■P) f. • ■ f • — - — — r—----- ic | ' — •, | * w , _________________ ^ | /j v A 'y A ir il 7 1 Volume 41 Number 30 Tuesday, November 23, 1976 mtay ,Nm»>n 0,IMS i t ! A definition for Man M* i a question that you won't find on it promised, although it did meet the V □ 3?. • 2 y< tain during final week: Define man original goal of the annual program. ii * quarter or leu. The series' purpose, set six years ago, is t an easy task. The School o f Corn­ to enrich the total university by adding a in' Native Arts and Humanities necessary ingredient to the fields of ati> t tied to do so this quarter in the form technical knowledge. □ o J“L ,* 7 of a . tuie series that is now a six-year-old John Russell, conductor of the Universi­ tiadu -mat Cal Foly. From the outset it was ty Singers, finds any music w ill fit into the 1 1 * A Q admitted that no answers would be given. theme o f that quarter's series. H e’s right. Instead the campus population would have Tw ice Charles Jennings has done the to be content with suggested solutions. design for the poster and program on the Suggestions came in four puts from Cal series without knowing what the quarter’s Poly fatuity members. First, Dr. Stan Dun- theme was and found that the design fits don of the Philosophy Department told of the theme with uncanny accuracy. H e’t man’s fight with reason through detailed right. explanation of the popular book "Zen and By the definition of the word, the the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." T w o weeks later three professors—James Hayes humanities have the universal concern for all men. One thought that involves one of Journalism, Harry Sharp, Jr. o f Speech man involves all men. And this writer Communications, and John Syer of found that each part o f the series became Pol ncal Science—gave more thoughts on the basis o f dinner conversation on more .f .estionion while debating over presiden- lebates. than one occassion. ae next suggestions came with a more W ho is man? After the series ybu could tnt view o f man. Chutes Jennings of see man as a person who is wary o f reason, ' t Department showed a lunar view of open to debate, ever changing and growing vhich gave a closer view of mankind, and is musically inclined. But that isn't a ps the least obvious but most helpful good answer, is it? r suggested for the question came last ' in a concert by the University and Cal Poly Chamber Orchestra, er all that, who is man anyway? Or Clarification v en better question: Did the school’s. ■, help anyone trying to answer the In updating the statistical data sheet 'ton? - v which appeared on page one Friday, the m a purely critical viewpoint the ' minus 0.4 per cent change was overlooked. i was at least entertaining and en- It should have been corrected to read "plus They shoot turkeys, don’t they? )o ' ble. On a whole, it wasn’t u exciting u 0.23.” E ditor Editor: sity and Colleges on behalf of this Universi­ I would like to say a few things concer­ ty at the time the Camp San Luis Obitpo ning the cartoon advertisement submitted property first became surplus to the needs Last Wednesday’s headline and lead by the Tortilla Flats restaurant and run in of the Federal Government. This 1200-acrt the Mustang Daily on Wednesday, paragraphs, in what was otherwise a fairly parcel was fully justified to support ongo­ November 10, 1976. First, there was not a written article on Cal Poly’s proposal to ing and future instructional program! famous El Refrito who used to ride with acquire additional land, gave* cynical tone primarily in the agriculture discipline! in Villa and Zapata during the Mexican to the entire story. As you know, the order that this university can maintain in Revolution. I would like to stress that the Mustang Daily is read by audiences beyond character, El Refrito, represents the typical the boundaries o f this campus. Over the position o f leadership in undergraduate stereotype we Chicanos have resenuxl for past several years, the issue of growth as it instruction. Agriculture is this nation’! many years. Second, the Mexican Revolu­ relates to student enrollment has been a only essential industry. If we are to con­ tion was a hard fought revolution by the very sensitive one. In my judgment it is tinue to train outstanding leaden for this poor and oppressed peoples of Mexico and unfortunate that the implication in the occupational field, an adequate land bate lead paragraphs is that the additional land readers