ROTTEN TO THE CORE (Continu .J} Marconi Wireless Stocks Based On Stolen Property ED STATES OFFICIALS and the LORD CHIEF JUSTICE OF ENGLAND CO-CONSPIRATORS IN A FRAUDULENT TRANSACTION. 11icity Campaign Twenty Pages Part Five PUBLISHED BY J. HUGH BAUERLEIN. DENVER , COLO. Ba$ed on Facts -- ~============================================= -. ' .r­ EARL READING THE LORD CHIEF JUSTICE OF EN<SLAND. THE STAR CONSPIRATOR OF THE MARCONI CLIQUE INTRIGUE. THE DIRTIEST s~7LE ON REC{)RD J • • 2 MARCONI WIRELESS SWINDLE EXPOSED Earl Reading The Lord Chief Justice of England Heralded by His Nationality as the Greatest Jew in the World. Some ) ear:< ago, ther•• was a lillie bnr oC je,vish DENIED THAT HE WAS INTERESTED nallumtllt) braudccl wit11 the IH,nonthle name or Hu­ Hufu;;-uow th" Lnr<l C'hi••l' .)UHtice uf illngland, Cus J)u.nie.l lS(U.Il'R, tt•hu at the age or R~\~enu~en yc::u·~~ lll<t' all ''g·o<Hl'' men, lHld to fa e au UllJIIeasanL pre­ •lesired to bel·ume n sailot·, to travel 011 the might)· llicanH•nt. lit>on being duly sworn an<! e"aminP "'"ean to see the glo>·inu,: worl<1. lie shiJIJJE'L1 on lt uucl~r n<lth 11y Lhe Belect ('ornmi\lee of the Parll Hcottish l'rafl-"'The Blair Athol''-trading to Rto mcnl, slated thal lw neYer bad any tl<.:alings in eit with <'nal. His duties were to keep the brasr;:-worJ;o the ~lan.:oni 01~ auy \\ i1·eh•sR ent~rprh;e- :5l'e Q. 5, elean. but little Hufus got discouraged. for cleaning 1. Vol. 1, Part !, J<:yidence-Blue Book-Select Con,­ hrass on llle OC'<!an \\'aYe wa.s not to his liking. and. mittee-oC the Par1iamenL, Rnglan<l. "'h<'ll the dear old '\'esse! J'eneherl lie•· port, ltufll», ADMITS ON CROSS-EXAMINATION R.E WAS qUil·tly mucle hi~ gct-•nnt\'. He was uot at large INTERESTED \'CIT long, fnr the ('aptain dearly )o\·e<l Rufus and Tho Lonl 'hh•f .Justke nf Engln11d, un<ler oath, <'nused cllllg<mt seat·ch 111 he ma<lP fl)r him. Aftet· now statl·s upnn cro,.s-oxamlnation. at'ter mu1'!1 cle­ he was founct. ntuch to 11 is disgul't, he was forr·ed lih<>rate eyasi<)ll, that be lla(l nothing to <.lo with any to return to t.h<J sbiJI <tnd assist in unloading its cargo :\fa>·eon I company, ex.ceJJl the one which. ret)l'eSI'n ts of <'oal. llowe·ver, all gnocl thing!'! •'Olllt' to nn nd, lll'ft<'tiNtllY the family interests, lu whic·h ill flct, the ship was home-ward bound. carrying lillie Rufus he wa>" the chief shareholder-see Q. 11. P. 2, Vol I, with ull his <U1lhitlonH of a seaman cast to the four l'<li'L 1., ;u::,,l<lence-Blue Bnok-SeJe,,t CommHtee, Iur­ winds. IIHnlent. Not-'l'lte fami l y ltttere,.ts cottslsts of' On retunli~tg home be entered his fu.tller's bus­ sJ1a1·es held in tJte. 1\Iarconi Wirel >'S Telt•graph Clln­ iue~s in nennany, and for· L"\VO year~. suverintcnrletl