EDITORIAL CONTENTS Editorial ................................................................5 GeoPark Lanzarote Letters from Readers ....................................... 6 - 1 0 Consular Visit ....................................................1 1 St Patrick’s Day ...................................................1 2 “Treat the Earth well. It was not a St George’s Day ...................................................1 3 gift to you from your parents, it is Fiscal Advice - Property Registration ...................1 4 on loan to you from your children.” Property Guide ....................................................1 5 Kenyan proverb Round the Island by Car ............................... 1 6 - 1 9 50 Years Puerto del Carmen .......................... 2 0 - 3 3 50 Years Local Investment Part 1 ................... 2 4 - 4 3 elcome to Lanzarote and welcome The 7 Tourist Centres .................................... 4 6 - 4 7 to Lancelot, the island’s quality pu- 50 Years Local Investment Part 2 ................... 4 8 - 6 0 blication on the market since 1985. W San Antonio Texas Anniversary ............................6 1 Earth holds many beautiful places including some holiday destinations, but very few have Eating Out .................................................... 6 2 - 6 3 been designated as World Biosphere Reserves Lanzarote News ............................................. 6 4 - 7 9 by UNESCO. This distinction, which Lanza- Canarian Government Promotion .................. 6 4 - 6 5 rote received in 1993, is awarded locations Cabildo and Tourism Lanzarote ..................... 6 6 - 7 1 which achieve the right balance between deve- Tias and Puerto del Carmen .......................... 7 2 - 7 3 loping their tourist industry with conservation Arrecife the Island Capital ............................. 7 4 - 7 5 of the local environment. Haria Town and Countryside ......................... 7 6 - 7 7 The United Nations entity considered Lan- Teguise and Costa Teguise ............................. 7 8 - 7 9 zarote a veritable real life laboratory for sus- Lanzarote Rotary Club .................................. 8 0 - 8 2 tainable development in which economic and social progress goes hand in hand with the Agustin Pallares Adoptive Son ....................... 8 2 - 8 3 preservation and improvement of the natural Nicolás Laiz with César Manrique in Japan ... 8 4 - 8 5 surroundings. This is now identified as Res- PhotoNews ..........................................................8 6 ponsible Tourism. Tourist Information .............................................8 7 At the end of last year, Unesco conferred the Bridge – Simple Crossword .................................8 8 Island with a further environmental accolade General Crossword – Local Organisations ...........8 9 by granting it the status of a GeoPark, an area Exhibitions and Concerts .....................................9 0 with an exceptional geological heritage clearly Lanzarote Wine Run ...........................................9 2 linked with a natural landscape, history, fo- lklore and culture that is good for education. International partnership through networking allows GeoParks to profit from a worldwide exchange of experience, compared to being a local isolated initiative. Having enjoyed your visit you may wish to President: Antonio Coll buy a holiday cum retirement home on an is- Lancelot Media General Manager: Javier Betancort land with 12 months sunshine a year located Director Lancelot TV: Jorge Coll only a few hours away from most European Honorary Editor: Larry Yaskiel cities. We publish quarterly, our next issue is Advertising and Layout: Liz Yaskiel due on 1 September. Graphic Design: Betty Romero Avda. Mancomunidad s/n (Arrecife Gran Hotel) 35500 Arrecife - Lanzarote Whilst every attempt is made to ensu- Tel: 928 51 20 26 e-mail: [email protected] re that articles and advertisements are factually correct, the publishers and pr- Published quarterly: 1 March, 1 June, 1 September, inters cannot be held responsible for any 1 December. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or broadcast without the written consent of the Publisher. errors or omissions. Intending purchasers Copyright LANCELOT. Depósito Legal GC 846-2014 must satisfy themselves by inspection Distibution: Totaldis - Printed by Minerva, Lanzarote or otherwise of each of their statements. No. 137, 2016 http://www.lancelot.es/prensa.php e-mail:[email protected] Lancelot 5 LETTERS TO LANCELOT GUINEVERE Dr Duncan that Angela Merkel was spending Reavey, Principle Senior Lecturer, the week on the island of La Gome- Learning and Teaching at Chiches- ra. The presenter mentioned a few ter University, has been organising words about an ancient “whistling” a two week Adventure Education language used there. Could you tell and Environment training course us something about it? Should you University of Chichester for his students on the Island for provide an answer our family will o n L a n z a r o t e the past 17 years based in Puerto mail us a copy of the issue. Dear Sir, del Carmen. This year he and fellow We very