^ J; '■ i'. ■^A ■ - ‘ ‘ Awnraco Dsfly Not Prcio Run For the W ^ Eaded Oetlte,lpfi0 -— r -v ■ , . M0Bt|y'fiAfa> «sAl|ht'Aa«:*M HiP; i 1 3 , 2 6 3 Low taalghtlB gOs> OiNdW.fHlif^ ■ :f- z 4 Mcatosr’of thA Aadlt ' ' ' ’ SBghaAkrm ' BarsAa e f ,<JD«alatliw. M tm chksU r^A Cky of Village Charm - 1 1 _____ 1____ _________ ______________________ ______________— ----------------------------------:---------- --------- ---------------- •' • ............------- ------ MANCHESTER^ CONN., THURSDAY,'N6 v EM H ^ 3, 1930 (OMHlflM A«fwtMag tm f A g » H ) PRICE PITS CKN1EB VOL. LXXX, MO. 29 (TWENTY PAGES) State News 'Raun Make Political Issue I ■■ II N -R e ^ ^ o n Head-c)ii Crash By RENNIE TAYLOR Of Assassin Kills 2 Drivers (A P Sdeauxi Writer) Berkeley, Calif., Nov. 8 Darien, Nov. 8 (/Py—'T vfo urs —tA scientific group in this . t f a o . N ot, » “«:SK5«motorists were killed ewly to­ country’s hydrogen bomb lab­ Socialists today made a cam- terrorism'* that dominated prewar day in the head-on collision of oratory today reported what paign issue out of the suicide poliUcal life in Japan. their vehicles. appears to be a real— though of the ultra-nationalist youth Tokyo’s chief prosecutor, Sasao Killed were James E. O’Donnell, Nomura, admitted that guards at short-lived *— controlled ther who assassinated their narty 22, o f 928 Main St.,' Stamford, Dayal C | te 8 the juvenile home had been negli­ and John « . Sheridan, 26, of 263 monuclear reaction. , tofidcr. ^ K ♦ gent. “The fact that an important Elm St., New Canaan. The achievement was officially.- Socialitt poUticiana campaig:nlna criminal who created a public fitror described as “ an encouraging ad­ for the Nov. 20 parliamentary elec- Police said the accident oc­ can commit suicide^ is due to a curred shortly after 1 a.m. on vance" in the Quest for a means New tiona .charged that laxity on the grave error orf the part of the de­ if Hoyt Street about 800 feet north of producing , useful power from part of Premier .Hayato Ikeda'a tention home,” he said. hydrogen atom. A successful eonaervatlvo government had al­ of Lynh ^Court. , • . Tamaguchl had been transferred O’DonnelJ^, in an auto, was thermonuclear reactor could pro­ lowed IT-year-old Otoya Yama- to the home Wednesday afternoon duce power from the boundless Of Belgians fuchl to hang himaelf with torn traveling sou'th at the time, from the Central Police Head­ Sherlden was traveling north in a Supply of hydrogen in ocean wa­ bodaheeta Wednesday night in his ter. Quarters to await a decision wheth­ pickup truck. * By MAX HARRELBON cell in a Juvenile detention home^ er he would be tried in a juvenile Annoimcement of the feat was Soburo Eda, acting leader of the Both drivers suffered fractured United Nations, N. Y.^ Nov. court or a criminal court. He was skulls and other injuries. made by the University of .Cali­ godalist party, condemned what fornia’s Livermore lAboratory. At 3 <;P)— S ecreta ry -g en erw D a g ha called “ the aalonlahing Irre- lying Quietly oif his bed when'the Polide said the two vehicles col­ nightly roll call was taken. Two lided . in the center of the road, the^ same time Dr. Frederic H. Hammarskjold today laid oponaibUlty <m the part of au­ Cberugen, research team leader, thorities for allowing an important guards returned 36 minutes later near the entrance to St. John’s fore the U.N. Gieneral Assem­ to find the body hanging from the Cemetery. reported it to a meeting o f. the bly a report blasting the .Ar- crimlnaL to hang himaelf. American Physical ^ Society in .•nie Soclaliata already had been light fixture In the cell. [^my-backed O>ngo tegime of •Officials of the home said un- Gatlinburg, Tenn. ' making campaign, capital out of Accident Totah , Joseph Mobutu Rnd call- the assassination of their leader, With a system of powerful Inejiro Asanuma. They charge the (Conttaued on Page Nineteen) Hartford, Nov. 3 (A>)—'The State magnets, Dr. Coensgen and as­ or a government of con­ MQtor Vehicle Department’s daily sociate sQueezed a cubic inch of ciliation in which all warding record of autoiinobile accidents as hydrogen until it reached a tem factions'would take part. of last midnight and the totals on perature o f .35 million degi*ees The long'^waited report was the same dQte last year; centigrrate (60. millIon\degr«®a from his speeial representativa, U.S. Lofts Spinning 1959 1960 fahrenheit).’ Indian Diplomat RAjeshwar Dayal, Accidents 27,049 30,759 (e*t.) In that state some of the hydro­ who blamed a new hmux of Bel­ Killed 195, 218 gen atoms presumably fused to­ ., } •* gian naUonale for pan).pf toe dif­ Injured 16,700 .17,350 (est.) gether in palm , and formed a light -»------- ■ \ ' • ficulty in the tronUed^ African - ;re variety o f helium, with the p fo- country. duction of a cloud o f nuetrons and i' Lmcoln*$ Kin Die* ’.A*’ ' Dayal made it plain that h r ^ Greenwich, Nov. 3 (AV—Funeral a' release of more than three mil­ lieved the Mobutu coup had g t a ^ . Canaveral Fla.. Nov. S (d>)tin daU gathered from this sea of services will be held Saturday for lion volts of electrical energy per ly complicated the situaUon. He • cape »-anaverai. pia., j which extends atom as by-products. — A 90-pound “ spinning top" sa- electrical particles which extends Mrs. Mary Ann Todd Moriarty, 96, ■aid it had stymied All normal poli- from 60 miles to about 1,000 miles Greenwich. She died yesterday. The reaction lasted one- XT tleal activity and had actually be­ tellita whirled into orbit today to thousandth .of a second, Dr. Coeng- begin A e most extensive study above the Earth’s surface. She was a niece o f Mary Ann come “ the principal fomenter o f A powerful 76-foot Juno 11 rocket Todd Uncoln, wife of President sen said. This represented the' lawlessness." aver attempted of the Earth’s amount of time that power was m ionosphere. blasted off from this missile teat Abraham Lincoln, and was the ■ 4 Dayal spoke of the office pf chief Center st 12:23 a.m. today. Its four widow of Richard T. Moriarty. a produced. Although far too short JSt state, held by Joseph Kasavu- The sateiUte, officially desig­ to be practical, the production In­ nated Explorer VUI, is designed to stages fired with clocklike preel'- former Morristown, N.J. judge. bu. as one of the two Congo InsUtn- slon and boosted the payload to -Mrs. Moriarty was also a direct terval .,was much longer than any­ ^ v e solenUsts a better under­ thing of the kind heretofore re­ tlons whose foundations qtill stand. necessary orbital speed of more descendant of the Rev. Abraham k The other was the now inaeUve standing of the mysterious elec- ported. than 18,000 miles an hour. todd, .first minister of the Congre­ parliament which was dissolved trlcsdly-charged ionosphere lay­ Mostly the ' experiments on Among the various groups of. Democrats attending a rally at'the Cow palace fri Sait Francisco ers which reflect radio signals TvC’o hours after launch, NASA gational Church in Old Greenwich. by Mobutu. Once security is eetab- announced the “ spinning top” was thermonuclear -reaction have in last night to hear Sen. John F. Kennedy speak, was this group of aupportort fWto San Franclsco’a iMclc^to Cftrtli. volved time lapses of only a few Chinatown. They brought their own sign lettered in Chinese characters. (A F Photofax). lished, he said, these two institu­ The experiment could lead to in ofbit. It is so nicknamed be­ Former Mayor Dies tions might serve as a medium for cause it is shaped like a child's toy millionths of a second. improved communications between Putnam; Nov. 3 (A')-,-Former The researchers cited two things bringing political stability. eonUnenta, shipa and planer. It top and spins during flight fpr The Dayal report was submitted stabilization. Jt .is 30 Inches in M y o r Ledn X. Talbot, 67, of Put­ that made the experiment' look also could open the vray for more nam, is dead. likfe a real thermonuclear reaction. Kennedy Sees to the assembly along with an ox- effective contact with communi­ height and diameter. One of these was the length of Nixon Says Ike’s Help change of correspondence between The satellite spun into a path Talbot, who served as the city's cations ratellites like the recent- the power interval. It meant Hammsnkjold and toe Belgium with an apogee (farthest point chief ‘executive for two years ly-Iaunch^ Echo and Courier and the hydrogen was contained iP''me government and with MoWa froth the earth) of 1,450 miles and starting 1932, and four tarms in Arizona^ U.S. with future'manned space craft. magnetic grip for a signliicant _ j Tshiombe, prime minister o f perigee (closest point) of 215 the Legislature from 1928 to 1936, died yesterday at the Newington length of Ume. Clinches GOP Victory official o f the National miles. ’This Is fairly close to the in­ Aeroaauties and Bpacp Adminis­ Veterans Hospital after a long Heretofore one ot J ilt preblems For DeiRocratelJTI^?,“’Si.’W “ «; tended orbit of iOO to 1,000 miles. has been that wjifin the magnet account. tration .(NASA) reported the euc- Each pais around the world takes illness. He retired „in 1955 after operat­ sQueezes the atoms too bar^ they CidunMa, S.C., -Nov.---------- 8 (F)—— f ---------------------Nixon .to continue--------- hiS--- campaign— The UJ7, Command, he said. e e a ^ l oMiiting o f gbcplortr A^in .112 minutes.
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