THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 42: ISSUE 30 MONDAY, OCTOBER 8. 2007 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM University at top of NCAA graduation rates Cardinal NCAA 2007 GRADUATION SUCCESS RATES Football program among highest ranking to speak Notre Dame Overall Division 1 Men's Sports lacrosse, rowing, soccer, softball, By MARCELA BERRIOS swimming, tennis, track and field Football 93% 66% Associate News Editor 100% 66% and volleyball. This is a slight at Forum Baseball improvement from last year, when Basketball 91% 61% Notre Dame tops the list of soccer received a 94 percent GSR Fencing 100% B8% Division I schools with the highest score, making it the only women's Ice Hockey 100% 84% number of perfect scores in the sport without a perfect mark. ND supports Mahony's Lacrosse 97% 88% N~s 2007 analysis of gradua- Seven men's sports (baseball, presence at conference Soccer 100% 77% tion rates for student athletes. fencing, hockey, soccer, swim- Tennis 1000/o 82% The NCAA figures, released Oct. ming, tennis, and track field) Track and Field 1()()0/o 74% 3, track the graduation success received perfect scores. And while By KAREN LANGLEY rate (GSR) - the percentage of the basketball, football, golf and News Editor Women's Sports student athletes that graduate lacrosse programs failed to Basketball 100% 81% from the school within six years of receive 100 percent GSR scores, Cardinal Roger Mahony of Fencing 100% E)30/o enrollment- at 318 Division I none received a grade below 90. Los Angeles, a speaker at Golf 1000/o 87% colleges and universities across They received scores of 91, 93, today's Notre Dame Forum Soccer 1()()0/o 89% the country. Eighteen of the 91 and 97, respectively. on immigration, leads an Softball 100% 85% University's 22 athletic programs The football program saw its archdiocese affected in Tennis 1()()0/o 88% received a GSR score of 100 per- 2007 GSR drop from 95 percent in recent cent. 2006, while the golf program years by Track and Field 100Yo 83% Notre Dame received a perfect slipped from 92 percent last year. Volleyball 1000/o 88% significant $0/JI'Ce: 1-CAA. GSR score in all of its women's controver­ JARED WAFERfrhe ObseiVer sports - basketball, fencing, golf, see NCAA/page 4 sy. In July, the arch­ diocese reached a Panel to address immigration debate $660 mil- lion settle- Mahony ment with victims of hundreds of clergy Speakers include government officials, archbishop; organizers expect strong attendance abuse cases. In 2002, multi­ ple news sources reported and is the first Cuban-American tant for the panel recruitment on the Forum's Web site, are Mahony acknowledged know­ By LINDSAY SENA to serve in the Senate; Cardinal committee to have representa­ "to unite the student body in News Writer ingly transferring a Roger Mahony, the Archbishop tives from several levels of gov­ reflection of this topic, to pedophile priest among of Los Angeles appointed by ernment. engage students intellectually parishes. The national immigration Pope John Paul II in 1985 who "At the national level we have about the relevance and signifi­ In September, the Los debate will come to a localized has been an advocate for the a senator, at the state level, a cance of this issue, to integrate Angeles Times reported that head today as the topic of the protection of immigrants; governor; we have a mayor for the discussion with moral con­ three nuns whose work University's annual forum. Arizona Gov. Janet A. the local level, and an archbish­ siderations and faith perspec­ includes counseling, translat­ University President Father Napolitano; and Louis Barletta, op to represent the religious tives, and to make a contribu­ ing for and otherwise helping John Jenkins selected immigra­ mayor of Hazleton, Penn., aspect," he said. tion to current global discus­ poor, undocumented immi­ tion as the forum's topic last where the City Council passed The panel will also represent sions." grants were sent eviction spring. Classes will be eancelled the Illegal Immigration Relief a variety of geographic regions "I anticipate very strong notices by the Archdiocese of today from 3 to 5 p.m. for the Act, which makes it difficult for and political views. attendance," Matovina said. Los Angeles. The nuns were event. illegal immigrants to reside in The panel will discuss and "I've been doing some pre­ reportedly notified they had Ray Suarez, senior correspon­ Hazleton. address various questions perti­ forum sessions in residence to leave their convent, which dent of The News Hour with Timothy Matovina, Forum nent to the immigration debate, halls and those have all been will be sold to help pay the Jim Lehrer, will moderate the Committee chair and director of including