was led by Francisco Villa and Emiliano to complement formal classroom instruc­ Zapata who are very respected Mexican might in some way make it possible for the tion is critically needed. It is for this reason heroes.. campus to grow larger than the many times only that the University has indicated a I quote a line from the cartoon, "A s you previously stated ceiling of 15,000 continuing interest in acquiring the sur­ can see I am no longer revolting, uh, that is, academic year annual full time equivalent students. Such is certainly not the intent of fighting revolutions." Well, Mr. El Refrito, plus property. I hope that the Mustang the application. write... We are still fighting revolutions—against Daily w ill assume a greater degree of various forms of oppression, for example, responsibilityicspuuaiuiiiiy in reportingi c p v s ••so —-as not to— the typical stereotyping of our people. Ifeel im ply actions by the University that are not Further, the article does not state that that the manager o f Tortilla Flats owes the factual Mexican people of California “ (and maybe this specific parcel of land for which the Mexico too)” an apology, best expressed by university has been in contact with the not writing such ridiculous cartoon adver­ Department of Health, Education and tisements! Welfare was part of a previous request by R odolfo C Delgado the Trustees of the California State Univer­ Executive 1 Now that you cam* to school with that great new haircut-where do you get it maintained in SLO 77 MUFFLERS t o n * . See 0tana at i FOREIGN A DOMESTIC Wousc yjauftence H . BfMMly Sdon •4J6 Mascara | %t WE HAVE HOT PRETZELS iM E V C A N M U F F L E * OPEN 24 HOURS 1 DAYS A WTO 31.1 MARSH 544-1776 la ready to help you ’ Cal 543-2755 13 SANTA ROSA ST. J43-1IM The price is right and the work more tlx Circulation description aptly fits Industrial Technology which constructs various structures around ca cost of materials only. On today’s covet, IT . I ■d at UmpU, Brennan nails up a fiber sheeting while Gary advanced LT. student who also is an LT. taste m i Smdmx lac., o4 d» CaMomb nails aluminum molding in place on the roof of ^ ahedfor the Botanical Gduriens in Poly Canyon. Set ite rt1 page four. (Cover photo hy Ellen Banner) W d» Editorial Wrltsr Elena-M arie Roster ■ w M n i <■ CrapSIr Mustang Daily welcome* without a *ignatureand»w OpMam Ptpmari la A lt paper la rigaed letter* from all viewpoints. deni I D. number. We Publication Foreman ediuetab and ankla an Uw r im at the wrhtn and So not w a a r il, npnrnm dw I-cngih of tellers should he the light to edit lor h Tom D ire r ordalon. at Uw full, at r im at dv limited to 150 words—typed length Sorry, bttt iwpJJ AamiaitaMd Sandra*. lac., no. official apt- anti double spated. letter* is accepted. ®r,nK Art Director Ad Forman will not be . puhlislied Graphic Arts. Room w ( Library will lengthen hours day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays, and there seem to be ed until the afternoon. w MEJtWU- McCAKTY and 10 p.m. to midnight. a lot of people in the library The main obstacle to any Pally Stslf Writer Ale$ippder emphasized' when it doses at 5 p.m. on expansion of library hotfrs is m Poly Hhnnr «« t * that' students could take Fridays.” money. Library budgets crow*d,but student. w U b e material from any part of the Jesus Marino, student come from the Chancellor's -tung some compensauon. C i n g Dec. S. the library library to use in these areas. representative to the Faculty office. The library has "T h ere was no pressure to Library Committee, had limited funds for salaries. will be open eight hour* c f & do this," said Alexander recommended, some time h's a question of having ^ than sny other library about the expansion of ago. opening the library Sun­ the staff here during the V.W. Porsche Audi Datsun Toyota jaCElilomia State Universi­ heaviest houn,” said Alex­ ty and Colleges system- ander, “or spreading them 2308 Broad S.L0. 544-8809 TDr Norman Alexander, LIBRARY HOURS FOR THANKSGIVING thinly." The solution decid­ the library'* new director, ed upon w ill enable the decider1 to expand library Tuesday, Nov. 23 7:45 a.m. - 5 p.m. library to use a limited staff houn with the conient o f Wednesday, Nov. 24 8 a.m. • 5 p.m. during the additional houn. SALES—HANG CIDERS ^.NSTRUCTON REPARS & PARTS library employee!. _____ Library hours have SKATEBOARDS ■TTiii ii the roost crowded Thursday, Nov.
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