Jlar)y, Llmil<.Jd, of l~ugfaml-a Lond<Jn "f•nce''. wtlch LIH> Rhipnlelll oi' consignments (rom J.lamhur·g, l1u­ ha~ r>r.ccllcally wined out of existence ever;- wre­ fll", hol\'€'\"t'''• w;u< not satisfied, he had IA<Wued the les;, competitor in the wm·W by and tl1t'ough all mtn­ t<rt of C'leanfng. and hiS great ambition was, to be a ne•· of conspiracy, fraud, perjury, chicanery md •·leaner· <>f trusting humanity on a large financial questlunal.Jie <'OUrt })roc.,edings. scale. Ou" darl< and dr ary 11lght llamburl;' hnd the lllif.ifortuue of Josing a citjze-n, and Otle bright lllOrn­ CONGRATULAT:ING XIS BROTHER ON A ing a fe" ~lays thereHft.,t·, London'>< population ln­ GIGANTIC SWINDLE l'iu<lctl >1!1 entet•prising yout:h. who found his way to On :\Larch llllll. lfl12, Rufus-the Lord Chief thc Stoclt }]:u·hange. where be secured eJnploymenL Jus1 lee oi' BnglmHI, wlreles,;ecl Ills congratulations :~s a mal'J((>l'. ~trange to say. it wa1; ou1· little Ru­ as follows: "l'lease congralulat 1\'faJ"C!onl ancl my J'u" with a l<een eye to business, watching tho spec­ brother Hodfrey C. Isaacs. Gt.>lleral Mmtage, of the ulu LiV<' mo\'E'I< of the bull" and bean~. Seeing huge Marconi Company, on the sucC"<•sst'ul cle\·elo!ll<H>n of :;ums of money made in stocl<s. Ruru_s, immediate!~· n marvelous "ntenn·iso>. I wish them all success in n:;ect his wits tu Recure a member~hrp. Under the Ne\\ Yorlc"-~ee Qs. 101 antl ll2, P><. 11 an<l 15, Vol. t•u!eR of the l'l"ehange a memh r had to he or legal l, P;nt I, nncl eroJ'Y of. leltN' in evideoce.-Blue Bool< '"'~'"'· .nth~n' ise he coo.ld not l.Je held liable for con­ -Sdecl C'ommitlee-Parliament. u·a<'Ls. 'l'his dirl not bother Hufus, fo1· he pnnnptly Note.-'J'hiR mesAnge was delivered at a dinnet· 11(-\elared that l1e W~Los 21 yeaJ'H nltl a.ncl nf C'011rse given by Mr. Adolph S. ()(:hs, owner of the New Yorlt was duly admilte<l as a me111her-see London Ex­ 'rillleS, hi honor of 0 0ne--eyed" 1\tarconi and Godil'€Y •·hange f{pgfst<'t' on AnJJlil-aliom; in the year 1879. ('. lsaacH. Gener·al ;\f,a.nager of the London "fence." His memllershiJ) however, was of short duration, for for the purpose of brazeuly r>ttifying the acquisition l1ufus wa" "hamme•·ed" as a defaulter and his of the assets whicoh were deliblu·ate\y stolen from guarantors had to make good Lhe defalcation. the United Wlrel<'SS Tel graph Compatly, whleh was Late•· on. Ruf'>s. 1ike all good men, tool{ unto fOl'<•ec1 into banl<ruptcy, for the expreSS Jill 1)0Se of himsf'lf a heaut!fuJ wife for hetlet• or worse-see wr<'cldng and !noting the same. manlage CPrtificate filed. Entry 6 and 7. \V .J. Cap. XIS LORDSHIP SFECULATJ:NG IN MAE.CONI SG. <ieneral Rt?gister Offico, Homel'f'et non""'· Lon­ SHARES. <1on 1887. in which Hufus