IheEm tu Closet NEW YORK STATES OLDEST GAY NEWSPAPER I ()( AI M W SBRH 1 S GAGV receives United Way funds This year in the United Way Campaign 85 people gave a total of $10,211.28, represen­ ting the highest amount that the Gay Ailiance of the Genesee Valle>' has e\'er received from the Campaign. The Gay Alliance's admission into the donor option category of the Greater Rochester Combined Federal Campaign (C:FC) will allow federal and some state employees the option of having their United Way donation directed to the Gay Alliance of the (ienesee Valley. People who wish to give in this campaign should look for the CiACiV under the Donor Option section. D-I celebrates 15 th anniversary During thc coming year, the 15th anniver­ sary of Dignity-Integrity/Rochester will be celebrated, beginning with the weekend of Sept. 22-24. All members of the gay and lesbtan com­ munity and their frtends are invited to par­ ticipate. Events will include a social^ame night on Friday, a dinner dance on Saturday and a special anniversary liturgy on Sunday. More information can lie obtained by con­ Get ready to paint the tOTvn Sept. 15; tacting any officer of D-l, or by calling 328-9"'58.' On Easter Sunday of 1975, a small group Dining for Dollars theme is art history "This has evolved into the largest event of of" gay c:atho]jc.s and gay Episcopalians met By Susan Jordan and centerpieces on the tables with things like ro worship together for the first time at St. this type in western New York," Sperr said, Dining for Dollars, the fifth annual gala fun­ paintbrushes. It will be fun and very casual." Luke's Episcopal Church. Shortly after, these "and we hope that everyone will attend. It's draiser organized by Helping People with The dance, which will begin at 10 p.m., will two groups were charted as Dignity- AIDS, will take place on Sept. 15 in a Midtown a fun evening for a serious purpose." feature two bands which will play continuous­ Integrity/Rochester, the first combined Mall transformed into a museum of art works Tony Greene of HPA said "Thc money goes chapter of the national organizations of through the ages, following thc theme "Paint ly. Thc goal for this year*s event is $75,000; to dinrct patient services, whether it's medic^a- Dignity (C:atholic) and Integrity (Episcopal). the Town." last year's dance raised l52,0O0. Chainnan tion, cquiptnent, or occasional hospitalization Throughout its entire 15-year history, Designer John Haldoupis is creating eight Bob Sperr told thc Empty Closet, -Wc set a insurance premiums. We do reuin 10 percent Dignity-Integrity/Rochester has continued to enormous canvasses, some as large as 28 x 34, real ambitious goa;; it's a very optimistic in­ as seed money for future projects, to be used meet every Sunday at 5p.m. at St. Luke's-St. which will each represent a different time crease. Wc like to think that a lot more peo­ for things like postage." Simon (Cyrene) Church, 17 South Fitzhugh period in art histor>-. ple arc getting involved. We're having a silent Individuals aie encouraged to hold hindrais- St. Liturgy is celebrated the first three Sun­ Haldoupis said, "What I'm planning is quite bid auction of donated art items which is ing dinners before the dance. Organizer Alex days of the month in the Catholic tradition, a bit different than the way it has been in most new this year." Rosenberg said, "The way it works is, anyone and on the fourth Sunday in the Episcopal past years. It's really focused on a theme— Sperr said, "This is really our second year wanting to get involved can host a dinner of tradition. 'Paint the Town'—a gallery theme. The pain­ as a not-for-profit corporation. We're not-for- their own, and their guests are asked to con­ As an ecumenical religious, educational tings will he homages to styles in art history, pn>fit in New York State, but don't have federal tribute 125 per person. They can have any kind and social organization, Dignity-Integrity has and the canvases will be suspended from not-for-profit status with the IRS. So we work of gathering they want—cocktail parties, pic­ existed primarily to witness to the reality of cables in the nH>f. The subjects will range from throught the Rochester Area Foundation, nics, formal dinners. It doesn't have to be a a gay and C^hristian lifestyle, and has been cave art thn)ugh the Renaissance, Impres­ which is advised by our committee on how latge gala affair by any means. It can be three open to all persons seeking and sharing a sionist art, and right up to modem art. There'll to disburse the funds. We do plan to get federal