![National Salute to Vietnam Veterans] Box: 51](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Blackwell, Morton: Files Folder Title: [National Salute to Vietnam Veterans] Box: 51 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ rJU[ 2 9 1882 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 28, 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR ELIZABETH DOL~ FROM: Jim Ciccon~ SUBJECT: National Salute to Vietnam Veterans Attached is material forwarded by Jan Scruggs concerning the National Salute to Vietnam Veterans. Please note that a letter has been sent to the President asking that he and the First Lady serve as Honorary Chairmen. Thanks. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 3, 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR MICHAEL K. DEAVER~ FROM: ELIZABETH H. DOLE SUBJECT: National Salute to Vietnam Veterans Attached is a letter inviting President and Mrs. Reagan to serve as the Co-Chairmen of the "National Salute to Vietnam Veterans" that will take place from November 10th to 14th, 1982. I recommend that President and Mrs. Reagan accept this invitation. By accepting this honor, the President and Mrs. Reagan will affirm their appreciation and respect for the thousands of Americans who sacrificed so much for the United States in the Vietnam conflict. I would also like to point out that Mrs. Reagan presently serves on the National Sponsoring Committee for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. Thank you for considering this request. MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 4, 1982 'l'O: MORTON BLACKWELL IL FROM: M. B. OGLESBY, 4-~ SUBJECT: Attached letter Morton, attached is a copy of a letter from Congress­ man Jamie Whitten adding his personal endorsement to the request that the President and Mrs. Reagan act as Honorary Co-Chairmen for the National Salute to Vietnam Veterans in November. It is my understanding that a decision will be made shortly on this matter. I would appreciate your letting me know so that I may advise Congressman Whitten. Thank you. I CHAl,.MAN COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS _--~ ~rates , .-;.,,.n,»e of itttptt~cntatibc~ M~bfngton, ;Al.<.!:. 20515 August 2, 1982 4 AUG 1982 Mr. M. B. Oglesby, Jr. Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs The Wh·i te House Washington, D. C. 20500 Dear B.: I have received a letter from Jan C. Scruggs, president of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, advising that President Reagan and Mrs. Reagan have been asked to be the Honorary Co-Chairmen for the National Salute to Vietnam Veterans which will take place from November 10th through November 14th. I would like to add my own personal endorsement of this request for the President and Mrs. Reagan to participate in these important patriotic events honoring Vietnam Veterans and those who gave their lives in Vietnam. It will be most appreciated if you will let me know if thj. President and Mrs. Reagan will be able to be Honorary Co-Chairmen for this National Salute. With best wishes, JLW/sls Whitten, M. C. \" . \ I I July 27, 1982 Mr. Jim Ciconi Special Assistant to the President CORPORATE ADVISORY BOARD I RECTORS The White House Chaiirma.n hn P. Whttl<,r 111 , Esq .' First Floor, West Wing hairmJn Paul Thoyer Chairman of the Board b<,rt F. Frank, CPA Washington, DC 20500 and Chief f1..cu1ive O ffice, The [ TV Corpotalion nald F. G ibbs' Vier Chaiirmrn eorgt W . Mayo, Jr., Esq .• Dear Jim: August A. Busch, Ill n C. Morrison, bQ. • Chauman and President chard E. Radez' Anheuser-Busch Companies. Inc. hn 0 . Woods Jr ., P.E.' I'm sorry that you didn't have an opportunity to view Wayne M . Hoffman Chairman and Chief h"'"ulfVf' Officer Aff our statue, but I look forward to showing it to you soon. Tiger International Craig Scruggs• John G . McEIWtt esident President John Hancock Mutual ol. Robert A. Caner USAF R<,t.' Attached here is some material on the National Salute Life Insurance Company t-cut•vt> Vice Prf"sidenl J. Ric hard Munro obert W . Doubek. Esq .' to Vietnam Veterans. ·All veterans and military organizations Pres ident fojec1 Oirt:"'C.to r!Sec,e,1ary are taking part in this effort which is expected to bring Time, Inc. nd1e fauriol Edmund T. Pran , Jr . rec1or-Na1 ,onal Salute to over two hundred thousand Vietnam veterans into Washington. Chairman of the Board ,etnam Veterans Pf12er. Inc. ren K. Bigeiow Lloyd N . Un"'II pury Director Na1,onal Sdlure to Execurive Vice President w1 nam Ve1erans and We have asked the President and Nancy Reagan to be the Independent Peiroleum m~,gn D11Ktor Associarion of America Honorary Charimen for the event. Please do what you can to ATIONAL SPONSORING T. A. Wilson Chair man and Chief f,.ecur1vf" Off,cf'r MMITTEE help with this request. Boe,ng Comp.any ·nold " Red" Auerbach \ earl Baily ~rion S. Bcirry, Jr. Best regards, ayo, Ws11ie1 o f Columbia !ocky Bleier• !u ben Bonilla ea,e of Unued Lar in .mE"flCan C11i2ens (LULACJ he Hon. Ellsworth Bunker ~ rol Burnen ~ e Cano merican C .I. forum of the U .5. 