YESHIVA OF NEW HAVEN ·- EDGEWOOD ELM HOUSING Thirty-'Fifth cA"nniversary (jathering in honor of HONORABLE MARTIN M. LOONEY CONNECTICUT STATE SENATE MAJORITY LEADER Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History N ew Haven, Connecticut 29 Sivan 5772 j une 19, 2012 /\.~ ~'~' :>j>)l·~ ~ ,.$ 7·~. ODD _, ooo ~e. f, DOD .S DOD f. DOD J DOD ______________ .r DOD ~ ~ DOD DOD ~ ------------------------------------ DOD Program Greeting .... ............... ....................Rabbi Mordechai E. Feuerstein Spiritual Leader, Suburban Torah Center - Livingston, New Jersey Address ...........................................Robert C. 'Bud' McFarlane Chairman and CEO, McFarlane Associates, Inc. National Security Advisor to President Ronald Reagan Civic Achievement Award ........................ Honorable Martin M. Looney Connecticut State Senate Majority Leader Remarks ............. ............................... ....... .Clifford D. May President, Foundation for Defense of Democracies Presentation ....... .. ................................. .. Rabbi Daniel Greer Founder and President Edgewood Elm Housing & Yeshiva of New Haven Salutation ......................................Honorable John DeStefano, Jr. Mayor, City of New Haven Appreciation ............................................Rabbi Aviad S. Hack Joumal Chairman The Chairman of the Program this evening is Honorable John A. Keyes, Judge, New Haven Probate Court /\.~ ~'~' :>j>l>·~ ~ ..$' l·u ODD -!' ooo ~e DOD t 6 DOD ___________________________________________________________________ ? BBBDOD 4 The Yeshiva ... he giant Goliath stood eleven feet tall, taunting the Children of Israel T for forty days. He challenged the Israelites to send one of their number against him. There were no volunteers. Young David, destined one day to be King of Israel, visiting the front, was heard to boast: 'Who is this Philistine who dares mock the battalions of The Living G-d?' Word got round, and David was brought before Saul, the reigning king. David recounted to Saul: 'Your servant cared for his father's sheep, and the lion and the bear came, and carried away a lamb from the flock.' David told how, unarmed, he saved the lamb by chasing the lion and the bear; and, with but his empty hands, slew them both! 'G-d who saved me from the hand of the lion and from the hand of the bear will save me from the hand of this Philistine.' The Midrash tells us that while talking, David pointed to his own vest- iTt i11V NIV.ll TTYilr.l. For, from that day onward, the young lad had worn a vest woven from the very wool of the rescued lamb; a perpetual reminder of G-d's miracle and David's mission. At the Thirty-Third Anniversary of Yeshiva of New Haven, it seems a good time to ask: "Of what thread is the Yeshiva's vest woven? Of what fabric is OUR basic garment?" After thirty plus years of peanut butter and Elmer's glue, it is surely a question. And, through thirty plus years of chess and chalk, basketball and brochos - there stands: The Question. 'Is Braille a language according to Jewish Law?' 'May one who is not obligated to offer the make-up Paschal lamb do so voluntarily?' 'How can you support a surge in Afghanistan when you were against it in Iraq?' 'If Joshua was winning the battle anyway, why did he need the sun to stand still?' 'Does a tree-house require a mezuza?' Just recently, some of our elementary school students were preparing for a Comprehensive Exam on the Book of Joshua. One child asked why Rahav of Jericho had to tie a red ribbon on her window. ~ ODD DOD ~ ---------------------------------------------------------- DOD This is Yeshiva, so everyone had an opinion: Well, red is easy to see. It must have been what she had on hand. Maybe red was Rahav' s favorite color. - The teacher was silent, not knowing why the string was red. After class, the Question Mark stayed behind. And, in a soft and persistent voice asked again - 'Well, why red? The teacher explained that the basic commentaries do not explain why the color - was red. The Question remained, waiting a few long minutes. Then, with politely veiled - impatience, prompted: 'O.K. then, let's look it up some more.' At Yeshiva of New Haven our vest is woven of questions. A never-ending cascade of threads that twist and knot and unravel at times. Queries which inhabit our scholars and give them no rest. Follow our students through their careers ever shadowed by their questions, cloaked in the raiment of curiosity, and equipped with the academic gear to dig deeply for answers. Watch with us as Yeshiva alumni return, now graduates of Yale and Barnard, Wellesley and NYU, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Brown and Yeshiva University. Tag our scholars. Their questions have led them to teaching and the rabbinate, to art, Talmudic scholarship, law, business, veterinary science, and creative communal endeavor. - Yeshiva of New Haven graduates have brought their quest and their energy to Moscow, to Zvinograd and to the Ukraine, to Aix-les-Bains and to the Rocky Mountains, to Arden, Ontario, to Jerusalem and to London. And always, always the Question lights the way. This is the stuff of Yeshiva's garment. It is the miracle and the mission. ~'"!' ' :>j>J)·~ ~ ,$ 7& DOD -fl DOD :;,e - ~ DOD -.1 DOD ' ODD DOD -------------------------------------------------------------- 'fr DOD Yeshiva Elementary J chool ~~ An -$ f't, ~ _,., ooo ;,e ODD f; DOD o £ DOD :J DOD .I' DOD ""' --------------DOD - reshiva CJ-Iigh Jchool - - - - -- /'\.