the economic, social, very well-attended and I've multimillion-dollar court set­ Forum. The forum members the Cushwa Center for the legal, religious and human heard a lot of interest from stu- tlement, by Dec. 31. are: Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.), Study of American Catholicism, rights issues. The goals of this who emigrated from Cuba at 15 emphasized that it was impor- forum, as stated by Matovina see FORUM/page 4 see MAHONYI page 6 ND students run Chicago marathon New Web site benefits Elevated temperatures, aspiring investors fatigue cause obstacles for some competitors Up Down called 'Facebook for Wall Street' picking and whyl is a novel idea By CAITLYN CASTER ByJENNMETZ that might revolutionize invest­ News Wrirer Assistanr News Editor ing," he said. Like Facebook, students from The UpDown, a growing Web Harvard University founded the In scorching 90 degree heat site that gives members virtual UpDown. Michael Reich, the chief and sweltering humidity, nearly money to play the stock market, is executive officer, is a Harvard 30 Notre Dame students and giving a community of investors Business School student, as is alumni competed in the 30th the chance to earn real money for chief financial officer Georg annual LaSa\le Bank Chicago their free online portfolios. Ludviksson. Phuc Truong, the Marathon Sunday. The Web site, which has been chief technical officer, is a 1998 However, not even months of called the "Facebook for Wall graduate of Harvard. training prepared them for the Street," went live Sept. 4 on Brendan McManus, a Notre intense racing conditions, they CNBC's "On the Money." Dame junior from the Boston said. Junior Patrick Martin, who uses area, works for the Web site and "It was really, really hot. I did­ the site, said the UpDown is a contributed to its launch in n't run nearly as well as I "simple way of seeing how others September. thought I would," senior Brogan go about making their investment "We've reached a solid critical Ryan said. However, running decisions." mass .... We're still growing very with his twin brother, Brendan, "The idea of a Facebook-like fast, which is encouraging," he kept him motivated, he said. He Runners compete at the annual LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon site for investors to pick stocks see MARATHON/page 4 Sunday. More than 30 Notre Dame students participated. and see both what [others are see UPDOWN/page 4 -------------·--------------------- --- - page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Monday, October 8, 2007 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: IF YOU COULD PICK THE QUESTION FOR THE PHOTOPOLL, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Rlll1illng late I've had a bad travnl day. Not a terrible one, mind you- a tnrrible travnl day L<> Huyen Nguyen Steve Barbera Adriana Ong Josh Bartrom Amanda Jaszkowski Brian Slaboch one in which your flight gel<> eanct~lled, or you end up in the wrong state somehow; senior senior senior junior junior junior no, my trawl day h<L'> only bmm bad. A McGlinn Alumni Cavanaugh Dillon Cavanaugh Fisher bad travel day is bning set back Dustin Mennella by dnlays nvnry "Would you "Why are 16 "Sex, drugs or "Do you know "How many "/low much will step of' tim way, Photo Editor date me? dorms copying rock n' roll?" all your friends' fingers have W·iC lose by?" onn that starl<> Alumni last names?" you broken?" at 4::~0 a.m. and gm~s until X: 15 p.m., missing thn bus by greatness and five· minutes late <Uld having to wait an having their hour and a half' bncausn of it. A bad trav­ SYR on the nl day is having a book of crosswords, but losing your only pencil. Then allnr hav­ same day as ing obtained a pen, losing tlmt a<> well ours?" within an hour. And having li1rgott.tm my il'od back in Soutl1 Btmd didn't hnlp thill).,'S. So, having said all that, I'm n~ally not all that bittc~r. Thn wm~kend inlns Angeles WlL'> definitely worth it, with thn IN BRIEF bPad1 and the win. Also, at the begin­ ning of'tlw trip, I picked up a book of The rosary will bn said tonight short stories by Neil Caiman t:alled at 6:45 at the Grotto. The rosary "Fragile Things" and got a dmncn to do a is said daily. lot of' rnading which I usually don't have time fi1r during the school year. (iaiman 's "Savage in Limbo" will be pnr­ stories am wildly strange and range in formPd tonight at 7:30 in the topic from ghost stories tel Sherlock Philbin Studio Theatre, llolmns. Many am not exactly about DeBartolo Performing Arts ghosl<> <L'> much a<> simply unnxpla.inPd Center. Tickets aro $R for stu­ ynt highly unusual evnnl<>. and it got mn dents. thinking about till' ghost nncountc~rs of' my own lili~.
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