Eastern Illinois University The Keep October 2005 10-5-2005 Daily Eastern News: October 05, 2005 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2005_oct Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: October 05, 2005" (2005). October. 3. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2005_oct/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2005 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in October by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~~Tell the truth and don't be afraid." SPORTS + SeM faau 0Y0 petfeot Panthen : page 12 WEllES DIY OCTOBER 5 2005 thedail)temei'IUIIWI.com East~m Illinois University. Charleston Admissions to be more selective University Incomng students will face more difficult acceptance requirements Board books Guster for BY S"R.ut WHJT,..n Students who applied during that window \\en: EMtln If "IIi-oll11p1 to Ill IIDMINISlRATION EDITOR adnutted if they met the ratuirements. Then alter that date, admLc;sions counselors were more selec­ .... fall concert • No more preference application win­ High school srudents will have a tougher time tive with applications rccdved. dow getting accepted to Eastern this year. lbis year, the department decided to not have a BY NICOlE MllSTlAD The department has implemented several preferred time period to receive applications. • Rsquired personal ~ ACT111HI£S EDITOR changes to hdp it be more sdecrive of applicants. What we're able ro do this year h a true pool of • Improved accepran_ce pcldcet The point is not to exclude: students, but to all applicants, Major said. This allows the depart­ University Board is bringing Guster • leUer from President Hencken upon ellS\l.rt that the accepted srudents will thrive in ment to not have to commit to a window of peri­ for the fall concc:rt. Eastern's environment. od where applications are accepted as long as they The band is a trio from Boston who "We want to make sure (Eastern) is a good fit," m«r the requirements. has a unique sound with rwo acoustic said Brenda Major, director of admissions. An added change, Major told the senate, is that guitars and a bongo set. Major attended the Farulty Senate m«ting the department is requiring students to submit a "That also gives us a more ofan indication of the Guster will be performing at 8 p.m. Tuesday whe~ she answe~ questions about the personal statement essay. student's goals, ambitions, why they feel they Oct. 28, in Lantz Arena. Matt Pond admissions deparonent. Previously, students only had to list their achieve­ would be a good fit here at Eastern," she said. "So PA will be opening for Guster. Tickets The deparonent's preference application accept­ ments and explain why they were applying to are now on sale for srudents in the ance window bas normally been July to November. Eastern. SEf ADMISSIONS PACr q Martin Luther King Jr. University Union box office for $13.1ickets for the general public go on sale Monday for $17. Employees Guster hit the East Coast scene in the lare 1990s, and became notable through their touring and humorous donate part stage banter with the audience. The band has devdoped a grass­ of rootS F.m base aci'05S the United Stares paychecks by becoming prominent on the Internet. to charities The band mer in 1992 at Tufts University in Massachusetts during BY SARAH WHITNEY freshman orientation. ADMit-.ISTRATION ll>llOR The three began writing songs in the residence halls and performed Four percent of Eastern employees their first: gig at the campus nightspot are $17,300 poorer for 2004, but they "Horung Cafe." don't mind. For a while, the band performed in During 2004, they participated in a Harvard Square, running a P.A. sys­ charity campaign called The State and tem off a boat battery until noise vio­ University Employees Combined lation tickets were enforced in 1996. Appell. They began perfonning under the SECA is a state organization that band name of Gus. The name was provides Eastern employees the lengthened to Guster in 1995 after option to make charitable donations the discovery of several other national directly from their paychecks. 