ULLETIN OHST H E NEW S LETTER O F BT H E O NTARI O H I S T O RICAL so CIETY I SSUE 166 S EPTEMBER 2008 The OHS and CHO Present The OHS Launches the 2008 Cookbook Caper! Forging Freedom Website For the sixth consecutive year, cuisine (e.g. Italian, French, etc), The Ontario Historical Society is wines, desserts (yes, that includes proud to join forces with the Culi- chocolate!), and much, much more! nary Historians of Ontario (CHO) The CHO will offer a wonderful to present the Cookbook Caper! tearoom where bargain hunters This annual cookbook sale and tea can relax with tea and delicious will be hosted at the historic John sweets and baked goods. Be sure McKenzie House (two blocks north to mark your calendars, as this is of North York Centre Subway) a wonderful opportunity to add to at 34 Parkview Ave. in Willowdale your cookbook collection or to find on Sunday, November 23, 2008 special Christmas gifts for others! between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. Peruse Donations of cookbooks are much through hundreds of new and appreciated and can be made at gently-used cookbooks on a variety any time by contacting the OHS at of topics, including regional 416.226.9011. Meaford Museum Receives Trillium Grant for Accessibility On August 11th, the OHS attended a special event at the Meaford Museum during which it was announced that the Meaford Museum had been awarded a grant Pictured above is a preview of the Forging Freedom website of $31,800 by the Trillium Foun- homepage. The site was recently launched on the OHS website, and dation to help construct a new can be accessed at www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca/forgingfreedom. entrance vestibule that will make the museum more accessible. Seen here (left to right) are Meaford OHS Bulletin readers will remem- downloadable Lesson Plans for Mayor Francis Richardson and ber last year’s Forging Freedom elementary (Gr. 3), middle (Gr. 7), Pamela Woolner, Curator, Meaford conference was held in honour of and secondary (Gr. 11/12) school Museum, holding the OHS’s new the Bicentennial of the Abolition level teachers. These plans include Accessible Heritage Tool Kit for of the Atlantic Slave Trade within rubrics, activities and instruc- Ontario’s Heritage Organizations the British Empire. Canada signed tional media which conform to the and Institutions. This new publica- the United Nations accord to Ontario Ministry of Education’s tion can be ordered ($45 including develop programs aimed at educat- guidelines. Additionally, each of GST and shipping) by contacting Meaford Museum Curator ing the public in the importance of the papers delivered at the 2007 the OHS at 416.226.9011 or Pamela Woolner (right) accepts this landmark event, and the Forg- OHS Forging Freedom Confer- emailing accessheritage@ontario a copy of the Accessible Heritage ing Freedom website is an example ence in St. Catharines are avail- historicalcasociety.ca. Tool Kit. Photo Rob Leverty of this initiative. able. Both the Lesson Plans and the Several papers were delivered Papers are available to download, at the conference along this theme view, and print. Finally, the web- and, since then, a grant was re- site also includes a bibliography of ceived by the OHS from the relevant materials for expanding Roots of Freedom Grant Project, one’s own library. Bicentenary Committee of the This project utilizes excellent Ministry of Citizenship and Immi- scholarship and exciting creativity gration, which was chaired by the and the OHS is very proud to pres- Honourable Jean Augustine, Fair- ent it to our members and to the ness Commissioner for the Province heritage community at large. Many of Ontario. It was because of this thanks to the Ministry of Citizen- grant that the Forging Freedom ship and Immigration and to all of website was possible, and as such, the website contributors, and web In This Issue the OHS gratefully acknowledges design company The Well Dressed the support of the Ministry. Robot. The website can be accessed PRESIDENT’S REPORT.................................2 EXHIBITS & EVENTS .................................4 The Forging Freedom website by following the link on the OHS is designed to provide profes- website homepage, or by visiting EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT..............2 CEMETERY NEWS ......................................5 sional educators with direct access www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca/ to scholarship on Ontario Black forgingfreedom. DONORS/NEW MEMBERS............................3 MUSEUM NEWS..................................5-6 History and, as such, it includes ACROSS THE PROVINCE...........................3-4 The Ontario Historical Society 34 Parkview Avenue Willowdale, Ontario M2N 3Y2 FROM THE BooKshELF.........................7-8 THE 34 PARKVIEW AVE. ONTARIO WILLOWDALE HISTORICAL ONTARIO SOCIETY M2N 3Y2 www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca the sale of the property to the Town will chair our Museums Commit- of New Tecumseth and I