MW1 (Oardena) PA 1-M04 Complete SCOO I p.m. CLEARING OUT FOR NEW CAR TRADE INS Automatic, radio, heater and whit* sidewalk. Original flnlth. Perfect 7 Day* lor femlly BRAKE JOB __:.......................... Vm*mo. '58 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan ..................$W9 a Week Automatic, healer and wnite sldewall*. Original light btua finish. MOTOR 503 W. ANAHEIIM TE 5-6649 '57 OLDS 98 2-Dr. Hardtop................ $1199 Auction! $f £75 Power steering, automatic, radio, heator MM full powar. Original Every Sunday at 1:30 OVERHAUL ... 10 mo. white. Juvt Ilka ntw. Prom IS to 40 Cars '39 PONTIAC '57 DODGE ROYAL '56 CADILLAC '61 METROPOLITAN ................... $1599 '60 DODGE Sonoco 4-Door 4 Door sedon. Automalic trans t tone groan and white. Llconsi Radio, h«»t»r, t rylindor, stick. R»»l economy. Open to Public it Dealer* Catallna hardtop. Radio, heator, 4 Door Sedan. mission, radio, heater, rod am UXH 417. Radio, heator. Ixcel '58 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Wagon............... .$899 Lowndale Auto Sales hydramatlc. Loaded with extras. white. Real, real nice) Air Conditioned Runs perfect. loot condition. Real ga* economy vi, radio, heater, standard transmission. 15001 Hawthorn* Blvd. Solid Mack, whitewall*. '59 FORD Cuitom "300" 4-Door ............. .$1199 Lawndale OS 4-J7»4 Automatic, radla, heater, white sldewall*. At this price row can't Expert $795 $1295 miss. 1?5I OLDSAAOBILB a^DOOR HARD­ $1995 $1345 TOP. Full power. TaKe ov*r with '60 PLYMOUTH Custom Wagon ............. $2199 your good credit and severe' steering, radio, heater and w.s.w BODY AND FENDER * passenger, automatic, power mall monthly Installment*. 'S6 CHEVROLET 56 to 60 Ramblers to Choose '54 FORD V4 Perfect family wagon. PACIFIC ACCEPTANCE MR. JOHNSON Repair Del Ray. Automatic, radio, heat­ Tudor. Pordomntic, radio, heator, 100% Financing Available FR M774 All Work Guaranteed or, 1 tona, whltewalls. Llka now. From $695 Up t tona, whltewfllis. Real nice. PLYMOUTH VALIANT FIAT '60 CHEVROLET NO MONEY DOWN $795 20 New 1961 Ramblers Left $695 501 HAWTHORNE BLVD. El Camino. 341 anulne, VI, heater and Powergllde, radio, and Labor PRIVATE PARTY Interested In tak OS 9-2521 at 120th OR 8-4956 WSW. Beautiful turquoise. Specials Include AH Parts WE FINANCE OPEN TIL II P. M. EVERY NlOHT Ing OVIT payments on 1VAO Val- llant.
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