
ReasonReason forfor PresentationPresentation ►►ProvideProvide informationinformation onon Michigan’sMichigan’s borderborder crossingscrossings && theirtheir importanceimportance ►►CurrentlyCurrently operatingoperating underunder anan implicitimplicit BorderBorder PolicyPolicy embeddedembedded withinwithin thethe StateState LongLong RangeRange PPllanan ►►WouldWould likelike toto adoptadopt anan explicitexplicit BorderBorder PolicyPolicy OverviewOverview ► EconomicEconomic ImportanceImportance ► MDOT’sMDOT’s VisionVision ► CurrentCurrent GGooalsals ► ActionAction PlanPlan ► PlanPlanss atat EEaachch CroCrossssiingng ► StrategiesStrategies ► TheThe NextNext StepsSteps MichiganMichigan vs.vs. MontanaMontana TransportationTransportation ElementsElements forfor EconomicEconomic GrowthGrowth TransportationTransportation ElementsElements forfor EconomicEconomic GrowthGrowth AA goodgood transportationtransportation system:system: ►►ProvidesProvides forfor thethe seamlessseamless flowflow ofof goods,goods, servicesservices && peoplepeople ►►IncludesIncludes aa goodgood freightfreight networknetwork ►►EnsuresEnsures basicbasic mobilitymobility ►►IsIs securesecure && providesprovides redundancyredundancy (Homeland(Homeland security)security) TransportationTransportation ElementsElements forfor EconomicEconomic GrowthGrowth AA goodgood freightfreight systemsystem has:has: ► SufficientSufficient capacitycapacity ► ConnectivConnectivityity betwebetweenen && amoamonngg modesmodes && facilitiefacilitiess ► ModeMode choice:choice: rail,rail, road,road, air,air, && waterwater BasicBasic mobilitymobility meansmeans accessaccess to:to: ► EducationEducation ► EmploymEmploymeentnt ► EssentialEssential servicesservices ► OpportunityOpportunity TransportationTransportation IssuesIssues BeingBeing FacedFaced ► FreewayFreeway capacitycapacity ► IntermodalIntermodal capacitycapacity ► BorderBorder crossingcrossing capacitycapacity ► ModernModern rraailil infrinfrastastrructureucture EconomicEconomic ImportanceImportance ofof OurOur BorderBorder CrossingsCrossings EconomicEconomic ImportImportanceance Impact of International Truck Flows on Michigan’s Highway Network C A N A D A Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean M E X I C O Gulf of Mexico Network Flows State to State Flows (Tons) (Tons) MICHIGAN 0 - 25,000 0 to 250,000 U.S. Department of Transportation Total International Truck Flows 25,001 - 100,000 250,001 to 1,000,000 Federal Highway Administration (1998) 100,001 - 250,000 Office of Freight Management and Operations 250,001 - 500,000 1,000,001 to 5,000,000 Operations Core Business Unit More than 500,000 More than 5,000,000 EconomicEconomic ImportImportanceance ► Michigan’sMichigan’s tradetrade withwith CCaannaaddaa inin 2002:2002: C 19% of total land-based trade = $65.8 billion C 17.7% of total truck-based trade = $41.9 billion ► NatioNationn’s’s pprrincipalincipal ggaatewtewaayy foforr internatiointernationalnal tradetrade withwith CanadaCanada C 27% of total North American land-based international trade C $150 billion through Michigan’s three ports of entry: Detroit, Port Huron, and Sault Ste. Marie EconomicEconomic ImportImportanceance ► AmbassadorAmbassador && BlueBlue WaterWater BridgesBridges rankrank asas totopp twotwo commercicommerciaall crossingscrossings onon USUS--CanadaCanada borderborder C More than 4.7 million annual truck crossings C 19.4 million annual passenger crossings CrossCross--BorderBorder CommerceCommerce && TourismTourism ►►PassengerPassenger traffictraffic generatesgenerates millionsmillions ofof dollarsdollars forfor locallocal && regionalregional economieseconomies ►►2020 millionmillion passengerpassenger carscars inin 20022002 CC 25%25% workwork--relaterelatedd ► 5-10% of all Detroit nurses are from Canada CC 40%40% dining,dining, entertainmententertainment && casinoscasinos CC 12%12% shoshoppingpping MichiganMichigan RailRail TradeTrade ► $40$40 billiobillionn withwith CCaanadnadaa && MexicoMexico ► 45%45% ofof allall NorthNorth AAmmericanerican rraailil tradetrade C California next largest at 10% ► PortPort HurHuroonn atat $22$22 billionbillion isis tthhee #2#2 railrail poportrt inin NortNorthh AmericaAmerica ► DetroitDetroit atat $15$15 billiobillionn isis #3#3 MDOT’sMDOT’s VisionVision ►►ToTo establishestablish andand maintainmaintain aa transportationtransportation borderborder infrastructureinfrastructure networknetwork thatthat allowsallows forfor thethe seamlessseamless movementmovement ofof people,people, goods,goods, andand servicesservices inin aa costcost--efficient,efficient, timely,timely, andand safesafe andand securesecure manner…manner… CurrentCurrent GoalsGoals ►►ProtectProtect transportationtransportation borderborder infrastructureinfrastructure ►►IncreaseIncrease federalfederal fundingfunding forfor bordersborders ►►ProvideProvide adequateadequate capacitycapacity forfor nextnext 3030 yearsyears ►►ExpandExpand && improveimprove collaboration,collaboration, coordinationcoordination && communicationcommunication withwith stakeholderstakeholder groupsgroups ►►SupportSupport federalfederal laws,laws, regulationsregulations && policiespolicies toto improveimprove flowflow ofof tradetrade whilewhile maintainingmaintaining nationalnational securitysecurity HistoryHistory ofof HomelandHomeland SecuritySecurity inin MDOTMDOT ►►TraditionalTraditional EmergencyEmergency ManagementManagement functionfunction inin MDOTMDOT –– moremore thanthan 3030 yearsyears ►►OriginalOriginal ThreatThreat AssessmentAssessment TeamTeam –– Planning,Planning, OperationsOperations && InformationInformation managementmanagement ►►CurrentCurrent TransportationTransportation RRiisksk AssessmentAssessment && ProtectionProtection CommitteeCommittee ((TransRAPTransRAP)) ActionAction Plan:Plan: SecuringSecuring andand ProtectingProtecting OurOur BorderBorder InfrastructureInfrastructure ► SecuringSecuring ourour bordeborderrss C Focus on protective measures C Identify key facilities & systems C Address physical security C Threat level related actions ► PrivPrivatelatelyy--ownedowned crossingscrossings ActionAction Plan:Plan: SecuringSecuring andand ProtectingProtecting OurOur BorderBorder InfrastructureInfrastructure ►►ProtectingProtecting ourour infrastructure:infrastructure: CC Michigan’sMichigan’s StatewideStatewide HomelandHomeland SecuritySecurity StrategyStrategy –– ApprovedApproved byby DHSDHS inin Jan.Jan. 20042004 CC OneOne ofof thethe goalsgoals isis specificspecific toto transpotransporrtationtation protectionprotection andand enenhancinghancing abilities.abilities. ActionAction Plan:Plan: ProtectingProtecting OurOur BorderBorder InfrastructureInfrastructure ►►AdditionalAdditional SecuritySecurity AssessmentAssessment VisitsVisits ►►BufferBuffer ZoneZone ProtectionProtection PlansPlans –– LocalLocal lawlaw enforcementenforcement developsdevelops planplan toto coordinatecoordinate allall activityactivity surroundingsurrounding thethe facilitiesfacilities oror infrastructure.infrastructure. AActionction Plan:Plan: ImprovingImproving BorderBorder InfrastructureInfrastructure PlanningPlanning CoordinationCoordination ►►MDOTMDOT closelyclosely workingworking withwith U.S.U.S. && CanadaCanada borderborder && transportationtransportation agenciesagencies ►►AdvisoryAdvisory committeescommittees forfor projectsprojects ►►HomelandHomeland securitysecurity CC IncreasedIncreased securitysecurity atat bobordersrders CC ContinueContinue efficientefficient flowflow ofof peoplepeople && goodsgoods ►►IncreasedIncreased federalfederal fundingfunding BorderBorder TransportationTransportation CoordinationCoordination ChallengesChallenges UNITED STATES CANADA REGION GSA PWGSC State Province APPROACH Province State Crossing Crossing Operator/Owner Operator/Owner PLAZA Municipality Municipality BICE BCBP FDA C & I Police BCBP Neighborhood Neighborhood CFIA ATIS ATIS FAST RCMP NEXUS CVISN CROSSING FAST ITDS ATMS ATMS NEXUS US VISIT Operator/Owner CTPAT BROKERS Electronic Payment BROKERS FMCSA APHIS DUTY FREE DUTY FREE l Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Commercia Electronic Clearance Traffic Control Traffic Control Electronic Clearance rcial Vehicle Traveler Commercial Vehicle Comme Pre-Trip Travel Electronic Clearance Information Information Electronic Clearance En-route Driver Commercial Vehicle Agency Information Commercial Vehicle Electronic Clearance System Electronic Clearance User Service BiBi--NationalNational BorderBorder PartnershipPartnership WorkingWorking GroupGroup Detroit Crossing Broader Planning Transportation Agencies Increased Partnerships Many Agencies & Stakeholders TransportationTransportation SummitSummit CommerceCommerce && TradeTrade ActionAction TeamTeam ISSUESISSUES ACTIONSACTIONS Industries depend on transportation Examine use of technology systems Federal dollars account for trade Position to compete for siting & volumes funding Connectivity & capacity of borders & Inspections of vehicles at transportation modes off-site locations Commerce & trade utilize transportation Tie funding to value of trade to relieve congestion RidgeRidge--ManleyManley Agreement:Agreement: USUS--CanadaCanada TransportationTransportation AgenciesAgencies InspectionInspection AgenciesAgencies EconomicEconomic SecuritySecurity == NationalNational SecuritySecurity ►► ►► ►► USUS –– CanadaCanada BorderBorder PartnershipPartnership NeedNeed && FeasibilityFeasibility StudyStudy ShortShort TermTerm vs.vs. LongLong TermTerm SolutionsSolutions SHORTSHORT--TERMTERM LONGLONG--TERMTERM Approach Improvements New Crossing Gateway Project BWB Plaza ITS International Bridge
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