0ANI£l WtlUAMSffH[ oo.I.Y Wll.RN NfWS band~ touring under the name Gus. Employees can arrange for a one-rime firec Rania, left, utlololta Ifill, tort ... for Prarit States StHIIIC. ptt ilalloor flue ilttte retonfltl Doatlu The band is lead by Ryan Miller withdrawal or for regular deductions FiH Am C.ater to P!',.,. for a larcer orew oot1inc ill. and Adam- Gardner on guitars and each pay period. All of the donated vocal~. while Brian Rosenworcd plays money goes directly to the ch.1rities ~ion. the employee requests. After the three graduated college. "If you donate fiye or 10 dollars to they bought a used van and hit the a charity each month. rou don't even road. notice it coming out of your check," The album Parachute was puc ow said Steve Scher, associate psychology in 19.94 after the addition of produc­ professor and chair of Eastern's SECA DESPITE DELAYS TO DOUDNA AND BLAIR er Mike Denn«n. advisory committee. "Bur over time The Boston Globe named that your contributions add up to a really HML,CON~UCTIONCON~ album "Best Local Debut Album in big donation for the charities you 1995." choose." BY MINDY BROWN west side of (Doudna)." piling. Guster is under Reprise's Palm The advisory committee was STAFf REPORTIR Rain had made contractors wade They are in place ro protect the Pictures and has performed at formed last year because Eastern had through mud, but temporary neighboring buil~ and parking Woodstock '99 and on Lace Night such a low percentage of donations. Construction is no longer invisi­ pumps were put in place co redirect in case of cave-ins or mudslides. with Conan O'Brien. ble as both the Doudna Fine Am the water away &om the job site. More sheet piling may be put in SE£ SECA PAGE 'I Center and Blair Hall show signs of Other obstacles were addressed as place sometime next week. Fill faoiiiOI , additions. construction workers dug the foun­ Blair Hall is no longer in the Eastern administrators expect darion fur the new wing ofDoudna. mechanical sage as drywall has been + Who: Guster and Matt Pond ...... more progress to be made visible "We knew what utilities were installed in as much of the original PA • 67 ~participated soon. there, but when the c:xcavarion SW't­ wing of the building as possible. • What Fall concert + S17,300 ratsed "StructuRI sted will sun to be ed we fOund them to not be e:xaaly Shrake said. delivered next week," said Steve as indicated on existing docu­ Befure any additional drywall can + Where: Lantz Arena • Most popular charity for dona­ Shrake, manager of fucilities plan­ ments," Shrake said. "lbat slowed be installed the windows on the + When: 8 p.m. Oct 28 tionS in Coles Co.: Unrted W;ry ning and management. "Concrete the progress while we performed third Boor need additional work • lickets available to students for • $200 average yearly donation and foundation work will continue some exploratory excavations." The addition on the west side is $13 each in the Union; $17 to on the east side of Seventh Street The framework near the Ninth the public, available Monday. and near the Library Quad on the Street parking lots is known as sheet su CONSTRUOlON PilOt 9 FIVE-DAY OUTLOOK TODAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 87 64 61 62 67 56 42 38 38 38 Sunny AM. Showers Partly dou('!y Sunny Sunny WIDNE$0.\Y, O<;msrn S, 200S CAMPUS BRIEFS TODAY'S EVENTS EASTERN NEWS Find Information Fast 9 a.m. I Booth Library Thl' D~•ly Ea<t<'rn 'lrw~ h produ((!d by tht' Reference Librarians will ~tudents of [;.. tern tllmo1~ Umver,lly Children's lit award now available It is publt<h~ rl~•ly Monday through rnclay, provide mstruction on In Ch~rleston. Ill • durmjt r~u ~ntl 'P"nlt The English deparunem ~ aca:pt­ Homecoming commiHee Sorority teeters for how to search the online 'l'ffil"it<'rs and twn c Wl't·~ly durin~ tlw ing submissions for the Louise Murray sponsors Family Fun Night diabetes research catalog and databases. summer term e~cept clunng school v•"•tlon< or e~~mmatl~m~. Sub<(.ripllon prite· ~SO p..r Award for Children's Lirerarure. Eastern's homecoming com­ Alpha Gamma Ddta is holding a Booth Library e-classroom, semester. S30 for ~ummer, S95 •II ye~r. Studenrs wirh a major in clcmcn­ miw:e is putting on a Family "Teeter-Toucr-a-thon" to raise Rm 4450 The OFN Is " m..mlwr of The "'-t.ltl·d Pr~\, tary education, midclle level educa­ Fun Night today 10 the money for irs foundation. The whKh ts entttled to o!xclu$lve u"t! of all •rt•tles tion or English, or minor in Fireworks, Part 1 appNnng in tht< pa~ with a Univen>ity Ballroom in the evc:nt will begin today at noon and creative writing are eligible. Martin Luther King Jr. end Thursday ar noon. 9 a.m. I Faculty workshop STAFF LIST The dc3dline to submit a portfolio of University Union. The foundation supports on using Fireworks photo lixroe IN a.. ....... ..,_ au-...o original writi~ for children or young Running from 7 to 9 p.m., the research, grant:> and educational software. OE~>Ic:Ogmail com adults in genre such as pocuy, pknm: night will include games, prizes programs for the American Diabetes CATS framing l..ilb, MAHAac BWtOil ••••• • ••• HauaY lnlU McAfee 1214 • • • • • • • • • • DENmanagongC>gm.l•l com book.
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