H. Wyatt Hanna I11 Attorney at Law H. Wyatt Hanna, III VJV State Bar No. 1579 P. 0. Box 8070 South Charleston West Virginia 25303 (304) 744-3 150 FZX (304) 744-3 157 [email protected] February 6,201 8 Ms. Ingrid Ferrell Director - Executive Secretary Division Public Service Commission of WV P.O. Box 812 Charleston, WV 25323 RE: Case No. 17-1408-W-CN The Town of Chapmanville Dear Ms. Ferrell: Enclosed please find for filing with regard to the above reference proceeding is the original and twelve ( 12) copies of all the necessary permits which is being submitted for the Town of Chapmanville and the Chapmanville Water and Sewer. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, H. Wyatt Hanna, III WV State Bar No. 1579 HWHIZVcds Enclosures cc: The Honorable Raamie Barker, Mayor (Letter only) Lana Pritchard Rick Roberts, PE (Letter only) Ronald Robertson, Esquire Michael D. Griffith, CPA (Letter only) TOWN OF CHAPMANVILLE W & S DEPARTMENT WATER SYSTEM UPGRADE PROJECT - PHASE II PERMIT SUMMARWSTATUS Permit Agency Date Submitted Date Received Permit No. WV Bureau for Public Health March 24,201 7 April 11, 201 7 19,993 WV Division of Highways March 27,201 7 June 22,2017 2-201 7-0132 WV DEP (Stormwater) April 27, 2017 October 17,201 7 WVR108647 WV Culture and History January 24,201 7 February 22,201 7 17-304-LG Public Service Commission of WV September 29, 201 7 17-1408-W-CN US Fish and Wildlife January 24,201 7 January 31,201 7 N/A US Army Corps of Engineers January 24,201 7 May 9,2017 LRH-2017-92-GUY CSX Transportation, Inc. May 4,201 7 October 5,201 7 CSX842160 PWSID#: WV3302317 350 CAPITOL STREE James Weimer, PE, PSC Logan County Health Department OEHS-EED St. Albans District Wee EW-100 Office Use Only 061201 0 Date Received Date Approved Approved by Permit Number Y WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES Bureau for Public Health Officeof Environmental Health Services 350 Capitol Street, Room 3 13 Charleston, WV 2530 1-37 13 Phone: 304-558-2981 Fax: 304-558-0691 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT, ALTER,OR RENOVATE (Please Prepare in 4 Copies) APPLICANT: Town of Chapmanville - Water & Sewer Department STREET OR PO BOX: 983 North Main Street; P.0. Box 426 CITY: Chapmanville STATE: wv ZIP: 25508 TELEPHONE: 304-855-3227 E-MAIL: cvillewater@suddenlinkmail.( ENGINEERING FIRM: E. L. Robinson Engineering Company STREET OR PO BOX 5088 Washington St. W TELEPHONE: 304-776-7473 CITY: Charleston STATE: wv ZIP: 25313 TELEPHONE: 304-776-7473 E-MAIL: [email protected] IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 64, SERIES 3, PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY REGULATIONS OF THE WEST VIRGINTA DIVISION OF HEALTH, WE HEREBY MAEAPPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, ALTER, OR REDIOVATE AS FOLLOWS: o improve reliability and enhance service for entia1 and commercial customers. 3-ZW7 Date NOTE: A $300 application fee must accompany a permit application ($1 50 application fee for a water w ell p emit ap plication). M ake ch eck o r m oney o rder p ayable t o “Pest Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources”. Cash not accepted. Permit applications which include both water and sewer systems require only a single $300 fee. EG-5 06/20 10 WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES Bureau for Public Health Office of Environmental Health Services Environmental Engineering Division 350 Capitol Street, Room 3 13 Charleston, WV 25301-3713 Phone: 304-558-2981 Fax: 304-558-0691 WATER SYSTEM DESIGN INFORMATION AND DATA SXIEET Complete all portions of the Design Data Sheet applicable to the project. Omission of required information will result in the application being denied. When both sewer system and water system are to be constructed, Design Data Sheets for both sewage and water must be completed and attached to the application. Applicant t Project Location Downtown Ch-ville. alorlqiaDd around WV IO. CR 3113 county n Number of customers 21 2 or Estimated population or population equivalent served Number of home sites 184 Number of mobile home sites Estimated peak flow 285 gpm Minimum consumer pressure (static/residual) 40 40 psi Source of supply: Loaan County Public Service District (name of utility) Municipal J Public Service District Private Well Other (specify) Pressure at connection to public supply (static/residual) 101 100 psi Capacity of well, if applicable gPm Type of system Gravity J Hydropneumatic Other (specify) Length of water lines of each size 0 LF IO”. 