Development Control Date: Thursday, 22 August 2013 Time: 10:00 Venue: Council Chamber Address: Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF AGENDA P U B L I C C O N S U L T A T I O N Please be aware that site visits will commence at the start of this meeting with members returning to the Council Chamber approximately one hour later to determine the planning applications PROCEDURE AT DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE Page 1 of 80 (a) Thirty minutes only will be set aside at the beginning of each meeting to deal with applications where due notice has been given that the applicant, agent, supporters, objectors, and any interested party, Parish Council, Local Community Partnership and other bodies (where appropriate) wish to speak. (b) Due notice of a request to speak shall be submitted in writing to the Head of Planning and Business Services one week prior to the day of the Development Control Committee meeting. (c) In consultation with the Head of Planning and Business Services, the Chairman will decide on which applications public speaking will be allowed. (d) Three minutes only (or five minutes on major applications at the discretion of the Chairman) will be allowed to (i) objectors together, (ii) an agent or applicant and (iii) supporters together, (iv) to a representative from the Parish Council, (v) Local Community Partnership and (vi) Ward Councillors. (e) The order of presentation at Committee will be:- (i) Planning Officer presentation. (ii) Agents, applicant and supporters. (iii) Members’ questions. (iv) Objectors and interested parties. (v) Members’ questions of objectors. (vi) Parish Council or Ward Councillors or Local Community Partnership and Others. (vii) Chairman and Officers’ questions of clarification. (viii) Committee debate and decision. Page 2 of 80 Contents of the Development Control Committee Agenda Planning Applications Conduct of the Meeting Agenda Contents This agenda contains the Officers’ reports which are to be placed before the Committee. The reports contain copies of written representations received in connection with each application. Correspondence and submissions received in time for the preparations of the agenda are included. However, it should be noted that agendas are prepared at least 10 Working Days before the meeting. Representations received after this date will either:- (i) be copied and distributed prior to or at the meeting – if the representations raise new issues or matters of substance or, (ii) be reported orally and presented in summary form by the Principal Officer of the Committee – especially where representations are similar to, or repeat, previous submissions already contained in the agenda papers. There are occasions when the number of representations are similar in nature and repeat the objections of others. In these cases it is not always possible for these to be included within the agenda papers. These are either summarised in the report (in terms of numbers received) and the main points highlighted or reported orally at the meeting. All documents are available as ‘background papers’ for public inspection. Conduct Members of the Public should note that the conduct of the meeting and the procedures followed are controlled by the Chairman of the Committee or, if he/she so decides, the Vice Chairman. Any representations concerning Committee procedure or its conduct should be made in writing to either – Page 3 of 80 (i) The Head of Business Services, Town Hall, Great Yarmouth. NR30 2QF (ii) The Monitoring Officer, Town Hall, Great Yarmouth. NR30 2QF. 1 Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies 2 Declarations of Interest You have a DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with. You have a PERSONAL INTEREST in a matter to be discussed if it affects your well being or financial position that of your family or close friends that of a club or society in which you have a management role that of another public body of which you are a member to a greater extent than others in your ward. You must declare a PERSONAL INTEREST but can speak and vote on the matter. 3 Minutes 16 July 2013 7 - 10 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 16 July 2013 4 Public Consultation Members are reminded that at the beginning of the meeting those applicants, who have requested to address the Committee on their application, and with the approval of the Chairman, will be allowed to do so in accordance with the agreed procedure (copy attached to reverse of front cover). This session will last for 30 minutes only. 5 Planning Applications - Applications List To consider the Group Managers (Planning) schedule of planning applications as follows :- Page 4 of 80 06/13/0292/F Kingfisher Close 11 - 20 06/13/0151/F Harmony Patch Bush Road Winterton 21 - 38 06/13/0304/F - 14 Beach Road, Scratby 39 - 46 06/13/0330/F - Grosvenor Casino 47 - 54 06/13/0226/F - Bulmer Lane Winterton 55 - 68 6 Items for Information Delegated to Group Manager (Planning) - July 2013 69 - 78 Delegated to Committee - July 2013 79 - 80 7 Ombudsman and Appeal Decisions (a) To note any appeal decisions 06/12/0169/F – Terrace of four three-bedroomed houses at Former Waterworks Storage and Pipeyard, St Peters Plain, Great Yarmouth – appeal dismissed. 