Dailjr Cirtntalioii IV tka'IlMth 9t IM l O perations East of Dnie- C o u n te r - % .*er River in Ukraine i^iK /o n S o u t h e r n Continue Successful-1 Fcpnt R ^ult i n L o s s ly; Gernyan Artillery Wages L or G e r m a n s ; Shells Important In- • In A ny ace B a tile ^ *eyeiOping on dustrial Facilities in / - / W e r t Northwest; ^ Leningrad I Bombers Should Recognite Ft^y 260,1 Axis Soldiers Foe Dodgers; Triptsk; In Raid' on Moscow. O f Creqting Pric^'' In- K i l l e t l Long Battles. Return Follow­ Wet, But Happy Rooter. Catcher Score#^ creaset Tt rou gh i n g - A g r e e m e n t «V Berlin, Oct, ' 1.—|iiP)—The ^ ^ ‘ "l**** named. Red Huffing • Eagerly Await Sight stop; Score Ano »^ierman high command an- umrantedl R d i B e s, Mosco^, 6^. l.-^jP)_Th/ a . oppose Curt Davia (right)'Of Ihe Bt ’ ‘ ^ Bodge Factory; Others -------- - / ' Red Army reported today it ^ g e w 4 n the flrat game of the World'a Series at New York Of Players; Che< otinced today that offensive Y ankee l^tsdiuin. had crushed two battalions Durocher kept hia hurler'a name a secret until the last minute. /Out at Two Plants. kperations east of thf Dnie- caucigo, Ot^. Detroit Greet Groundkee, rs. York, Oct. \ " er river in the Ukraine were banVr decla/ed at The American of German reinforcements sm aahing blovra pIT rushed to a secttJF of the By The Associated Press By tiayte Talbots. ^ntinuing succeiisf ully. At Bankers' A” ociatlon convention , Davig—a home run ' by today gov^m ent officials would souttu^rn frilnt to replace two Production waa resumed 'today 'Yankee Stadum, New/ York, other end of^ the front, at one of Uree big Detroit motor Gordon in the "second do well W recognise that in the shattered Rumanian Infantry Piecemeal Neutrali Oct. It-ISV-Rato that b/d fallen anwhile. said Ger car planu closed by strikes of’ a And h double off the i upwara mce of wages and prices brigades. In two days, the Almost steadily aihee 'm H mofn- f?an artilleryry // hihad shelled “blarory/says tV t wages lose in few hundred men. \ ing ceaaed abruptly ah^iuy after center field wall by Bill ‘touiortant Induatila] facUitlea in tV' end/ ' / report said, the Getroans lost _The Dodge Division of Chrysler 10 a. m. today, the sun /topped out ejt in the fourth—gave •auitMa-' 2.300 men killed in 'fierce Red . [Jfvsa-yaaUrday with good ef BenJStnln K. Young, vice presi­ Ac^Revisioh Oorporation, employing'15,(MX), re- strongly and it lookito like the Vaukeea a 2 to 0 lead ove^ J wet. The high command ' Mid' dent of the National Bank of De- Army couhter-attacka on the ■umed • production foUowing an opening game of the/world aeries tthem front while battlea were agreement between company and Brix^jm podgen after fo r Itnnan bombers attacked mW* devel b$tw$$n the Brooklyn Dodepera Rnd ntogANpf the. opepteg wortS I Ury InstallaUone in -Moscow X u t (Otottnued On Page Thirteen) alw in the West and Expect Roosevelt o ffl^ ls of the CIO Uatted Auto­ the New Yo.ksYankcee would be £alfl»t. ■ / northwest. mobile irarkers. battle tofore 70,000 tmnrn The reported'. German loases Ask Only Authority .Some 80)000 other aUto workers Oordofi's punch ' ^ p ta fM awsMsa BaltwUa (ConttonedftWPNff Six) sacks esstoy, but when •In the Ukraine, the 1 ^ coin- were in addiUon to 860,000 Axis T o A r m a m i OOTtm^ Idle.In toe Msek avenue . mand said, an arm ory sm noii spidlers reported klUed In the pro­ plant si The Briggs Body Com- cooaocUd h*.. drovn to •set of Dnieperopetrovak captured forth German longed battles for Leningrad Md Sentf'T^m toXunadu. lime Felcms C h o ir’s nymouth Keller, who hM walked. several RuaMan batteries In a sur­ ,7 Odesaa—100,000 • Germans at Len­ t » « s ^ because of a laboP-tUs- Ickes prise advance while to the north ingrad and 160.000 Rumanians at w to Briggs frame department. Ports Blasted Odessa. W ashington, Ctet. 1 .— Jrijggs supplies Plymouth with car ^ r ts to p , made the Arst another armored division destroy­ bodiea. ed 45 out of 80 Russian tanka an'f'l Keepa Up A tts^ Indications increased toiuS-} (parley Ruffing, ta n k ' put the. remainder to flight. The Army report M|d Ruasian that Presideiit Roosevelt i The-------- B rig^mrnm auui plant aowi was ahut down SenafQrs’ Gas er two were down In Duling Raid Infantry which destroyed two Ru­ 0iange in Method ta ^ after employes In the frame depart Was. a clean singls to Oerman itaUltary cbmmentato) seek to minimise th ^ ment VMuaed toUJ work,worir withWiin four Mickey Owen, Dodger stated tlM the Russian battlewip manian brigades Sept. 36 kept up ed