S i g m a .March Kappa TRIANGLE 1 9 3 1 Official Publication of Sigm a Kappa CONTENTS Duke University Has History of Remarkable Expansion ....... ........ By Elizabeth Davidson, Alpha Psi 103 B oard Thirty-five Sigma Kappas Attend Alpha Psi Installation 105 Zetas Travel in a Special Bus . By Alice McAuliffe, Zeta 106 of History of D elta Psi ..... ·. 107 A Revolt in the Art of Dance . By Genevieve Jones, Psi 109 Eta Chapter Celebrates Its 25th Year by Purchasing New E ditors Home . 111 The Measure of a Fraternity Member ... ....... By Bertha C. Gardner 112 Editor-in-Chief These College Members Win Numerous and Varied Honors . 113 MRS. FRANCES WARREN BAKER Results of Senior Poll at R. I. State . 114 360 Woodland avenue It's Easy to Train Pledges With These Ingenious Methods Cedar Rapids, Iowa. By Ellen Fulmer, Chi 115 Eta Pledges Two Sigma Kappa Daughters . 116 Xi Members Win H onors at K. U. Puff-Pant Prom .. .. .... .. ... ....... .. ..... By Dorothy Knapp, Xi 117 Editor for June-Sept. '31 Feeding the Chapter Wisely-Cheaply-Takes Consider- able Planning and Much Shrewd Budgetry . ... MRS. RUTH HENRY WEILER .... ........... By Dorothy Holden, Alpha Tau 118 Box 348 Part Time Editors Average $1 ,141 . By Leland F. Leland 120 Handley, Tex. Nu Chapter Wins Scholarship Award for Second Time... 122 Alpha Tau Wins College Scholarship Cup for Third Time 125 Detroit Has Panhellenic File ............. ... ... .... ...... .. By Gladys Hirt Phelps, Alpha Xi 125 College Editor Introducing Our Alumnre Editor ·. ... .. ......... MISS FRANCES KiRKPATRICK . .. By Emilie Tener Hood, Theta 126 144 W. Weber road Help Our Endowment Fund ...... ... ... .. ... .. .. .. ... By Mable Wallace Shadle, Alpha Sigma 127 Columbus, Ohio Anna McCune Harper Is Named Country's Leading Tennis Player . 128 Meet These Alumnre Directors 129 Alumnce Editor Whole Alpha Kappa Chapter Visits Xi Chapter and At- tends Game By Alice Widman and Virginia Guthrie, MRS. LOIS WINE CURTIS .. .. ............... ... ... .. Alpha Kappa 130 45 Roxbury street In Appreciation of Sigma Kappa's Share in the Christmas Worcester, Mass. Work of the Mission ........ By Annie L. Guptill 131 The Spirit of Christmas . By Ethel L. Rand 132 Alice Hersey To Wed Richard M. Wicks This Summer 133 These Sigma Kappas Edit Their College Annuals This Exchange Editor Year . 134 MRS. MARIAN SE CHEVERELL Editorials . 135 HEMINGWAY Cited for Interest . 137 With Sigmas Everywhere 139 1415 Sherwin avenue With Our College Chapters . 148 Chicago, III. With Our Alumnre Chapters . 162 Directory . 176 Philanthropy Editor SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in December. March, June. MISS MYRTICE CHENEY and September ac 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., by George D. Banta Publishing Company, official publishers for Sigma Kappa 65 5 Congress street Sorority. Entered as second-class matter October 15, 1910, at the post office Portland, Me. at Menasha, Wis., under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in section 1103, ace of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. Price $2 .00 per annum. Single copies 50 cents. Life subscription $15 .00. Executive Secretary ChapterJ, College and Alumnte must send manuscript in time to reach their respective edicors before the fuse of November, February, May, and August. MISS RUTH E. LITCHEN All communications regarding subscriptions should be sent to Miss . 1630 Alabama Litchen at 450 Ahoaip street, Menasha, Wis., or 1630 Alabama, Lawrence, Kan. Lawrence, Kan. Tower on Duke University Campus Sigma Kappa T riangle VOL. 25 ·Edited by Frances Warren Baker No.2 Duke University Has History of ~emarkable Expansion By ELIZABETH DAVIDSON, Alpha Psi UKE university goes back in its tion of buildings, the purchase of equipment, origin to 1835 when Union Insti­ and the acquisition of other things that go D tute was founded in Randolph coun­ into the making of a great university. Coin­ ty by the Methodists and Friends. Later, in cident with the change in name from Trin­ 1851, the institution became a normal col­ ity college to Duke university a notable ex­ lege, one of the first institutions in America pansion of faculties and opportunities along for the training of teachers. In 1859 the many lines began. During the past six years name was changed to Trinity college and so a number of new schools and departments continued at the original site in Randolph have been added; the faculty has been more county now known as "Old Trinity," until than doubled, and the student body of the 1892, when Trinity college was moved to university, including Trinity college for men, Durham. The expanded institution continued the college for women, and the graduate its work at Durham as Trinity college until and professional schools have grown from 1924, when it became Duke university. about 1,000 to more than 2,300 students. The change in name resulted from a pro­ Duke university, comprising the two lib­ vision in the