E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1995 No. 70 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was instructions about what it is that the tax dollars in the way we spend them. called to order by the Speaker pro tem- people that we work for would like us But there was also growing interest in pore [Mrs. WALDHOLTZ]. to try and achieve as we go forward tackling the challenge of reforming our f with the congressional agenda. tax system in a comprehensive way, This year's spring break tragically, and I suspect that may have had some- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO as we all know, was overshadowed by thing to do with the fact that people TEMPORE the terrible bomb blast that occurred were trying to understand those very The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- April 19 in Oklahoma City. Our hearts difficult instruction forms at the last fore the House the following commu- and our prayers go out to the victims, minute on April 15 when they were nication from the Speaker: their families, the entire Oklahoma rushing to get in even before the ex- WASHINGTON, DC, community, and all the extraordinary tended deadline of April 17 this year. I May 1, 1995. Americans who have rallied together in think most people recognize that our I hereby designate the Honorable ENID G. this time of crisis. So many people current tax structure is inefficient, it WALDHOLTZ to act as Speaker pro tempore on were touched by this tragedy. Even in is unfair, and it is largely incompre- this day. remote southwest Florida that I rep- hensive certainly to the average Amer- NEWT GINGRICH, resent the grief was felt in families ican if they try and read the instruc- Speaker of the House of Representatives. who lost loved ones who were killed in tions. The paperwork alone is enough f the blast. We certainly applaud the ef- to ruin anyone's day, and the feeling is forts of the President, Federal and pervasive that many filers are paying MORNING BUSINESS local law enforcement, and Members of too much and do not see a fair return The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- this Congress in coming together to on the investment they are required to ant to the order of the House of Janu- bring the perpetrators to justice and make, and I think many agree that ary 4, 1995, the Chair will now recog- explore the challenge of preventing taxes are not moneys that are always nize Members from lists submitted by such a tragedy from recurring again. well spent by Washington. the majority and minority leaders for Madam Speaker, I spent a good part In fact, it was while I was home over morning hour debates. The Chair will of the break meeting with citizens in this break that I received a note from alternate recognition between the par- Florida, from small business owners our UPS delivery person who brought a ties, with each party limited to not to and operators to students, to rep- package to my house. He scribbled his exceed 30 minutes, and each Member resentatives of the media, a broad cross message right on the little yellow de- except the majority and minority lead- section of the people who make things livery ticket one gets right over the ers limited to not to exceed 5 minutes. tick in our small corner of America. It printed instructions so I could not read f was an extremely valuable period of di- it exactly, but the sentiment was very alog for me, a time to share ideas and clear. It said: ``Today's tax system is RECESS IN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA reflect on where we as a nation need to unfair and needs to be changed.'' This The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under be headed. The timing of the recessÐ particular citizen urged my support for the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- which we all know included the tax fil- a flat tax, an option that is gaining in uary 4, 1995, the gentleman from Flor- ing deadline of April 17Ðhelped focus popularity and deserves our close at- ida [Mr. GOSS] is recognized for 5 min- people's attention on the functions of tention. There are, in fact, many possi- utes. their Federal Government and the need bilities for tax overhaul, including not Mr. GOSS. Madam Speaker, the for change in the way we conduct the just the flat tax, or some version of it, House has just completed a district Nation's business. Just about every- but the national sales tax and other work period, as Members know. Mem- where I went in my travels throughout variations on those themes. I am bers are returning to Washington as we the district and beyond the district as pleased that the chairman of the House speak. The district work period is a well, people were encouraged by the Committee on Ways and Means and the time we all go home and listen to what changes that are taking place up here House majority leader have committed the people we work for have to say. We in Congress in terms of increased effi- to beginning the dialog of tax reform reflect on what has been accomplished ciency, streamlined operations, less this year, with the possibility of real here in Washington. We report back to Government interference in their daily change by next year. That would cer- them. We get a little bit of a report life, and maybe even achieving a better tainly be a welcome relief by the time card on how things should be done and return to citizens for their hard-earned April 15 came around. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 4435 H 4436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 1, 1995 This is a discussion that affects every ceedings and announces to the House Mr. HARKIN, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. REID, American, and I hope the national dia- his approval thereof. Mr. KERREY, Mr. KOHL, and Mrs. MUR- log will help to educate us all about Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- RAY to be the conferees on the part of the pros and cons of the options out nal stands approved. the Senate. there. f The message also announced that the We understand the problem. We just Senate had passed bills and a joint res- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE do not know what the best solution is olution of the following titles, in which yet, and I think that that ought to be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- the concurrence of the House is re- at the top of our agenda. I think it is tleman from Mississippi [Mr. MONT- quested: clear from those of us who went home GOMERY] will lead the membership in and took the pulse that America is S. 268. An act to authorize the collection of the Pledge of Allegiance. fees for expenses for triploid grass carp cer- ready for bold change. It is time to Mr. MONTGOMERY led the Pledge of tification inspections, and for other pur- stop fooling around at the edges of Allegiance, as follows: poses; some of these systems and start con- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the S. 349. An act to reauthorize appropria- structing new systems that are fairer United States of America, and to the Repub- tions for the Navajo-Hopi Relocation Hous- and more efficient. Everybody I talked lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ing Program, to one way our the other, when we got indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. S. 441. An act to reauthorize appropria- on the subject of taxation, said, ``How f tions for certain programs under the Indian about a better deal with our taxes? Child Protection and Family Violence Pre- How about a system that we can under- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE vention Act, and for other purposes; stand?'' A message from the Senate by Mr. S. 523. An act to amend the Colorado River Well, Madam Speaker, how about it? Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- Basin Salinity Control Act to authorize addi- As we tackle the budget process, can nounced that the Senate had passed a tional measures to carry out the control of we include tax reform? I think the peo- resolution of the following title, in salinity upstream of Imperial Dam in a cost- effective manner, and for other purposes; and ple we work for have asked us to do which the concurrence of the House is S.J. Res. 32. Joint resolution expressing requested: that, and I can see no reason at all why the concern of the Congress regarding cer- we should not. So how about it? Let us S. RES. 111 tain recent remarks that unfairly and inac- take on tax reform. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with curately maligned the integrity of the Na- f profound sorrow and deep regret the an- tion's law enforcement officers. nouncement of the death of the Honorable RECESS John C. Stennis, late a Senator from the The message also announced, that in accordance with Public Law 99±498, sec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- State of Mississippi.
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