DOCUMENT RESUME ED 340 715 TM 017 396 TITLE 1990-91 Bulletin of Information for TOEFL andTSE. INSTITUTIOV Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N.J. PUB DATE 90 NOTE 41p. AVAILABLE FROMTest of English as a ForeignLanguage/Test of Spoken English Services, P.O. Box 6151,Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 (free). PUB TYPE Guides - Non-Classroom Use (055)-- Reports - Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available fromEDRS. DESCRIPTORS Advance Organizers; Bulletins; *CollegeEntrance Examinations; *English (Second Language);Foreign Students; Higher Education; Language Skills;Limited English Speaking; *Listening ComprehensionTests; Multiple Choice Tests; *Reading Comprehension; Student Placement; Testing Programs; TestManuals; Vocabulary Skills; *Writing Tests IDENTIFIERS English Placement Tests; *Test of English as a Foreign Language; *Test of Spoken English; Testof Written English ABSTRACT This document is the UnitedStates/Canada edition of the information bulletin for the Test ofEnglish as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Test of Spoken English(TSE). The bulletin provides information and registration forms necessaryfor taking the TOEFL or TSE, The purpose of the TOEFL is to evaluatethe North American English proficiency of people whose nativelanguage is not English. The multiple-choice TOEFL consists ofthree sections: (1) listening comprehension; (2) structure and writtenexpression; and (3) vocabllary and reading comprehension. At fouradministrations each year, the Test of Written English(TWE) is includad as a direct writing assessment. The TSE evaluates spokenEnglish proficiency, requiring examinees to orally answer questionspresented in printed and recorded forms. The TOEFL, the TWE,and the TSE are commonly used by colleges and univeYsities to determine theEnglish proficiency of applicants. In addition to registrationinformation, tLis bulletin contains practice questions for the TOEFL, theTWE, and the TSE; a score comparison table; and informationabout score reports. A list of institution codes for obtaining scorereports is included, as is an order form for study materials.(SLD) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ***********-.*********************************************************** . ur f- I,. 'A General hfformallen 3 Acceptable Stores How to Hie This Wain 3 Interpreting Ibur TOEFL Scores 22 Things to Remember 3 Score Results for the Mit of Written English 23 Interpreting Your TWE Scores How lc Register for the TOEFL, TWE, and TSE Tests 4 23 TWE Thst Score Data Completing Ibur Registration Form 4 23 TOEFL Score Reporting Services Payment 3 23 TOEFL That Score Data 23 TOEFL and TSE Test Canter Lists 7 Score Cancellation by ETS 24 Changes and Cancellations 9 TSE Tag Results and Score Records 24 Mut Center Changes 9 Your TSB Score Record 24 Mist Date Changes or Registration Cancellations 9 Additional TSB Score Reports 25 Absentee Credit 9 TSE Met Score Data 25 Passing Scores Before the Day ot the TOEFI. Test 10 25 Score Cancellation Preparing for the TOEFL That 10 25 Interpreting Your TSE Scores TOEFL Admission Ticket 10 25 Photo File Record 11 Specific Requests 25 Canceling ibur Scores Before the Day of the TSE Test 11 25 Handicapped Individuals Preparing for the TSE Thst 11 26 College Board Publications TSE Admission Ticket 11 26 Code Lists: On the Day of the Test 12 List A:Institution Codes What to Thke to the That Center 12 27 List B: Identification Requirements 12 Department Codes 30 List C: Region and Native Country Codes That Center Procedures and Regulations 14 30 1.1st D: Native Langusge Codes Rescheduling the list Date 14 30 Official Postal Service Abbreviations Taking the TOEFL Test 14 31 How to Complete Side 1 of Your Answer Sheet 14 Questions About TOEFL, TWE, and TSE? 31 Side 2 of Ibur Answer Sheet 14 TOEFL Study Materials 32 Antwering the Practice Questions IS Forms: About the TOEFL lbs. 15 TOEFL Disclosed Thu Matelials Order Form TOEFL Practice Questions 15 34 About the TWE test 19 TOEFL Rescoring Request Form 35 TSB Rescoring Request Form About the TSElirst 19 33 TSB Practice Questions 20 TOEFL Score Report Request Form 37 TSB Score Report Request Form 39 Registration Form center of Bulletin Most Commonly Asked Questions About the TOEFL Test Results and Score Records 22 TOEFL, JWE, and TSE Tests back cover Your TOEFL Score Record 22 Scores Obteined on Different Warns of the TOEFL lbst 22 Educational Timing Service (ETV, administers the tests under the general directionot a policy council that was esteblished by, end is affiliated with, the College Board and the Graduate Record Ruminations Bond, The TOEFL, TWE, and TSB programs do not operate, license, endorse,or recommend any schools or study materials that claim to prepare people for the tests in a short time or that promise them highscores on the tests. Educational listing Service is an Equal Opportunity/40Innative Action Employer, Copyright C 1990 by Educational Misting Service. All rights reserved. TOEPL, the TORFL logo, ETS, and the ETS logo are trademarks of Educational Thant Service, registered in the U.S.A. and in many other countries. TSE. the TSE logo, and Educational Mating Service are U.S.