people coming over for spaghetti. This event more humane understanding ofthe issues in­ be a large O'Keefe and a Warhol piece, which not-for-pn>fit status, which would just make staned as, and still is, a grassroots effort to help volved. Its membership includes persons won't be reproductions, but which I hope will it a little less complicated to get funds. Right PWAs. from various religious denominations and give a sense of the artists' work. The largest now the Rtxrhestcr Artra Foundation is our con­ "People who want to host a gathering can from the non-gay community. one is an enormous Jackson Poll<Kk painting, duit, and I think we will continue to have a call me at 288-6067 and we'll send you a con­ For many, Dignity-Integrity continues to which will carr>' on thc motif thn)ughout of relationship with them even after we get firmation and all thc details nctxied, including provide a place that is a supportive beginn­ splashes of paint, kind of vibrant and alive—I federal tax status. passes for everyone to get into the dance." mg point in the struggle for self-acceptance love color. "The funds this year arc designated for AIDS Adele McCarthy of HPA said "The Dining and healing in all aspects of life: social, emo­ "The FtH>d Cx)urt will be arranged like an Rochesier, Community Health Nt^twork, and for Dollars event gives everyone in our com­ tional, physical and spiritual. It also attempts artist's studio." Haldoupis continued. "There a third recipient undesignated at this point; re­ munity an opportunity to directly help peo­ to provide a process of reconciliation to the will be tables and chairs this year, which peo­ quests will be considered through thc end of ple with AIDS. The event is fiin, Hnancially ac­ non-gay community by working within thc ple had wanted. There will be drop cloths on October, and all money will be disbursed by cessible to just about everyone, and I can't Roman C.atholic and Episcopal dioceses to thc floor and easels with works in progress. thc end of thc year think ofa single reason not to be there on Sept. create communication and understanding. 15" •31 Masquerade ball for AIDS Rochester •mntaiY in tiM Lttslii€Mns in Bi—vHnIg hi AIDS Rochester will host a Masquerade RnkuMls ScHi Fromfaco Ball to benefit AIDS Rochester, Inc. on Oct. 27, at Harro East Theatre, 155 Chestnut St., PJEC's challenge Notes by a Michele Moore from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. The Masquerade Ball will leatiue costumes to Pentagon homo­ Rochesterian in reports on the and masks, desserts from area resuurants and bakeries, coffee and apple cider A cash phobia, and an Helsinki. Bisexuality bar will be available. DJ. and daiuring will provide a full evening of entertainment. opposing view. Conference Prizes will be awanted for such categories as best costume and best mask. Tickets are S25 per person and will be available in advance at atea locations, in­ cluding Parkleigh. 215 Park Ave. Tickets may also be purchased through AIDS Rochester by caUii^ Jdff Kost or Kim Parry at 232-3580 (MasterCard or VISA). Tickets will be v## pQf|# O s««iKm«i6 available at the door. Newbrlcfs, continued on page 3- The EMPTY CLOSET September 1990 September 1990 The EMPTY CLOSET Letters state and local news not always been there for us. Yes. he did sup­ Disabilities Act, but Its provisions affecting Newsbricfs port a member item initiative to secure fiinds employment won't take effect till 1992. White gays Continued frotn page 1 An open letter to assist thc <iay Alliance in making thc new Some politicians are satisfied with thc hope Tbe Rochettes, frotn ieft to tri^t: building accessible. But at what price? Total that "maybe" existing state law covers the exclude blacks Group for parents Oavid M. Sltittner, George Catnpo, from Susan John support even when other viwi legislation asymptomatic HIV-infected, or those lb the Editor, Micitaei Hoidenf bruce d. tncduM^, that money can't buy is ignored? of Jewish gays perceived as such: I'm not so conHdcnt. For A few Saturdays ago. I was sitting a local David C. KaoU, BiU TiMompsoa, TD the Editor: Susan John will oppose legislation requir­ this reason I will pursue this bill again in gay bar, enjoying one of the first warm sum­ The Jewish Family Service of Rochester's Niciioias WiUiams. 1991. I would like to send an open letter to the ing mandatory reporting of HIV status and mer evenings, with some friends. I didn't group for parents and friends of Jewish gays Photo by Oavid Emert gay and lesbian community.
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