congipessionhl <»ntr men transferred from the door as- iU attacks. against Genmans bur­ Proposed; Cre|ition o f Pro! followed him with a driVb October/tevolution, wtUchihhs pSy, Britisk-fi^m hers Attack over hid^^ foreign ppllcy Ssnbl^ department. A CIO spokes­ for three bas^ scoring Rb_ ed a vital part In the def^S^^of ned into the breach and crushed , New Departniont for man said the Dodge plant dispute £Tani7by reqn^ing msklng toe/toun.t /a to 1 . ' I^ jh g rad jind has been rej Hamburg and Steitin; It ?. *^*****®"® the. flrst German oomsefhed methods of vcntilattor Tells ^m ijaittee It Has closed the /rally • by boimcto t v target .of German heavy Alpine division and destroyed'sev­ piecemeal revision of th 'G «re to Be Siiiggisted. paint ^ y bobtos and' < ir^ eral .other unite. 7- ahorUtop, Isry on several different / Leave Many Fires at ti^ity act at tiiia ti ovens,.5odge officials d e c li^ ‘Grayeljr Handicapped* "tiverely hit yesterday. near Hartford.' Oct. revo- sonw- sop men struck in protest Docks, Business Areas. able, sources antd tbs ,Tbe Kronstadt Nayhl b ^ ahdN the vUlage of "U" aloiie," It said, probably woind luUpoiry chaagevin the Bute’s a g slu t the laying off of fellow Oil Cion^ryation Pro- Dav^'ahd Ruffing nearby port of OranienbaiV, west and ^ Ruaaiana Seised important |ty to arm/ Amcr workers. /o f VnlngrSd, were said/to have London. Oct. 1— ‘(P) -iBrittsh war booty.. merchant method of hshdUng its 350 or more grti^; Raps Opening Pitchers / tom e the brunt of a hehvy bom­ Another insUnce where the Oef- ships and,/to^nmd em to.Cana- InssaO criminsls now housed in M m than BOO AFL workersAst bombera for the aecond night In dlan p o ^ 'fro ih tha. law tto Plum Bfbok Army Ordnance ' / - By Jndsen Bailor bardment, by German gdni. In the mana sent reformed divisions three bpapiUls for mental defec­ Worta, near Ssndusky, Ohio, went j^ O e tin t / Tsnkes SUdlum, ' Now *. latter port li Soviet (V iW was auceeaaion blaated at the north Into batUe against the RuHlana now „b ^a them. German ports of Hamburg and tives be proposed iar a meet­ on strike to eifforce demsnda Vaahlngton,, Oel. Oct. I.—(ff)—jBUm Curt Oavls.^ >. s ^ to have boon hit effscUvely was raported by Tass from the cen­ Anvbente O n ttij^ rtfiwI ing of institutional "heads with which tori^dad pay Adjtotinents. yesivold riahthsnder. wWIs.a heavy explosion in the Stettin and left ptiany large flres tral front where, it said, the Ger­ 'Several cp^rrewdial • leaders Ooordfamtor kekes Governor Hurley next month. ■ , ^kpt,~ ^ H.w-** H.••• Lewie,a^wav, ofUA theUsC con-vOO* ■"AM' Committee mound for the Brook., port was follcnved by a^ ig flre.^ burning among docka and Indua- mans launched an offensive flv« tve advoMtto outrighi repeal of ' Oeation of a new sUte depart­ m uctito quartenmuter's office at against CJisHey' (Red) . trial quarters of both c i ^ the Air days ago in the River "8" rone le act o r /a s augjmated by Chair­ : if tke exiMlag timM mmoliah tt T lr^ ment for the insane criminals to Plum Brook, said that 276 office ly and dsmsnd Tto toe New' York Tsnksm •Ministry atVed today. man Ommauy (D,, Tex.), of the to connected wltg a p«ml Instltu- workem. 250 truck driver* and toe flrat game of tbs W«. German fliersr In heavy Ssaaults Tt-e r a h : fCostiaiMd On P ^ TwelVb) ■ prodneta an tk e > ^ upon the rSilway iictwork around ------------- struck also at aever- ------Ign IMations Opin- Uo^ moat Ukely the sUU p ^ n 106 Iron wprkera were Idle. ooaM ^ eo n tts y ^ there The aeiacliat of Devlh Miakrov, principal city of the al stra^rtlc points in German-oc- -modll^ tio na which would at Wetherafleld, will be suggested The AFL Office Workers uihiqn secret by Manager Lm DwsU basin; dhmoUahed S3 trains cimied France, and then by day­ It not only the arniing/'Of the at this meeting to to called by until 15 minuter betorp I light today roared out again tb- but their entry into Euro- Warden Ralph R. Walker Of the when-the .veteran fllled with Army f i ^ h t , DNB re- wsrd the French Channel ports of iwrted today. / beUigerqnt ports to deUver prison. rnmniltteehi rwMt Aadtogs gan warming up. Dunkerque and Calais. supplicn. ' . strong backing for the plan / ' The air-raids aiOund Kharkoy- While the RA.F. was thus un- F la s h e s ! tkat n* ekaktage Mistod and ^ Alawst IdedI Wa_ were .renewad/lndlcatfona that the The latter propoMi ' might hg cams today frmn Buperlntendtots uM it wonid be ^tktokable" The crowd in the big usuaHy acUve.
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