-registered trademarks. a This is the United States/Canida edition of the Bulletin Of Information The 10EFL/TSE registmdon form is NOT an application for admission for TOEFL and TSE. Use this bulletin to register di take the TOBFL or to any institution. You must send separate application papers to each TSB* test at a test center in the United Sign (and areas served by the U.S. institution. postal system) or Canada. If you plan to take the TOEFL or TSB test ina country or area that is not listed on pages 7-9, ask for a specially prepared Bulletin of Information from the TOEFL-Princeton office. THU FACTS ABOUT TOEFL Um a Medi P0.04 to 004,11 In 1988-89, 566,000 people registered to take the 1GEFL test. regtettatifM It is given at more than 1,200 test centers in 170 countries and Was Min pons' Ma it INg r4urweeks around the world. bot TOEFL scores are required for purposes of admission by more than YOU WEI titintiiiinthtettlir YOU: wet payment. lbw *Anis. 2,300 colleges and universities in the USA and Canada. sion Eckel *he yOur *Apt. 10EFL is also used by institutions in other countries where English is 14erdiftioneeniticlaientehm wiry etrict. Be sure you take the the medium of instruction. proper identlticedon documents when you go to the test cent& Many government agencies, scholarship programs, and licensing/ certificatica agencies use TOEFL scores to evaluate English listi Windt* Mcentficture Of Yoinelf to mulch to the Photo Proficiency. Ilk twoOlthet hnitxdbed to your dad. Every test center is c pen to every properly registered person regardless SCoreibPortikii inat toyou and tO institutions *bout four weeks of race, color, creed, or national origin. after ynn lidm the tent. Scores thetwitut thin tWo years old-cannot be reported to you or to . OTHER TESTS Alms use die Came forM Of your mime. Do not change. the Undergraduate schools may ask you to take the College Board Admis- spelling, and.do,not claw tbe order of your names, me term sions Thsts (Scholastic Aptitude 'kat and Achievements). ewer WO xhilet#0 the lama. on the official Ithatilleso Graduate schools may require you to take the Graduate Management tiondbmaiottos WILIAMI. this ono form of your name: Admission Met (GMAT) or the Uroduate Record Examinations (ORE). On yolit ilightrationf00. If you cannot get information bulletins for these tests, write to Educa- yOur Mew sheet or answer tape on the day of the test. tional Thsting Service, Princeton, NJ 08541-0001, USA. if you write to TOEPUTSE Services, TOEFL STUDY MATERIALS This free Bulletin v/111 help you prepare for the 10EFL test. Someprac- tice questions are provided on pages 15-19. TEST OFENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (TOEFL) You may also want to order OFFICIAL study materials. These are: The purpose of the IDEFL test is to evaluate the Enalish proficiency of 70EFL Sample 7est people whose native language is not English. The testuses a multiple- Understanding TOEFL choice format to measure the ability to understand North American Listening to 70EFL English. The test consists of three sections: Reading for TOEFL Listening Comprehens onMeasures ai)ility to understand Englishas See pages 32-31 for further information. spoken in North America. Structure and Written ExpressionMeasures ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standerd written English. HOWTO USE THIS BULLETIN, Vocabulary and Reeding ComprehensionMeasures ability to under- It is important to read all parts of this Bulletin. stand nontechnical reading matter. Complete your registration form. Follow the directions on pages 4-6. Read what you must do before you go to the test center. Seepages :0-12. Read what you must take when you go to the test center. Seepages 12-13. Met of Written English CIVE) Review pages 22-25 to find out what TOEFL and TSB scores mean. If you take the TOOL test at the September, October, March, or Practice for the test. Answer the practice questions on pages 15-21. May administration, you will also be required to write a short es- say. The That of Written English gives you an opportunity to dem- Keep this Bulletin so you will know how to send for additionalscore reports after you take the test. See palms 37 and 39. onstrite your ability to write in ilanlith, Ms includes the ability to generate and organize ideeq, to suppqrt shoes ideas with examples or evidence, sad to compose in standud written English. TIPS FOR EXAMINEES The TWE test is floored on s scale. The test soon is Ood in a seinfate box or Ns TORN. score report. It is not adW to the Mike the test as soon as possible to be sure your score reports will be 10EPL *Ore.
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