J _ Today: Our Home Improvement Sectio PACES! The Weather Mostly cloudy, chariee of THEDAILY FINAL showers today and tonight. Cloudy with periods of rain likely tomorrow. EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 32 PAGES , VQL.95 NO. 202 RED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY, APRIL 17,1973 TEN CENT| H mini iimiiiiiiiiinn m m » iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii mum mini i HI iiiiiiiiii.iin.il Him iiimiimimiimiimiiii mm MIIIIIIIII mm mm IIIHHIIIIN immmi iinimiiiiiiiii mil minimum uim in mnmm m iiiiiilBiiiiliilffU Ft. Monmouth to Lose Signal School By BEN VAN VLIET A decision on the reported Monmouth to Ft. Gordon, Ga., D.C., and Ft. Bliss, Tex., to The DOD said the one-time the Save Our Signal School • closing of Ft. Dix as a major a move which will affect a to- Ft. Monmouth. A third section moving cost of the signal Association, the move is ' a WASHINGTON - The De- Army recruit training center tal of 2,888 military and civil- at Monterey, Calif., will re- school to Ft. Gordon would be tribute to the greed and abso- partment of Defense an- has been delayed for at least ian jobs. main where it is. $11.2 million, including $3 mil- lute power of southern politi nounced today that Ft. Mon- three months, and is not a The Department of Defense A DOD spokesman said the lion in new construction at the cians, pure and simple." mouth, N.J., will lose its sig- part of the announced closings estimates that a total of 1,515 transfer of the signal school Augusta, Ga., installation. The association (SOSSA) nal school but will gain the or cutbacks. military and civilian jobs will will result in a loss to Ft. The Defense Department fought successfully in 1970 to Army's Defense Language In- Brief Congress be transferred and the re- Monmouth of 3,200 students. said the move will economize stave off a Pentagon attempt stitute. Pentagon officials yes- maining 1,375 jobs will be The fort, he said, can ex- manpower and operational to move the signal school to The switch is part of a Pen- terday briefed members of eliminated. pect to gain 1,200 students costs for training because of Ft. Cordon. tagon plan to dose down or Congress on the cutbacks, and This, the Defense Depart- from the transfer of the lan- reduced requirements since Mr. Welch said the Armv's cut back 274 military in- local military officials simul- ment said, will result in an an- guage school, thus making a the end of the Vietnam con- plan to bring the language stallations by next year in the taneously briefed local offi- nual saving of f 17.7 million in net loss to Ft. Monmouth of flict. school to Ft. Monmouth was largest base reduction since cials in the affected areas, in- operating expenses. 2,000 students. It would also provide, the simply "backfill." 1970. cluding Ft. Monmouth, where Consolidation At Lakehurst, the DOD an- department said, "greater ef-' "That school," he said The plan was to be officially Maj. Gen. Hugh F. Foster Jr. In addition, the DOD said, ticipates the Navy gaining 884 ficiency in administration and "could go anywhere. 1 feel announced at 11 a.m. today by gave the word to representa- $800,000 will be saved through civilian jobs, while losing 1,1190 support of academic pro- that the Army has been Secretary of Defense Elliott tives of Red Bank, Oceanport, the planned consolidation of military positions. grams, access to adequate shanghaied by the southern L1. Richardson. It will also af- Katontown, Long Branch, the Army's language school at McGuIre Loss field training sites, and year- politicians." fect the Earle Naval Ammuni- Neptune, and New Shrews- Ft. Monmouth. McGuire Air Force Base is round climate more conducive He repeated his charge that tion Depot in Colts Neck and bury. The DOD plans are to trans- expected to lose 87 civilian to field training exercises." the move would cost the tax- the Lakehurst Naval Air Sta- The plan is to relocate the fer two sections of the lan- jobs and 294 military posi- However, in the words of payers closer to $61 million, tion. Army Signal School from Kt. guage school at Washington, tions. Paul K. Welch, chairman of See Fort, page 2 Sen. Clifford P. Case Maj. Gen. Hugh F. Foster Jr. House Leaves Price Control to Nixon WASHINGTON (AP) - The administration moved Nixon's authority over eco- rent controls in metropolitan The House outcome stung mittee, said after the rinal President Nixon has won to the largely voluntary Phase nomic controls is due to ex- areas when vacancies in low Democratic leaders there, vote. House approval of legislation 3 control system on Jan. 11. pire April 30. and moderate cost housing who had worked in vain for a "When the consumer price continuing his price-control Many economists outside the The final measure extend- fall below 5.5 per cent. compromise. Republican