indenture of trust, executed eral arts colleges and the graduate and pro· December 11, 1924, by James Buchanan. fessional schools, is located on two cam­ Duke, by virtue of which a fortune was puses. The Woman's college campus, with placed by him at the disposal of humanity its 108 acres of ground, was formerly the . through the provisions for hospitalization, campus of Trinity college. About a mile church work in the rural districts, and edu­ and a half away is the campus of the new cation, the principal feature of the latter be­ unit of Duke university, consisting of ap· ing the provision for Duke university. With proximately 5,100 acres, in two tracts. the money made available by the indenture of The plant of the Woman's Campus, also trust, subsequent donations the following known as the East Campus,. has been almost year, and a later bequest in the will of Mr. completely reconstructed since the creation of Duke, ample provision was made for the Duke university, in preparation for its use by notable expansion of the institution through the Woman's college. Practically all of the the purchase of additional land, the erec- old buildings have been torn away and new Scene at Duke UniYersity ones erected, the architecture of the build­ development along lines other than scholas­ ings on the East campus being Georgian. tic work. The number of organizations in On the West Campus the ard1itecture is which rhe student has a chance to show his Tudor Gothic, carried out in thirty-one build­ qualities of leadership and adaptability is be­ ings constructed of stone brought from the ing steadily increased. Among rhose open university's own quarry about fifteen miles to women are the White Duchy, honorary away. This stone, belonging to one of the senior order; Delta Phi Rho Alpha, athletic oldest formations known to geologists, is in sorority; Chi Delta Phi; Eko-L, honorary six or eight distinctly colored tints and al­ scholastic fraternity ; Nu Sigma, biological ready presents to the campus an atmosphere sorority ; Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; of antiquity. Horace Trumbauer, Philadel­ Sigma Tau Delta; Tau Kappa Alpha; Theta phia, is the architect for the buildings on the Alpha Phi ; and Phi Sigma. In dramatics two campuses, which have been visited by there are the Taurian Players and the White representatives of colleges and universities Witch dramatic order. There are also rhe and citizens generally from every state in the women's glee club, the Women's Student Union, and from countries overseas. Re­ Government, the Y.W.C.A., rhe Town Girls cently representatives of an English univer­ dub, the Forum club, and rhe Polity club. sity in company with officials of the Rocke­ There are several departmental clubs which feller Foundation came to inspect some of the are quite active, and there are three student Duke buildings in connection with their own publications, The Archive, monthly literary plans for new university construction. magazine, The Chronicle, weekly publication ; There has been notable expansion in the and The Chanticleer, yearbook. curriculum of the university as well as in the The effort is being made to develop an erection of buildings. Students come in con­ institution that will provide truly exceptional tact with some of the outstanding leaders in opportunities for those that seriously desire the realm of education today. Besides the a college education at as low a cost as pos­ A.B. degree offered in the liberal arts col­ sible. Duke university has a rwofold func­ lege, there are also degrees offered in en­ tion: gineering, law, religion, and medicine, as 1. To provide and develop from time to well as graduate degrees offered in all rhese time facilities for study and research and to departments. promote rhe highest type of scholarship and One of the d1ief sources of strength of capacity for study and investigation. Duke is in its libraries. In addition to the 2. To develop men and women with suffi­ general library on the West Campus there cient intellectual equipment and strength of are four other libraries, one each for the character for definite leadership in their own Woman's college, the School of Religion, the communities and in their own society in gen­ School of Law and rhe School of Medicine. eral at this vitally significant time. In pro­ In all of the libraries there are approximately viding facilities for research and investiga­ 225,000 volumes, and rhe amount spent last tion there is ro be no lessening of emphasis year for library expansion was 155,000. upon the ideal of trai ning for service to man­ The students have ample opportunity for kind through a high type of leadership. 104 SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE 35 Sigma Kappas Attend Alpha Psi Installation RIDAY, January 3, was indeed a happy Hersey, as well as several other national offi­ day for the Delta Psi girls of Duke uni­ cers.
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