© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © JonesMorphology & Bartlett Learning, LLC of the© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 2 NOT FORPermanent SALE OR DISTRIBUTION IncisorsNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION CHAPTER CHAPTER © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Topics covered within the six sections of this chapter include the following: © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE I. General OR DISTRIBUTIONdescription of incisors NOT IV.FOR Type SALE traits thatOR differentiate DISTRIBUTION maxillary central A. Location of incisors in the mouth from lateral incisors (from all views) B. Functions of incisors A. Type traits of maxillary incisors from the labial view C. Studying tooth morphology B. Type traits of maxillary incisors from the lingual II. Class traits that apply to most incisors view © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLCC. Type traits of maxillary incisors© Jones from & the Bartlett proximal Learning, LLC A. Class traits of most incisors from the facial view NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONviews NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION B. Class traits of most incisors from the lingual view D. Type traits of maxillary incisors from the incisal C. Class traits of most incisors from the proximal view views D. Class traits of most incisors from the incisal view V. Type traits that differentiate mandibular central from lateral incisors (from all views) III.© Arch Jones traits & that Bartlett differentiate Learning, mandibular LLC from © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTmaxillary FOR incisors SALE OR DISTRIBUTION A. TypeNOT traits of FOR mandibular SALE incisors OR DISTRIBUTIONfrom the labial view A. Mandibular incisors are smaller and look more B. Type traits of mandibular incisors from the lingual alike view B. Contacts positioned more incisally on mandibular C. Type traits of mandibular incisors from the proximal incisors views © Jones & BartlettC. Mandibular Learning, incisor LLCcrowns are wider faciolingually© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC D. Type traits of Mandibular incisors from the incisal D. Maxillary incisors have prominent lingual anatomy NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR viewSALE OR DISTRIBUTION E. Mandibular incisor roots are relatively longer F. Mandibular incisal ridges are more lingual VI. Interesting variations and ethnic differences in G. Incisal edge wears labially on mandibular incisors incisors © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Chapter 2 focuses on classNOT traits FOR and type SALE traits OR of permanent DISTRIBUTION As you read this chapter, theNOT word FOR “Appendix” SALE followed OR DISTRIBUTION incisors. The authors recommend that you copy Appendix by a number and letter (e.g., Appendix 1a) is used to denote pages 1 and 2 (front and back pages) located at the end of this the appendix page (page 1) and trait being referenced (trait a). book, or print out these pages from the online source Notice that the trait being summarized after each let- provided© Jones for this &book, Bartlett to facilitate Learning, study and minimizeLLC page ter on an appendix© Jones page & Bartlettis summarized Learning, on the backLLC of turnsNOT as you FOR read thisSALE chapter. OR On DISTRIBUTION page 1 of the Appendix, that AppendixNOT page. FOR As you SALE study ORthe traits DISTRIBUTION of each type of the maxillary right lateral incisor is used as a representative human tooth, be aware that these traits can vary considerably example for all incisors when listing incisor class traits, but from mouth to mouth just as facial features vary consider- be aware that there may be exceptions to the common incisor ably from one person to another. One study of a collection traits presented here, and these are emphasized with capital of 100 maxillary central incisors showed considerable dif- letters (“EXCEPT”). Appendix page 2 includes arch and type ference in such characteristics as size, relative proportions, © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett1 Learning, LLC NOT FORtraits SALE that ORdifferentiate DISTRIBUTION all four types of incisors. NOTand FOR color. SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 49 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION. 9781284218251_CH02_049_077.indd 49 25/03/20 4:23 PM 50 PART 1 ■ Comparative Tooth Anatomy © Jones & BartlettIt would Learning,be ideal if you LLC could learn the similarities© Jonesdown. &In thisBartlett manner, Learning, the teeth will LLC be oriented as they were NOT FORand SALE differences OR DISTRIBUTION of all incisors while comparing models NOTor in FOR the mouth. SALE OR DISTRIBUTION extracted specimens of all four types of incisors from the Finally, the statistics from Dr. Woelfel’s original research views indicated. Remember when studying the maxillary that were used to draw conclusions throughout this chapter incisors to hold them with their crowns down and roots up. are referenced with superscript letters like this (dataA,B, etc.) For mandibular incisors, hold the crowns up and the roots and refer to data presented at the end of this chapter. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION SECTION I GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF INCISORS © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTOBJECTIVES FOR SALE OR FORDISTRIBUTION SECTIONS I, II, ANDNOT III FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION These sections are designed to prepare the learner to perform the following: • Describe the location of incisors in the mouth. • From a selection of all teeth, select and separate out the incisors (using class traits). © Jones & •Bartlett Describe Learning, the functions LLCof incisors. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC • Divide a selection of all incisors into maxillary and NOT FOR SALE• List classOR traitsDISTRIBUTION common to all incisors. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION • List arch traits that can be used to distinguish maxillary mandibular (using arch traits). from mandibular incisors. is to (d) help guide the mandible posteriorly during the final A. LOCATION OF© INCISORS Jones & BartlettIN THE MOUTH Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONphase of closing just before theNOT posterior FOR teeth SALE contact. OR DISTRIBUTION Refer to Figure 2-1 or, better yet, to a model of the complete set of permanent teeth while becoming familiar with the location and Universal number of each incisor. There are four LEARNING EXERCISE maxillary incisors: two central incisors (Universal numbers 8 and© 9) Jones and two & lateral Bartlett incisors Learning, (7 and 10). ThereLLC are four Begin with© your Jones front teeth & Bartletttouching together Learning, edge to edge,LLC mandibularNOT FOR incisors: SALE two central OR DISTRIBUTION incisors (teeth 24 and 25) and then beginNOT to FORclose your SALE back teeth OR together. DISTRIBUTION If you have and two lateral incisors (23 and 26). ideal occlusion, when you move posteriorly, you should feel Central incisors are located on either side of their your upper incisors touching (and guiding) your mandibular respective arch (maxillary or mandibular) with their mesial incisors as your mandible moves posteriorly and your teeth surfaces next to one another at the midline, normally in con- close together. © Jones &tact. Bartlett Their distal Learning, surfaces contactLLC the mesial surfaces of the© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORadjacent SALE lateralOR DISTRIBUTION incisors. Lateral incisors are therefore justNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION distal to central incisors, with their mesial surfaces in contact C. STUDYING TOOTH MORPHOLOGY with the distal surfaces of the adjacent central incisors. Their distal surfaces contact the mesial surfaces of the adjacent The morphology or anatomy of incisors can best be stud- canines. Incisors in the mouth are identified with Universal ied by considering the unique shape and specific contours numbers in Figure 2-2.© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLCof each type of incisor. When ©discussing Jones traits, & Bartlett the external Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONmorphology of an incisor is usuallyNOT describedFOR SALE from eachOR ofDISTRIBUTION B. FUNCTIONS OF INCISORS five views: (a) facial (or labial), (b) lingual (tongue side), (c) mesial, (d) distal, and (e) incisal. Due to similarities between Mandibular incisors function with the maxillary incisors to the mesial and distal, these surfaces will be discussed (a) cut food (mandibular incisors are moving blades against together in this text under the heading of proximal surfaces. the maxillary© Jones incisors), & Bartlett (b) enable Learning, articulate LLC speech (con- The shape© (outline) Jones and& Bartlett commonly Learning, occurring contoursLLC siderNOT the enunciation FOR SALE of a ORtoothless DISTRIBUTION person), and (c) help (ridges, grooves,NOT convexities, FOR SALE and concavities) OR DISTRIBUTION on each tooth to support the lip and maintain an esthetic appearance. By surface should be memorized so you can describe and iden- current standards, a person lacking one or more incisors has tify teeth by arch, class, type, and side of the mouth; repro- an undesirable appearance (Fig. 2-3). (Did you ever hear the duce tooth contours when constructing crowns, bridges, and song “All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth”?) Their fillings; skillfully remove deposits (tartar and calculus) from © Jones &fourth Bartlett function,
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