ranks index is released in a few authority, and administration administration said this gave ing his authority will be A freeze at existing levels held virtually intact, but days, it will clearly indicate sources say he may use it to a big psychological boost for shaped in conference with the was proposed in the House, many Democrats voted with just how wrong these actions impose a new freeze. price increases. Organized la- Senate. But that body also re- but it lost, 261) to 139. The the Republicans on the pro- were here today." That report came yes- bor has said Nixon should jected congressional price House also tossed out propos- posal for a ceiling at current The Labor Department is terday, after the House tighten controls now, adding ceilings when it approved the als for a rollback to the levels levels. scheduled to release Friday passed, 293 to 114, a bill giving that labor unions will be one-year extension, so the of March IB; a rollback to "We have notVheard the end its report on consumer prices Nixon essentially what he forced to seek large wage set- conference cannot write them Jan. 10. the last day of Phase of these issues," Chairman during March. It is expected asked: extension of his eco- tlements unless strong action in. 2, and for an extension of only Wright Patman, D-Tex., of to show another sharp in- nomic control powers for a is taken on the price front. •The Senate bill provides for 60 days. the House Banking Com- crease in the cost of living. year with minimum restric- tions on his discretion. The administration sources said Nixon hs been presented recommendations ranging 6 Area Residents Plane Blast Victims from a freeze, to tightening of Branch, and a sister, Mrs. theran Church of the Refor- the present largely voluntary BRICK TOWNSHIP - Au- Mane Petello, also listed as company more than a year, Mimi Russomanno of Oak- mation, West Long Branch. controls, to a free market sys- thorities have identified the an Ocean Township resident. was a former captain for the hurst. Surviving are her mother, tem without controls. The six Monmouth County resi- All were identified by Assis- Suburban Air Lines and the The Damiano Funeral Mrs. Bridget Stanley, at President's decision should dents who died early yes- tant Ocean County Medical Garden State Airlines, both of Home, Long Branch, is in home; a brother, Clifford come "very quickly," the terday when a twin engine Examiner Al Kedz. He said it which formerly operated from charge of arrangements. Karpo, at home, and a pater- sources added. Beechcraft exploded and fell was "a miracle" that no the former Red Bank Airport. into the residential Cedarcroft dwellings were struck by the Born in Long Branch, he Miss Karpo was born in nal grandfather, Irving Jo- Treasury Secretary George falling aircraft. The incident seph of Germany. I'. Shultz has come around to section after taking off from was a communicant of Star of Munich, Germany, and had occurred 4:31) a.m. crash. He The John E. Day Funeral the view that controls in the Monmouth County Airport, the Sea Catholic Church lived in the Monmciuth Coun- AP Wlr«ptiolo said wreckage was found Home, Red Bank, is in charge present economic climate Wall Township. there. ty area for the past 15 years. PROTEST HORSE MEAT SALE - Several horse within five feet of homes. of arrangments. lovers paraded their mounts in front of the State must be tightened, the Amoag the victims.were Surviving are a son, Ann- She was employed as a House in Trenfon yesterday to show their anger sources said. Shultz is known Carmine J. Inteso, operator of Dr. Kedz said that aircraft thony J. Blasi 3d of Long beautician at Maison DeMimi Arrangements for the other over the growing number of horses slaughtered to oppose economic controls the Fountains Restaurant, 160 wreckage was spread over a Branch; his parents, Mr. and Beauty Salon in Little Silver- crash victims were not avail- for human consumption. Most of the protesters and wants to see them phased, Ocean Ave., Long Branch, five-mile area, following what Mrs. Anthony J. Blasi, Long Miss Karpo attended Lu- able at press time. were from 4-H Clubs. out. and Anthony J. Blasi Jr., 31), is believed to have been a of Twin Brook Apartments, mid-air explosion. He said the Ocean Township, a former victims' bodies were found Long Branch resident. within ,'ilM) yards of the crash Mr. Blasi, the pilot of the ill- site. Campaign Disclosure Coastal Development fated plane, was employed by Herbert R. Banks, an in- Art Stock Enterprises a South spector for the National Amboy corporation which Transportation Safely Board, owns the Playpen Lounge, in said he believes the plane fell Bill Passes Assembly Sayreville and the Playpen apart in the air following an Bill Clears Assembly South in Ft.
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