10Y iynn Caner " • Hon. Max Cleland' h e Hon. Ba ltasar Corrada ioward Co.,.11 ;,.n_ Michael s. Da vison. USA. R<,t. J cs I rm ormer Commander-,n-Chief. t S. Armr, Europe he Hon. Gerald R. Ford nd Mrs. Ford hilip Gevehn b.r rv Coldwaler 111i1e-d 5ra,~s Senator om An zona ev. The-odorr M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. '.nivt-nity of Noire Dame ob HOP" en. David C. Jones• haum.in, Jo,nt Chiefs of Sia(( e-rnon £. Jordan, Jr. ationa f Urban League 1ichael J. Kogutek 'Tiet1can Lt-g,on ,e Hon. Ge-or(l:e McGovern " Hon. Roberi. P. Nimmo ancy Reagan tr! T. Rowan 'illie StarEtell >~f"r S1aub.1ch • 1e Hon Cyrus R. Vance hn \V. \'Varner 111ed Sralt"l ,Senator ,m Vu~m11 !n \.Yill1am C. WeslmoreLtrnd, Ret. • rmt"'r Ch,~( of 51.~ff. U.S. Army erve-d in V1e1nam !jh a1 1dns noted for rpo~s of 1den1ii,ca1ion only. Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, Inc. 711 O Vc>rmont Avenue. NW . Suite .108. \A, ' ashington. D .C. 20:.)()5 (202) 659-2 ➔ 90 They serv~. They sacrificed. HONOR THEM! The men and women who served in Vietnam: honor and recognize them at the National Salute to Vietnam Veterans, in Washington, D.C. beginning on the eve of Veterans Day Wednesday, November 10, continuing through Sunday, November 14, 1982 It's a time of remembrance of those who gave their lives and those who remain missing. It's a time to share heart-felt gratitude with all the valiant people who answered their country's call. The National Salute will be a celebration of patriotism and a focus of reflective emotion. Reunions of military units, Parades, Entertainment, and Religious Services will finally pay tribute to those 2,700,000 Americans who served in Vietnam. NATIONAL SAWTE TOVJETNAM VITERANS Americans, participate! Make plans now to remember them in November. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·Please complete and print clearly: D I would like to attend. Please send more information. D I am a Vietnam Veteran. D A member of my family gave his life in service D I would like information about the unit reunions. to his country in Vietnam. (Army : Brigade or Division; Marines: Regiment; D I would like information about the Welcome Home Parade. Navy: Ship or Detachment; Air Force: Wing level; D I would like information about lodging in the D.C. area. Coast Guard: Squadron). My unit was _____ NAME: --------------------------------- ADDRESS: -------------------------------- STATE: ____________ ZIP: ______ PHONE:----------- Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope when you return your participation form. Thank you. Mail your completed participation form to: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund•, 1110 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 308, Washington D.C. 20005 •The Vietnam Veterans Memorfal_Fund is a non-profit organization established to build a national memorial in honor of all Americans who served in Vietnam. Ad~rt.....,..,nl: CourtNy of Tyf Aw.oci.lN, Mele"", VA .. - ,. N/1.'1' J ON/1.L S/\LU'I'E TO VIETNAM VJ::TERANS November 10 - 14, 1982 Wc1shington, D.C. (I're lirninary Schedule of Activities) Wednc..:::;day, November 10 • 8 p.m. Entertdiners Salute Vietnam Veterans! Show DAl< Cons ti tut ion Hall, 1776 D Street, N. W. Thursdc.1y, Nuvember 11, Veterans Day • 11 a.m. Veterans Day Ceremony, Arlington Cemetery (Hosted by the Veterans Administration and the Congressional Medal of Honor Society) • 2 - 6 p.m. Unit Reunions (Army : Brig~de or Division; Mirines: Re11iment; Nivy: Ship or Del.ichmcnt; Air Force : Wing Level; Coist Gu•rd: Squ.idron). Exhibit Hall A, Sheraton Washington Hotel 2660 Woodley Road, N.W.; Woodley Park-Zoo metro, Red Line • 8 p.m. Veterans Day Concert, U.S. Army Band Col. Eugene Allen, USA, Leader-Conductor; Free to Public Departmental Auditorium, between 12th & 14th, on Constitution Ave, N Fridcty , November 12 • 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Unit Reunions (continued from Nov. 11) • 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Veterans Organizations Welcoming Programs -All day programs sponsor~d by veterans organizations and military related associations. Schedule of times ­ and locations available later. -Gold Star Mothers Open House for Families 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sheraton Ballroom, Sheraton Washington Hotel. Open House for familie::; uf those killed and missing in Vietnam. • G p.m. - midnight. Veterans Organizations Receptions Schedule available later Sc.1turday, Novenwer 13 • 10 .:.1.m.
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