cleclarf'd himself to be 26 Notwithstanding the lligh honot· which was con­ years old. A vital question-did Rufus wiiCnlly de­ fi'JT<'d on him, Rufus-the Lord C'hlef .rustice of <"<liYe the ~took Exchange or his dear little wife as England-could not resist playing the marltel. This to hl>< r~al age'! The most despicable tlling on earth gnat tlh;tingu:shecl nobleman upnn examina Uon undPr is u <'ite<'rful l far. oath. admitted that he speculated in Marconi oi: l>c•cc•ption, when wilfully pr·actlced as a means to Ameriea shnres and had advance lwowledg(> of an an act. UJattet·s if end. is a vor.v ,.hameful 1t nol, it aJ~T('ement lha t hnd bee11 fh<.ed up for the absonJtion i::< Pl':Letic<'cl !Jy one who baR the bono•· ot being of lhe United \Yireless Telegraph Company ou March WOI'Shlpped as a JID\Vl&H IDOL or one who iR known 2~<1. 1912--see Qs. 12:> a11d li~. P. 16, \"nJ. l, lllviclenee as all Ol'aillary sealt1]1. -BJ ue Uook-Belecl CommHlee-Parliament. XOW DID RUFUS ACQUmE AN EXTRA HANDLE? \R ,;tnted heret ofove. Rufus "as au entet•pris­ MADE A LABGE PROFIT WITHOUT INVESTING ing youth. ll" <lid not Jl<"rmit any gra>'"' to g1·ow ANY MONEY. under his L'eet. J-tnfus stucli"'d Ia w and rapiclly im­ ·rhl' T,ord Chief .Tuslice of li:nglantl admitted under hih!-<1 all U1e u·!cks of this nohl<" profession. Not lle­ onth, art cr uml"h eYasion, Lhat his first speculation h1 tng ><alfsfie<1 with the honest am1 plain ham11e to hi>~ Man:oni Amt:l'ica stock amounted to 10,000 shat·es. nautP, H.ufus seat·ched fen· an t>xtnt. ltnndl . IIo,,~ uul o[' which he sol(l 3.5i0 shn!"es, made r;;ome •I,OOi~ lte ncqufred the "Sir" no one .seetncc.l to know. Pos­ r><>unds, one! had A.·l:lo ·h:n·ps left without inve><ti:ng­ ;;ibly it wa,; an honest perquisitE'. or !If> ·sll h•, bt·other otw cent. and that lte ni'Vt'r hothered himself ahout l l an·y-thc> "1'0>\t"-surn>llf'd the "nnble extem;Jon" monl'~·-s~e Q. 59{, P. 43, \'ol. I. Pllrt T. l']vl<lence­ tu RHve paJ.~inl'~; a brok('t·'s cotnrnisF<ion. Blue Booft-f;elect ('nmmittee-Parlfament. RUFUS HAD NO CONSCIENTIOUS SCRUPLES Note.-uurns certninly is Home specnlalor-lln­ Kn<ll\ ing ul lhe subtle tl'i<:l,s or 111 lt'gal prn­ loncljng stork baf<cd on frau<l an<l n•l>king a Jar:.: fN<~itln, E'\"Prylhill~ \\"a,. ''gTi«t" that 1"<'11 into his iJOJ1­ profil o!£ of the <l<''l'" En,..lisl1 people, :never Wlll'rlect pvT nHd Hnrus ht·C'atne a fru._noUH lawyer, and In the thi" ·•wolf in ~<hPep',; <•lathing." oniiliHry <·uul·:-.;r· of ''\'t>ntr-: \nl!-0 appnJntt•cl as T..~or·tl DESTROYED VITAL EVIDENCE. l'lder .TnstfcE' of J•:ngland. N(> dnullt tn sUJt!ll'e""' 'l'he L"rd ('hief .lusti<:•• of England admitted UtldCr h i~h-h« lld('<l l'l'illlP.
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