think the tee. Naresh Khosla will continue to President’s Report resolution reached was the best chair our Audit Committee and Bob for all parties. I most certainly ap- Leech will chair the committee to preciate the work of Mr. Oslund increase funding and fundraising Ken Turner and Sharon Jaeger, representing and Mr. Osborne for giving me known as our Brilliant Ideas Com- [email protected] Waterloo and the surrounding area. the opportunity to start my tenure mittee. Joe Stafford will oversee These four new board members as President of OHS with a clean our Annual Meeting/Conference Where has the summer gone? It have very extensive backgrounds slate and the ability to take on a Committee. I will continue to chair seems that it just starts and then it is in the fields of history and heritage new direction. the Human Resources Committee. over! Welcome back everyone! As and will make outstanding addi- I, along with our Executive The final objective of our new we start our 2008-09 season (our tions to our board! Director Robert Leverty, and our Board is to bring our staffing 120-121st year) I would like to take As we start our new season, we fantastic new Board, will look at compliment back up to its former this opportunity to thank depart- as a Society look forward to better ways to increase services to our levels and begin training new staff ing board members Jack Cecillon, times. For the first time in many members and offer new and im- members for long term succession Cynthia Comacchio, Susan Neale, years, with the Banting issue re- proved workshops and programs to planning. Our current full time and Past President Brian Osborne. solved to everyone’s satisfaction, our affiliates. We will also contin- staff of Robert Leverty and Chris- It was a pleasure serving with you the Society’s finances are on the ue to offer a strong and supportive tina Perfetto are our most valuable and the contributions you made to road to recovery and we are headed voice to the protection of cemeter- resources and we will eventually the OHS over the last several years back to a balanced budget and long ies in Ontario as well as continue have to find the next generation of are greatly appreciated! I hope you term financial stability. I must ex- to educate and encourage people to super individuals like Robert and will all continue to be involved and tend my sincerest appreciation to protect and preserve Ontario’s built, Christina! As always, if anyone enthusiastic members of the OHS Past Presidents Chris Oslund and natural, and documentary history. has any question about the OHS and continue to share your wisdom Brian Osborne for the outstanding Helping on the road to achieve or would like to chat with me and knowledge with us! job they did over the years in nego- these objectives will be our about any concerns, the door is I would also like to take this tiating and successfully resolving OHS Board committees. Brad always open. Please email me at opportunity to welcome our the Banting issue. In my opinion, Rudachyk will chair our Affili- [email protected]. It is my new board members, Linda Kelly, all parties won. The Banting prop- ated Societies Committee and John goal to try and visit every region representing Manitoulin Island and erty was preserved in its entirety, Sabean will continue to chair our of this province if the opportunity Northern Ontario; Joe Stafford, rep- and received historic designation Honours and Awards Committee. presents itself and to visit as many resenting Kingston and Eastern recognizing its heritage value! Jim Leonard will chair both our affiliates as possible. Ontario; Jim Leonard, representing Financially, all parties concerned Cemeteries and our Preservation Brampton and the surrounding area; were satisfied with the terms of Committee and Lorraine O’Byrne Ken Turner, President John McKenzie House. In the the five point Clean and Beautiful Executive Director’s Report spring of 2005 the City of Toronto action plan: sweep it; design it; launched the Neighbourhood grow it; build it; celebrate it; as Beautification Program. Through well as help to preserve the John Rob Leverty of the decision by the Province of this programme the City is able McKenzie House and grounds [email protected] Ontario that it is not in the public to reach out to neighbourhoods permanently. interest to relocate part of Confed- and community groups to design 6. Welcome back rejoining Since March 2008 we have had eration Square Cemetery. It is the and create “clean” and “beauti- OHS members. I am pleased to fewer staff working at the OHS. first time since the Cemeteries Act ful” spaces throughout the city. inform you that in the last few However, despite this challenge, I was enacted in 1992 that the Prov- The John McKenzie House, des- months many former OHS mem- am pleased to inform you that we ince has joined the OHS in defend- ignated under the Ontario Heritage bers have rejoined the society have managed to continue the es- ing the public interest.
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