06/12/0238/CC – Demolition of commercial building and erection of a terrace of four three-bedroomed houses at Former Waterworks Storage and Pipeyard, St Peters Plain, Great Yarmouth – appeal dismissed. Both applications were officer delegated refusals. (b) To note any ombudsman decisions 8 Any other business Discussion of any other business not on the agenda. Page 5 of 80 Page 6 of 80 LARGER PRINT COPY AVAILABLE PLEASE TELEPHONE: 01493 846325 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 16 July 2013 – 6.30 pm PRESENT: Councillor Castle (in the Chair); Councillors Blyth, Collins, Cunniffe, Fairhead, Field, Holmes, Jermany, Marsden, Reynolds, Shrimplin and D Thompson. Councillor Pratt attended for Councillor Robinson-Payne. An apology for absence was received from Councillor Robinson-Payne. Mrs J Beck (Director of Customer Services), Mr R Read (Director or Housing & Neighbourhoods), Mr D Minns (Group Manager: Planning), Mr R Hodds (Cabinet Secretary) and Miss J Smith (Technical Assistant). 1. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on the 27 June 2013 were confirmed. 2. PLANNING APPLICATIONS – APPLICATIONS LIST (a) Application Number 06/13/0286F – Proposed demolition of existing vacant Car Show Room and Garage, re-develop to provide eleven family homes with rear courtyards and associated works at Hammond Road, Great Yarmouth. The Group Manager (Planning) reported that this application was a re-submission of an earlier scheme for twelve houses which was refused under delegated powers on flood risk grounds and concerns relating to over development and the impact on neighbouring properties. The submitted scheme had been amended and a more robust flood risk assessment had been submitted. The site was classed as a previously developed/brown field site and is in a sustainable location. The Group Manager (Planning) reported that the current application seeks permission for the erection of eleven two storey three bed houses arranged in an L-shape with the main elevation of seven dwellings facing Belvedere Road and the remaining four facing onto Hammond Road. All properties have some amenity space to the rear with access for bin storage off the main highway. The overall arrangement of the development is not considered unacceptable by virtue of the orientation and scale of the dwellings, when compared to the previous buildings on site. The Group Manager reported that there had been one letter of objection from a neighbouring property concerned about potential de-valuation of property, increased overlooking of the garden, drainage concerns and an increase in parking problems. Overall it was considered that the amended scheme worked quite well on this Page 7 of 80 Development Control Committee 16 July 2013 difficult site and is an appropriate form of development that respects the overall scale and density of the area and would create eleven affordable dwellings in this residential area of town and the design is not so unacceptable as to warrant refusal of the scheme. RESOLVED: That application Number 06/13/0286/F be approved. (b) Application Number 06/13/0299/F – Erection of five dwellings (three by one bed bungalows and two by two bed bungalows) and associated works at Grove Close (land at) Martham, Great Yarmouth The Group Manager (Planning) reported that there are three individual parcels of land to this application, two of which are located on the south side of Grove Close, using part of two of the grass landscaped areas. Third parcel consists of the car parking area and its adjoining unused garden area. The proposal was for the erection of three one bedroom bungalows on the car parking area (one of which will be detached and the other two semi-detached) and one two bedroom bungalow on each of the other two parcels of land each one attached to the end property of the two existing rows of bungalows. A new car park containing nine spaces is to be created on the unused garden area behind number two. The Group Manager reported that four letters of rejection had been received to the proposal relating to parking and traffic problems. The applicant’s agent Mr J Green reported that the site was within the defined Village Limit and that the proposed development respected the existing properties in the area. He stated that the street scene would not be distracted and that there would be no impact on the appearance of this area.
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