~ ~'~' ::>j>:v·~ ~ ..$ }& DOD -n DOD :;,{; ;i DOD ol DOD r DOD ~ - DOD ---------------------------------------- }' DOD ~ • • • and the ~ighborhood We are going to Elm Street in the Edgewood Park Neighborhood. Some of you may remember that, in 1998, the New Haven Preservation Trust plaqued a huge, wonderful Queen Anne, 750 Elm Street, which was a spectacular example of superb restoration. It was a pivotal component in the reclamation of the neighborhood, just across from the restored Roger Sherman School. Edgewood Elm, Inc., a non-profit organization, was buying and rehabilitating many deteriorated houses in the area, cleaning up and landscaping the grounds, in an attempt to turn around the once blighted neighborhood, providing attractive, well-maintained rental housing for low and moderate income residents. Good work and good maintenance bring long-term benefits. Edgewood Elm's high standards and Jar-sighted approach are part of a bigger picture. Preservationists realize more and more that preservation can have a profound effect on a whole neighborhood and can help to turn around threatened or deteriorating urban areas . It takes vision, determination, cooperation and a lot of hard labor, but the results are renewed pride and pleasure in a more beautiful and livable city. -Citation, 2003 Merit Award- 808 Elm Street New Haven Preservation Trust, May 15, 2003 tep back to the late 1980's.The Great Communicator. The Berlin Wall crumbling. A line of tanks advancing S toward a lone Chinese. Here in New Haven, the Yeshiva had settled in to the refurbished Roger Sherman Building. Rabbi Daniel Greer paused for a breath and looked around at the neighborhood: 'For Sale' signs mushrooming everywhere, trees decaying and rotting, sidewalks crumbling, porches sagging, and 'unkosher' trades being plied on the streets. What to do? Study Polish, master Czech geography, and purchase four shades of paint - mushroom, green, red and beige. Lynn Brotman coordinated the colors and the Young Turks conversed with the crew, learning to drink vada and check that the paint was no longer mokra. ~''~'' :>.rv·~ A~ ..$ l·o ~ .., o oo ;}e ODD f BBB 0 DOD J DOD ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------DOD Edgewood Neighborhood Association was incorporated and - the college-set went for CB radios and midnight sting operations. (A great deal more adventurous than late-night - tree watering on the Edgewood Mall and painting fire hydrants yellow.) William Gallagher and Professor Ed - Zelinsky, our fearless frontier attorneys, sallied forth to slay the dragons. E.N.A. focused the klieg lights of publicity on those who would prefer the anonymity of the shadows. Together with the municipal authorities, our grassroots surge - took back the streets. Edgewood Elm Housing was - founded in 1989 and the first of the dilapidated properties - got an overhaul. With a focus on detail, we located a company to hand-roll147 - balusters, replicas for a house built in 1909. And so it began. First 777, then 781, next 791-797, and 792, and 243, and 139, 187, 26, 43, 179 etc. - a winning lottery ticket of properties come alive. Old photographs yielded specifics of yesteryear - treasures guiding the replacement of leaded glass, missing - carpentry, friezes, and sunbursts. Our architectural vocabulary expanded and gold, ginger and beetroot joined, making the now Seven Sisters. - Projects grew exponentially. Office space and services were donated by Yeshiva of New Haven. In the bustle, Yeshiva staff would sometimes teach Torah to the electricians while - the kids consulted their math books on plumbing jobs. In the Yeshiva Elementary text of Tom Sawyer, the fence is painted mushroom. -· Edgewood Village and F.O.H. joined Edgewood Elm. Mark Roffman gave John Hancock a run for his money and Harold Hack drew up countless proposals and filled out myriad forms. The hand rolling of balusters, and by now - molding of friezes and milling of corbels, continued. A A~ ~'~' =>Pv·~ ~ ..$ } •t, ODD ., ooo ;:,e DOD f ggg 6 - DOD --------------------------------- }' DOD ~ wondrous finished product was awarded the 1998 Merit Award by the New Haven Preservation Trust and yet another in 2003. Having successfully fought the human predators, the wooly adelgid and ubiquitous Japanese bamboo were next in the crosshairs. Saving what trees it could, and replacing others, Edgewood Elm planted over five hundred hardy saplings- Sherwood Forest, New Haven-style - adorned with flowers and blossoming neighborhood pride. We invite you to visit New Haven's Edgewood Park area and take your close look at our Neighborhood. Over one hundred charming housing units in more than forty graciously landscaped properties bask in their former glory once more, restored with turn-of-the­ century (20th!) flavor.
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