much enjoyed your lecturers headed a party of 66 tra- Many thanks, Spring issue especially with the inee teachers who spent one week Heinz and Helga Albrecht great photo of the Atlantic Mu- giving English lessons at the nine of Adelbertstrasse, 44 seum Underwater Sculpture Park the island’s primary and secondary 60486 Bockenheim on the cover. We must get some of schools. Most of the environmen- Frankfurt am Main our students who are competent tal courses take place at Pardelas Germany divers to see it – in fact get succes- Park, Orzola under the direction of sive generations of students to re- Carlos Dizy, who was awarded an GUINEVER The whistling lan- cord the changes as nature moves Honorary Doctorate by Chichester guage, or “silbo,” of La Gomera in. All best wishes and look forward University for his dedicated work came into being because the island to seeing you on our next visit in with the students. is riven by steep canyons and rid- January 2017 and thanks for the ges and whistling was the only way cooperation we always receive from La Gomera Whistling farmers and shepherds could com- Lancelot. L a n g u a g e municate across the inhospitable Whilst on holiday on Lanzarote terrain. It allowed them to commu- Duncan Reavey. over Easter at the home of our re- nicate from hilltop to hilltop up to a University of Chichester latives we saw on the German news distance of two kilometres. The ear- 6 Lancelot LETTERS TO LANCELOT LETTERS TO LANCELOT GUINEVERE Dr Duncan that Angela Merkel was spending liest notice of its existence is derived According to local experts, the that the source credited was a book Reavey, Principle Senior Lecturer, the week on the island of La Gome- from a late 15th century document Gomera whistle compresses spoken published by the Haklyut Society Learning and Teaching at Chiches- ra. The presenter mentioned a few containing an account of the mur- sounds to two vowels and four con- entitled the “Guanches of Teneri- ter University, has been organising words about an ancient “whistling” der of the first count of La Gome- sonants that can be strung together fe” by Sir Clements Markham, Pre- a two week Adventure Education language used there. Could you tell ra who was warned by his mistress to form more than 4,000 words sident of the Royal Geographical and Environment training course us something about it? Should you to flee because she had overheard using whistles of varying tones. Society. University of Chichester for his students on the Island for provide an answer our family will conspirators talking in the whistling The sound is formed by putting the I have two questions. The other o n L a n z a r o t e the past 17 years based in Puerto mail us a copy of the issue. language about a plot to kill him. fingers of one hand in the mouth night I watched a video of “The Dear Sir, del Carmen. This year he and fellow But he ignored her advice. and using the other as a megapho- Last Place on Earth” about the great We very much enjoyed your lecturers headed a party of 66 tra- Many thanks, By the middle of the last cen- ne which can be used to render any race for the South Pole in 1911-12 Spring issue especially with the inee teachers who spent one week Heinz and Helga Albrecht tury the whistling language had language without too many vowels. between British and Norwegian great photo of the Atlantic Mu- giving English lessons at the nine of Adelbertstrasse, 44 fallen into disuse and the Canary The spoken message is decoded like teams, led by Scott and Asmund- seum Underwater Sculpture Park the island’s primary and secondary 60486 Bockenheim Islands government was worried a phonetic alphabet. The technique sen, respectively with Martin Shaw on the cover. We must get some of schools. Most of the environmen- Frankfurt am Main that knowledge of this unique form may originate from Berbers in the playing the role of Scott of the An- our students who are competent tal courses take place at Pardelas Germany of communication was in danger of high Atlas in Morocco, the forerun- tarctic. According to the script, Sir divers to see it – in fact get succes- Park, Orzola under the direction of completely dying out. To avoid this ners of the pre-Hispanic Guanche Clements Markham was one of the sive generations of students to re- Carlos Dizy, who was awarded an GUINEVER The whistling lan- happening they introduced legisla- inhabitants of the Canary Islands. most fervent backers of the British cord the changes as nature moves Honorary Doctorate by Chichester guage, or “silbo,” of La Gomera tion on La Gomera in 1999 making effort. Is he identical to the author in. All best wishes and look forward University for his dedicated work came into being because the island learning about the “silbo” a com- L a C a n d e l a r i a of “The Guanches of Tenerife?” to seeing you on our next visit in with the students. is riven by steep canyons and rid- pulsory subject in primary schools D e a r S i r , And, what was the Haklyut Society January 2017 and thanks for the ges and whistling was the only way and an option in secondary schools.
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