8.m I F 611. .7.560 I F 3” YES NO J Details of well construction attached J Fire hydrants to be installed (hydraulic calculations be included) - 7Storage tank required Size of tank Elevation of top and bottom of storage tank 4 Booster station required Size of station gpm - J Pressure reducing station required 4 Details of water treatment equipment (if applicable) J Chlorination Contact time minutes Form MM-I09 RCV.OS- 19-05 PERMIT TO ENTER UPON. UNDER, OVER OR ACROSS THE STATE ROADS OF THE STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA. AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 6. ARTICLE 16, CHAPTER 17; SECTION 9, ARTICLE 16, CHAPTER 17; SECTION 8, ARTICLE 4. CHAPTER 17, WEST VIRGINIA CODE, 1931, AS AMENDED. THIS PERMIT, Made this 10 day of March 20 2, between the WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGH WAYS, a statutory corporation hereinafter called DIVISION and Town of Chapmanville Water & Sewer Department Address: P. 0. Box 426. Chapmanville. WV 25508 Phone No: (304)855-3227 hereinafter called APPLICANT. WITNESSETH In consideration of the hereinafter set out covenants and in accordance with Section 6, Article 16, Chapter 17; or Section 9, Article 16, Chapter 17; or Section 8, Article 4, Chapter 17, of the Offrcial Code of West Virginia, 1931. as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, APPLICANT does hereby apply to enter Route Type & No. see Attached Listing DOH Project No. MA (if applicable); at Chapmanville. W Mile Post WA in Loaan County, for the purposes hereinafter set forth and in accordance with the plans and specifications which are attached hereto and made a part hereof: ConShvctiOn Of ApptOXimately 16.401 feet of water line and atmurtenences on WVDOT ROW for ChaDmanville Water Svstem Upgrade Project Phase II ~ APPLICANT further agrees to accept the conditions hereinafter set forth: 1. APPLICANT shall deposit with DIVISION the sum of $ 13.940.85 in the form of an official, certified or cashier's check, or executed bond with surety satisfactory to DlVlSlON to cover any damage and inspection costs DIVISION may sustain by reason of the granting of this permit, including any expense incurred in restoring said highway to its original condition or the proper repair of any and all damages that may result within one (1) year from the date of the completion of said work. 2. APPLICANT agrees to reimburse DIVISION for inspection costs as follows: A. For any inspection costs incurred under this permit. B. At $ 0.85 per linear foot for 16.401 feet of water line installed under this permit C. At$ per linear foot for feet of sewer line installed under this permit 3. APPLICANT shali notify DIVISION at least 48 hours in advance of the date the work will begin. Failure to comply will be cause for cancellation of this permit. 4. APPLICANT agrees to protect its employees, equipment and users of the highway at all times in accordance with the current Division of Highways manual "Traffic Control For Stnet and Highway Construction and Maintenance Opcra!iow". 5. APPLICANT agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws in the performance of work under this permit. 6. Supplementary conditions cited on the reverse side of this permit are understood and agreed to be a part hereof. 7. The work authorized under this permit shall be completed on or before (Date): 12nli2018 thb permit rFlirma 4rt all text herein is o verbatim reproduction of The West Virginia Dhision of Per;git Form MM-109, revision date May 19,2005. All aIhehmemtr are inclusive to this permit. CHAPTER 17 WEST VCRGINIA CODE, 1931 617-4-8. Use of roadbed by railroad, telephone company, ctc. No railroad or electric or other railway shall be constructed upon the roadbed of any sfate road, except to cross the same, nor shall any person, firm or corporation enter upon or construct any works in or upon such road, or lay or maintain thereon or thereunder any drainage, sewer or water pipes, gas pipes, efectric conduits or other pipes, nor shall any telephone, telegraph or electric line or power pole, or any other structure whatsoever, be erected upon, in or over any portion of a state road, except under such restrictions, conditions and regulations as may be prescribed by the state road commissioner. Whenever any railroad or electric or other railway, heretofore or hereafter constructed, shall cross any state road, it shall be required to keep its omroadbed, and the bed of the road or highway at such crossing, in proper repair, or else to construct and maintain an overhead or undergrade crossing, subject to the approval of the state road commissioner; and the tracks of such railroad or railway at grade crossings shall be so constructed as to give a safe and easy approach to and across the same, and when the construction of such approaches is made necessary by a change in the raiiroad grade at the grade crossing, the cost shall be upon the railway company. 817-16-6. Permit by commission or county court for openings in or structures on public roads; franchises and easements of oil, etc., transportation companies.
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